Health Community Nursing Poster


The Project topic:

Building COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence Among Nurses and Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy in Communities

As part of the Equity Institute, this project aims to reach out to the vaccine

hesitant to build trust and provide information about vaccines, especially


An opportunity to use the student assigned teaching project to work on vaccine

hesitancy strategies as outlined by the CDC

Focus on boosters

Work at MyDrs Pharmacy with the clients there

Develop education resources that will last beyond your semester and be

available at the pharmacy and consider on-line, social media and other

methods of distribution of information.

Note: Make the poster to highlight educating the public on this 4 W about COVID-19 booster shot. I have attached a similar style of poster project, but it was on a different topic. So, use that approach to work on this assignment. All the other instruction is just to explain what the poster has to communicate. Health Community Nursing Poster


Why do I need a booster shot?

When do I need the booster shot?

Who can benefit from the booster shot?

Where can I get my booster shot?


Community Health Education Assignment done during clinical .


Community and Public Health Nurses are involved in community and individual education. It is critical that nurses find and use materials, documents, and media that are appropriate for the intended audience in community health initiatives.

You and possibly another student will identify a health message relevant to the population being served. The product of this assignment will be a health message in the form of a poster board/pamphlet/ webpage. The product must contain the components of attractiveness, comprehension, acceptance, persuasion, self-efficacy, and use evidence-based practice to build content. Use the resources on BlackBoard’s Health Education weekly session to help you design your product.


Guidelines for the health education poster/ pamphlet/webpage:

  • Format/Layout:

Is the information organized clearly and geared toward the intended population?

Do headers cue the reader? (headers help the reader visualize what is next)

Is there a 50% to 50% allocation of white and black space?

Is the information easy to read and uncluttered?

  • Is the type or font a readable size? (consider the age of your intended audience)
  • Is the information current, accurate, and relevant to the intended audience?

Is the information culturally acceptable? Does the content reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the intended audience? Health Community Nursing Poster

  • Are difficult terms defined?
  • What is the reading level?
  • Will the reader understand the intended meanings of the pictures?
  • Do the pictures reflect the target audience’s racial and ethnic diversity?
  • Are the graphics accurate, current, and relevant to the intended audience?
  • Is the educaiton engaging to the population?
  • Include at least 5 evidence-based references to support teaching content and population education. Health Community Nursing Poster