Nursing homework help

Health Conditions or Health Behaviors for the focus of your assignment through the Healthy People 2030 link below: (Links to an external site.)

 Requirements and Guidelines

Write a patient scenario using the Required Topic.

  • Make sure to include a Healthy People 2030 Health Condition or Health Behavior in the scenario for a patient with a desire to maintain or achieve good health and prevent illness and who could benefit from an already developed and reliable mHealth app from the internet.
  • Describe in detail the plan for teaching this patient in the scenario.
    • Include the nurse’s assessment of learning needs and readiness to learn.
  • Identify a mHealth app that could benefit the patient, considering the teaching/learning needs you identified.
    • Describe the app including the mHealth app name, purpose, intended audience, mobile device(s) upon which it will operate, and where to download or obtain it. Add any other information you believe would be pertinent to this situation. Nursing homework help
    • Include a working link if it is to be downloaded from a website in the area indicated on the template.
    • Make sure to add a citation for this mHealth app in APA format. The directions and examples of how to cite a mobile app are located on page 340 of the APA Manual, 7th edition.
    • At the end of the Milestone 1 Template, there is a References page where you will list your 2 references. One will be the mHealth app reference (also on page 340, APA Manual) and the other will be your scholarly article reference.

Course Project Milestone 1 Template

Directions: Prior to completing this template, carefully review Course Project Milestone 1 Guidelines.  After saving the document to your computer, type your answers directly on this template and save again. This assignment is due by Sunday end of Week 2 by 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time.


Name: _Charlotte Manyitabot

Assignment Criteria  

NOTE: See Milestone 1 Rubric for details required in each area.

Scenario for Milestone Assignment:

Scenario is clear and concise, including a disease process, diagnosis, OR identify a patient with a desire to maintain good health and prevent illness. Include the nurse’s assessment of learning needs and readiness to learn.

50 points


Mrs. Lisa Jones is a 60-year-old African American lady that came to the clinic with symptoms of blur vision, fatigue, irritability, increase hunger, vaginal itching, frequent urination, and slow wound healing. Medical history of kidney disease. She has just received a diagnosis of diabetes type two; she has been prescribed several medications that she needs to be taking every day and a diet/exercise/ life style changes to support weight loss and overall health. While in the clinic the health care provider has stressed on the important of living a healthy lifestyle to control the diabetes.

Mrs. Lisa Jones is an educated woman who is interested in learning ways she can better control her diabetes without having any adverse effect on the other aspect of her life. She is a high school graduate, and spend 2 years in college, she is a Samsung galaxy user who mostly use her phone for calls and text messages. She has interest in learning education on any app that can help her to manage the diabetes.


Describe in detail content planned for teaching this patient in the scenario.

40 points

Patient teaching will include: teaching of signs and symptoms of hyper/hypoglycemia.

Safe and effective use of medications for example when to take the medication, how much of the medication to take, food and drug interactions, side effects of the medications, storing; expiration; and disposal of medications. Nursing homework help

Safe use of accu check machine

Dietary teaching: patient to avoid food high in sugar (e.g. sweetened sodas, sugary deserts, and fried foods), excessive use of alcohol should be avoided.

Educate on the importance of exercise, at least 30 minutes of exercise (walking, riding a bike, or swimming) four to five times a week but don’t not forgetting to recognize signs and symptoms of low blood sugar.


Identify the mHealth application:

Identify a mHealth app that could benefit the patient. Describe the app including the mHealth app name, purpose, intended audience, mobile device(s) upon which it will operate, where to download or obtain it. Include a working link if it is to be downloaded from a website.  Add any other information you believe would be pertinent to this situation.  Make sure to add a citation for this mHealth app in APA format.

45    points

There are many apps that are now available to assist healthcare workers with patient care. The use of medical apps has become widespread and in frequent use (Ventola, 2014).

The app I will advise Mrs. Lisa Jones is the Beat Diabetes.

Beat Diabetes is an app for newly diagnosed patient with diabetes. Is a beginner friendly app with a rating of 4.6 stars, free when you have in -app purchasing. It is an app with a lot of information about diabetes from simple ways to increase activities to foods to avoid, it teaches what complications to look for, up to date treatment options.

“The app was chosen as the ‘best health app of the month‘ by Google and has received over 100,000 active downloads” (Dr Sharon Baisil).

It can be downloaded free from;




Ventola C. L. (2014). Mobile devices and apps for health care professionals: uses and benefits. P & T: a peer-reviewed journal for formulary management39(5), 356–364. Retrieved from:


Beat Diabetes. Retrieved from:

Statement from instructor on required assignment and topic:

Accepted, Accepted with revisions needed, OR Not accepted.

*Any required revision will not alter your grade for this assignment. *


·         Accepted

·         Accepted with revisions

·         Not accepted