Patient Medication Education

Patient Medication Education

In the development of the theoretical foundation to investigate patient medication education, a researcher needs to evaluate the thesis title and the research problem (medication noncompliance), brainstorm elements for consideration as the critical variables, and conduct relevant review literature to know how other researchers have addressed the issue of a patient not complying with medication prescription due to lack of proper medication education.

During the theoretical foundation development, building framework or theories takes some phases in which the first step is examining the issues related to inadequate patient medication education. This research problem will form the basis for the entire study and from which research constructs theoretical framework (Hennink Hutter, & Bailey, 2020)Patient Medication Education. Secondly, brainstorming what a researcher considers as the vital variables in the study becomes crucial. Questions concerning the elements contributing to patients not to take the medication after six months of post-surgery, get answered.


In the literature review of the issues that relate with the current research problem under the study, scholars and researchers who have solved or addressed medication noncompliance are sought through the analysis of their theories (literature review). In this process, the identification of the assumptions from which the scholars address the research problem is critical (Greenhalgh, Bidewell, Warland, Lambros, & Crisp, 2020). Also, the listing of the research constructs and variables such as nursing education vs rate of medication noncompliance during post-surgery is undertaken. The listing gets followed by the grouping of the variables into independent and dependent categories. In the framework development, a researcher outlines assumptions or propositions of the theory and highlight their relevance to the research. For instance, an assumption will be, patient medication education reduces the rate at which post-surgery patients abandons their drug prescription or medication.

The theoretical framework carries research concepts. Concepts of patient medication education are medication compliance that involves taking medication as prescribed, and education is given to gain knowledge on how to take drugs. So, the conceptual relationships account for how lack of medication education contributes to medication noncompliance among patients. The graph model to use on patient medication education is the state-of-the-art graph that will combine theoretic strategies with approaches to probability theory during the presentation of the research results (Greenhalgh et al., 2020)Patient Medication Education.

In the research’s presentation of the conceptual relationship, both independent and dependent variables such as nurse educator lessons and incidences (rates) of not taking medication will get linked to illustrate how they influence each other and show the possible research outcome. For instance, variables on the left side and outcome (dependent variable) on the right side of the conceptual framework will get joined through the use of arrows. Dependent variable on the left side implies the medication compliance as an outcome of independent variables such as medication education provided.


Greenhalgh, T. M., Bidewell, J., Warland, J., Lambros, A., & Crisp, E. (2020). Understanding research methods for evidence-based practice in health. John Wiley & Sons.

Hennink, M., Hutter, I., & Bailey, A. (2020). Qualitative research methods. SAGE Publications Limited Patient Medication Education.