The concept of work engagement

The concept of work engagement

In the nursing field, the concept of work engagement implies involving all healthcare workers when addressing nursing-related issues. The concept builds a harmonious work environment since everyone gets consulted when solving arising job-related disputes or conflicts that undermine the delivery of quality work. In general, work engagement in professional nursing practices focuses on personal strengths, rather than limitations in service delivery. The concept of work engagement So, it is vital to engage others in solving problems of care systems, involving negative impact of clinical shortage and pressures to minimize health care expenditure.


This concept is relevant and critical in the nursing profession because the current changing multiple setting of healthcare. Without nurses’ effort, the achievement of the set goals is not impossible. As a result, nurse leaders or nurse executives need to emphasize on keeping close contact with nurses to enable them to perform the work. In a wide perspective, work engagement leads to inspiration and motivation. For instance, burnout happens in case of clinical staff shortage while work engagement occurs when resources are high. So, engaging each nurse can motivate and inspire, thereby minimizing the chances of burnout at the workplace (Antoinette Bargagliotti, 2012)The concept of work engagement. Hospital management can balance act between care service demand and resources to determine the level at which healthcare workers get engaged.

In developing, executing, and implement new nursing policies, policymakers need to concentrate on clinical engagement to make the proposed policies acceptable to all people impacted. The 21st healthcare setting is undergoing various changes and trends which force the hospital to keep changing the policies to fit the new environment to become effective and efficient. As a result, the concept of engaging all involved parties boost organization or person interactions and tie the commitments of each nurse to overall organizational objectives. Most of the hospital view work engagement as a tool for creating positive, fulfilling job-based state of mind in which all workers hold meaningful work values for high performance.

In terms of maintaining employee relations, work-engagement is among the best approaches to use. Through nurse-leader engagement, a nurse perceives such an engagement as a form of the intrinsic reward of seeing social support from other healthcare practitioners, patient recover, and energy (Antoinette Bargagliotti, 2012). Most importantly, work engagement in nursing practice and healthcare setting has helped in retaining the workforce. The exiting relationship between work engagement and leaving the job is inversely related. For instance, in hospitals where engagement is highly maintained, labor turnover is low compared to where nurses are not engaged in making or deciding nursing issues that impact nurses at their place of work. Based on the above summary of article information, it directly reflects my definition of the concept of work engagement in nursing professional practice.


Antoinette Bargagliotti, L. (2012). Work engagement in nursing: a concept analysis. Journal of advanced nursing, 68(6), 1414-1428The concept of work engagement.