Choose a substance described in your readings and write a report on it

hi dear,

can you help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please?

follow the instruction blow. there’s attachments of example and sources of information. the example is very clear.

1. Choose a substance described in your readings from the first few weeks of the class. 

2. Choose a year or decade in United States history within the past 175 years. (See below for a list of suggested years if you need help to get started, but you can choose other years or decades).

Cocaine – 1860’s, 1885s, 1906 or 1914

Amphetamines – 1932 or 1967

Opium – 1890’s

Heroin – 1890 or 1920’s

Hallucinogens – 1960’s

Marijuana – 1920’s, 1937 or 1960’s

Anabolic steroids – 1960’s, 1970’s

Alcohol – 1920’s

Tobacco – 1930’s, 1960’s

Anti-psychotic drugs – 1955

Barbiturates – 1960’s, 1070’s

Benzodiazepines – 1960’s

Tobacco – 1880’s, 1920’s or 1060’s

Caffeine – 1860’s

Answer the following questions about the substance, using your sources:

3. What were the attitudes towards the substance in that year/decade? 

Compare to today. (cite your source)

4. How easily available was it then? 

Compare to today. (cite your source)

5. How widespread was its use then? 

Compare to today. (cite your source)

6. Did certain ethnic, religious, cultural, racial, age, etc. groups tend to use it more then? Compare to today. (cite your source)

7. Were there regulations or laws restricting its use? 

Compare to today. (cite your source)

8. In your opinion, what has improved since then? What has not improved? (no citation needed)

9. What surprised you the most about your findings? (no citation needed)

10. Harm reduction vs. zero tolerance:  Do you think we should strive to totally eliminate abusive drug-taking behavior in the US, or do you think that we should realize that total elimination is unrealistic and try to reduce the harm that drugs do to the user and others? What do you think about harm reduction programs such as needle exchange programs and medication assisted treatments? (no citation needed)

(See page 44 in textbook for a description of harm reduction vs. zero tolerance).


Use the following headings for your post: (See sample post)

1. Substance 

2. Years or Decade

3. Attitudes

4. Availability

5. Widespread Use

6. Groups affected

7. Regulations/Laws

8. What has improved or not

9. What surprised me

10. Harm Reduction vs. Zero Tolerance


· Because this is college, you need to use at least TWO academic sources: from government reports or scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles. This will give you experience doing academic research. You can use the course textbook or other sources as additional sources, but they will not count as one of the two required sources.  Read the handout (below) on scholarly sources.

· Use the NU library to find your sources. If you don’t know how, contact the NU library for help. 

· Use your OWN WORDS (e.g., do not cut and paste from an article). 

· Do NOT use any quotations.  Paraphrase (use your own words) to report the information.

· Use in-text citations. Write the source of your information at the end of the applicable sentences using APA 6th edition format.  This will give you practice using APA to cite references. 

· List all the references in APA 6th Edition format at the end of your post in a References list. 

NOTE: If you are new to APA, I recommend that you use an online citation builder such as APA Style Central or the NU library database to automatically format your references correctly. You can also get help from the Writing Center and the NU library on how to use APA to cite references. 


IMPORTANT: Do NOT submit your first draft. First, read what you wrote out loud. Check for:

– Missing words or letters

– Missing or misplaced periods, apostrophes, commas 

– Incomplete sentences

– 2 or more sentences strung together that should be made into separate sentences

– Putting something is past tense that should be in present tense or vice versa

– Plural words that should be singular or singular words that should be plural

– Making the verb and subject match (plural or tense) 

AFTER you make these corrections, then post your discussion

Then post 2 responses to other student posts, at least 5-6 full sentences long. You do not need to include any citations in your responses, but you can if you would like. 


An important step in writing a term paper or in completing many assignments includes finding information in periodicals. In general, information in periodicals is more timely, current, and up-to-date, than information in books. When professors and/or librarians speak of the periodical literature, they may use several different terms, such as, magazines, serials, or scholarly journals.

In order to look for the right kind of information in the right places, you first need to understand the assignment. Does your professor want you to look for papers in scholarly journals, or will recent articles from substantive, general interest or popular magazines be more appropriate? Once you understand the assignment, you need to know how to distinguish one kind of periodical literature from another. Here are some rough guidelines:

• A serial or periodical is any publication that appears at regular intervals (weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually) and is intended to continue indefinitely. Magazines, journals, newspapers, yearbooks, proceedings, and indexes are all serials.

Magazines are commercial serial publications intended for any of a wide variety of readers. Some magazines provide news and general information to a popular audience, while others are aimed at professionals in various fields.

Newspapers are commercial periodicals that are issued daily, weekly or biweekly, featuring cover age of news and current events as well as opinion and advertising. Newspapers seek to inform, explain, influence and entertain readers. Some papers such as the New York Times, USA Today or the Gainesville Sun target the general public, while others aim for a more defined audience.


Journals, or scholarly, scientific journals, are periodicals generally published by an institution, professional association or learned society, and contain articles that disseminate current information on research and developments in particular subject fields. Before an editor of a journal publishes a manuscript, the editor and a team of specialists on the journal editorial board examine the manuscript carefully, to be sure that the article will contribute to the knowledge of the field. Because of the rigorous evaluation process, these publications are also referred to as refereed or peer-reviewed journals.