Leadership Qualities

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate knowledge of methods to successfully engage others for a specific task. Using Second Life™ to present a team-based scenario, evaluation of the interactions will identify positive areas as well as areas which need to improve.

Course Outcomes:

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

CO #1: Analyze leadership qualities that facilitate collaboration and cooperation at the individual, team, community, and organizational levels within diverse healthcare settings to foster human health. (MPH PO #1, MSN PO # 1, 7)

CO #3: Develop personal and strategic communication modalities that foster negotiation, advocacy and positive work environments within diverse healthcare settings. (MPH PO #9, MSN PO #3)

CO #6: Analyze techniques that foster goal-directed decision-making that foster priority setting, innovation and dynamic interactions within diverse healthcare settings. (MPH PO #6, MSN PO #6, 8)

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 4.

Total Points Possible: 200 points


Description of the Assignment

  1. In this 5-8 page paper (not including the title or      references pages in the page count), the introduction contains a few      statements regarding leadership and engaging others. One potential concern      that may occur while engaging others is noted. One potential positive      outcome that may occur while engaging others is noted. The sections of the      paper are identified.
  2. Section One provides an explanation of the importance      of leadership in engaging others including the role of leadership as well      as challenges facing leadership while engaging others. In addition to      potential role of teams or engaging others in the healthcare environment      is presented. Scholarly references to support the information are      required.
  3. Section Two focuses on an evaluation of the team      ability to accomplish tasks. The team, as presented in the scenario,      should be evaluated for each of the following elements:
  • Ability to handle differences,
  • Maintaining team order,
  • Communication (both verbal and nonverbal), and
  • Team Cohesiveness.
  1. Section Three is where you assume the role of      supervisor in order to develop the team. The evaluation should include the      following elements:
  • Overall summary of the discussion and team interactions      as presented in the scenario
  • Discussion of one positive action demonstrated by a      team member
  • Discussion of three non-productive actions demonstrated      during the scenario
  • Discussion of one potential cause for the team      dysfunction
  • Discussion of two actions that can foster teams with      multiple generations to work as a productive group
  • Discussion of two actions that can foster teams with      multiple disciplines to work as a group Scholarly support for actions is      required.
  1. Summary of this paper identifies the key points from      the information provides as well as insights gained (what was learned)      regarding engaging others with leadership.

Criteria for Content:

  1. Introduction contains a few statements regarding      leadership and engaging others. One potential concern that may occur while      engaging others is noted. One potential positive outcome that may occur      while engaging others is noted. The sections of the paper are identified.
  2. Section One provides an explanation of the importance      of leadership in engaging others including the role of leadership as well      as challenges facing leadership while engaging others. In addition to      potential role of teams or engaging others in the healthcare environment      is presented. Scholarly references to support the information are      required.
  3. Section Two focuses on an evaluation of the team      ability to accomplish tasks. The team, as presented in the scenario,      should be evaluated for each of the following elements:
  • Ability to handle differences,
  • Maintaining team order,
  • Communication (both verbal and nonverbal), and
  • Team Cohesiveness.
  1. Section Three focuses on team development. This action      should include the following elements:
  • Overall summary of the discussion and team interactions      as presented in the scenario
  • Discussion of one positive action demonstrated by a      team member
  • Discussion of three non-productive actions demonstrated      during the scenario
  • Discussion of one potential cause for the team      dysfunction
  • Discussion of two actions that can foster teams with      multiple generations to work as a productive group
  • Discussion of two actions that can foster teams with      multiple disciplines to work as a group
  • Discussion of four actions that would foster the entire      scenario team to work as a group

Scholarly support for actions is required.

  1. Summary of this paper identifies the key points from      the information provides as well as insights gained (what was learned)      regarding engaging others with leadership.

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

  1. This assignment must be submitted to TurnItIn™, as      required by the TurnItIn™ policy. A Similarity Index of “blue” or “green”      must be obtained. A score in the blue or green range indicates a      similarity of less than 24% which is the benchmark for CCN graduate nursing      students. Any other level of similarity index level requires the student      to revise the assignment before the due date and time. To allow sufficient      time for revision, early submission of the assignment to TurnItIn™ is      highly encouraged. The final submission will be graded by faculty. If a      Turnitin™ report indicates that plagiarism has occurred, the Academic      Integrity policy will be followed.
  2. The use of a dictionary is not allowed for this      assignment.
  3. The textbook required for this course and lesson information      may not be used as a reference for this assignment.
  4. A minimum of 7 (seven) scholarly references must be      used.
  5. When presenting information from a published resource,      past tense verbs are required.
  6. Title page, body of paper, and reference page must      follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This      includes the use of headings for each section or topic (except for      introduction) of the paper.
  7. The paper (excluding the title page and references      page) should be at least 5 pages but not more than 8 pages long. Points      will be lost for not meeting these length requirements (too short or too      long)
  8. Ideas and information that come from readings must be      cited and referenced correctly.
  9. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation      are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the 6th      edition of the APA manual.
  10. Past tense verbs are used when presenting information      from published resources. ?