NIUR 4636L – Politics & Government Worksheet

  1. Politics & Government Worksheet

Local politics and government policies impact conditions that influence the health status of people. For this assignment, identify two conditions you observed that can have a influence on health, which can be addressed by the local government. Develop two policy recommendations to present to Mayor Hill that address conditions you identified that can affect the overall health of a community.

Indications of Political Involvement

    • Observed:
    • Not Observed:

Policy Recommendations

Identify one (1) negative and one (1) positive observation in the city that can have an influence on the health of a community. The policy recommendation should correct a negative observation or strengthen a positive observation. The evidence-based rationale should include statistical data. NIUR 4636L – Politics & Government Worksheet



  Negative Observation Positive Observation
Related social determinant(s) of health    
Population most likely impacted    
Policy recommendation    
Evidence-based rationale    


Note: This is not actual data but hypothetical data for the purpose of providing an example for this assignment.

    • Negative Observation: Substandard and lack of affordable housing in neighborhoods with larger percentage of low-income families and minority populations.
    • Social Determinant of Health: Housing
    • Population Most Likely Impacted: Hispanics, African- Americans, as well as the homeless population in Sentinel City®.
    • Policy Recommendation: Improve access to affordable housing by providing sliding scale housing units for minority populations and low-income persons and families.
    • Evidence-Based Rationale: According to the U.S. Census Bureau Household survey, 20% of African Americans and 41% of Hispanics live in households below 200 percent of the federal poverty level, compared with 8% of whites. NIUR 4636L – Politics & Government Worksheet