Nursing homework help

The priority nursing diagnoses for the child with a fractured left femur and mild head injury are acute pain and head injury. A nurse needs to thoroughly examine this child’s whole body to identify regions of discomfort or soreness, crepitus, deformity, loss of function, and the position and quality of pulses and ascertain the neurovascular condition of the limb (Haimes & Blankstein, 2019). For a patient with a fracture, acute pain is the most appropriate nursing diagnostic. The GCS is performed after a thorough evaluation of the patient’s condition, which includes ensuring the safety of the patient’s airway, breathing, and blood circulation after a head injury.

Dietary and physiotherapy nursing interventions are given priority after being transferred from ICU. Providing a healthy diet helps bone repair and keeps the patient’s weight-bearable to restrictions due to the injured limb. The patient should be helped to ensure the safe use of mobility aids and assistive gadgets. The child will require retaining his airway is clear and ensuring enough breathing while at rest ((Haimes & Blankstein, 2019). Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring may also be necessary in the child’s case as it may assist in preventing more secondary injuries (by recognizing and treating hypoxia, hypercapnia, or hypoperfusion).Nursing homework help


The risks of Foley catheter placement include urinary infections, bladder spasms, and urethra damage. Using a urinary catheter, such as an indwelling Foley catheter, increases the risk of infection. Urinary tract infections may result from placing a Foley catheter (Saifullah et al., 2020). Epididymitis and orchitis are both possible complications of urinary infection in men. The placement can also cause additional issues, such as bladder spasms (similar to stomach pains), obstructions, leaks, and urethra damage.

Patients who are unconscious or have serious issues that prevent them from moving can have an indwelling catheter inserted to drain urine into a bag linked to a leg and emptied through a tap at the bottom. After being discharged from the Intensive Care Unit, the patient does not need an indwelling Foley catheter. The patient’s muscles will need to be strengthened and loosened up through physical therapy. It is common for patients to begin walking with the aid of a physical therapist within the first few days following an accident or operation. Hence, the child does not need an indwelling Foley catheter, and his chances of full recovery can be increased through regular activities. Nursing homework help