The Role Of The Nurse As A Healthcare Policy Advocate

The Role Of The Nurse As A Healthcare Policy Advocate

This assessment requires you to describe the legislative process and the role of the nurse as a healthcare policy advocate. Your paper will consist of two parts:

Part 1:

*A clear and complete discussion of the legislative process

Part 2:

  • View the 21st Century CURES Act.
  • View Title IX: Promoting Access to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Care, Subtitle A: Helping Individuals and Families.
  • Choose 3 sections of this Subtitle and describe the details of these sections.
  • Describe how the specifics of this legislation will impact nursing care, positively or negatively. Explain your own position, and explain why using research-based fact, not just your own opinion.


RUBRIC: WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT (40 pts) The Role Of The Nurse As A Healthcare Policy Advocate

Last updated: 4/6/2021 © 2021 School of Nursing – Ohio University Page 1 of 2


Levels of Achievement Accomplished Needs Improvement Not Acceptable

Introduction (5 Points)

5 to 5 Points • Clearly states the purpose of the

paper. • Provides a comprehensive overview

of topic or questions. • Engages the reader. • Organized and has easy follow.

2 to 4 Points • Overview is provided, but key

points/ideas are missing. • Purpose statement is not clear. • Does not engage the reader. • Somewhat disorganized but still The Role Of The Nurse As A Healthcare Policy Advocate


0 to 1 Points • Does not provide an

overview of the paper or is absent.

• No purpose statement.

Body (24


Key Requirement 1 – Describes 3 sections of the subtitle

6 to 6 Points • Demonstrates evidence of research

includes the following: Description of 3 sections of the subtitle.

• Writing is clear and shows critical thinking.

3 to 5 Points • Includes minimal description of

the subtitle. • Writing is disorganized and does

not contain evidence of critical thinking.

0 to 2 Points • Summary of the 3

sections of the subtitle is poorly written; at least 3 topics are missing.

• No evidence of critical thinking.

Key Requirement 2 – Describes how the specifics of this legislation will impact nursing care

6 to 6 Points • Writing shows evidence of research. • Includes a description of the

specifics. • Includes a clear description of how

this will impact nursing care. • Evidence of critical thinking. The Role Of The Nurse As A Healthcare Policy Advocate

3 to 5 Points • Student includes specifics; it is

difficult for the reader to connect the student’s specifics with the impact on nursing care.

• Writing is disorganized.

0 to 2 Points • No description of

specifics. • No description of the

impact on nursing care, not detailed.

• No evidence of critical thinking.

Key Requirement 3 – Includes a clear and complete discussion of this legislation

6 to 6 Points • Student discusses this legislation;

discussion is clear. • Shows evidence of critical thinking.

3 to 5 Points • Vague discussion of this

legislation. • Discussion is unclear.

0 to 2 Point • Student does not

discuss legislation. • No evidence of critical

thinking. Key Requirement 4 – Discussion of student’s own opinion on political issue

6 to 6 Points • Student clearly presents his or her

own position on the issue. • Argument is well thought out and

presented professionally. • Argument engages the reader and is

easy to follow. The Role Of The Nurse As A Healthcare Policy Advocate

3 to 5 Points • Student presents his or her own

position on the issue, but is lacking supporting details.

• Argument is fairly written but thoughts are not well organized.

0 to 2 Point • Student does not

present his or her own position, or does not give any clear details.

• No evidence of critical thinking.

Conclusion (5 Points)

5 to 5 Points • Summarizes paper and reflects on

what the reader has learned from the paper.

• Demonstrates persuasive thought and is well organized.

2 to 4 Points • Merely summarizes the

introduction or contains new ideas not present in the paper contents.

• Somewhat disorganized but still

0 to 1 Points • Simply restates the

introduction or is absent.

• Disorganized to the point of distraction. The Role Of The Nurse As A Healthcare Policy Advocate



Last updated: 4/6/2021 © 2021 School of Nursing – Ohio University Page 2 of 2


Levels of Achievement Accomplished Needs Improvement Not Acceptable

comprehensible Stylistics (6 Points)

6 to 6 Points • APA Citations are appropriate. • Formatted correctly. • Reference page is complete and

correctly formatted. • At least 4 references provided: Two

(2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. *References not older than five years.

• More than 600 words excluding title and reference pages.

3 to 5 Points • APA Citations are appropriate

and formatted correctly. • Reference page is formatted

correctly. • References are not professional The Role Of The Nurse As A Healthcare Policy Advocate

or is not formatted correctly. • Missing 1 professional reference. • At least 600 words or more

excluding title and reference pages.

0 to 2 Points • No citations are used or

citations are made but not formatted correctly

• Reference page is missing.

• Less than 600 words excluding title and reference pages.

Peer-reviewed references include professional journals (i.e. Nursing Education Perspectives, Journal of Professional Nursing, etc. –), professional organizations (NLN, CDC, AACN, ADA, etc.) applicable to population and practice area, along with clinical practice guidelines (CPGs – National Guideline Clearinghouse). References not acceptable (not inclusive) are UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases. *All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information) Note: You will have three (3) attempts to submit a written assignment, only the final attempt will be graded. For each attempt you will receive a SafeAssign originality report. This will give you a chance to correct the assignment based on the SafeAssign score. Click here to view instructions on how to interpret SafeAssign originality report. The Role Of The Nurse As A Healthcare Policy Advocate