Comprehensive Health Assessment

Comprehensive Health Assessment

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General Questions Description: Total Posts: Unread Posts: Replies To Total Participants: This is a thread for general questions, chances are someone else 0 0 Me: 0 0 in the class has the same question, or maybe an answer. Comprehensive Health Assessment



Description: How can we identify health risks, strengths, and needs in our

Total Posts: 14

Unread Posts: 0

Replies To Me: 0

Total Participants: 8

comprehensive health assessment? Give two examples with rationales for each.

Students are expected to:

1. Post an initial substantive response of 200-250 words to

each question. 2. Read postings and engage in the discussion boards 4-5

days per week. 3. Respond to at least two other student’s postings with

substantive comments. Substantive comments add to the discussion and provide your fellow students with information that will enhance the learning environment.The postings should be at least one paragraph (approximately 100 words) and include references as indicated by the instructor. Comprehensive Health Assessment

4. References and citations should conform to the APA 6th

edition. 5. Remember: Please respect the opinions of others, even if

their views differ. In other words, disagree professionally and respectfully.Plagiarism is never acceptable – give credit when credit is due – cite your sources

Grading Rubric: Before you submit your discussion post click on the view discussion rubric option for grading criteria. You will need to select the discussion question title in order to create your thread and to also view the rubric.



Description: Consider performing a health history on someone that may not

Total Posts: 1

Unread Posts: 0

Replies To Me: 0

Total Participants: 1

be able to provide you with answers, such as an infant, child, an elderly person, a developmentally disabled individual, or patients who speak a language you do not know.

What strategies would you employ to obtain a complete the health history? Provide a rationale for why you think these strategies would be effective.

Your response should include evidence of review of the course material, websites, and literature through proper citations using APA format.

Reply to at least TWO of your classmates.

Provide helpful information that you posted in your initial response that supplement their response and/or a resource to help with this system.

Please refer to the grading rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.


Description: T. R. (a 23-year-old female) presents to the local health clinic with

Total Posts: 0

Unread Posts: 0

Replies To Me: 0

Total Participants: 0

complaints of two red, scaly patches on her Right arm.

HPI: Started about two weeks ago. She states that the first lesions appeared to be poison ivy. After the vesicles cleared, the itching and scaling remained. She now has new lesions over her left eyebrow, and a small patch appears over her right upper lip. She states that the lesions have not cleared with over-the- counter medications. She believes she has used steroid cream, antibacterial cream, and anti-itch cream.


What other questions regarding her HPI would you like to ask? What additional history would you like to obtain from R.H? (Be comprehensive in this response; you have no past medical history for this client.) Comprehensive Health Assessment

This is how the rash appears on physical examination:


1. What specifically would you assess for on physical exam? How would you document the lesions?

2. What characteristics would you look for or questions would you ask to ascertain risk of skin cancer?

3. What education would you provide related to skin cancer health promotion and screening guidelines?

Your response should include evidence of review of the course material, websites, and literature through proper citations using APA format.

Reply to at least TWO of your classmates.

Provide helpful information that you posted in your initial response that supplement their response and/or a resource to help with this system.

Please refer to the grading rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.


Description: A 35-year-old woman with a history of asthma is complaining of

Total Posts: 0

Unread Posts: 0

Replies To Me: 0

Total Participants: 0

nasal itching, sneezing, and rhinorrhea. She states her symptoms are worse in the spring and fall. She does have difficulty sleeping due to congestion. She does not smoke but does have 2 cats in the home. She does appear tired but no respiratory distress. Her vital signs are T98.8, R18, P88 and BP 128/80. Nasal turbinates are swollen, boggy and pale, bluish gray. Thin watery secretions are seen.

Based on this information what is the subjective data? What information is the objective data? Give an example of 2 questions you may want to ask this patient.

Your response should include evidence of review of the course material, websites, and literature through proper citations using APA format.

Reply to at least TWO of your classmates.

Provide helpful information that you posted in your initial response that supplement their response and/or a resource to help with this system.

Please refer to the grading rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.


U5DT1 Description: Total Posts: Unread Posts: Replies To Total Participants: Consider factors (such as disease process, musculoskeletal 0 0 Me: 0 0 changes, or environmental risks) that can influence the evaluation of the lungs and thorax and discuss how you will adjust the H&P around these factors?

Your response should include evidence of review of the course material, websites, and literature through proper citations using APA format.

Reply to at least TWO of your classmates.

Provide helpful information that you posted in your initial response that supplement their response and/or a resource to help with this system.

Please refer to the grading rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.


U6DT1 Description: Total Posts: Unread Posts: Replies To Total Participants: C. T. a 48-year-old male patient presents for a checkup. He 0 0 Me: 0 0 admits it has been 4 years since he has been seen by a medical professional and at that time was diagnosed with an upper respiratory illness. He did have his blood pressure takin a year ago at his employer’s health fair and was told it was a “little high”.

He has had no major illness or chronic diseases. He has no known allergies and does not take any regular medication.

His family history shows that is father died of a heart attack at age 68, his mother is alive and well at age 72, he has a 50-year- old brother with depression and alcoholism, and one son who is healthy at age 24. He did have a maternal uncle with prostate cancer.

On review of systems, he has occasional headaches, experiences shortness of breath when he walks upstairs, and gets up once a night to urinate.

What should the major objectives of this health maintenance visit be? What conditions, risk factors, and health related behaviors should be screened for during this visit? What are the common causes of morbidity and mortality for 48-year-old men in the United States? Comprehensive Health Assessment

Read and respond to two of your peers posts. Compare and contrast your responses with theirs and discuss different perspectives.

Use correct APA formatting and in text citations to support your responses.


U7DT1 Description: Total Posts: Unread Posts: Replies To Total Participants: A 32-year-old female presents for an evaluation of a lump in her 0 0 Me: 0 0 right breast that she found on breast self-examination. The lump is found to be 2cm in size, firm, and mobile. No Adenopothy noted.

What are two questions you would ask this patient? What are two risk factors would you want to assess for? Comprehensive Health Assessment