Psychology homework help


This Performance Task has two parts. For Part 1, you imagine you are a consultant for the Department of Justice (DOJ). You have been asked to assess measures of crime and victimization. You will then present your findings in a PowerPoint presentation to the Department. Consider how you will begin to gather materials and from what sources. For Part 2, you imagine that you have been hired by the National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC) to prepare an Executive Summary on the many impacts of crime victimization. The Executive Summary will be 4–5 pages and distributed to every state’s office of victim services to inform their planning for victim’s services.

Submission Length: (please see attachment for the Rubric)

Part 1: 14–slide PowerPoint presentation

Part 2: 4-page Executive Summary.

©2019 Walden University 1
VC001: Impact of Crime on Individuals and Communities: Apply principles of victimology to address its causes and effects and
promote social change.
Assessment Rubric
Rubric Criteria 0
Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Sub-Competency 1: Compare Crime Databases
Provide an overview of
crime and victimization in
the United States
and include
current statistics of at
least three major crimes
(UCR Part I Crimes).
LO 1.1: Compare crime
A comparison of databases
is missing.
Does not provide an overview of
each of the four crime databases
or the overview is vague.
Does not provide comparison of
each system/database.
Does not describe at least one
advantage and one disadvantage
of each database.
Provides an overview of each of the
four crime databases (UCR, NIBRS,
Provides a comparison of each
Describes at least one advantage and
one disadvantage of each database.
Sub-Competency 2: Evaluate the Use of Separate Versus Combined Databases
©2019 Walden University 2
and describe three direct
impacts of crime on
victims and their families. Psychology homework help
Discuss whether these are
short or long-term
LO 2.1: Evaluate the use of
separate versus combined
There is no evaluation for
combining databases to
improve the understanding
of victimization and better
inform victimization
reduction strategies.
Does not discuss whether
combining the databases would
improve the understanding of
victimization and better inform
victimization reduction strategies
and why.
Does not focus on measuring
crime statistics.
Discusses whether combining the
databases would improve the
understanding of victimization and
better inform victimization reduction
strategies and why.
Focuses on measuring crime
Sub-Competency 3: Identify Direct Impacts of Crime on Victims and Their Families
Explain which crimes have
higher reporting rates and
which crimes have lower
reporting rates.
LO 3.1: Identify direct
impacts of crime on
victims and their families.
An overview of direct
impacts on victims and
their families is not
An overview of crime and
victimization in the United States
is not provided and/or does not
include current statistics for at
least three major crimes (UCR
Part I Crimes).
A description of three direct
impacts of crime on victims and
their families is not provided
and/or does not include whether
the impacts are short or longterm impacts.
An overview of crime and
victimization in the United States is
provided and includes current
statistics for at least three major
crimes (UCR Part I Crimes).
A description of three direct impacts
of crime on victims and their families
is provided and includes whether the
impacts are short or long-term
Sub-Competency 4: Evaluate Crimes with High and Low Reporting Rates
Identify methods for
improving rates of
reporting for
There is no explanation
regarding which crimes
have higher reporting rates
No explanation is included
regarding which crimes have
higher reporting rates and which
An explanation is included regarding
which crimes have higher reporting
©2019 Walden University 3
underreported crimes.
LO 4.1: Evaluate crimes
with high and low
reporting rates.
and which crimes have
lower reporting rates.
crimes have lower reporting
rates and which crimes have lower
reporting rates.
Sub-Competency 5: Explain Statistics for Improving Reporting Rates for Leading to Social Change
Discuss how using
statistics and improving
reporting rates can lead to
social change.
LO 5.1: Explain statistics
for improving reporting
rates for leading to social
Methods for improving
reporting rates for
underreported crimes
were not identified.
Methods are not identified for
improving rates of reporting for
underreported crimes.
An explanation of how using
statistics and improving reporting
rates can lead to social change is
not included.
Methods are identified for improving
rates of reporting for underreported
An explanation of how using statistics
and improving reporting rates can
lead to social change is included.
©2019 Walden University 4
Professional Skill Assessment
In this Competency Assessment, you will be assessed on the following Professional Skills: Applied and Collaborative Learning,
Technology, Engaging Multiple Social and Cultural Perspectives and Written Communication. These skills count toward your
achievement of the Competency and the Professional Skills. Psychology homework help
Applied and Collaborative Learning: Apply knowledge and skills in collaboration with others to solve authentic problems.
Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
LO1: Recognize how
compromise, mutual
respect, and shared
responsibility help people
achieve a common goal.
Evidence of recognition
is not present.
Evidence of recognition is unclear
or incomplete.
Response includes evidence that
demonstrates recognition of how
compromise, mutual respect, and
shared responsibility help people
achieve a common goal.
LO2: Apply collaboration
skills to create workable
solutions to complex
Application is not


Response applies inappropriate
collaboration skills or the
collaboration results in
inappropriate or unrealistic
Response generally applies relevant
and appropriate collaboration skills to
create workable solutions to complex
Technology: Use technology effectively relevant to criminal justice organizations.
LO1: Apply the features of
technology programs (i.e.,
Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
to communicate
information effectively.
Technology program is
not applied
Technology program includes
multiple formatting issues and/or
is difficult to interpret.
Technology program includes proper
Data can be easily read and
©2019 Walden University 5
Engaging Multiple Social and Cultural Perspectives: Apply strategies to develop intellectual flexibility and broad knowledge that
enables perception of the world through the perspectives of diverse social and cultural perspectives.
LO1: Recognize the value
of one’s own and others’
social and cultural
Recognition is not
Response demonstrates a vague
understanding of the value of
one’s own and others’ social and
cultural perspectives.
Response demonstrates a clear
understanding of the value of one’s
own and others’ social and cultural
LO2: Recognize how
knowledge from different
cultural and social
perspectives might affect
interpretations of issues in
Recognition is not
Response demonstrates a vague
understanding of how different
cultural and social perspectives
might affect interpretations of
Response demonstrates a clear
understanding of how different
cultural and social perspectives might
affect interpretations of issues.
LO3: Evaluate the source of
one’s own perspectives on
selected issues in culture
and society.
Evaluation is not
Response provides an incomplete
evaluation of the source of one’s
own perspectives on selected
issues in culture and society.
Response provides a thorough
evaluation of the source of one’s own
perspectives on selected issues in
culture and society.
LO4: Evaluate competing
social and cultural
perspectives on specific
problems in order to arrive
at a solution.
Evaluation is not
Response provides an incomplete
evaluation of perspectives and/or
does not offer a viable solution.
Response provides a thorough
evaluation of differing perspectives
and is able to make a judgment
regarding viable solutions.
Written Communication: Write with clarity, coherence, and purpose.
LO1: Develop clear
introduction statements.
(AWE 3; essay-level skills)
Introduction statement
is not present.
Introduction statement is unclear
and/or unfocused.
Introduction statement is welldefined and clearly describes the
topic and focus of the response.
©2019 Walden University 6
LO2: Use transitions to
connect ideas. (AWE 3;
essay-level skills)
Transitions are not
Transitions are used inconsistently
or limit reader’s access to ideas.
Writing conveys a cohesive idea
through the effective use of
LO3: Use appropriate tone
and vocabulary for a given
audience. (AWE 3;
awareness of audience and
Vocabulary and tone
are inappropriate for
the audience.
Vocabulary and tone vary
throughout the writing, limiting
reader’s access to ideas.
Vocabulary and tone communicate
key concepts that are appropriate for
the audience.
LO4: Apply APA formatting
and style guidelines. (AWE
3; awareness of audience
and discipline and credit to
APA formatting and
style are not present.
Writing inconsistently uses in-text
citations and references. Major
errors in APA Style impede
understanding and/or violate
standards for academic integrity.
Writing uses in-text citations
appropriately, includes references
when applicable, and is formatted
according to APA Style. Minor errors
in APA Style do not impede
understanding or violate standards
for academic integrity.
Mastery Rubric
In order to achieve mastery of this Competency, you must achieve a “2” on every rubric row in addition to meeting the additional
expectation indicated in the Mastery Rubric. Psychology homework help
Mastery Rubric No Yes
Exceeds Expectations: Impact of Crime of Individuals and Communities
LO1: Apply principles
of victimology to
address its causes and
effects and promote
social change.
The PowerPoint presentation is not well thought
out, or well-constructed, and demonstrates an
understanding of different crime databases and
their advantages and disadvantages. Or, the
Executive Summary does not demonstrate the
The PowerPoint presentation is well thought out,
well-constructed, and demonstrates an
understanding of different crime databases and
their advantages and disadvantages. The Executive
Summary demonstrates the ability to identify
©2019 Walden University 7
ability to identify unreported crimes and provide
suitable recommendations for improving reporting
rates of crime.
unreported crimes and provide suitable
recommendations for improving reporting rates of