Patient Outcomes and Sustainable Change

Patient Outcomes and Sustainable Change

Nurses work in situations that are full of challenges and difficulties. It has enabled them to overcome the challenges in the healthcare system, allowing them to deliver services to the patients. As a nurse, I have gained personal knowledge in this course and I am able to address a variable combination of skills that has increased me in both areas of expertise and professionality by looking in the following areas:

The New Practical Approaches

The field of nursing has become diverse throughout the decades, and as a trained nurse to remain relevant, I gained knowledge in this course that now enables me to use evidence-based practice that has proven so helpful. For instance, I am now confident in health problems such as heart attack, asthma, obesity, and diabetes. I have come to realize that nursing is an area that is very rich in practices that endorse the use of empirical studies (Kathryn, 2018)Patient Outcomes and Sustainable Change.


Interprofessional Collaboration

During my clinical practices, I learned that a single case may call for more than one group of people from different specialties as far as teamwork and work collaboration is conserved; it has been a great learning experience for me. It is my believe that we cannot question the role of a nurse in leading transformation and advancement of health. In this our ever-changing healthcare sector, where there are high demands for accountability and transparency, especially with the current healthcare issues of the Covid-19, nurses are anticipated to express a quit higher standard in their service delivery; however, that is not an option for me.

Health Care Delivery and Clinical Systems

In the past 8 weeks, I have learned that health care delivery should be people-centered care and is focused and organized around the health needs and expectations of people and communities, rather than on diseases. In addition, it should also be patient-centered and is commonly understood by focusing on the individual seeking care (the patient). In clinical systems, I have learned that clinical preventive services are the “medical procedures, tests or counseling that we deliver in a clinical setting to prevent disease and promote health, as opposed to interventions that respond to patient symptoms or complaints.

Ethical Consideration and Healthcare

It is not a new thing that sometimes nurses fight with ethical challenges that are related to patient care. During the course of this class, I came to understand the importance of being conversant with the ethical atmosphere and the culture of the health institution that I work. I intend to maintain that standard and continue to use it to better myself among co-workers and other professionals and in the care of my patients Patient Outcomes and Sustainable Change.

Population Health Concerns

While I understand that some studies may seek to comprehend the interrelationship between socioeconomic status as a result of collection by declaring inherently individuals have a likelihood to enjoy better health services. It is my view that a good number of intellectuals and socioeconomic status seem to be healthier. I have learned and come to develop an opinion that status increase health inequalities.

The Role of Technology in Improving Health Care Outcomes

Information technology and computer literacy is the term in information technology (IT) that includes not only the use of computers but also communications networks and computer literacy of the knowledge of how to use computer technology in the healthcare industry. It entails the basic tasks of gathering, allocating, controlling, and retrieving information. In today’s healthcare environment, our industry has moved forward with a variety of initiatives, including implementation of an electronic health record (EHR). It evolves into a complete and accurate picture of the patient’s treatment, including information from personal health records and health information exchange with the need for advanced information management skills needed.

Leadership and Economic Modalism

Apart from gaining professional skills, working as a healthcare practitioner has given me a lifetime opportunity to develop my leadership skills. Moreover, it has enabled me to have grasped the context of the healthcare system; hence I can perform my roles within the healthcare system comfortably and confidently.

Health Policy

Again, as our industry grows and new ideas are discovered so does new health policies come into effect; this refers to decisions, plans, and actions that are undertaken to achieve specific health care goals within a society. An explicit health policy that affects the nursing industry comes from the American Nurses Association (ANA), the organization exists to champion the nursing profession, and the essential role nurses play in improving health and health care for all. These policies can achieve several objectives, including defining a vision for the future which in turn helps to establish targets and points of reference for the short and medium term.

Health Disparities

Everyone can agree that health disparity is emerging to be an issue in today’s world. Certain groups of individuals enjoying comparatively better healthcare compared to others. I have realized that such values are not sufficiently embraced while performing various practices and also in care delivery. Within a conventional setting, patient safety studies have stressed on the evaluation of histories to assess patient safety issues and to show that new practices will lead to improved quality and also patient safety

Leadership and Economic Models

I count myself as a leader and as a health care provider in the leadership role, I have learned that I am now in the best position to determine effective ways of leading my subordinates towards improving the value of care. I must become an innovative leader that creates change. As a leader, I must learn how to effectively lead patients, those within health care organizations, and other stakeholders. Economic theory is based on a model of human behavior, and while it can be very useful in explaining how decisions about nursing time allocation and nursing care production are made, I discovered that ethical frameworks must also be incorporated in the decision-making process around certain issues. Economic models and nursing administration are a good fit when balanced with the values and goals of nursing Patient Outcomes and Sustainable Change.


In conclusion, working as a nurse though maybe challenging, I have been able to gather lots of knowledge and experiences, which is has been very helpful and will continue to be for many years to come. I believe that what I gained in ethical culture has proven to be a way in which ethical issues and situations bring ethical problems but must be dealt with in the respective institution. At the end of this course, it is now my view that people-centered care encompasses these clinical encounters and also includes attention to the health of people in their communities and their crucial role in shaping health policy and health services.






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