The best way to balance your dietary choices

Description / Instructions: Complete the Week 1 Quiz.

    Question 1 Which of the following nutrients does not provide energy to the body?

  Carbohydrates  Protein  Vitamins  Lipids     
    Question 2 Why is variety an important component of a healthy diet?

  It ensures you will eat the proper amount of calories each day.  It ensures you will eat meat every day.  It ensures you will get all the nutrients you need for optimal health.  It ensures you will not become dehydrated throughout the day.     
    Question 3 Which is the best way to balance your dietary choices?

  If you overeat at lunch, you should skip dinner.  If you eat two slices of pizza at lunch, you should walk an extra mile after dinner.  If your dinner has no vegetables, you should eat a cereal containing fiber at breakfast.  If you eat two slices of pizza at lunch, you should walk an extra mile after dinner and if your dinner has no vegetables, you should eat a cereal containing fiber at breakfast.     
    Question 4 You have two relatives both 55 years old and both have always eaten a diet of primarily fast food. One of these relatives has severe heart disease and the other has low cholesterol levels and no sign of heart disease. What is the best explanation for this?

  these relatives have the same genetic predisposition for heart disease  these relatives do not share the same genetic predisposition for heart disease  the fast food consumed is not bad for their heart health  the fast food consumed is good for their heart health     
    Question 5 Which of the following is an example of variety in the diet?

  Selecting foods from all the foods groups  Selecting different foods within food groups  Selecting foods from all the foods groups and different foods within food groups  Selecting appropriate portion sizes of foods     
    Question 6 Using a smaller plate for dinner may help you practice:

  variety  balance  moderation  nutrient density     
    Question 7 A glass of milk is more nutrient dense than a can of soda because:

  a glass of milk contains calories.  a glass of milk contains calcium.  a glass of milk has fewer calories than a soda.  a glass of milk is not nutrient dense.     
    Question 8 Ethan achieves his recommended intake of vegetables by eating a large baked potato every day. Which principle is he not achieving?

  balance  moderation  nutrient density  variety     
    Question 9 The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for protein is:

  10 to 35% of calories.  45 to 65% of calories.  50 to 70% of calories.  more than 65%.     
    Question 10 Government nutrition recommendations translate:

  nutrient needs into food choices.  food choices into nutrient needs.  nutrient needs into daily nutrient requirements.  food choices into daily nutrient requirements.     
    Question 11 Evaluating a person’s food intake using food records is one of the ways nutritionists determine what people eat and their nutrient intake. This allows the nutritionist to assess the person’s:

  blood lipids  likelihood of getting heart disease or diabetes  fasting blood glucose  nutritional status     
    Question 12 According to the AMDR, the majority of calories you eat should come from:

  carbohydrates.  fat.  protein.  vitamins.     
    Question 13 The Dietary Guidelines for Americans promote a minimum of _____ minutes of moderate exercise weekly.

  40  80  120  150     
    Question 14 Discretionary calories come from:

  alcohol and added sugars.  added sugars and solid fats.  alcohol and solid fats.  Alcohol, added sugars, and solid fats.     
    Question 15 Where would you look on the food label to determine if sugar was added to the product?

  Ingredients list  Front of the label  Nutrition Facts panel  Serving size information     
    Question 16 Which of the following nutrients are NOT broken down into smaller pieces during by metabolism?

  Water, vitamins, minerals  Vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins  Lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins  Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids     
    Question 17 In which organ does the digestion of protein begin?

  Mouth  Pancreas  Stomach  Small intestine     
    Question 18 Which of the following is NOT an accessory organ of the digestive system?

  Gallbladder  Liver  Pancreas  Spleen     
    Question 19 Which of the following is one of the ways that the endocrine system interacts with the digestive system?

  Eliminates wastes generated in the body  Transports nutrient to cells  Controls the passage of food in the blood stream  Secretes hormones that regulate how much we eat     
    Question 20 Proteins are broken down into _____ whereas fats are digested mostly into _____.

  amino acids, sugars  amino acids, fatty acids  fatty acids, sugars  glucose, vitamins