Nursing homework help



Peer interaction: 20 pts

20 pts


One post written in response to fellow learners’ post and is between 100-150 words. Response is substantive insightful and contain at least one reference.


Grammar, Syntax & APA formatting: Postings contain no grammatical or typographical errors. Citations in the post adhere to APA format as well as references noted at the end of the post (one to two errors). (Example: excluding double-spacing and indentation of the second and subsequent lines within the reference). No more than 25% of your paper should be direct quotes. Nursing homework help




What is driving the swift departure from volume to value in the US healthcare payment system?

The swift departure from volume to value in the United States healthcare payment system models motivates both patients and providers. More focused efficient care of the patient is expected in a value-based healthcare payment system. Traditionally providers were paid according to the quantity of service provided. The new care model providers are expected to appropriate care like managing blood pressure, reducing smoking, attending to nutrition eg maintaining health, and addressing more upstream health considerations (Hazelzet & Van Weert 2021).

What are the potential pitfalls and benefits of coordinated care models from the perspective of the patients?

Patients now also pay a higher portion of the overall costs through increased premiums. There has been a lot of cost-shifting to patients through deductibles and co-insurances (Who benefits from moving health care from volume to value, n.d.). So, patients also have a bigger stake in understanding and managing the costs of their own care than they did in the past.

What are the potential pitfalls and benefits of coordinated care models from the perspective of the providers?

Providers are beginning to be paid based not only on the quality of their outcomes but also on the efficiencies of their practices. They are being given more information about the costs of the resources they use. More providers are now entering shared risk or global payment models, like bundled payments, accountable care, or shared savings (Hazelzet & Van Weert 2021).

. These payment models challenge providers to address patient and population needs over a long period of time, not just encounter by encounter. Nursing homework help

Policy and Advocacy Policy development at the federal level can motivate new population health efforts. What are the key considerations in the process of policy development? Who are some of the key governmental players you would collaborate with?

A policy network consists of a set of individuals with interests in various policy domains and the ability to determine policy success or failure (Health reform and state health legislative initiatives, n.d.) Aside from politicians and government employees who are involved in policy development, the network can entail a variety of representatives from academic research institutes, the private industry, various interest groups, journalists, and investors. Health costs account for about one-third of state budgets, ranging from financing Medicaid to paying for state employees and other populations, such as prisoners (Pomeranz & Silver2020). State legislatures make thousands of health policy decisions each year, including improving access to appropriate care, determining who should be immunized, licensing health professionals and facilities, and supporting or rejecting initiatives to keep people healthy. The key government player I would like to involve is the local health officials of the public health because they are directly involved to improve human life.



Hazelzet, J., & Van Weert, N. (2021). Personalized health care as value-based care. Personalized Specialty Care, 7-15. (Links to an external site.)

Health reform and state health legislative initiatives. (n.d.). Legislative News, Studies and Analysis | National Conference of State Legislatures. (Links to an external site.)

Pomeranz, J. L., & Silver, D. (2020). State Legislative Strategies to Pass, Enhance, and Obscure Preemption of Local Public Health Policy-Making. American Journal of Preventive Medicine59(3), 333–342.

Who benefits from moving health care from volume to value? (n.d.). Improving Health and Health Care Worldwide | IHI – Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (Links to an external site.)



It’s easier for providers to focus on the patient as a whole when their financial interests are aligned with those of the health care system as a whole. Value-based models encourage health systems to satisfy patients’ needs earlier in the process and in environments with lower acuity than ever before. So that people may avoid spending more money on pricey emergency treatment, they force healthcare systems to enhance access and outreach (Rech Ramos, 2021). Engaging with healthcare providers is critical. Patients no longer rely only on doctors for medical treatment. These individuals have been brought together as a team to provide the best possible treatment for patients. Those who work in this approach include medical professionals, medical assistants, nurses, care coordinators, social workers, and mental health practitioners. Nursing homework help

Patients will be able to access the best treatment at a lower cost because to this system’s emphasis on value. Preventative treatment, which is less expensive than treating a chronic disease like diabetes, hypertension, or obesity, is prioritized in value-based healthcare systems (Lashko, 2021). Physicians and other healthcare practitioners are also concerned with the most effective ways to aid patients in recovering from disease or injury. Less visits to the doctor, medical tests, and medical treatments are required under a value-based healthcare paradigm. In addition, when their health improves, they save money on medicine.

Policies and administration of health services place a high value on the development of primary health care strategies. Using a framework of right to health compliance, based on territory and population, the Comprehensive Health Care Model articulates integrated and comprehensive care networks that are at once institutional and community-based. According to Lashko(2021), the availability of services will be governed by the population’s demands and the order in which issues are prioritized. When it comes to providing services, infrastructure, people, material and financial resources are all factors. With the help of local actors, the Model encourages an ongoing assessment of the health status of the region and makes it possible to prioritize the needs of the population and prepare coordinated strategies in a timely manner.

One approach to enhance the health of a population is via policy. Policy creation is seldom a linear process; often, the domains of the policy cycle overlap or take place in an unplanned sequence. It is possible, however, that in the ideal situation, a problem is described, alternative policy solutions are investigated in detail, and the best option is selected and assessed (Chiu, 2020). Public health professionals play a significant role in the policy process, for example, by conducting policy analysis, presenting results, forming alliances, and supporting and implementing evidence-based practices. Focus on how the problem or issue affects the general well-being of the people. To find the most efficient, effective, and practicable solution to the problem or issue, consider several policy choices and assess them quantitatively and qualitatively.

Determine the most important players, such as those who support you and those against you (e.g., community members, decision-makers, nonprofit, and for-profit agencies). Chiu (2020) reports that sharing important information with key stakeholder groups, such as governments at all levels of government and other federal agencies as well as community-based organizations and groups as well as decision-makers, can help you explain and communicate the findings of your study. Keep in mind the demands and preferences of your stakeholders while producing goods. Nursing homework help


Chiu, P. (2020). Advancing nursing policy advocacy knowledge. Advances in Nursing Science44(1), 3-15. (Links to an external site.)

Lashko, N. (2021). A coordinated collaboration approach to enhancing integrated health care within primary health care at north Richmond community health. International Journal of Integrated Care20(3), 175. (Links to an external site.)

Rech Ramos, P. (2021). Value-based healthcare. Bioethics in Medicine and Society. (Links to an external site.)
