Management and leadership competencies and how development of these competencies could be evidenced in a professional practice portfolio

Assessment 1

Written Assignment :

Developing a Professional Practice Portfolio TASK RATIONALE / AIM: According to the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice (2017), to provide safe, effective

nursing care, nurses must maintain capability for practice through lifelong learning and

professional development (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA], 2017). This assessment is designed to provide you with the understanding and skills required to

develop a professional practice portfolio which can evidence your capability for practice as a

Registered Nurse. TASK INSTRUCTIONS: This task comprises three components. 1. Professional practice portfolio use Professional practice portfolios are asserted to be beneficial to demonstrate the capability for professional nursing practice. • Describe a professional practice portfolio and the recommended components. • Present a written argument for the use of a professional practice portfolio to

demonstrate professional nursing practice. This argument should demonstrate critical

thinking and analysis of the issues; include why portfolios should be used and a

discussion of the benefits and challenges of using a professional practice portfolio to

demonstrate capability for professional nursing practice. • Discuss and differentiate between management and leadership competencies and

describe how development of these competencies could be evidenced in a professional

practice portfolio. • Support your argument with at least seven scholarly sources from 2011 onwards. Page 1

2. Professional standards Standard 3 “Maintains the capability for practice” (NBMA, 2016) includes seven points.

The fourth point states the Registered Nurse (RN) “accepts accountability for decisions,

actions, behaviours and responsibilities inherent in their role” (NMBA, 2016).

• Chose a situation from your clinical placement where you were delegated an action or

responsibility by your RN clinical practice partner or clinical facilitator and describe

this situation. Your description should include five key elements; context of nursing

practice and health care delivery (where this occurred), who was involved, what you

were delegated, how you enacted the delegated action/responsibility and the outcome

of the situation. • Critically discuss how you demonstrated professional nursing practice, within

your student nurse scope of practice, and reflect upon accountability for your

decisions, actions, behaviours and responsibilities. • Support your discussion with at least three scholarly sources from 2011 onwards. Point of clarification: • The Registered Nurse standards document describes how the seven standards are

interconnected (see Figure 1, NBMA, 2016). Your clinical situation may incorporate a

description of you enacting one or more of the standards e.g. assessment (Standard

4), developing a plan (Standard 5), providing nursing care (Standard 6), or evaluating

care outcomes (Standard 7). 3. Peak professional nursing organisation A peak organisation (also known as a ‘peak body’) is a term for an advocacy group or trade

association (it may be in nursing, or medicine, or any ‘trade’), an association of industries

or groups with allied interests. They are established for the purposes of developing

standards and processes, or to act on behalf of all members. There are many peak bodies

in nursing, ranging from general organisations, such as the Australian College of Nursing

(ACN) to specialised organisations such as the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses

(ACCCN) or the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA).

• Consider where your professional interests lie and identify and report on a

peak professional nursing organisation relevant to your career path. • This report must include the membership requirements, whether this organisation

supports advanced or specialty practice, how this organisation supports and leads

professional nursing practice, what professional opportunities are provided through

the professional organisation and a justification why it is relevant to your intended

career path. Page 2

OTHER ELEMENTS: • You do not need to include an introduction or conclusion to this written assessment • Use a heading for each of the three components of the assessment • Provide one reference list at the end of your written assignment which presents

all references (from the three components) in alphabetical order. • State your word count (excluding your reference list) on the Assignment Coversheet. • Do not exceed 2,000 words. Words over 2,000 will not be read or marked. • Submit your DRAFT assignment via Turnitin as per the instructions on your

USQ course site.

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University of Southern Queensland

1. Professional Practice Portfolio (Approx 1,000 words)

1.1 Description (Approx 300 words) 5

• Describes a professional practice portfolio and the recommended components. 1.2 Argument (Approx 350 words) • Presents a written argument for the use of a professional practice portfolio. • The argument demonstrates critical thinking and analysis of the issues; it

5 explains why portfolios should be used and includes a discussion of the benefits and challenges of using a professional practice portfolio to demonstrate capability for professional nursing practice.

1.3 Management and leadership (Approx 350 words) • Discusses management and leadership competencies relevant to nursing

5 and describe how development of these competencies could be evidenced

in a professional practice portfolio. 1.4 Evidence • Demonstrates evidence of ability to apply research concepts and principles

such as use of databases, critique of quality, relevant and up-to-date 5

literature. Argument supported by at least eight relevant, high quality, evidence-based, scholarly sources from 2011 onwards.

2. Professional Standards (Approx 750 words)

2.1 Description of situation (Approx 250 words) • Clearly describes a situation from student nurse clinical placement. • Description includes five key elements: context of practice (where this 5 occurred), who was involved, what you were delegated to do, how you enacted the delegated action/responsibility and the outcome of the situation.

2.2 Critical discussion (Approx 500 words) • Critically discusses how you demonstrated professional nursing practice,

within your student nurse scope of practice. 5 • Demonstrates insight regarding accountability for decisions,

actions, behaviours and responsibilities.

Pag e 4

2.3 Evidence • Demonstrates evidence of ability to apply research concepts and principles

such as use of databases, critique of quality, relevant and up to date 5

literature. Discussion is supported by at least three relevant, high quality, evidence-based, scholarly sources from 2011 onwards.

3. Professional Membership (Approx 250 words) 3.1 Report on peak professional nursing organisation • Reports on a peak professional nursing organisation relevant to a

career path in nursing. • This report includes the membership requirements, whether this organisation 5

supports advanced or specialty practice, how this organisation supports and leads professional nursing practice, what professional opportunities are provided through the professional organisation and a justification for why it is relevant to the intended career path.

4. Referencing: · Referencing (in-text citations and reference list entries) as per APA

USQ Referencing style 5

Provides at least 10 unique references, in alphabetical order, in one list which starts on a separate page. 5. Academic writing and presentation: • Is well presented, with correct spelling, grammar, well-

constructed sentences and appropriate paragraph structures.

• Uses academic language throughout. 5 • Meets the 2,000-word length requirements (excluding reference list). Total marks 50