Computational Practice

Using the example from Mancini and colleagues (2014), students enrolled in an RN to BSN program were assessed for demographics at enrollment. The predictor in this example is age at program enrollment, and the dependent variable was number of months it took for the student to complete the RN to BSN program. The null hypothesis is: “Student age at enrollment does not predict the number of months until completion of an RN to BSN program.” The data are presented in Table 29-2. A simulated subset of 20 students was randomly selected for this example so that the computations would be small and manageable.

TABLE 29-2


Student ID x y x2 xy
(Student Age) (Months to Completion)
1 23 17 529 391
2 24 9 576 216
3 24 17 576 408
4 26 9 676 234
5 31 16 961 496
6 31 11 961 341
7 32 15 1,024 480
8 33 12 1,089 396
9 33 15 1,089 495
10 34 12 1,156 408
11 34 14 1,156 476
12 35 10 1,225 350
13 35 17 1,225 595
14 39 20 1,521 780
15 40 9 1,600 360
16 42 12 1,764 504
17 42 14 1,764 588
18 44 10 1,936 440
19 51 17 2,601 867
20 24 11 576 264
sum Σ 677 267 24,005 9,089

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: _________

Date: _______________________________________________________________________

Follow your instructor’s directions to submit your answers to the following questions for grading. Your instructor may ask you to write your answers below and submit them as a hard copy for grading. Alternatively, your instructor may ask you to use the space below for notes and submit your answers.

  1. If you have access to SPSS, compute the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality for the variable age (as demonstrated in Exercise 26). If you do not have access to SPSS, plot the frequency distributions by hand. What do the results indicate?
  2. State the null hypothesis where age at enrollment is used to predict the time for completion of an RN to BSN program.
  3. What is b as computed by hand (or using SPSS)?
  4. What is a as computed by hand (or using SPSS)?


  1. Write the new regression equation.
  2. How would you characterize the magnitude of the obtained R2 value? Provide a rationale for your answer.
  3. How much variance in months to RN to BSN program completion is explained by knowing the student’s enrollment age?
  4. What was the correlation between the actual y values and the predicted y values using the new regression equation in the example?
  5. Write your interpretation of the results as you would in an APA-formatted journal.
  6. Given the results of your analyses, would you use the calculated regression equation to predict future students’ program completion time by using enrollment age as x? Provide

(Grove 319-332)

Grove, Susan K., Daisha Cipher. Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice, 2nd Edition. Saunders, 022016. VitalBook file.

The citation provided is a guideline. Please check each citation for accuracy before use.