Nursing homework help

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Post 1:

If the 19 year old female patient is an Arab-American, there is much about this culture the nurse must consider in her care. Refraining from excess eye contact and physical contact (Attum, Hafiz, Malik, 2020) while building trust as her caregiver is important. Though the patient is over-age, family is as important to Arab-American’s as their religion, and family should be included in the process should they wish to be involved, as the patient advocate it is important to go to lengths to ensure a family member can be present with her to reduce her anxiety & promote healing, rest, positive treatment regimen. Modesty is highly valued in this culture, and maintaining the patient’s privacy is vital. This female will need to be seen by a female nurse and physician, as it is required in this culture to be assessed by medical professionals who are the same gender as she is (Falkner, Ch. 3, 2020). Respect to this culture’s diet is important, and the female coming in for fevers should not be offered anything consisting of “non-Halal animal fats, pork, by-products of pork, and any animals that have slaughtered in the name another diety (i.e., other than Allah, the Abrahamic God)” (Attum, Hafiz, Malik, 2020). That means no fluids that include these products. Discrimination against Arab-Americans became more apparent after the terrorist attacks in 2001, and patients of this culture may be hesitant to reach out for help. Its the nurses job to make the patient feel accepted and to build trust with her to ensure she will be safe and respected (Falkner, Ch. 3, 2020). Nursing homework help

Health care support systems within the hospital that give resources for other cultures include the language line, which can be used when a patient feels more comfortable using their prefered language. some language lines have a video conference option which puts an approved translator face to face with the patient, giving them more confidence to speak through someone they may be more familiar with. This service can increase the patients confidence with making healthcare decisions and lead to better outcomes for the patient. Because prayer and religion are highly treasured among Arab-Americans (Attum, Hafiz, Malik, 2020), the proper spiritual care in the hospital should be provided as well.

If the support systems and resources are low, there are a few community resources I’ve found for Arab-Americans to access. Arab America is a national organization and there are different resources depending on the state the patient lives in. This organization offers news, events, and health online resources in both English and Arabic What’s unique about Arab America is its purpose of “promoting an accurate image of the Arab American community and the Arab world” (AAI, 2020). They offer so much more than just health care support. A second source of support for Arab-Americans I’ve found is the AAFS, A non-profit social service that “offers support in the areas of public benefits, immigration, domestic violence, mental health, and elderly services and sponsors outreach programs to build healthier families and communities” (AAFS, 2020).



Anderson, L. M., Scrimshaw, S. C., Fullilove, M. T., Fielding, J. E., Normand, J., & Task Force on Community Preventive Services. (2013). Culturally competent healthcare systems: A systematic review. American journal of preventive medicine24(3), 68-79.


Attum, B., Hafiz, S., Malik, A., & Shamoon, Z. (2021). Cultural Competence in the Care of Muslim Patients and Their Families. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.


Post 2:

Understanding one’s cultural practices is very essential during the process of providing care, because diversity in culture is as a result of the unique nature of each culture. In admitting a 19-year old Hispanic female, certain things must be considered. First of all, illness and morbidity is a big issue for Hispanics, therefore, the nurse should ensure that the patient is made comfortable, free of anxiety and reassured. Also, the nurse should try not to maintain eye contact during conversations as this can be misinterpreted as a challenge or intimidation which can make the patient uncomfortable. In addition, the Hispanics rely on home remedies a lot, the nurse should inquire what concoction the patient has taken before coming to the hospital. Lastly, the nurse should expect not to get 100% cooperation from the patient because the head of the family is responsible for making decisions about health for every member of the family (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.). Nursing homework help


A large percentage of the Hispanic population living in the United States have inadequate access to healthcare services, this is because they do not have health insurance coverage, and this usually makes them not to access healthcare until the situation gets worse. In the United States, there are health care support system for this group, one of which is Federally Qualified Community Health Centers. This program is affordable and available for people with limited resources who lack health insurance irrespective of their immigration status. Others include Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Ventanillas de Salud (VDS), their goals are to provide preventive health services and also increase public insurance coverage (Gomez et al, 2019).



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (n.d.). Cultural insights. Communicating with Hispanics/Latinos.


Gomez M. et al, (2019). Together for health: An initiative to access health services for the Hispanic/ Mexican population living in the United States.



Post 3:

Native Americans are the smallest minority group in United State (Russel, 1996), yet it has a multitude of social and health problems. It is matrilineal so women play a crucial role in some of the tribes. They have several values, lifestyles, and taboos from tribe to tribe.

Several things must be considered when interviewing a 19-year-old female in the hospital. The native American lacks trust in the health care providers. (Guadagnolo et al.,2009, Oetzelet al.,2006) It is important to maintain a trusting relationship by initiating a dialog that may make the girl trust the nurse. Communicating to the patient that you care for her, and that confidentiality will be maintained as per her choice is vital. Also maintaining privacy is of paramount importance. Most native Americans are comfortable speaking in their own language, so it is important for the nurse to ask the girl which language she prefers to use. (Hodge and Frederick,1994).

Extended family is very important, and women are the decision-makers, so it is important to ask the girl if she wants someone to be involved in her care. Gaining approval and support for care will aid in the family’s adherence to the plan. It is also important to note that Native Americans are at risk of numerous health and social risks such as Sexually transmitted diseases, adolescent pregnancy, and have the potential to contract HIV (US Department of Health and Human Services,1995). Nursing homework help


The native Americans practice preventive healthcare (Gilliland et al.,1999) They may incorporate prayer meetings songs, and sweat lodges into urban care and disease prevention and may emphasize the interrelatedness of spirituality and health care (Piawecki and Sanchez,1994). So nurse should consider asking if the patient has used anything for her fevers.


When educating this woman, it is important to consider sitting face to face with the patient (Jacobson et al.,1998). However, the nurse should avoid looking straight in her eyes as this is viewed as disrespectful. Natives believe that if one can look you straight in the eye, one can also take away one’s soul (Weave and White,1997). Also, Nurse should be aware that charts, clipboards, and documents could be a barrier to establishing rapport with a native American patient. It is also important to include the family when educating the patient.

Respond to pain differs from culture to culture. It is important to assess the pain of native Americans and offer them pain relief options even if they are not verbalizing or physically expressing the pain (Ramer,1992). It is crucial to listen to patients’ preferences before prescribing potential solutions (Whitbeck,2006). Also because they prefer to rely on their own resources, rather than behavioral health services, they may prefer traditional healing over mainstream services (Chester et al1999, Johnson and Cameroon,2001, Novins et al.,2004, Oetzel et al.,2006), so it is vital to ask her preferences.


There are some programs for native Americans in New Mexico. These include First Nations Community Health Source. It has provided an integrated and culturally competent health delivery system that addresses the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of its clients. Also, the University of New Mexico has a program called Dedicated Mental Health Care System for Native Americans. It provides opportunities for consultations, training, and evaluation partnerships and services.



Cesario, S, K(2001) Care of the Native American Woman: Strategies for Practice, Education, and Research DOI:


Community-Focused Care Mental Health Resources for Native Americans (2022)


Podlogar M.C, Novins, M.D  Quality of care in American Indian child and adolescent behavioral health: A pilot study of patients and family perspectives doi:10.1037/a0038560



Post 4:

There is an ethical and moral duty to every health care provider to offer the best possible care to every patient. Nurse can use cultural awareness, knowledge, skill and encounter to gather information from patient. It involves the integration of knowledge, attitude and skills that enhance cross-cultural communication and foster meaningful, respectful interaction with others. it helps the nurse to understand the patient better, also to recognize and manage sociocultural issues that happens in encounters.

Islamic community is an unfamiliar culture to me. Important things to remember while interviewing an Islamic patient. It is important for the nurse to know her cultural values, belief, and practices, and appreciate how they may be different from others. The nurse should consider each client as unique, influenced but not defined by their culture. Learn as much as she can about cultural groups in her community. Make an effort to include beliefs and practices from other cultures into her care. The nurse should never let her own biases about people and groups stand in the way of good care. Try to encourage helpful cultural practices into her care and discourage harmful ones. Be mindful of her body language, verbal and non-verbal patterns during communication. Learn from her mistakes. Nursing homework help

The nurse has to understand important differences in culture and spiritual values of Muslims, including diet, privacy, touch restriction, ideas of modesty and alcohol intake restriction. Islamic faith can influence decision making, family dynamics, health practices and risk. Islamic patient prefers same sex (gender) healthcare provider. knowledge of Islamic beliefs will assist healthcare professional in delivering appropriate healthcare in a culturally sensitive manner and can be accompanied by understanding religious implications, perspectives, on family, health, illness, diet, the influence on traditional medicine and privacy concerns. The nurse should minimize eye and physical contact with patient of opposite gender. e.g. male doctor asking question to female patient in the Prescence of her spouse without response, the doctor should ask her if she want him to talk to her husband. Islam rules prohibits alcohol, non-Halal animal, fats, pork, by-products of pork and any animal that have been slaughtered in the name of another deity. Islam prayer times may interfere with medical care and facility mealtime, so special arrangement needs to be made for home food, if not possible, provide foods like eggs, fruits, seafood, and vegetables.

Health practitioners should be aware of cultural and religious factors to help provide culturally competent and appropriate promotion and education of health services to the Islamic population.

Islamic community center is a health care support system available in the community for Islamic group. The joint commission is an independent nonprofit organization that seeks to improve healthcare among its accredited healthcare members, holds hospital accountable for addressing and maintain patients rights. Joint commission accreditation must have experts in administrative affairs, clinical practice and policy. Amendment 14 of US constitution is a law implemented by the government to provide equal treatment for all without inequality on the basis of social and economic condition.


Statpearls-NCBI Bookshelf Cultural Competence in the Care of Muslim Patients and Their Families. Attum B, Hafiz S, Malik A, et al. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih./gov/books/BNK 499933/

Oakland Islamic Community Center (OICC).

Joint Commission Standards for Effective Communication. Retrieved from: