Nursing homework help

Each student must post (1) substantial initial post with a minimum of 270 words. All
initial posts must contain at least (2) professional references (must be within 5
years), one may be the course textbook, properly cited in the current APA format.
Late discussion posts are not accepted in this course.
For the initial post Remember to ask a provocative question to prompt online discussion
with your peers using bold print at the end of your initial discussion.
The student must also reply to at least (2) classmates using a minimum of 170 words
per reply (please don’t start working on the replies unless I provide the student
replies or tell you to do so). All replies in the discussion forum should enhance the
discussion. Non-informative messages posted in the discussion forum will not be
counted towards the required number of replies for that topic. Nursing homework help
Provide plagiarism reports for both initial post and student replies.


Discussion Topic
Identify an area of clinical practice interest in the adult population.
1. Consider a research study that they might conduct with this population.
2. Name the independent variable (IV) (i.e., intervention) and the dependent
variable (DV) (i.e., effect of the intervention).
3. Identify extraneous variables. How would they control for those extraneous
variables? Identify potential threats to internal validity.
4. Identify potential threats to external validity. How would they control for each
type of potential threat?
5. What time dimension for data collection will they use? Nursing homework help