Nursing homework help

Submit a summary of six of your articles on the discussion board. Discuss one strength and one weakness for each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change.


1. Lack of knowledge and experience implementing evidence based in practice

2. Handling patients (elderly) with elevated cases of chronic diseases

3. Organization policies evidence based in practice

4. Pubmed and CINAHL databases. Why they are better than google scholar and general search

5. Evidence based in practice barriers and solutions, traditional therapy and forms of treatments

6. How has your facility reacted to the IOM goal, have they embrace EBP and are they supportive of its implementation?  Nursing homework help

Article summary

The following article might provide sufficient evidence for the practice change.

Article 1: Implementing an Evidence-Based Fall Prevention Program in a Long-term care facility:

Weakness– According to Sheweikert (2018) that a multifaceted evidence-based fall prevention program was implemented at a 70 bed, skilled nursing, long-term care facility in Florida, whose fall rate of 7.14 is above average (2.74-5.48). Results showed that a multifaceted fall prevention program is an effective way to decrease falls in a long-term care facility. Furthermore, this article can be used as evidence in the practice change I am currently working on. There is information that can be used as a guide in the practice change; however, due to the short period that the article or research was done, further investigation is needed for conclusive data regarding the impact of the implemented fall prevention.


Article 2: Nursing Education to Prevent Resident Falls in Long-term Care:

Strength- According to Aguwa (2019), the findings have demonstrated that educating nursing staff in the long-term care setting on an integrated multifactorial fall-prevention guideline leads to increased knowledge and self-efficacy to prevent falls. This can be helpful in the practice change; it contains information and data that can help implement an evidence-based fall prevention program.



Article 3: Impact of Nurses’ Intervention in the Prevention of falls in Hospitalized Patients:

Weakness- According to Montejano-Lozoya et al. (2020), advanced training for nurses in falls improves patient outcomes. Therefore, implementing advanced training for the nurse is necessary to help reduce falls and enhance patient outcomes. Furthermore, this article contains information that can be helpful in the practice change. It focused on improving the nursing process assessment, thus improving the detection of patients at risk. This type of training for nurses will help boost the effectiveness of evidence-based fall prevention programs for practice change projects. Nursing homework help


Article 4: Fall in Older people:

Strength– According to Rubenstein (2019), many older people fear falling; however, knowing what to do if a fall can help them be less afraid of falling. In this article, there are tips on preventing falls for the elderly which can help in the practice change project by sharing it with the older adults living in long-term care facilities and hospices.


Weakness– Article 5: Falls Prevention in Palliative Care: Introducing the Avoiding Falls Level of Observation Assessment Tool (AFLOAT):

According to Richardson (2019), despite having patient and family education that promotes fall prevention, fall incident still occurs, and most of the time, older people are at risk. Furthermore, older people should have a multifactorial assessment where they can be assessed based on their chances and other reason and formulate an individualized fall prevention strategy. Although the information in the article might be helpful due to the given period to complete the practice change project, the suggested individualized fall prevention strategy is possible, not achievable.


Strength- Article 6: Based Practice Guideline: Fall Prevention for Older Adults

Over a million die due to fall injuries every year. According to Kruschke & Butcher (2017), regardless of where the elderly population lives, whether in the community, at home, or care facility, they are at risk of experiencing falls. Reassessing a fall risk prevention program will ensure a proactive approach to reduce falls among the elderly population. The fall prevention evidence-based practice guideline describes strategies that can identify individual dangers of falling. Nursing homework help