Applying a splint to an open wound

Assignment Thirteen Splinting Extremities


Read Splinting Extremities in the textbook before starting the assignment. The answers for this assignment are in the textbook.

Q 1 – 4

What four reasons are given for splinting?

Q 5 – 7

In the Examples of Splints Fig. 16-1 what are the 3 types of splints?

Q 8

A ________ splint is almost always available because it uses the body itself as the splint.

Q 9

Before moving the victim, all fractures and dislocations should be ______.

Q 10

When applying a splint to an open wound, the first step is to ________.

Q 11

To determine what to splint, use the rule of_______.

Q 12 – 14

The acronym CSM represents _________, _________ and ____________.

Q 15 – 18

After the splint has been applied and CSM checked, use ______, _______, ______ and ______ on the injured part.

Q 19

Open, triangular bandages can be used as a _______ for injuries to the arm, wrist, clavicle, or shoulder areas.

Q 20

A ______ is used in conjunction with a sling to further stabilize the injured body part.

Q 21

In the case of a pelvis or hip fracture, treat for shock do not lift the legs and wait for EMS. Pelvis and hip fractures require the use of a ________ board

Q 22

Traction splints are seldom available except on ________ and require special training.

Q 23 – 25

If an injured knee is straight, splint it _______. If it is bent splint it _______. In the textbook illustrations, ______ bandages and a board are used to splint the knee.

Q 26 – 27

Treat ankle and foot injuries with the _______ procedures. To further stabilize, wrap a _________ around the ankle and foot and tie with cravats.