Culture Neutral Assessment Presentation

Culture Neutral Assessment Presentation

What are Cultural Neutral Assessments Used for?

Selection process of cultural neutral assessments.

How ethical are cultural neutral assessments?

Cultural biased assessments.

Examples of when culture biased assessments have been problematic.




In this presentation we will discuss what are cultural neutral assessments, and how are they used. This presentation will also advise on how the selection process of cultural neutral assessments works. This presentation will cover hos how ethical cultural neutral assessment maybe. This presentation will advise on cultural biased assessments. Finally, this presentation will provide examples of when culture biased assessment have been a problem. Culture Neutral Assessment Presentation


What are Cultural Neutral Assessments Used for?

Medical Needs



Intelligence & Skills


The purpose of a cultural neutral assessment is to assess intelligence or other attributes of an individual without relying on knowledge specific to any individual cultural group (Psychology, 2019). The information obtained from an assessment will help medical staff and the patient develop an acceptable plan of treatment.

Cultural neutral assessments can be used to determine medical needs, employment screening, personality type/traits, intelligence and skills, and education. An assessment can be used for employers to determine whether or not a candidate is a good fit for their company, and match their hiring criteria (Doyle, 2019). An educational assessment can be included with the intelligence and skills because an educational assessment helps determine where a child is in regard to their knowledge level and skills. It also helps determine whether or not the child is on track in their development, and if they are in the appropriate grade level. The use of personality assessments helps to determine aspects of a person’s personality; as well as their behavioral style. They are also a measurement of personality characteristics; such as whether a person is more introverted or extroverted. Culture Neutral Assessment Presentation

Selection process of Cultural Neutral Assessments

Cultural Neutral Assessments Ethical?

The Guidelines need to be the same to be considered ethical:

All participants have agreed to partake in the assessment.

It is used for specific aspects.

In order to be ethical the assessments must correspond with these aspects:

Item Response Theory

Relate to a Person’s Parameters

Itemize Parameters

Differential Item Functioning

They must go beyond factors that only focus on culture.

The use of multiple variable matching methods.

Cultural Neutral Assessments can be ethical but they need to follow the same ethics guidelines. The study can’ t cause any one any harm and the participants must understand the use of their data. The data and participants shouldn’t be used for specific aspects where cultural differences play a significant role.

The assessments that are utilized, Item Response and Differential Item Functioning, need to follow certain aspects. For item response, the assessments need to relate to person parameters and item parameters (Bushnell, 2000)Culture Neutral Assessment Presentation. This will ensure that the cultural aspects remain neutral. In addition, the differential item functioning needs to make sure that during assessments to go beyond and remove culture from the answers. This can be done by using the multiple-variable matching method (Wu & Erickson, 2006).


Cultural Biased Assessments

Examples of when culture biased assessments have been problematic



Wu, A. D. 1. ameryw@yahoo. co., & Ercikan, K. (2006). Using Multiple-Variable Matching to Identify Cultural Sources of Differential Item Functioning. International Journal of Testing, 6(3), 287–300.

Donald M. Bushnell, & Marianne Amir. (2000). Evaluation of the Whoqol-Bref in Six Countries: A Cross-Cultural Evaluation Using Rasch Item Response Theory (IRT) Analysis. Quality of Life Research, 9(3), 269. Retrieved from Culture Neutral Assessment Presentation