Implementation of leadership strategies for team building

7. ASSIGNAMENTS( updated)

1.2. Week 1 – How good are your decision making skills?

Due january 22  by 11:59pm

Points 10

My decision making skills result “

You have an excellent approach to decision making! You know how to set up the process and generate lots of potential solutions. From there, you analyze the options carefully, and you make the best decisions possible based on what you know. As you gain more and more experience, use that information to evaluate your decisions, and continue to build on your decision-making success. Think about the areas where you lost points, and decide how you can include those areas in your you answered the questions, did you see some common themes? We based our quiz on six essential steps in the decision-making process:”

What have you learned about your decision making skills? What is your plan to improve your decision making skills? Write a one page summary of your answers to the two questions above. 

2-Week 2 – Strategic PlanninG


No unread replies.No replies.

Discuss strategic planning as a management process. Are you aware of your organization’s strategic plan? Are nurse leaders involved in the planning process? Discuss how fiscal planning and strategic planning are related. Does your organization’s plan drive the budget or vice versa?

2.2-week 2 due jan 22

Quiet at Night? You are the night shift charge nurse on a busy surgical unit in a large, urban teaching hospital.  Surgeries occur around the clock, and frequently, noise levels are higher than desired because of the significant number of nurses, physicians, residents, interns, and other health-care workers who gather at the nurses station or in the halls outside of patient rooms.  Today, the unit manager has come to you because the hospital’s score on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (hCahPS) survey for the category Always Quiet at Night falls far below the desired benchmark.  She has asked you to devise a plan to address this quality of care issue.  The management goal in this situation is to achieve an HCAHPS score on Always Quiet at Night that meets the accepted best practices benchmark, thus assuring that patients get the rest they need to promote their recovery.  The leadership goal is to foster a shared commitment among all health-care professionals working on the unit to achieve the Always Quiet at Night goal.


1. Identify five management strategies you might use to address the problem of excessive noise on the unit at night. For example, your list might include structural environmental changes or work redesign.

2. Then identify five leadership strategies you might use to promote buy-in of the Quiet at Night initiative by all health-care professionals on the unit.  How will you inspire these individuals to work with you in achieving this critically important goal?  What incentives might you use to reward behavior conducive to meeting this goal?

3. Discuss whether you feel this goal could be achieved by employing only the management strategies you identified.  Could it be achieved only with the implementation of leadership strategies for team building

3- WEEK 3

Week 5 – Lessons of the geese



Analyze “Lessons of the Geese” and broadly discuss how this could be used to create and support an organizational culture that values and uses effective team concepts to improve clinical practice

4- WEEK 4


The American Nurse 

Submitting a text entry box or a file upload

The purpose of this assignment is

1. To identify the attitudes and behaviors that indicate responsibility and accountability as nurse leaders, and

2. Describe the role of nurse leaders in today’s health care environment.

Print “The American Nurse Reflection Study Guide” provided below (click on link) and watch the American Nurse documentary. The documentary provides a snapshot into the lives of five nurses. Use the reflection study guide to reflect and document your reflections as you watch the film.  

The American Nurse

4.4 week 4. Due date February 10

Building power as a nurse

You have been an RN for 3 years. Six months ago, you left your position as a day charge nurse at one of the local hospitals to accept a position in the public health agency. You really miss your friends at the hospital and find most of the public health nurses older and aloof. However, you love working with your patients and have decided that this is where you want to build a lifetime career. Although you believe that you have some good ideas, you are aware that because you are new, you will probably not be able to act as change agent yet. Eventually, you would like to be promoted to agency supervisor and become a powerful force for stimulating growth within the agency. You decided that you can do a few things to build a power base. Yo spend a weekend designing a personal power-building plan

 Make a power-building plan. Give six to ten specific examples of thing you would do to build a power base in the new organization. Provide rationale for each selection. Outline specific actions that you would take. It might be helpful to consider your own community and personal strengths when solving this learning experience.

5-WEEK 5

Change Theories Project

Use SWOT analisys


You will create a power point presentation for this assignment.

Student will develop a plan for implementing a change project in your organization. The first step is to identify a problem in your organization. Then you will propose a change to solve the problem. You will use a change theory that models how you want to implement the proposed change. You will conduct a SWOT analysis and develop a comprehensive action plan. You will create a power point presentation of your plan. You will examine the types of communications, decision-making processes you use.


Select and utilize a change theory model to implement the proposed change

Analyze the leadership roles and management skills necessary to implement a new process or change 


Leadership Change Project and PPT

Leadership Change Project and PPT
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeChangeIdentifies the proposed change, reasoning for proposed change with examples of current practice, and expected outcomes.10.0 ptsFull MarksContent is thorough and persuasive. Major points are specific, stated clearly and well supported.5.0 ptsContent is comprehensive and persuasive. Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.3.0 ptsContent is not comprehensive and/or persuasive. Major points are addressed but not well supported.0.0 ptsNo MarksContent is incomplete. Major points are not clear and/or persuasive.10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReview of the literatureAt least THREE nursing research articles included. Appropriate nursing theory identified and supported with references. The bibliography should include at least 4 professional, refereed journal articles.25.0 ptsFull MarksAnalysis of literature was excellently done and included questions and ideas for further research.13.0 ptsThe analysis of the literature was done well.7.0 ptsThe analysis of the literature referenced was poorly done.0.0 ptsNo MarksNo analysis of literature provided.25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBudget processestimate of how much the change will cost (attachment included)10.0 ptsFull MarksBudget preparation was excellently done. Budget included all expenses required for change (vendor quotes for equipment as appropriate, staffing hours, staff education, travel expenses, supplies, etc.)5.0 ptsBudget preparation was done well. Budget included most of expenses required for change (vendor quotes for equipment as appropriate, staffing hours, staff education, travel expenses, supplies, etc.)3.0 ptsBudget preparation was done well. Budget was missing some of expenses required for change (vendor quotes for equipment as appropriate, staffing hours, staff education, travel expenses, supplies, etc.)0.0 ptsNo MarksBudget preparation was done well. Budget did not include many of expenses required for change (vendor quotes for equipment as appropriate, staffing hours, staff education, travel expenses, supplies, etc.)10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscuss how nursing leadership can effect this change• Includes Essentials of Baccalaureate Education • Includes Essential Values • Applies Differentiated nursing practice • Identifies and applies appropriate ANA nursing standards • Incorporates ANA Scope of Practice • Identifies appropriate ethical considerations25.0 ptsFull MarksDiscussion of how nursing leadership can effect change is thorough and persuasive. Major points are specific, stated clearly and well supported.13.0 ptsDiscussion of how nursing leadership can effect change is comprehensive and persuasive. Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.7.0 ptsDiscussion of how nursing leadership can effect change is not comprehensive and/or persuasive. Major points are addressed but not well supported.0.0 ptsNo MarksDiscussion of how nursing leadership can effect change is incomplete. Major points are not clear and/or persuasive.25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics• Correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, sentence structure and paragraph construction. • Absence of run-on sentences, incomplete sentences with compound ideas. • APA (6th ed.) format for documentation used throughout the paper10.0 ptsFull MarksWriting is clear, concise, and well organized with the use of excellent mechanics and paragraph structure. Thoughts are expressed in a logical manner. None or minor APA formatting errors5.0 ptsWriting is mostly clear, concise, and organized with the use of excellent mechanics and paragraph structure. Thoughts are expressed in a logical manner. Some APA formatting errors3.0 ptsWriting is unclear, and thoughts are not well organized. Thoughts are not expressed in a logical manner. 2 -3 run-on sentences exist. Few APA formatting errors2.0 ptsWriting is unclear, and thoughts are not well organized. Thoughts are not expressed in a logical manner. 2 -3 run-on sentences exist. Many APA formatting errors0.0 ptsNo MarksWriting does not reflect an organization pattern Writing does not follow APA format10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization• Logical content and flow of ideas with smooth transitions between ideas and paragraphs. • Writer’s intent and meaning clear and specifically stated (does not ramble or elude)10.0 ptsFull MarksConcepts of paragraphs are filled with details of support for topic sentences. Paragraphs flow into each other with connective concepts.5.0 ptsConcepts of the paragraphs are clear and easy to follow3.0 ptsStructure of the paragraph is not easy to follow. Paragraph transitions need improvement. Concepts are disconnected.0.0 ptsNo MarksOrganization and structure detract from the concepts of the paper. Concepts are disjointed and lack transition of thoughts.10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePower Ponit Presentation• Oral presentation • Visual design • Grammar and spelling10.0 ptsWell prepared, speaks clearly, makes eye contact with audience, delivers with ease, invites questions. Visually appealing, clean simple layout, text is easy to read, graphics enhance understanding of ideas5.0 ptsEngages audience, fluid delivery, uses different approach other than simply reading screen, invites questions Visually attractive, text is easy to read, colors enhance readability, graphics and special effects do not distract from understanding ideas3.0 ptsClear and understandable, uses limited delivery techniques Text is sometimes hard to read, sometimes graphics or special effects distract from understanding0.0 ptsNo MarksNot clear, not understandable. Text is very difficult to read, layout is cluttered and confusing10.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0

Implementation of leadership strategies for team building

7. ASSIGNAMENTS( updated)

1.2. Week 1 – How good are your decision making skills?

Due january 22  by 11:59pm

Points 10

My decision making skills result “

You have an excellent approach to decision making! You know how to set up the process and generate lots of potential solutions. From there, you analyze the options carefully, and you make the best decisions possible based on what you know. As you gain more and more experience, use that information to evaluate your decisions, and continue to build on your decision-making success. Think about the areas where you lost points, and decide how you can include those areas in your you answered the questions, did you see some common themes? We based our quiz on six essential steps in the decision-making process:”

What have you learned about your decision making skills? What is your plan to improve your decision making skills? Write a one page summary of your answers to the two questions above. 

2-Week 2 – Strategic PlanninG


No unread replies.No replies.

Discuss strategic planning as a management process. Are you aware of your organization’s strategic plan? Are nurse leaders involved in the planning process? Discuss how fiscal planning and strategic planning are related. Does your organization’s plan drive the budget or vice versa?

2.2-week 2 due jan 22

Quiet at Night? You are the night shift charge nurse on a busy surgical unit in a large, urban teaching hospital.  Surgeries occur around the clock, and frequently, noise levels are higher than desired because of the significant number of nurses, physicians, residents, interns, and other health-care workers who gather at the nurses station or in the halls outside of patient rooms.  Today, the unit manager has come to you because the hospital’s score on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (hCahPS) survey for the category Always Quiet at Night falls far below the desired benchmark.  She has asked you to devise a plan to address this quality of care issue.  The management goal in this situation is to achieve an HCAHPS score on Always Quiet at Night that meets the accepted best practices benchmark, thus assuring that patients get the rest they need to promote their recovery.  The leadership goal is to foster a shared commitment among all health-care professionals working on the unit to achieve the Always Quiet at Night goal.


1. Identify five management strategies you might use to address the problem of excessive noise on the unit at night. For example, your list might include structural environmental changes or work redesign.

2. Then identify five leadership strategies you might use to promote buy-in of the Quiet at Night initiative by all health-care professionals on the unit.  How will you inspire these individuals to work with you in achieving this critically important goal?  What incentives might you use to reward behavior conducive to meeting this goal?

3. Discuss whether you feel this goal could be achieved by employing only the management strategies you identified.  Could it be achieved only with the implementation of leadership strategies for team building

3- WEEK 3

Week 5 – Lessons of the geese



Analyze “Lessons of the Geese” and broadly discuss how this could be used to create and support an organizational culture that values and uses effective team concepts to improve clinical practice

4- WEEK 4


The American Nurse 

Submitting a text entry box or a file upload

The purpose of this assignment is

1. To identify the attitudes and behaviors that indicate responsibility and accountability as nurse leaders, and

2. Describe the role of nurse leaders in today’s health care environment.

Print “The American Nurse Reflection Study Guide” provided below (click on link) and watch the American Nurse documentary. The documentary provides a snapshot into the lives of five nurses. Use the reflection study guide to reflect and document your reflections as you watch the film.  

The American Nurse

4.4 week 4. Due date February 10

Building power as a nurse

You have been an RN for 3 years. Six months ago, you left your position as a day charge nurse at one of the local hospitals to accept a position in the public health agency. You really miss your friends at the hospital and find most of the public health nurses older and aloof. However, you love working with your patients and have decided that this is where you want to build a lifetime career. Although you believe that you have some good ideas, you are aware that because you are new, you will probably not be able to act as change agent yet. Eventually, you would like to be promoted to agency supervisor and become a powerful force for stimulating growth within the agency. You decided that you can do a few things to build a power base. Yo spend a weekend designing a personal power-building plan

 Make a power-building plan. Give six to ten specific examples of thing you would do to build a power base in the new organization. Provide rationale for each selection. Outline specific actions that you would take. It might be helpful to consider your own community and personal strengths when solving this learning experience.

5-WEEK 5

Change Theories Project

Use SWOT analisys


You will create a power point presentation for this assignment.

Student will develop a plan for implementing a change project in your organization. The first step is to identify a problem in your organization. Then you will propose a change to solve the problem. You will use a change theory that models how you want to implement the proposed change. You will conduct a SWOT analysis and develop a comprehensive action plan. You will create a power point presentation of your plan. You will examine the types of communications, decision-making processes you use.


Select and utilize a change theory model to implement the proposed change

Analyze the leadership roles and management skills necessary to implement a new process or change 


Leadership Change Project and PPT

Leadership Change Project and PPT
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeChangeIdentifies the proposed change, reasoning for proposed change with examples of current practice, and expected outcomes.10.0 ptsFull MarksContent is thorough and persuasive. Major points are specific, stated clearly and well supported.5.0 ptsContent is comprehensive and persuasive. Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.3.0 ptsContent is not comprehensive and/or persuasive. Major points are addressed but not well supported.0.0 ptsNo MarksContent is incomplete. Major points are not clear and/or persuasive.10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReview of the literatureAt least THREE nursing research articles included. Appropriate nursing theory identified and supported with references. The bibliography should include at least 4 professional, refereed journal articles.25.0 ptsFull MarksAnalysis of literature was excellently done and included questions and ideas for further research.13.0 ptsThe analysis of the literature was done well.7.0 ptsThe analysis of the literature referenced was poorly done.0.0 ptsNo MarksNo analysis of literature provided.25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBudget processestimate of how much the change will cost (attachment included)10.0 ptsFull MarksBudget preparation was excellently done. Budget included all expenses required for change (vendor quotes for equipment as appropriate, staffing hours, staff education, travel expenses, supplies, etc.)5.0 ptsBudget preparation was done well. Budget included most of expenses required for change (vendor quotes for equipment as appropriate, staffing hours, staff education, travel expenses, supplies, etc.)3.0 ptsBudget preparation was done well. Budget was missing some of expenses required for change (vendor quotes for equipment as appropriate, staffing hours, staff education, travel expenses, supplies, etc.)0.0 ptsNo MarksBudget preparation was done well. Budget did not include many of expenses required for change (vendor quotes for equipment as appropriate, staffing hours, staff education, travel expenses, supplies, etc.)10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscuss how nursing leadership can effect this change• Includes Essentials of Baccalaureate Education • Includes Essential Values • Applies Differentiated nursing practice • Identifies and applies appropriate ANA nursing standards • Incorporates ANA Scope of Practice • Identifies appropriate ethical considerations25.0 ptsFull MarksDiscussion of how nursing leadership can effect change is thorough and persuasive. Major points are specific, stated clearly and well supported.13.0 ptsDiscussion of how nursing leadership can effect change is comprehensive and persuasive. Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.7.0 ptsDiscussion of how nursing leadership can effect change is not comprehensive and/or persuasive. Major points are addressed but not well supported.0.0 ptsNo MarksDiscussion of how nursing leadership can effect change is incomplete. Major points are not clear and/or persuasive.25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics• Correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, sentence structure and paragraph construction. • Absence of run-on sentences, incomplete sentences with compound ideas. • APA (6th ed.) format for documentation used throughout the paper10.0 ptsFull MarksWriting is clear, concise, and well organized with the use of excellent mechanics and paragraph structure. Thoughts are expressed in a logical manner. None or minor APA formatting errors5.0 ptsWriting is mostly clear, concise, and organized with the use of excellent mechanics and paragraph structure. Thoughts are expressed in a logical manner. Some APA formatting errors3.0 ptsWriting is unclear, and thoughts are not well organized. Thoughts are not expressed in a logical manner. 2 -3 run-on sentences exist. Few APA formatting errors2.0 ptsWriting is unclear, and thoughts are not well organized. Thoughts are not expressed in a logical manner. 2 -3 run-on sentences exist. Many APA formatting errors0.0 ptsNo MarksWriting does not reflect an organization pattern Writing does not follow APA format10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization• Logical content and flow of ideas with smooth transitions between ideas and paragraphs. • Writer’s intent and meaning clear and specifically stated (does not ramble or elude)10.0 ptsFull MarksConcepts of paragraphs are filled with details of support for topic sentences. Paragraphs flow into each other with connective concepts.5.0 ptsConcepts of the paragraphs are clear and easy to follow3.0 ptsStructure of the paragraph is not easy to follow. Paragraph transitions need improvement. Concepts are disconnected.0.0 ptsNo MarksOrganization and structure detract from the concepts of the paper. Concepts are disjointed and lack transition of thoughts.10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePower Ponit Presentation• Oral presentation • Visual design • Grammar and spelling10.0 ptsWell prepared, speaks clearly, makes eye contact with audience, delivers with ease, invites questions. Visually appealing, clean simple layout, text is easy to read, graphics enhance understanding of ideas5.0 ptsEngages audience, fluid delivery, uses different approach other than simply reading screen, invites questions Visually attractive, text is easy to read, colors enhance readability, graphics and special effects do not distract from understanding ideas3.0 ptsClear and understandable, uses limited delivery techniques Text is sometimes hard to read, sometimes graphics or special effects distract from understanding0.0 ptsNo MarksNot clear, not understandable. Text is very difficult to read, layout is cluttered and confusing10.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0

Implementation of leadership strategies for team building

7. ASSIGNAMENTS( updated)

1.2. Week 1 – How good are your decision making skills?

Due january 22  by 11:59pm

Points 10

My decision making skills result “

You have an excellent approach to decision making! You know how to set up the process and generate lots of potential solutions. From there, you analyze the options carefully, and you make the best decisions possible based on what you know. As you gain more and more experience, use that information to evaluate your decisions, and continue to build on your decision-making success. Think about the areas where you lost points, and decide how you can include those areas in your you answered the questions, did you see some common themes? We based our quiz on six essential steps in the decision-making process:”

What have you learned about your decision making skills? What is your plan to improve your decision making skills? Write a one page summary of your answers to the two questions above. 

2-Week 2 – Strategic PlanninG


No unread replies.No replies.

Discuss strategic planning as a management process. Are you aware of your organization’s strategic plan? Are nurse leaders involved in the planning process? Discuss how fiscal planning and strategic planning are related. Does your organization’s plan drive the budget or vice versa?

2.2-week 2 due jan 22

Quiet at Night? You are the night shift charge nurse on a busy surgical unit in a large, urban teaching hospital.  Surgeries occur around the clock, and frequently, noise levels are higher than desired because of the significant number of nurses, physicians, residents, interns, and other health-care workers who gather at the nurses station or in the halls outside of patient rooms.  Today, the unit manager has come to you because the hospital’s score on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (hCahPS) survey for the category Always Quiet at Night falls far below the desired benchmark.  She has asked you to devise a plan to address this quality of care issue.  The management goal in this situation is to achieve an HCAHPS score on Always Quiet at Night that meets the accepted best practices benchmark, thus assuring that patients get the rest they need to promote their recovery.  The leadership goal is to foster a shared commitment among all health-care professionals working on the unit to achieve the Always Quiet at Night goal.


1. Identify five management strategies you might use to address the problem of excessive noise on the unit at night. For example, your list might include structural environmental changes or work redesign.

2. Then identify five leadership strategies you might use to promote buy-in of the Quiet at Night initiative by all health-care professionals on the unit.  How will you inspire these individuals to work with you in achieving this critically important goal?  What incentives might you use to reward behavior conducive to meeting this goal?

3. Discuss whether you feel this goal could be achieved by employing only the management strategies you identified.  Could it be achieved only with the implementation of leadership strategies for team building

3- WEEK 3

Week 5 – Lessons of the geese



Analyze “Lessons of the Geese” and broadly discuss how this could be used to create and support an organizational culture that values and uses effective team concepts to improve clinical practice

4- WEEK 4


The American Nurse 

Submitting a text entry box or a file upload

The purpose of this assignment is

1. To identify the attitudes and behaviors that indicate responsibility and accountability as nurse leaders, and

2. Describe the role of nurse leaders in today’s health care environment.

Print “The American Nurse Reflection Study Guide” provided below (click on link) and watch the American Nurse documentary. The documentary provides a snapshot into the lives of five nurses. Use the reflection study guide to reflect and document your reflections as you watch the film.  

The American Nurse

4.4 week 4. Due date February 10

Building power as a nurse

You have been an RN for 3 years. Six months ago, you left your position as a day charge nurse at one of the local hospitals to accept a position in the public health agency. You really miss your friends at the hospital and find most of the public health nurses older and aloof. However, you love working with your patients and have decided that this is where you want to build a lifetime career. Although you believe that you have some good ideas, you are aware that because you are new, you will probably not be able to act as change agent yet. Eventually, you would like to be promoted to agency supervisor and become a powerful force for stimulating growth within the agency. You decided that you can do a few things to build a power base. Yo spend a weekend designing a personal power-building plan

 Make a power-building plan. Give six to ten specific examples of thing you would do to build a power base in the new organization. Provide rationale for each selection. Outline specific actions that you would take. It might be helpful to consider your own community and personal strengths when solving this learning experience.

5-WEEK 5

Change Theories Project

Use SWOT analisys


You will create a power point presentation for this assignment.

Student will develop a plan for implementing a change project in your organization. The first step is to identify a problem in your organization. Then you will propose a change to solve the problem. You will use a change theory that models how you want to implement the proposed change. You will conduct a SWOT analysis and develop a comprehensive action plan. You will create a power point presentation of your plan. You will examine the types of communications, decision-making processes you use.


Select and utilize a change theory model to implement the proposed change

Analyze the leadership roles and management skills necessary to implement a new process or change 


Leadership Change Project and PPT

Leadership Change Project and PPT
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeChangeIdentifies the proposed change, reasoning for proposed change with examples of current practice, and expected outcomes.10.0 ptsFull MarksContent is thorough and persuasive. Major points are specific, stated clearly and well supported.5.0 ptsContent is comprehensive and persuasive. Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.3.0 ptsContent is not comprehensive and/or persuasive. Major points are addressed but not well supported.0.0 ptsNo MarksContent is incomplete. Major points are not clear and/or persuasive.10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReview of the literatureAt least THREE nursing research articles included. Appropriate nursing theory identified and supported with references. The bibliography should include at least 4 professional, refereed journal articles.25.0 ptsFull MarksAnalysis of literature was excellently done and included questions and ideas for further research.13.0 ptsThe analysis of the literature was done well.7.0 ptsThe analysis of the literature referenced was poorly done.0.0 ptsNo MarksNo analysis of literature provided.25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBudget processestimate of how much the change will cost (attachment included)10.0 ptsFull MarksBudget preparation was excellently done. Budget included all expenses required for change (vendor quotes for equipment as appropriate, staffing hours, staff education, travel expenses, supplies, etc.)5.0 ptsBudget preparation was done well. Budget included most of expenses required for change (vendor quotes for equipment as appropriate, staffing hours, staff education, travel expenses, supplies, etc.)3.0 ptsBudget preparation was done well. Budget was missing some of expenses required for change (vendor quotes for equipment as appropriate, staffing hours, staff education, travel expenses, supplies, etc.)0.0 ptsNo MarksBudget preparation was done well. Budget did not include many of expenses required for change (vendor quotes for equipment as appropriate, staffing hours, staff education, travel expenses, supplies, etc.)10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscuss how nursing leadership can effect this change• Includes Essentials of Baccalaureate Education • Includes Essential Values • Applies Differentiated nursing practice • Identifies and applies appropriate ANA nursing standards • Incorporates ANA Scope of Practice • Identifies appropriate ethical considerations25.0 ptsFull MarksDiscussion of how nursing leadership can effect change is thorough and persuasive. Major points are specific, stated clearly and well supported.13.0 ptsDiscussion of how nursing leadership can effect change is comprehensive and persuasive. Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.7.0 ptsDiscussion of how nursing leadership can effect change is not comprehensive and/or persuasive. Major points are addressed but not well supported.0.0 ptsNo MarksDiscussion of how nursing leadership can effect change is incomplete. Major points are not clear and/or persuasive.25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics• Correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, sentence structure and paragraph construction. • Absence of run-on sentences, incomplete sentences with compound ideas. • APA (6th ed.) format for documentation used throughout the paper10.0 ptsFull MarksWriting is clear, concise, and well organized with the use of excellent mechanics and paragraph structure. Thoughts are expressed in a logical manner. None or minor APA formatting errors5.0 ptsWriting is mostly clear, concise, and organized with the use of excellent mechanics and paragraph structure. Thoughts are expressed in a logical manner. Some APA formatting errors3.0 ptsWriting is unclear, and thoughts are not well organized. Thoughts are not expressed in a logical manner. 2 -3 run-on sentences exist. Few APA formatting errors2.0 ptsWriting is unclear, and thoughts are not well organized. Thoughts are not expressed in a logical manner. 2 -3 run-on sentences exist. Many APA formatting errors0.0 ptsNo MarksWriting does not reflect an organization pattern Writing does not follow APA format10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization• Logical content and flow of ideas with smooth transitions between ideas and paragraphs. • Writer’s intent and meaning clear and specifically stated (does not ramble or elude)10.0 ptsFull MarksConcepts of paragraphs are filled with details of support for topic sentences. Paragraphs flow into each other with connective concepts.5.0 ptsConcepts of the paragraphs are clear and easy to follow3.0 ptsStructure of the paragraph is not easy to follow. Paragraph transitions need improvement. Concepts are disconnected.0.0 ptsNo MarksOrganization and structure detract from the concepts of the paper. Concepts are disjointed and lack transition of thoughts.10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePower Ponit Presentation• Oral presentation • Visual design • Grammar and spelling10.0 ptsWell prepared, speaks clearly, makes eye contact with audience, delivers with ease, invites questions. Visually appealing, clean simple layout, text is easy to read, graphics enhance understanding of ideas5.0 ptsEngages audience, fluid delivery, uses different approach other than simply reading screen, invites questions Visually attractive, text is easy to read, colors enhance readability, graphics and special effects do not distract from understanding ideas3.0 ptsClear and understandable, uses limited delivery techniques Text is sometimes hard to read, sometimes graphics or special effects distract from understanding0.0 ptsNo MarksNot clear, not understandable. Text is very difficult to read, layout is cluttered and confusing10.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0