Preparing for Emergencies, Preventing Work Place Violence, Handling Collective Bargaining Issues

Unit 13 – Preparing for Emergencies, Preventing Work Place Violence, Handling Collective Bargaining Issues

Reading Assignment: Chapter 22, 23 and 24 in Sullivan

Assignment 1: Evaluate your current workplace or clinical site. See if you can find potential opportunities that would allow violence to occur. Describe them.

Assignment 2: Are you aware of specific action that your school, workplace, or clinical site has done to protect people from violence? What more could you suggest?

Assignment 3: Have you ever participated in disaster drills? How well did you follow your training? How well did the organization handle the drill? Did you see areas for improvement?

Assignment 4: Please read the New York Times article “Supreme Court Rules Against Retirees in Union Health Benefits Case by Adam Liptak, January 26, 2015.

Assignment 5: Please read the New York Times article “Amid Cuomo’s Medicaid Cuts, a Health Care Workers’ Union Shapes a Victory” by Nicholas Confessore, February 28, 2011.

Assignment 6: Please read the New York Times article “Violence on the Oncology Ward: by Theresa Brown, March 17, 2010.

Assignment 7: Please read the New York Times article “Feeling Strain When Violent Patients Need Care” by Theresa Brown, January 30, 2012.

UNIT 14 – Health Care Ethics and the Near Future

Reading Assignment: Chapter 10 Assignments – page 283

Assignment 1: Review Question K

Assignment 2: Review Question M

Assignment 3: In the News, Page 265

Assignment 4: Please read the New York Times article, “Fears, Not Facts, Support G.M.O. – Free Food” by Jane Brody, June 8, 2015.

Assignment 5: Please read the New York Times article, “I had my DNA Picture Taken, With Varying Results, by Kira Peikoff, December30, 2013.

Assignment 6: Please read the New York Times article, “1 Patient, 7 Tumors and 100 Billion Cells Equal 1 Striking Recovery”, by Denise Grady, December 7, 2016.