Culturally and ethically competent care methods the Nurse Practitioner will employ in caring for the population

No Plegarism please, assignment will be checked with Turnitin. 

Will need minimum of 5 full pages, plus title, and reference page APA Style, double spaced, times new roman, font 12, and and (3 references within 5 years 2014-2018) with intext citations). 

The purpose of this Assignment is for you to gain an understanding of the psychosocial needs of vulnerable female populations and issues impacting culturally competent delivery of women’s health care. This is a 5–6 page paper, excluding title page and references, written in 6th edition APA format. Please review the grading rubric in course resources. Culturally and ethically competent care methods the Nurse Practitioner will employ in caring for the population


1. Select a vulnerable female population ( I chose homeless women).

2. Introduce the group and why you selected it.

3. Outline the relevant group statistics related to the population as well as the impact of the group on women’s health.

4. Analyze the psychosocial needs of the selected group.

5. Discuss the issues impacting culturally competent care delivery for the group.

6. Describe the associated culturally and ethically competent care methods the Nurse Practitioner will employ in caring for the population.





Unit 2: Issues Impacting Vulnerable Female Populations
Introductory Emergent Practiced Proficient/Mastered Score Weight Final Score
0 -1.9 2.0-2.9 3.0-3.9 4
Population Did not select and describe one vulnerable female population impacting women’s health. Did not analyze the chosen population describing reason for choosing, impact on women’s health, and relevant group statistics. Selected and described one vulnerable female population impacting women’s health. Satisfactorily analyzed the chosen population describing reason for choosing, impact on women’s health, and relevant group statistics. Selected and described one vulnerable female population impacting women’s health. Adequately analyzed the chosen population describing reason for choosing, impact on women’s health, and relevant group statistics. Selected and described one vulnerable female population impacting women’s health. Thoroughly analyzed the chosen population describing reason for choosing, impact on women’s health, and relevant group statistics. 0 30% 0.00
Analysis Did not analyze the psychosocial needs of the selected group and did not discuss the issues impacting culturally competent care delivery. Satisfactorily analyzed the psychosocial needs of the selected group and discussed the issues impacting culturally competent care delivery. Adequately analyzed the psychosocial needs of the selected group and discussed the issues impacting culturally competent care delivery. Thoroughly analyzed the psychosocial needs of the selected group and discussed the issues impacting culturally competent care delivery. 0 30% 0.00
Competent Care Did not describe the associated culturally and ethically competent care methods the NP will employ in caring for the population. Satisfactorily described the associated culturally and ethically competent care methods the NP will employ in caring for the population including one example. Adequately described the associated culturally and ethically competent care methods the NP will employ in caring for the population including two examples. Thoroughly described the associated culturally and ethically competent care methods the NP will employ in caring for the population including two examples. 0 30% 0.00
Length Paper is less than 5 pages in length. n/a n/a Paper is 5–7 pages in length. 0 5% 0.00
Format/Style Did not follow APA format. Major errors with APA formatting. Text, title page, and references page follow APA guidelines. Minor references and grammar errors. Text, title page, and references page follow APA guidelines. No grammar, word usage, or punctuation errors. Overall style is consistent with professional work. 0 5% 0.00
100% 0.00
Final Score 0
Percentage 0.00%
Total available points = 50 4
Rubric Score Grade points Percentage
Low High Low High Low High
3.5 4.0 45 50 90% 100%
2.5 3.49 40 45 80% 89.99%
1.7 2.49 35 40 70% 79.99%
1.0 1.69 30 35 60% 69.99%
0.0 1.00 0 30 0 59.99%