How the policy can be used by the interprofessional team to ensure coordinated and comprehensive care for the specific population

Health policy unfolds daily and drives clinical practice in the US. The student will investigate current policies or legislation underway for a specific health-related issue. The Student will develop a scholarly APA formatted paper supported by evidence. The policy paper rubric:

Introduction to population or problem (incidence, prevalence, epidemiology, cost burden etc)

Description of how the policy is intended for a specific population, program or organization

Specific legislators involved in the policy development and dissemination

Identify the role of the APRN in assisting with the policy or refuting the policy – this requires the evidence to support opinion, ideas and/or concepts.

Discuss how the policy influences clinical practice and is used to promote best outcomes

Examine how the policy can be used by the interprofessional team to ensure coordinated and comprehensive care for the specific population

Conclusion – summarize findings

APA format – use of primary peer-reviewed references as much as possible

Submission Details:

  • Support your responses with examples.
  • Cite any sources in APA format.

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c Name: NSG6002 Week 4 Project Rubric

CriteriaNo Evidence 0 pointsUnsatisfactory 51 pointsSatisfactory 59 pointsProficient 66 pointsExemplary 75 pointsHealth Topic Describe a single health promotion/disease prevention problem from the Healthy People 2020 Objectives Introduction to population or problem Describe incidence, prevalence, epidemiology, cost burden etc.,Student did not submit assignmentWork minimally meets assignment expectations. No purpose statement is provided.Assignment meets some expectations with minimal depth and breath. Purpose statement is vague.Assignment meets most of expectations with all components being addressed in good depth and breadth. Purpose statement is present and appropriate for the assignment.Assignment meets all expectations with exceptional depth and breath. A comprehensive purpose statement delineates all requirements of the assignment.Description of specific population, program or organization Discuss how the policy is intended for a specific population, program or organization Specific legislators involved Identify and discuss specific legislators involved in the policy development andStudent did not submit assignmentShows some degree of understanding of assignment concepts.Demonstrates a clear understanding of assignment concepts.Demonstrates the ability to evaluate and apply key assignment concepts.Demonstrates the ability to evaluate, apply and integrate key assignment concepts.Policy, practice and outcomes Discuss how the policy influences clinical practice and is used to promote best outcomes Policy, practice and the inter-professional team Examine how the policy can be used by the inter-professional team to ensure coordinatedStudent did not submit assignmentDoes not interpret, apply, and synthesize concepts, and/or strategies.Summarizes information gleaned from sources to support major points, but does not synthesize. Provides minimal justification to support major topics. Uses 1 credible resource in the assignment.Synthesizes and justifies (defends, explains, validates, confirms) information gleaned from sources to support major points presented. Uses a minimum of 2 credible resources in the assignment.Synthesizes and justifies (defends, explains, validates, confirms) information gleaned from sources to support major points presented. Uses 3 credible resources for the assignment, including at least 1 scholarly peer-reviewed resource.CriteriaNo Evidence 0 pointsUnsatisfactory 16 pointsSatisfactory 19 pointsProficient 21 pointsExemplary 25 pointsComprehensive Review of Literature Perform and demonstrate a comprehensive review of the current evidence. Use of primary sources and evidence that is not older than 5 years Writing, grammar and APA application Scholarly grammar, use of APA 6th edition foStudent did not submit assignmentContains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, punctuation and APA errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.Contains a few (3-4) grammar, spelling, punctuation and APA errors.Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors. Contains a few (1–2) APA format errors.Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors. Uses correct APA format with no errors.Overall ScoreNo Evidence 0 or moreUnsatisfactory 169 or moreSatisfactory 196 or moreProficient 219 or moreExemplary 250 or more

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