Preparing for Emergencies, Preventing Work Place Violence, Handling Collective Bargaining Issues

Reading Assignment: Chapter 22, 23 and 24 in Sullivan

Assignment 1: Evaluate your current workplace or clinical site. See if you can find potential opportunities that would allow violence to occur. Describe them.

Assignment 2: Are you aware of specific action that your school, workplace, or clinical site has done to protect people from violence? What more could you suggest?

Assignment 3: Have you ever participated in disaster drills? How well did you follow your training? How well did the organization handle the drill? Did you see areas for improvement?


Assignment 4: Please read the New York Times article “Supreme Court Rules Against Retirees in Union Health Benefits Case by Adam Liptak, January 26, 2015. Preparing for Emergencies, Preventing Work Place Violence, Handling Collective Bargaining Issues

Assignment 5: Please read the New York Times article “Amid Cuomo’s Medicaid Cuts, a Health Care Workers’ Union Shapes a Victory” by Nicholas Confessore, February 28, 2011.

Assignment 6: Please read the New York Times article “Violence on the Oncology Ward: by Theresa Brown, March 17, 2010.

Assignment 7: Please read the New York Times article “Feeling Strain When Violent Patients Need Care” by Theresa Brown, January 30, 2012.

UNIT 14 – Health Care Ethics and the Near Future

Reading Assignment: Chapter 10 Assignments – page 283

Assignment 1: Review Question K

Assignment 2: Review Question M

Assignment 3: In the News, Page 265

Assignment 4: Please read the New York Times article, “Fears, Not Facts, Support G.M.O. – Free Food” by Jane Brody, June 8, 2015.

Assignment 5: Please read the New York Times article, “I had my DNA Picture Taken, With Varying Results, by Kira Peikoff, December30, 2013.

Assignment 6: Please read the New York Times article, “1 Patient, 7 Tumors and 100 Billion Cells Equal 1 Striking Recovery”, by Denise Grady, December 7, 2016. Preparing for Emergencies, Preventing Work Place Violence, Handling Collective Bargaining Issues