Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper

Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper

Signature Assignment

1 Revised and Adopted by the Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice: June 26, 2014, Available from:

SAMPLE PAPER – Shared with Student Permission

Student Name

National University

COH 499 Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper


Analytical/Assessment Skills (Domain 1) Self-Perceived Proficiency 1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill 2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill 3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill 4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others Tier 1 Competencies: To what degree are you able to effectively…


1. Describe factors affecting the health of a community (e.g., equity, income, education, environment)

2. Identify quantitative and qualitative data and information (e.g., vital statistics, electronic health records, transportation patterns, unemployment rates, community input, health equity impact assessments) that can be used for assessing the health of a community

3. Apply ethical principles in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information

4. Use information technology in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information

5. Select valid and reliable data 6. Select comparable data (e.g., data being age-adjusted to the same year, data variables Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper

across datasets having similar definitions). 7. Identify gaps in data 8. Collect valid and reliable quantitative and qualitative data 9. Describe public health applications of quantitative and qualitative data 10. Use quantitative and qualitative data 11. Describe assets and resources that can be used for improving the health of a community

(e.g., Boys & Girls Clubs, public libraries, hospitals, faith-based organizations, academic institutions, federal grants, fellowship programs)

12. Contribute to assessments of community health status and factors influencing health in a community (e.g., quality, availability, accessibility, and use of health services; access to affordable housing)

13. Explain how community health assessments use information about health status, factors influencing health, and assets and resources

14. Describe how evidence (e.g., data, findings reported in peer-reviewed literature) is used in decision making Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper

Evidence of Proficiency: A course that added to my proficiency in this domain was Epidemiology. In this course we reviewed and analyzed case studies that have had a significant impact on Public Health. These case studies provided me with knowledge on how to identify, use, collect and compare qualitative and quantitative data from research. The two case studies on Cigarette Smoking and Lung Cancer, are a great example of how epidemiological evidence was used in decisions made to change tobacco laws. This particular case study assignment gave me a more in depth knowledge and understanding of attributable risk, population attributable risk, mortality and rate ratio’s and how to use these calculations in comparing data sets. Further application of my knowledge in this domain came from an assignment from my COH 401 course on Health Promotion Concepts. I did a research paper on HIV/AIDS Community Based Programs. Faith Based Organizations are one avenue that is useful in improving health in a community. For this assignment, I researched an organization called Project F.A.I.T.H. It was an initiative of the South Carolina HIV/AIDS Council (SCHAC). It was developed primarily Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper


to support African American churches, and other faith-based organizations (FBO’s), in developing and implementing locally grown and independent HIV/AIDS interventions for their congregants and local communities. Even after external funding was discontinued, these local programs continued to thrive. Evidence from these types of community organizations suggests they are a valuable community asset. Proficiency Improvement:

To become more proficient in this domain, I will need to become more familiar with information systems that are used in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using and maintaining data. I understand how to use the analyzed data, but need to learn how to use the technology and interpret the data graphs. In my biostatistics class we used a program for this but it was an area I struggled with. To gain further proficiency in using these programs, I will be taking future courses in biostatistics while pursuing my MPH. I plan to take this class on campus verses online to have a more interactive learning experience with the programs. To continue gaining understanding of data analyzes and how it impacts public health, I plan to seek tutoring services while pursuing my MPH. This will help me with interpreting the graphed data Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper


Policy Development/Program Planning Skills (Domain 2)

Self-Perceived Proficiency 1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill 2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill 3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill 4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others

Tier 1 Competencies: To what degree are you able to effectively…

1. Contribute to state/Tribal/community health improvement planning (e.g., providing data to supplement community health assessments, communicating observations from work in the field) Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper

2. Contribute to development of program goals and objectives 3. Describe organizational strategic plan (e.g., includes measurable objectives and targets;

relationship to community health improvement plan, workforce development plan, quality improvement plan, and other plans)

4. Contribute to implementation of organizational strategic plan 5. Identify current trends (e.g., health, fiscal, social, political, environmental) affecting the

health of a community 6. Gather information that can inform options for policies, programs, and services (e.g.,

secondhand smoking policies, data use policies, HR policies, immunization programs, food safety programs)

7. Describe implications of policies, programs, and services 8. Implement policies, programs, and services 9. Explain the importance of evaluations for improving policies, programs, and services 10. Gather information for evaluating policies, programs, and services (e.g., outputs,

outcomes, processes, procedures, return on investment) 11. Apply strategies for continuous quality improvement 12. Describe how public health informatics is used in developing, implementing, evaluating,

and improving policies, programs, and services (e.g., integrated data systems, electronic reporting, knowledge management systems, geographic information systems)Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper

Evidence of Proficiency: One of the biggest influences that has added to my proficiency in this domain has been the volunteer work I have done with the American Lung Association (ALA). My evidence of proficiency in this domain include two separate projects I have worked. One of the projects I just finished was collecting surveyed information from businesses that have a permit to sell tobacco. This project was in collaboration with the County of San Diego through the Live Well San Diego initiative. This campaign is titled, Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community. The goal is to assess the availability and marketing of tobacco products, condoms, alcohol and food products. I attended a training and worked in the field collecting these surveys. I then followed up with the program lead communicating observations. Gathering information like this has had a huge impact on policy changes. Recently, the advocacy work done by organizations like the ALA has led to a change of the legal age to purchase tobacco products from 18 to 21. My second evidence of proficiency comes from the information I have learned from working with ALA. I have gained the knowledge from attending meetings and assisting on projects. I have contributed to implementation of program planning by helping prepare for a forum being help next month. I have contacted law makers and gathered information to put together education packets Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper )


Proficiency Improvement: I will continue to gain proficiency in this domain by staying on at the ALA as an advocacy intern. I plan to continue working with them while pursuing my MPH. One thing I will be working on will be attending and assisting in a forum held by the Tobacco Control Coalition. This forum will help me gain understanding in the importance of evaluating policies and programs after they have been implemented. Some further work we will be doing at the ALA will involve learning how the current trend of vaping is affecting the health of our community. There is current evidence suggesting there are social and environmental implications on health especially in the 16-24 age group. Future projects are planned to advocate for change on vaping laws. This will add proficiency in contributing to the implementation of strategic planning Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper.