Rice-Wang arguments concerning grain boundary segregation & effects on ductility

MSE 611 guidance for term projects: Key Points: ? Pick a single topic (chapter section of text book, 1-2 papers or similar idea) ? Presentation – 20-30 minutes ?Document Preview:

MSE 611 guidance for term projects: Key Points: ? Pick a single topic (chapter section of text book, 1-2 papers or similar idea) ? Presentation – 20-30 minutes ? Worked “Homework” assignment based on this topic. How do we take a topic and create a simple example that shows the heart of the problem? Possible ideas: ? Demonstrate applications of minimal energy surfaces (possibly using software “jcrystal” http://www.jcrystal.com/jcrystal.html or similar programs.) A wider list of related software for crystallography is available at http://www.iucr.org/resources/other-directories/software . ? Demonstrate use of phase-field modeling in microstructure development / solidification (possibly using FiPy python package available from NIST at http://www.ctcms.nist.gov/fipy/) ? MC simulation of smooth?rough transitions in surfaces ? Discussion of Rice-Wang arguments concerning grain boundary segregation & effects on ductility ? Discussion of pre-melting phenomena on crystal surfaces and/or grain boundaries ? Effects of interfacial stress & dislocations on growth of heterophase interfaces ? Potts model of grain boundary growth