Question 1. Which of the following is true of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection?

Pap smear is a relatively ineffective screening method.

It commonly resolves spontaneously in one to two years.

It is the second most common STI in the United States.

HPV infections cause a small but important number of cervical cancers.

Question 2. Question : Which of the following is the most effective pattern of palpation for breast cancer?

Beginning at the nipple, make an ever-enlarging spiral.

Divide the breast into quadrants and inspect each systematically.

Examine in lines resembling the back and forth pattern of mowing a lawn.

Beginning at the nipple, palpate vertically in a stripe pattern.

Question 3. Question : A 14-year-old junior high school student is brought in by his mother and father because he seems to be developing breasts. The mother is upset because she read on the Internet that smoking marijuana leads to breast enlargement in males. The young man adamantly denies using any tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. He has recently noticed changes in his penis, testicles, and pubic hair pattern. Otherwise, his past medical history is unremarkable. His parents are both in good health. He has two older brothers who never had this problem. On examination, you see a mildly overweight teenager with enlarged breast tissue that is slightly tender on both sides. Otherwise, his examination is normal. He is agreeable to taking a drug test. What is the most likely cause of his gynecomastia?

Breast cancer

Imbalance of hormones of puberty

Drug use

Question 4. Question : Which of the following represents metrorrhagia?

Fewer than 21 days between menses

Excessive flow

Infrequent bleeding

Bleeding between periods

Question 5. Question : What does a KOH (potassium hydroxide) prep help the nurse practitioner diagnose?

Herpes zoster infections

Yeast infections

Herpes simplex infections

Viral infections

Question 6. Question : Abby is a newly married woman who is unable to have intercourse because of vaginismus. Which of the following is true?

This is most likely due to lack of lubrication.

This is most likely due to atrophic vaginitis.

This is most likely due to pressure on an ovary.

Psychosocial reasons may cause this condition.

Question 7. Question : A 30-year-old man notices a firm, 2-cm mass under his areola. He has no other symptoms and no diagnosis of breast cancer in his first-degree relatives. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Breast tissue

Fibrocystic disease

Breast cancer

Lymph node

Question 8. Question : Which of the following is true regarding breast self-examination?

It has been shown to reduce mortality from breast cancer.

It is recommended unanimously by organizations making screening recommendations.

A high proportion of breast masses are detected by breast self-examination.

The undue fear caused by finding a mass justifies omitting instruction in breast self-examination.

Question 9. Question : A 23-year-old computer programmer comes to your office for an annual examination. She has recently become sexually active and wants to be placed on birth control. Her only complaint is that the skin in her armpits has become darker. She states it looks like dirt, and she scrubs her skin nightly with soap and water but the color stays. Her past medical symptoms consist of acne and mild obesity. Her periods have been irregular for 3 years. Her mother has type 2 diabetes, and her father has high blood pressure. The patient denies using tobacco but has four to five drinks on Friday and Saturday nights. She denies any illegal drug use. On examination, you see a mildly obese female who is breathing comfortably. Her vital signs are unremarkable. Looking under her axilla, you see dark, velvet-like skin. Her annual examination is otherwise unremarkable. What disorder of the breast or axilla is she most likely to have?

Peau d’orange

Acanthosis nigricans

Hidradenitis suppurativa

Question 10. Question : Which of the following is true of women who have had a unilateral mastectomy?

They no longer require breast examination.

They should be examined carefully along the surgical scar for masses.

Lymphedema of the ipsilateral arm usually suggests recurrence of breast cancer.

Women with breast reconstruction over their mastectomy site no longer require examination.