Write a paper of 1,200-1,500 words that discusses the team-based approaches to the delivery of health services. The focus of the paper should be one type of health care environment, such as a hospital, primary care, or long-term care facility.

Within your paper, be sure to do the following:

  1. Present a patient case (this does not need to be detailed).
  2. Describe the team that would deliver care and their individual roles. TEAM-BASED APPROACH TO HEALTH DELIVERY
  3. Identify and describe the indicators and determinants of health that would influence or impact this case.
  4. Describe the impact this team-based approach would have on management and line staff.
  5. Provide an analysis of key financial and resource savings for consumers and insurance companies as they apply to this model.


  6. From a leadership position, explain the advantages of using a team-based approach.

Your paper should contain the following parts:

  1. Introduction
  2. Body paragraphs (Possible headings include: Case Description, Health Care Delivery Team, Indicators and Determinants of Health, Financial and Resource Analysis, Team-Based Approach Advantages.)
  3. Conclusion

There is no right or wrong answer for this ethical question; however, you will need to discuss an ethical consideration or dilemma of the APRN. Please remember what is correct for one person may not be correct for another. Look at the Nuremburg Code (US Department of Health & Human Services, 2005; Washington, 2012) as it was the major start of ethics in research and that can carry over to nursing practice. TEAM-BASED APPROACH TO HEALTH DELIVERY

US Department of Health & Human Services. (2005). The Nuremberg code.
           Retrieved from

Washington, H. A. (2012). Non-consenting adults. Retrieved from

In this week’s lecture material, ethical considerations of the advanced practice nurse have been discussed. Please expand on the following points:

  • Choose a potential ethical dilemma that you may face in your chosen advanced practice nursing role.
  • Describe the situation and potential solutions, including collaboration methods with other healthcare professionals.
  • Examine the potential cost and benefits to your solution.
  • Predict who would potentially oppose your stance. Support your stance with current research (minimum of one research article). TEAM-BASED APPROACH TO HEALTH DELIVERY