Using the South University Online Library, and the Internet, select two completed needs assessments and compare and contrast the steps and results used to carry-out the assessments. NEED ASSESSMENT PROJECT

Write a 3-page paper that addresses the following:

  • What is measured in assessing health?
  • Describe the two assessments you chose. What data was collected in the needs assessments?
  • Identify and discuss the theory(ies) that influenced these needs assessments.
  • How were the results of the needs assessments used in program planning and design?


Be sure to support your statements with scholarly references and appropriate examples.

Cite all sources using the APA format. Make sure all references are cited in APA format. References should be current at least within the last 5 years. Remember that references should be used to support your peer responses. NEED ASSESSMENT PROJECT

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Adequately explained the aspects measured when assessing health. 20
Described the assessments selected, explaining the data collected in the needs assessments. 20
Explained the influence of theory(ies) on the selected needs assessments and how the results were used in program planning and design. 20
Used at least three scholarly journal articles for examples and support. 20
Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using the APA format. NEED ASSESSMENT PROJECT 20
Total 100