available digital health resources for people with the chronic condition

Task DescriptionThe assignment will be based on “Dementia” a chronic condition.
For the purpose of this assignment, you are the nurse educator for a nursing unit/clinic that specialises in the chronic illness you have chosen. To support an ‘in-service’ education session you are to deliver, you have been asked by your Nurse Unit Manager to prepare a digital poster that identifies and makes recommendations on available digital health resources for people with the chronic condition you have chosen. Remember that your audience is other nurses who work in the field. Digital health resources include professional websites and mobile apps, but for the purpose of this assessment, ebooks or journal articles accessed online (academic literature) are not appropriate. What you need to do: 1) Prepare a digital poster using a single (1) Microsoft PowerPoint slide that provides the following: o An overview of the chronic condition o An overview of associated risk and protective factors for this condition o An overview of strategies for promoting health and wellness in people with the condition o Recommended digital health resources for health professionals and consumers (x 1 each) including details of how to access each resource o Reference list 2) Following completion of text/visual content, use the narration (or Insert Audio) function within PowerPoint to record a critique of each digital health resource listed on your poster. The critique should explain why it is recommended and consider: o Who is the most appropriate user of the resource (target population)? o Apparent benefits of and limitations to the resource? o What will the user gain from accessing the resource?