Birth through Adolescence Scenarios

The news headlines provide a constant supply of social scenarios that present us with opportunities to contemplate socioemotional development. How are the emotional and social characteristics of a child affected by trauma, adversity, or challenge? Conversely, what role does a child’s socioemotional development play in shaping society’s response to issues such as teen pregnancy and bullying?

To prepare for this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources.

By Day 3, post a comprehensive response to one of the following:

  • What are the threats to the emotional development of a child born to a teen parent versus an older parent?

  • When children commit violent crimes, should they be tried as adults?

  • What makes early childhood and young adulthood a vulnerable time for humans to be affected by bullying?

Include specific examples to help support your position. Be sure to use supporting documentation and cite your sources in correct APA format.



Application: Synthesis Paper

Socioemotional development determines how we see ourselves and how others see us. This two-way interchange begins during our earliest experiences with our primary care givers and continues through to our final moments.

This week, you will begin work on a paper in which you will synthesize information presented in Weeks 4 and 5. The Synthesis Paper is due by Day 7 of Week 5.

To prepare for this Synthesis Paper, review this week’s Learning Resources. Then select a socioemotional issue, such as self-esteem, risk taking, body image, gender identity, disability, forming relationships, or another issue of your choosing.

To complete this Synthesis Paper, write a 2- to 3-page paper in which you examine how the issue you select manifests in each of the following developmental stages:

  • Early childhood
  • Adolescence
  • Early adulthood
  • Middle adulthood
  • Late adulthood

You should provide examples of the issue you select at each developmental stage of human aging. Cite at least two sources from the Learning Resources in your paper.

Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.




Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (n.d.). Aging across the lifespan: Socioemotional development: Aging from birth through adolescence [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 26 minutes.

In this week’s media, Dr. Nina Lyon-Bennett explores theorist Erik Erikson’s eight stages of socioemotional development; the four types of emotional attachment; sibling relationships; the effect of divorce and remarriage on children; the correlation between caregiver and peer relationships in children; and the impact of media on adolescents.


Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (n.d.). Aging across the lifespan: Socioemotional development: Aging from birth through adolescence [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 26 minutes.

In this week’s media, Dr. Nina Lyon-Bennett explores theorist Erik Erikson’s eight stages of socioemotional development; the four types of emotional attachment; sibling relationships; the effect of divorce and remarriage on children; the correlation between caregiver and peer relationships in children; and the impact of media on adolescents.


Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (n.d.). Aging across the lifespan: Socioemotional development: Aging from birth through adolescence [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 26 minutes.

In this week’s media, Dr. Nina Lyon-Bennett explores theorist Erik Erikson’s eight stages of socioemotional development; the four types of emotional attachment; sibling relationships; the effect of divorce and remarriage on children; the correlation between caregiver and peer relationships in children; and the impact of media on adolescents.


Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (n.d.). Aging across the lifespan: Socioemotional development: Aging from birth through adolescence [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 26 minutes.

In this week’s media, Dr. Nina Lyon-Bennett explores theorist Erik Erikson’s eight stages of socioemotional development; the four types of emotional attachment; sibling relationships; the effect of divorce and remarriage on children; the correlation between caregiver and peer relationships in children; and the impact of media on adolescents.

  • Video: PBS. (2002, January 31). Frontline: Inside the teenage brain. Retrieved from

    Adolescents are often the brunt of jokes and derision for their perceived lack of common sense. How often have you heard, or even said, to an adolescent, “where is your brain?” or “what were you thinking?” This segment, from the PBS series Frontline, examines what is actually happening inside the developing adolescent brain.


  • Course Text: Kail, R. V., & Cavanaugh, J. C. (2016). Human development: A life-span view. (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.  
    • Chapter 5, “Entering the Social World: Socioemotional Development in Infancy and Early Childhood”
    • Chapter 7, “Expanding Social Horizons: Socioemotional Development in Middle Childhood”
    • Chapter 9, “Moving into the Adult Social World: Socioemotional Development in Adolescence”

    From infancy through adolescence, humans are forming the interpersonal connections and developing the complex emotions that will define them socially. In this week’s textbook reading, you will be examining the development of the social self in the first half of the lifespan.




Health Informatics and Changes in Society and Practice

To prepare for this Discussion, review the assigned readings. Then consider the changes that have occurred in ONE of the following areas and how this relates to health informatics:

  • Evidence-based practice
  • Health management and clinical decision making
  • Society and Culture
  • Patient Safety
  • Consumer Health
  • Design of health technology
  • Public Health

By Day 3, post a comprehensive response to the following:

  • Describe at least two changes that have occurred in the last 10 years relative to your chosen topic. Be specific.
  • What are the benefits and challenges of each change?
  • What needs to happen next and why?



Application: Decision Support Systems

To prepare for this Application Assignment, review this week’s readings and websites. Then pick ONE scenario below to address for this week’s Application.

Construct a convincing argument in 400-500 words that explains the benefits and the challenges of using a CDS in the clinical situation you choose. Use your readings to support your rationale.

The following three scenarios depict examples of the use of CDS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems, 2012, Retrieved from

Scenario A
You are a nurse on a busy surgery unit in an acute care hospital. Every time you administer a medication, you are required to scan the bar codes of your patient’s wristband and the medication. Occasionally, this process prompts an alert that the medication you are about to administer is contra-indicated for your patient.

Scenario B
You are a primary care physician in a large group practice that uses an electronic health record (EHR). At the beginning of each visit, you view a dashboard of preventive care measures – like flu vaccine, colon cancer screening, cholesterol tests – that are due for your patient, based on age, medical history (problem list), and medication list stored in the EHR.

Scenario C
You are a care manager in an emergency department. Thirty patients are in the unit right now, and new lab results, imaging studies, and orders are constantly being posted on all of them. You have a visual “air traffic” tracking display which shows which patients have not been seen yet, which have new orders to process, which have abnormal lab results, which ones have been in the unit more than four hours, which have inpatient beds ready, and more. Your status display filters and reformats all the information to help you know where to direct your attention next.

Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct.



  • U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2014). eHealth tools you can use. Retrieved from
  • Walker, J., & Carayon, P. (2009). From tasks to processes: the case for changing health information technology to improve health care. Health Affairs, 28(2), 467-477. Retrieved from:
  • Park, T., & Basch, P. (2009). A historic opportunity: Wedding health information technology to care delivery innovation and provider payment reform. Center for American Progress. Retrieved from:
  • Chaudhry, B., Jerome, W., Shinyi, W., Maglione, M., Mojica, W., Roth, E., & … Shekelle, P. G. (2006). Systematic Review: Impact of Health Information Technology on Quality, Efficiency, and Costs of Medical Care. Annals Of Internal Medicine, 144(10), E12-W18, 144:742. Retrieved from:
  • Power, D. (n.d.). Types of decision support systems (DSS). Retrieved from
  • Berner, E. S. (2009). Clinical Support Systems: State of the Art. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ Publication No. 09-0069-EF). Retrieved from
  • Weaver, C. (2010, April 7). Savings from computerizing medical records are hard to measure. Kaiser Health News. Retrieved from

Optional Resources


  • Berry, K. (2008, February). A Rx to improve medication safety. Behavioral Healthcare, 28(2), 36–8.


  • Health IT
  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality