Complete each of the following steps for your team’s chosen public health issue or disease:

  • Review at least two government agency websites identified in the Website Review and Summary assignment.
  • Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes to summarize your findings pertaining to the issue or disease.

    • Explain epidemiology and its relationship to public health.
      • Describe the issue or disease.
      • Identify the underlying nature and cause of the issue or disease.
    • Analyze the uses and effects of demographic data, surveillance data, and vital statistics in public and community health. PUBLIC HEALTH
      • Identify the demographics and effect of the issue or disease on the community.
      • Determine if the effects cross from community to state or national levels.
    • Analyze possible solutions for the issue or disease selected
      • Identify possible solutions.
      • Explain how successful the solutions were.
      • Determine additional suggestions for treatment or resolution.
    • Include how the model served as a guide to understand the cause – illustrate your health issue using the PERIE Model.

Include at least 4 references in addition to the text. Intellectual property is recognized by in-text citations, including information in speaker notes, on slide, and graphics. See grading rubric for more guidance. PUBLIC HEALTH

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.