Assignment 2: RA 2—Health Communication Campaign

Assignment 2: RA 2—Health Communication Campaign
You will now apply what you have learned in this course by developing a plan for a health communications campaign. For this original plan, you will integrate work from previous assignments.
For this assignment, assume you are making a professional presentation to gain community support for your health communications campaign. Complete the following: Assignment 2: RA 2—Health Communication Campaign

Compile all your module assignments for reference.
Design your health promotion campaign for your chosen public health issue.


Be sure to include the following as part of the campaign:

A separate executive summary in MS Word format. Download and review the executive summary template that you will use for this assignment.
A PowerPoint presentation that includes the following: 

A title page
At least one slide each for the following major sections: 

Preliminary analysis: Overall program goal
Outcome objectives: Behavioral, social, or organizational
Situation analysis and audience profile
Communication objectives
Communication strategies
Tactical plan: Messages, channels, materials, and activities
Evaluation plan

Notes for each slide section to provide detailed content and narrative
An attached list of examples and scholarly references

Write a 1–2-page executive summary in Word format. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A2.doc.
Develop a 10–15-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. View less » Assignment 2: RA 2—Health Communication Campaign