explore the vast array of phytochemicals in our foods and explain why phytochemicals are important for health

Purpose To explore the vast array of phytochemicals in our foods and explain why phytochemicals are important for health. These compounds are chemical in plants that hold a perceived benefit to health. Phytochemicals can be organic acids, flavor compounds, color pigments, or any plant chemical. Research supports the ingestion of foods rich in phytochemical not just the compound them selves. The highlight in Chapter 15 provides a wonderful summary of the most common phytochemicals in the diet; where they come from and their claim to fame. This activity will allow you to see the benefits of consuming various foods for the health benefit of their chemical make up. Is red wine good for you? Coffee? Does garlic really protect you from heart disease? Directions Watch this YouTube video from the University of Florida for an introduction to phytochemicals: http://futurity.org/health-medicine/plant-rich-diets-pack-phytochemical-punch/ 2- Select a phytochemical and write a one page summary about it’s attributes. 3- Write the 4-5 paragraph summary report . Include its function, why it is important and common food sources where it is found. Include information from a research article that supports its role in health. Include a complete citation of the your reference. Comment on your findings.View less »