NSG3PHN: Primary Healthcare Nursing- Chronic Illness

NSG3PHN: Primary Healthcare Nursing- Chronic Illness


Select a specific primary health care (PHC) nurse role of interest to you (e.g. prison nurse, home based nursing, school nurse, women’s health nurse, men’s health nurse, sexual health nurse, substance use nurse, chronic illness nursing, rural health nursing, OH&S nursing, refugee nurse). Please ensure that the role selected is different from that you will experience on clinical placement. Describe the key attributes of this role and explain why it is considered a PHC nursing role. NSG3PHN: Primary Healthcare Nursing- Chronic Illness

1. Describe the general characteristics and relevant demographic information of the clientele this type of nurse is likely to provide health services for. If the clientele are a general population group, identify a geographical location such as a local government area (LGA) and discuss this in terms of the LGA data available.


2. Consider the characteristics/demographic data of the nurse’s client group toidentify a relevant health issue of concern. Explain how you determined this issue as a concern relevant to the clientele. Provide justification for why the PHC nurse would engage in action to address this concern.

3. Identifythree resources/initiativescurrently available or in place to support health promotion activity in relation the health issue of concern, whichdo not focus on the development of personal skills. Explain how these relate to the remaining promotion strategies outlined in the Ottawa Charter.

4. Propose two responses the PHC nurse could initiate to address the identified health issue for their client group, of whichonly onemay relate to the development of personal skills. Provide a rational for each of these interventions. Outline the goal, objectives and strategies that will be used to implement each initiative, and justify these.

5. Please refer to the marking rubric for further clarification of expectations related to this assessment task.

Q.1 Describe the key attributes of this role and explain why it is considered a PHC nursing role.

Q.2 Describe the general characteristics and relevant demographic information o the clientele this type of nurse is likely to provide health services for. If the clientele are general population group, Identify a geographical location such as local government area (LGA) and Discuss this in terms of the LGA data available
a) Identify what type of PHN role you are discussing ?
b) What type of work does this nurse do?
c) Who are the clients that this nurse works with?
d) Are there any specific issues this group of client have?
e) Do any of the social determinants of health influence this group of clients and their health?

Q.3 Consider the characteristics/demographic data of the nurse’s client group to identify a relevant health issue of concern. Explain how you determined this issue as a concern relevant to the clientele. Provide justification for why the PHC nurse would engage in action to address this concern. NSG3PHN: Primary Healthcare Nursing- Chronic Illness
a) Explain why you think it is likely that this health issue is likely to be relevant to this particular client group?
b) What evidence can you provide that would support or inform this belief?

I thought that others of you might similarly be concerned when you commence this assignment and that it might be useful to clarify this educational device.This is aninstruction is to help lead your thinking, it is basically connecting two parts of the assignment, rather than being a specific component being assessed. So I would expect a sentence or two addressing this, which basically contextualises the discussion responding to the key aspects of the assessment task.

Q.4 Identifythree resources/initiativescurrently available or in place to support health promotion activity in relation the health issue of concern, whichdo not focus on the development of personal skills. Explain how these relate to the remaining promotion strategies outlined in the Ottawa Charter.

a) Review and explain each of the five areas for action (health promotion strategies) identified in the Ottawa Charter
b) What resources /policies/activities/ action that do not relate to the development of personal skills can you identify that have been put in place to address the health issue of concern you identified as impacting on this client

Q.5 Propose two responses the PHC nurse could initiate to address the identified health issue for their client group, of which only one may relate to the development of personal skills. Provide a rational for each of these interventions. Outline the goal, objectives and strategies that will be used to implement each initiative, and justify these. NSG3PHN: Primary Healthcare Nursing- Chronic Illness

a) Think about program planning – what outcome would you like to see for the client group in relation to the health issue you have identified?
b) What factors contribute to or influence the health issue?
c) What changes would have to occur to have an impact on the health issue?
d) What action could the nurse takes to create the change needed? Explain how these strategies might be effective.
e) Remember only one of these action can relate to improving the personal skill of cliental

Q.2 Describe the general characteristics and relevant demographic information of the clientele this type of nurse is likely to provide health services for. If the clientele are a general population group, identify a geographical location such as a local government area (LGA) and discuss this in terms of the LGA data available

I was just wondering if it would be more appropriate to choose a LGA as the clientele because they do provide services to a broad group.. or would it be more appropriate to focus on a group like sex-workers or those HIV affected – as these are groups the PHN are likely to provide services for. I’m just not sure what is more appropriate for the task. Any suggestions are welcome.

Ans: Good question! I would suggest that you select a client group that you are interested in discussing. Some sexual health nurses are employed to work in a geographical area,however I think it might be more interesting to choose a group like sex workers or adolescents etc. People with HIV are a very small client group in Australia, however if this
is your area of interest, then feel free to discuss this.

Try not to get too stereotypical about your view of sex workers though. I remember having a conversation with a sexual health nurse who did sexual health screenings for the local sex workers, and she informed me that most of the women she saw were married women who were working as escorts to pay their children’s private school fees.Of course she was not employed in an arearecognised as catering to the sex industry, but it does put a different perspective on how the nurse engages with the client group.
Best wishes,

Hello All,
I have just been contacted by a student who noticed that’on LMS there are 5 questions but on the rubric it only has 4 criteria… “Consider the characteristics/demographic data of the nurse’s client group to identify a relevant health issue of concern. Explain how you determined this issue as a concern relevant to the clientele. Provide justification for why the PHC nurse would engage in action to address this concern.” is not part of the rubric. I thought that others of you might similarly be concerned when you commence this assignment and that it might be useful to clarify this educational device.This is aninstruction is to help lead your thinking, it is basically connecting two parts of the assignment, rather than being a specific component being assessed. So I would expect a sentence or two addressing this, which basically contextualises the discussion responding to the key aspects of the assessment task.

This device is used specifically with setting essay questions, to help you structure acoherent response, rather than simply encouraging the clumping of short answer responses together and labelling it an essay. Remember essays also require an introduction and conclusion, do not include headings, dot points, tables or graphs etc.(These features are acceptable in reports, but not essays!).

It is always important to read both the assignment question and the marking rubric together, to fully understand what is required and the weighting of each component should guide you in how much of the word count you allocate to each section. In this essay you have a lot to includewith a very limited word count, so choose your words wisely.There is no room for ‘padding’ i.e. content that doesnot specifically answer what is asked for. NSG3PHN: Primary Healthcare Nursing- Chronic Illness

Identify three resources/initiatives currently available or in place to support health promotion activity in relation the health issue of concern, which do not focus on the development of personal skills. Explain how these relate to the remaining promotion strategies outlined in the Ottawa Charter When talking about promotion strategies outlined by the ottawa charter are youreferringtoo

The five strategies set out in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
? build healthy public policy
? create supportive environments
? strengthen community action
? develop personal skills
? reorient health services.
ORAdvocate,Mediate andEnable ??

A little confused because the programs/initiative cant be focused on development of skills which is one of the strategies set out by the Ottawa Charter. Thanks in advance.
ANS: (Diana is subject coordinator for this subject)
You are quite correct in identifying the five ‘areas for health promotion action’ as the strategies to whichthe question refers . Advocate, mediate and enable underpin these strategies, and are sometimes referred to as the principles underpinning the strategies, or the principles of health promotion. If you consider these as principles, it follows that you then have to have to have ways in which these can be enacted, resulting in the five strategies we use to do this.

Sometimes the activities or intervention put in place to promote health could be considered as engagingseveral of thesesstrategies at the same time. When this occurs the intervention/action is more likely to have a positive result. It is possible that developing personal skills will be one of several strategies addressed through an initiative, but I am hoping that it is not the sole focus, as I want to encourage you all to think more broadly.

Here is one of Diana’s responses to this question:
Developing personal skills isone strategy of the five areas for health promotion actionoutlined in the Ottawa Charter. Nurses tend to focus on this, because health education is an obvious activity. InsteadI want you to focus on the other four health promotion strategiesidentified in the Ottawa Charter. The best resources/initiatives simultaneously engage multiple strategies at the same time (so may involve the development of personal skills as well, but I really want you to focus on how the other strategies can be enacted). Remember you will need to briefly explain how the initiatives/resourcesare examples of the strategiesbeing used.

A quick example of this, might beinvolvement with akindergarden parents committee, fundraising to erect shade sails over the children’s play area. This initiative demonstrates both creating a supportive environment (promoting protection of skin fromsun damage) and strengthening community action (the community group is taking action for themselves to improve their health and health outcomes). You could possibly include building health public policy, if the parents committee decide to implement a policy at the kindergarden that play is restricted to areas under the sails during days with high UV ratings.

In reference to this question:
Propose two responses the PHC nurse could initiate to address the identified health issue for their client group, of whichonly onemay relate to the development of personal skills. Provide a rational for each of these interventions. Outline thegoal, objectives and strategiesthat will be used to implement each initiative, and justify these. When outlining the goal, objective and strategies do I simply state that the goal of thisprogram is…. without a reference (seeing as I am developing a program backed by evidence) as I am hoping to create the change thatIwant to see? NSG3PHN: Primary Healthcare Nursing- Chronic Illness

Hope this makes sense.

m just going through the PHN assessment 2 essay, I have chosen sexual health nursing as the PHC nurse role. NSG3PHN: Primary Healthcare Nursing- Chronic Illness