Implementation of that law meant an increase in the overall number of patients accessing the clinic and other health services

Hi, need to submit a 1000 words essay on the topic Mobile Health Care Payments.Mobile payment has become the single and most efficient and reliable mode of payment in hospitals. According to West (2012), the utilization of smartphones transformed the communication and methods of payment in commerce and health settings in the country.At Cleveland Clinic, these modes of payment are as a result of late payments of medical bills by patient in the hospitals after medication. Due to close monitor of the payment system, the hospital management realized that out of all the patients, only a few paid their bill in cash. Majority did not pay for their health services in the hospital (West, 2012). It resulted in the lack of revenue for the hospital since patient payment accounted for the majority of the clinic’s revenue. The impact of unpaid bills on the clinic was significant leading to ill health provision due to lack of enough health equipment in the hospital. Majority of health workers also could not receive pay since the revenue turnout was not sufficient.In addition, the introduction of Obamacare has also necessitated the use of smartphones in payment of hospital bills. Smartphones payment enables the hospital to collect revenue efficiently since the introduction of that Act. Implementation of that law meant an increase in the overall number of patients accessing the clinic and other health services (Shoval, 2013). Moreover, the Act places more responsibility on employers with the high-deductible plans on employees. The Obamacare, for this reason, is a sign of high revenue turn out to hospitals and clinic, and efficient collection of that revenue by hospital through smartphone payment would be significant.Additionally, the advancement in technology that is an entry of smartphones necessitated its use in hospital payment. This device is a valuable tool in revenue collection both for the health and commerce sector. As a result of this, Cleveland has decided to change the mode