Health Status of Indigenous Australians Today

Health Status of Indigenous Australians Today

NUR332 – Task 3 – Written Assignment Criteria 
For this assessment, the word “Indigenous”, refers to the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people of Australia. 
Undeniably Australian Government policy from the past has directly impacted upon the health status of Indigenous Australians today – The focus of this assessment will be on: – ‘Australian Indigenous Women’. 
-Discuss how the Policy of Assimilation 1961, (Copy located on Blackboard) has impacted on the overall health status of Indigenous Australian women today-. Health Status of Indigenous Australians Today
Step 1 – It is important for health professionals to gain knowledge of the pre-invasion health status of the Australian Indigenous population to understand the impact caused by Australia’s government policies. Your opening paragraph after your introduction should identify the pre-invasion health status of Indigenous Australian Women (100 words – 2 marks). 
Step 2 – Provide a background statement outlining the current health status of Indigenous Australian Women and how this contrasts with their representation of health. Note – Indigenous people have their own interpretation of health which contrasts greatly to the western medical model (100 words – 2 marks). 
Step 3 – Critically analyse and explain the intent of the Assimilation Policy of 1961 (use examples from the Assimilation Policy and from your Textbook). Provide brief examples of how Assimilation practices have impacted on the health status of Indigenous Australian Women today (100 words – 2 marks). 


Step 4 – Identify and critically discuss the links between the Assimilation Policies intent and the present health status of Indigenous Australians Women population today specifically related to the following topics: 
Australian Indigenous women and women’s business/birthing (400 words – 10 marks) 
Australian Indigenous women and education/employment (400 words – 10 marks) 
Australian Indigenous women and domestic violence/femicide (400 words – 10 marks) 
Trauma from Assimilation Policies has had a multigenerational effect on Indigenous women. If you work in Australia as a Registered Nurse/Midwife – you will provide care for members of this population. The ‘Close the Gap’ initiative is high on the Australian Government agenda. 
Step 5 – With this knowledge how can the Registered Nurse/ Midwife ensure they are working with Indigenous Women in a culturally safe way to help ‘Close the Gap’ (500 words – 10 marks) 
Between – 12 – 24 references are required – The “Assimilation Policy” must be referenced (4 marks) 
Due Date: Week 10 – 6th of October Friday 1200 midday 2017 – Assignment to be submitted via Safe Assign. No ‘draft’ submissions will be marked.  Health Status of Indigenous Australians Today
(Early submissions will be accepted from Midday the 15th of September 2017) 
Weighting: 50% – (50 marks) 
Length: 2000 Words 
All students please note: 
In accordance with the provisions of the USC Assessment – Courses and Coursework Programs – Procedures Policy – paragraph 7.8 – Penalties for late submission of Task 3 will apply. 
In accordance with the provisions of the USC Assessment – Courses and Coursework Programs – Procedures Policy – paragraph 7.9.1 – Extensions for Task 3 will only be considered on the grounds outlined in paragraph 7.9.1 and any application must be accompanied by relevant, independent supporting documentation.View less » Health Status of Indigenous Australians Today