Professional Nursing And State-Level Regulations

Professional Nursing And State-Level Regulations

Boards of Nursing (BONs) exist in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands. Similar entities may also exist for different regions. The mission of BONs is the protection of the public through the regulation of nursing practice. BONs put into practice state/region regulations for nurses that, among other things, lay out the requirements for licensure and define the scope of nursing practice in that state/region.

It can be a valuable exercise to compare regulations among various state/regional boards of nursing. Doing so can help share insights that could be useful should there be future changes in a state/region. In addition, nurses may find the need to be licensed in multiple states or regions. Professional Nursing And State-Level Regulations


To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the mission of state/regional boards of nursing as the protection of the public through the regulation of nursing practice.
  • Consider how key regulations may impact nursing practice.
  • Review key regulations for nursing practice of your state’s/region’s board of nursing and those of at least one other state/region and select at least two APRN regulations to focus on for this Discussion.. Professional Nursing And State-Level Regulations

By Day 3 of Week 5

Post a comparison of at least two APRN board of nursing regulations in your state/region with those of at least one other state/region. Describe how they may differ. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain how the regulations you selected may apply to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) who have legal authority to practice within the full scope of their education and experience. Provide at least one example of how APRNs may adhere to the two regulations you selected Professional Nursing And State-Level Regulations.

Assignment: Regulation For Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting

Assignment: Regulation For Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting

Nursing is a very highly regulated profession. There are over 100 boards of nursing and national nursing associations throughout the United States and its territories. Their existence helps regulate, inform, and promote the nursing profession. With such numbers, it can be difficult to distinguish between BONs and nursing associations, and overwhelming to consider various benefits and options offered by each.

Both boards of nursing and national nursing associations have significant impacts on the nurse practitioner profession and scope of practice. Understanding these differences helps lend credence to your expertise as a professional. In this Assignment, you will practice the application of such expertise by communicating a comparison of boards of nursing and professional nurse associations. You will also share an analysis of your state board of nursing. Assignment: Regulation For Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting


To Prepare:

  • Assume that you are leading a staff development meeting on regulation for nursing practice at your healthcare organization or agency.
  • Review the NCSBN and ANA websites to prepare for your presentation.

The Assignment: (8- to 9-slide PowerPoint presentation)

Develop a 8- to 9-slide PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following:

  • Describe the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association.
  • Describe the board for your specific region/area.
    • Who is on the board?
    • How does one become a member of the board?
  • Describe at least one state regulation related to general nurse scope of practice.
    • How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
    • How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?
  • Describe at least one state regulation related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).
    • How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
    • How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?
  • Include Speaker Notes on Each Slide (except on the title page and reference page) Assignment: Regulation For Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting

Discussion: Religion and Ethics

Discussion: Religion and Ethics

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapters 3, 4
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

Ebook Uploaded below:

Rachels, S., & Rachels, J. (2019). The elements of moral philosophy (9th ed.) Discussion: Religion and Ethics


Initial Post Instructions
St. Augustine in the 5th Century held that we are free to make choices in life. This is the idea of free will. It may seem at first glance odd for a religious thinker to say that we have free will. After all, if God exists, then God created all things. God knows already what we will do. God can cause anything to occur. If we cause things to occur, that seems to be a limitation on the power of God and not make God all-powerful.

There are also religion traditions that say that we have no free will. There are some theologians in Islam who seem to suggest that is true. In order for this line of reasoning to hold true, one would need to believe free will is an illusion and that we have no control over how we live our lives, but rather that we are puppets moving and acting due to God’s will and the powers of destiny and fate. And if this then in the case, how can we possibly be responsible for our actions?

The considerations above show us to what degree our religious beliefs can shape us. For instance, someone who believes in free will may experience way more guilt than someone who believes we don’t have free will and thus aren’t responsible for the choices (and consequences) of the actions we take.

Personal struggles with religion and ethics occur in many places, including in the healthcare arena. Consider the following: You are a nurse in a hospital. A 12 year-old was brought to the hospital by an ambulance. The parents have just arrived at the hospital. This 12 year-old has lost a large amount of blood and requires a transfusion. The parents happen to be members of a religion that believes that blood transfusions are immoral. They want to remove the child from the hospital and prevent the transfusion even if it means the death of the child. You have to decide whether or not you will participate in an action that violates the will of the parents and aid in providing blood for the child. If you choose to participate, and even if you are able to legally justify it, you have to think about the distress you are creating for the parents. If you refuse to aid here, you may be subject to retaliation from the hospital. What is the moral thing for the nurse to do here? Discussion: Religion and Ethics

Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, address the following questions:

  1. What would a divine command ethicist say is the moral thing to do here? Why would they say that? Do you agree with the divine command ethics? Why or why not?
  2. Evaluate what a natural law ethicist would say is right to do. Do you agree with them? Why or why not?
  3. Given what you said are the right things to do, what would an emotivist say about your positions and judgments? What role does subjectivity play here in determining what is ethical?

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside scholarly source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references



Initial Post Content: Addresses all aspects of the initial discussion question(s), applying experiences, knowledge, and understanding regarding all weekly concepts.

Evidence & Sources: Integrates evidence to support discussion from assigned readings** OR online lessons, AND at least one outside scholarly source.*** Sources are credited.*

Professional Communication: Presents information using clear and concise language in an organized manner (minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation)Discussion: Religion and Ethics.


Credited means stating where the information came from (specific article, text, or lesson). Examples: our text discusses…., The information from our lesson states…, Smith (2010) claimed that…, Mary Manners (personal communication, November 2017)…

**Assigned readings are those listed on the syllabus or assignments page as required reading. This may include text readings, required articles, or required websites.

***Scholarly source – per APA Guidelines, only scholarly sources should be used in assignments. These include peer-reviewed publications, government reports, or sources written by a professional or scholar in the field. Wikipedia, Wikis, .com websites or blogs should not be used as anyone can add information to these sites. For the discussions, reputable internet sources such as websites by government agencies (.gov) and respected organizations (.org) can be counted as scholarly sources. Outside sources do not include assigned required readings Discussion: Religion and Ethics.

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

As a psychiatric nurse practitioner, before you can recommend potential pharmacotherapeutics to address a patient’s condition or disorder, you must understand the basic function and structure of the neuron and central nervous system. For this Assignment, you will review and apply your understanding of neuroanatomy by addressing a set of short-answer prompts.

To Prepare:

· Review the Learning Resources for this week in preparation to complete this Assignment.


· Reflect on the basic function and structure of the neuron in relation to the central nervous system.

· Reflect on the inter-connectedness between neurons and the central nervous system, including the pathway and distribution of electrical impulses.

· Reflect on how neurons communicate with each other and review the concept of neuroplasticity.

To complete: Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

Address the following Short Answer prompts for your Assignment. Be sure to include references to the Learning Resources for this week.

1. In 4 or 5 sentences, describe the anatomy of the basic unit of the nervous system, the neuron. Include each part of the neuron and a general overview of electrical impulse conduction, the pathway it travels, and the net result at the termination of the impulse. Be specific and provide examples.

2. Answer the following (listing is acceptable for these questions):

o What are the major components that make up the subcortical structures?

o Which component plays a role in learning, memory, and addiction?

o What are the two key neurotransmitters located in the nigra striatal region of the brain that play a major role in motor control?

3. In 3 or 4 sentences, explain how glia cells function in the central nervous system. Be specific and provide examples.

4. The synapse is an area between two neurons that allows for chemical communication. In 3 or 4 sentences, explain what part of the neurons are communicating with each other and in which direction does this communication occurs? Be specific.

5. In 3–5 sentences, explain the concept of “neuroplasticity.” Be specific and provide examples Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.

Assignment: Short Answer Assessment

Assignment: Short Answer Assessment

As a psychiatric nurse practitioner, before you can recommend potential pharmacotherapeutics to address a patient’s condition or disorder, you must understand the basic function and structure of the neuron and central nervous system. For this Assignment, you will review and apply your understanding of neuroanatomy by addressing a set of short-answer prompts.

To Prepare:

· Review the Learning Resources for this week in preparation to complete this Assignment.


· Reflect on the basic function and structure of the neuron in relation to the central nervous system. Assignment: Short Answer Assessment

· Reflect on the inter-connectedness between neurons and the central nervous system, including the pathway and distribution of electrical impulses.

· Reflect on how neurons communicate with each other and review the concept of neuroplasticity.

To complete:

Address the following Short Answer prompts for your Assignment. Be sure to include references to the Learning Resources for this week.

1. In 4 or 5 sentences, describe the anatomy of the basic unit of the nervous system, the neuron. Include each part of the neuron and a general overview of electrical impulse conduction, the pathway it travels, and the net result at the termination of the impulse. Be specific and provide examples.

2. Answer the following (listing is acceptable for these questions): Assignment: Short Answer Assessment

o What are the major components that make up the subcortical structures?

o Which component plays a role in learning, memory, and addiction?

o What are the two key neurotransmitters located in the nigra striatal region of the brain that play a major role in motor control?

3. In 3 or 4 sentences, explain how glia cells function in the central nervous system. Be specific and provide examples.

4. The synapse is an area between two neurons that allows for chemical communication. In 3 or 4 sentences, explain what part of the neurons are communicating with each other and in which direction does this communication occurs? Be specific.

5. In 3–5 sentences, explain the concept of “neuroplasticity.” Be specific and provide examples Assignment: Short Answer Assessment.

Family Home Health

Family Home Health is a small community-based provider of in-home nursing and therapy. It is a division of the local community hospital. The service employs the equivalent of 15 full-time staff members and currently has about 100 patients. Its vision and mission statements are:

Vision: With a focus on aging adults and rural health care, we will be the leader, partner, and provider for health care delivery in our community.
Mission: Family Home Health provides a spectrum of services with special concern for the community. The organization is committed to providing high-quality services. Family Home Health


The home care agency is unable to create a sustainable model as the reimbursements received are below the costs of operating the program. The hospital is considering discontinuing the home care business.

The proposed termination of the home care division has met with much opposition throughout the community. There is no other viable home care agency to serve many of the current patients, though services are available in a larger community 50 miles away.

Many physicians are angry. As community hospital employees, physicians value the home care agency to refer patients for follow-up care. The home care agency staff enjoy their roles in providing care and value the freedom in the home care atmosphere. They will be unemployed if the agency closes because the parent hospital currently has a hiring freeze and cannot offer positions to these employees.

Community leaders are concerned. They built the foundations for both the hospital and the home care agency. The issues of financial viability have not been a priority as much as serving the needs of the community. In the past, fundraising was sufficient to provide the needed resources, but times have changed. Family Home Health

You are a member of the board of directors, and it is your task to maintain a fiscally responsible organization while remaining true to the community hospital mission and vision. Based on the information, determine your response to this situation. Do the following:

  • Complete a SWOT analysis or use the BSC approach to the dilemma.
  • State your decision to close or not close the home care agency. Give reasons for your decision.
  • If you decide to close the agency, explain how you will minimize the negative impact on the stakeholders.
  • If you decide to not close the agency, explain how you will address its financial difficulties.

Write your assignment in a Word document. The assignment should be 3 pages long. Family Home Health

Assignment: Workplace Environment Assessment

Assignment: Workplace Environment Assessment

Clearly, diagnosis is a critical aspect of healthcare. However, the ultimate purpose of a diagnosis is the development and application of a series of treatments or protocols. Isolated recognition of a health issue does little to resolve it.

In this module’s Discussion, you applied the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory to diagnose potential problems with the civility of your organization. In this Portfolio Assignment, you will continue to analyze the results and apply published research to the development of a proposed treatment for any issues uncovered by the assessment. Assignment: Workplace Environment Assessment


To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and examine the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory, found on page 20 of Clark (2015).
  • Review the Work Environment Assessment Template.
  • Reflect on the output of your Discussion post regarding your evaluation of workplace civility and the feedback received from colleagues.
  • Select and review one or more of the following articles found in the Resources:
    • Clark, Olender, Cardoni, and Kenski (2011) Assignment: Workplace Environment Assessment
    • Clark (2018)
    • Clark (2015)
    • Griffin and Clark (2014)

The Assignment (3-6 pages total):

Part 1: Work Environment Assessment (1-2 pages)

  • Review the Work Environment Assessment Template you completed for this Module’s Discussion.
  • Describe the results of the Work Environment Assessment you completed on your workplace.
  • Identify two things that surprised you about the results and one idea you believed prior to conducting the Assessment that was confirmed.
  • Explain what the results of the Assessment suggest about the health and civility of your workplace.

Part 2: Reviewing the Literature (1-2 pages)

  • Briefly describe the theory or concept presented in the article(s) you selected.
  • Explain how the theory or concept presented in the article(s) relates to the results of your Work Environment Assessment.
  • Explain how your organization could apply the theory highlighted in your selected article(s) to improve organizational health and/or create stronger work teams. Be specific and provide examples Assignment: Workplace Environment Assessment.

Part 3: Evidence-Based Strategies to Create High-Performance Interprofessional Teams (1–2 pages)

  • Recommend at least two strategies, supported in the literature, that can be implemented to address any shortcomings revealed in your Work Environment Assessment.
  • Recommend at least two strategies that can be implemented to bolster successful practices revealed in your Work Environment Assessment.

By Day 7 of Week 9

Submit your Workplace Environment Assessment Assignment Assignment: Workplace Environment Assessment.


  • Identify an environmental or occupational exposure to a chemical or group of chemicals in which you are interested—the topic for your final project. For ideas about topics, you can consult the following sources:
    • The textbook
    • The environmental health topics section of the CDC website
    • The environmental health topics section of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) website
    • The toxic substances section of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) website
    • The case studies in environmental medicine from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) website
    • The hazards and exposures section and the chemicals section of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s (NIOSH’s) website. NIOSH is a part of the CDC. EXPOSURE THAT AFFECT HUMAN POPULATION


  • Determine how your chosen exposure affects human populations, i.e., the health problems or disease caused by this chemical or group of chemicals.
  • Choose a topic that is not overly broad. For example:
    • Choose one chemical: Lead exposure will make a better topic than exposure to toxic heavy metals, which include lead, mercury, chromium, cadmium, etc. (described in the textbook).
    • Choose a specific population at risk: This population is exposed either to one chemical or to a closely related group of chemicals, such as pesticide exposure to children in agricultural families or occupational exposure to organic solvents among pregnant women.
  • Write a 1-page paper in a Microsoft Word document addressing the following:
    • Describe the chosen environmental or occupational exposure.
    • Explain the importance of this exposure problem to human health in terms of both of the following issues:
      • The extent of exposure, e.g., the estimated number of people exposed
      • The seriousness of disease or diseases associated with the exposure to the substance or group of substances
    • Describe the population you will study (e.g., the whole population, individuals living in poverty, children, pregnant women, workers in specific occupations, etc.)
    • Explain why you are interested in the environmental or occupational public health problem you selected and the population you selected. EXPOSURE THAT AFFECT HUMAN POPULATION



Ms. Jones brings 6-week-old Sam to the clinic because of a bright red rash in the diaper area that has gotten worse since she started putting over-the-counter antibiotic cream on it 3 days ago. Sam is diagnosed with diaper Candida or a yeast infection. Clotrimazole (Lotrimin) topical TID for 14 days to the diaper area has been prescribed.

  1. Briefly describe the therapeutic actions of Clotrimazole (Lotrimin).
  2. Develop a teaching plan for Ms. Jones including age-appropriate considerations for Sam.


Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources NUR600- DISCUSSION.

Assignment 2: Practicum Experience Plan

Assignment 2: Practicum Experience Plan

As you establish your goals and objectives for this course, you are committing to an organized plan that will frame your practicum experience in a clinical setting, including planned activities, assessment, and achievement of defined outcomes. In particular, your plan must address the categories of clinical reasoning, quality in your clinical specialty, and interpersonal collaborative practice.

For this Assignment, you will consider the areas you aim to focus on to gain practical experience as an advanced practice nurse. Then, you will develop a Practicum Experience Plan (PEP) containing the objectives you will fulfill in order to achieve your aims. In this practicum experience, when developing your goals and objectives, be sure to keep PMHNP clinical skills in mind. Assignment 2: Practicum Experience Plan


To Prepare
  • Review your Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form you submitted last week, and think about areas for which you would like to gain application-level experience and/or continued growth as an advanced practice nurse. How can your experiences in the practicum help you achieve these aims? There may be overlap between your skills goals and your PEP goals.
  • Review the information related to developing objectives provided in this week’s Learning Resources. Your practicum learning objectives that you want to achieve during your practicum experience must be:
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Attainable
    • Results-focused
    • Time-bound
    • Reflective of the higher-order domains of Bloom’s taxonomy (i.e., application level and above)
  • Discuss your professional aims and your proposed practicum objectives with your Preceptor to ascertain if the necessary resources are available at your practicum site.
  • Select one nursing theory and one counseling theory to best guide your clinical practice. Explain why you selected these theories. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.
  • Create a timeline of practicum activities that demonstrates how you plan to meet these goals and objectives based on your practicum requirements. Assignment 2: Practicum Experience Plan
The Assignment

Record the required information in each area of the Practicum Experience Plan template, including three to four (3–4) measurable practicum Learning Objectives you will use to facilitate your learning during the practicum experience.

Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form


Institutional Affiliation

PRAC 6665/6675 Clinical Skills 

Self-Assessment Form

Desired Clinical Skills for Students to Achieve Confident (Can complete independently) Mostly confident (Can complete with supervision) Beginning (Have performed with supervision or needs supervision to feel confident) New (Have never performed or does not apply)
Comprehensive psychiatric evaluation skills in: 
Recognizing clinical signs and symptoms of psychiatric illness across the lifespan        
Differentiating between pathophysiological and psychopathological conditions        
Performing and interpreting a comprehensive and/or interval history and physical examination (including laboratory and diagnostic studies)        
Performing and interpreting a mental status examination        
Performing and interpreting a psychosocial assessment and family psychiatric history        
Performing and interpreting a functional assessment (activities of daily living, occupational, social, leisure, educational).        
Diagnostic reasoning skill in:
Developing and prioritizing a differential diagnoses list        
Formulating diagnoses according to DSM 5 based on assessment data        
Differentiating between normal/abnormal age-related physiological and psychological symptoms/changes        
Pharmacotherapeutic skills in:
Selecting appropriate evidence based clinical practice guidelines for medication plan (e.g., risk/benefit, patient preference, developmental considerations, financial, the process of informed consent, symptom management)        
Evaluating patient response and modify plan as necessary        
Documenting (e.g., adverse reaction, the patient response, changes to the plan of care)        
Psychotherapeutic Treatment Planning:
Recognizes concepts of therapeutic modalities across the lifespan        
Selecting appropriate evidence based clinical practice guidelines for psychotherapeutic plan (e.g., risk/benefit, patient preference, developmental considerations, financial, the process of informed consent, symptom management, modality appropriate for situation)        
Applies age appropriate psychotherapeutic counseling techniques with individuals and/or any caregivers        
Develop an age appropriate individualized plan of care        
Provide psychoeducation to individuals and/or any caregivers        
Promote health and disease prevention techniques        
Self-assessment skill:
Develop SMART goals for practicum experiences        
Evaluating outcomes of practicum goals and modify plan as necessary        
Documenting and reflecting on learning experiences        
Professional skills:
Maintains professional boundaries and therapeutic relationship with clients and staff        
Collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams to improve clinical practice in mental health settings        
Identifies ethical and legal dilemmas with possible resolutions        
Demonstrates non-judgmental practice approach and empathy        
Practices within scope of practice        
Selecting and implementing appropriate screening instrument(s), interpreting results, and making recommendations and referrals:
Demonstrates selecting the correct screening instrument appropriate for the clinical situation        
Implements the screening instrument efficiently and effectively with the clients        
Interprets results for screening instruments accurately        
Develops an appropriate plan of care based upon screening instruments response        
Identifies the need to refer to another specialty provider when applicable        
Accurately documents recommendations for psychiatric consultations when applicable        


Summary of strengths:


After carefully completing the Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form checklist, here are my strengths;

1. I am effectively able to ensure the completion of a thorough and precise physical exam making use of the proper methods while concentrating on the symptoms of the patient. Additionally, I am also able to apply the use of appropriate methods in assessing patients as warranted to ensure a precise and effective diagnosis. I plan to regularly practice them in community health clinics and in medical wards for the examination of patients (Klemenc‐Ketis et al., 2014).

2. I am also able to apply the use of effective verbal communication as well as interpersonal skills when meeting with patients and other healthcare professionals. Moreover, I have discovered that I am patient and able to maintain a positive attitude when under pressure while also being able to effectively communicate in writing as well as verbally.

3. I strongly believe in educating the patients on what they are going through, the procedures to expect and how to basically increase their quality of life. Currently, many patients that I have encountered in the hospital environment have showed self-care deficit or non-compliance due to lack of knowledge or medical literacy (Buppert, 2020). Providing them with education is important as I believe it provides them with a great autonomy and self-empowerment. Assignment 2: Practicum Experience Plan









Opportunities for growth:


My opportunities for growth include;

1. I would like to apply to a physician assistant graduate program. As a nurse practitioner, I never want to stop improving. The love for patients drives my desire to constantly learn and develop new skill sets (Krautter et al., 2014).

2. I would also like to build my network and advance my career. Networking, collaborating, meeting new colleagues, and building relationships is important my professional development and career advancement. Assignment 2: Practicum Experience Plan









Now, write three to four (3–4) possible goals and objectives for this practicum experience. Ensure that they follow the SMART Strategy, as described in the Learning Resources.

1. Goal: Safety

a. Objective: I will ensure the use of healthcare policy guidelines to develop an updated patient and staff safety hazard checklist.

b. Objective: I will also ensure that the list be checked by every nursing practitioner on a rotating basis twice a month.

c. Objective: I will ensure the completion of the list by the end of April and assess monthly whether other team members are completing it.


2. Goal: Patient Care

a. Objective: I will ensure the handing over of patient details, assessment notes and care instructions to the nurses on the next shift before the completion of my shift.

b. Objective: I will do this before every break to make sure that the details of the patients are noted and certain instructions are strictly followed.

c. Objective: Moreover, by doing so, it will assist all nurses to comprehend the patients’ areas of interest to build a rapport.


3. Goal: Efficiency

a. Objective: By following the timetable that guides for a weekly meeting with the rest of the staff, I will be able to document my additional tasks.

b. Objective: I also want to effectively and efficiently divide my time to manage all my duties.

c. Objective: Lastly, I want to improve how I generally manage my time and seek assistance when the ward becomes too busy.


4. Goal: Learning and Development

a. Objective: By the end of the year, I want to attend four workshops that are centered on my area of specialty.

b. Objective: I also want to apply for a communications class online for three months to improve on my verbal and writing skills.

c. Objective: I also want to network and meet with other people from my area of specialty. Assignment 2: Practicum Experience Plan










Buppert, C. (2020). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Klemenc‐Ketis, Z., Kravos, A., Poplas‐Susič, T., Švab, I., & Kersnik, J. (2014). New tool for patient evaluation of nurse practitioner in primary care settings. Journal of clinical nursing23(9-10), 1323-1331.

Krautter, M., Koehl-Hackert, N., Nagelmann, L., Jünger, J., Norcini, J., Tekian, A., & Nikendei, C. (2014). Improving ward round skills. Medical teacher36(9), 783-788 Assignment 2: Practicum Experience Plan.