The primary motivation behind this consolidation

The primary motivation behind this consolidation

Assignment 2: Required Assignment 2PSA Submission: Letter and PowerPoint

In this assignment, you review all your work and, using instructor feedback, finalize and submit your PSA for your selected public health problem.

Here are the components you need to include:

In M1: Assignment 3 , you selected a public health problem to examine throughout your course project.

M2: Assignment 1 , you explored funding sources for your PSA.

M2: Assignment 2 , you defined and described the extent of the public health problem and contributing factors.


M3: Required Assignment 1 , you created a MAPP model for the public health problem. The primary motivation behind this consolidation 

M4: Assignment 2 , you explained your plan for designing a culturally competent PSA.

M5: Required Assignment 2 , you submit your PSA.

Your county board of supervisors is considering a proposal to consolidate the county health department into a regional public health entity that would be formed by merging the health department with those of three other contiguous counties of similar size (each has a population in the 50,000–75,000 range).

The primary motivation behind this consolidation proposal is that a regional public health entity would assure better coordination of emergency preparedness and response activities within the region. You agree with this premise, but also fear that some public health activities may actually suffer in such a consolidation. You decide to write a letter to the editor of the newspaper serving your county in order to influence public opinion as the county board considers this matter.

For this assignment, you are to complete a:

Letter (approximately 2–3 pages) to the editor of an appropriate publication of your choice that clearly states your position and includes your rationale and relevant evidence. Include adequate research on the risks and benefits of regionalizing public health. Identify the publication for which you will write the letter. Be sure to research constraints the publication has for letters to the editor. The primary motivation behind this consolidation 

PowerPoint (PPT) presentation (approximately 5–7 slides) to deliver to the board to gather support for your previously created letter. The PPT presentation should explain what you feel are the advantages and disadvantages of the consolidation. Include detailed speaker notes to explain each slide.

Your final product will be in a PowerPoint slide show and be approximately 5–7 slides in length, and utilize at least 5 scholarly sources in research (beyond the textbook). In addition, a 2–3–page written letter to the editor of an appropriate publication of your choice should be developed. Your slide show should be formatted following current APA standards; written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.View less » The primary motivation behind this consolidation 

The goal of evidence-based medicine

The goal of evidence-based medicine

51. What financial benefit does a small rural hospital reap by qualifying for the designation, Critical Access Hospital? 
It can receive specific federal grants for serving vulnerable populations 
It can use its beds for either acute care or long-term care as needed 
It can increase its profitability by receiving special payments for emergency services  The goal of evidence-based medicine
It can receive cost-plus reimbursement under Medicare Part A 
52. Which principle of ethics requires caregivers to involve the patient in medical decision making?


53. What is the main drawback of a living will? 
It cannot cover all possible situations 
The patient’s agent may not act in the patient’s best interest 
The person formulating a living will must have a court appointed 
It becomes invalid when the patient becomes incompetent 
54. To participate in Medicare and Medicaid, a health care facility must be 
certified  The goal of evidence-based medicine
55. Which entity oversees the licensure of health care facilities? 
The Joint Commission 
Federal government 
State government 
Local county or city government

56. Institutional theory predicts that 
for-profit and nonprofit organizations will imitate each other when faced with similar regulatory and legal constraints 
as an enterprise increases in size, its unit overhead costs would 
as a hospital increases in size, its economies of scale dissipate 
in competitive markets, both for-profit and nonprofit organizations 
would deliver certain essential community benefits 
57. Under this method, a primary care physician decides whether or not to refer a patient to a specialist.  The goal of evidence-based medicine
Prospective uti I ization review 
Disease management 
Closed-panel utiIization 
58. When an MCO adopts capitation as the primary method of payment, which service is likely to be carved out? 
Mental health 
Primary care 
59. Which HMO model is likely to require heavy capital outlays to expand into new markets? 
Staff model 
Group model 
Network model 
IPA model 
60. PPOs were created by __ in response to HMOs’ growing market share. 
insurance companies 
independent contractors

61. Which of these organizations was specifically created to bring management expertise to physician group practices? 
Virtual organizations 
Physician-hospital organizations 
Provider-sponsored organizations 
Management services organizations 
62. Where two organizations cease to exist, and a new corporation is formed: 
Joint venture 
63. Regional health systems are often: 
horizontally integrated 
vertically integrated 
formed into virtual organizations 
formed into alliances 
64. requires that any health care need is recognized, evaluated, and addressed. 
long-term care 
health care 
individual care  The goal of evidence-based medicine
total care 
65. What is the primary goal of long-term care? 
help patients with increased pain 
cure deadly diseases 
preventing institutionalization 
providing socialization

66. This type of clinical category for long-term care is non-medical care provided to support and requires no active medical treatments. 
personal care 
nursing care 
custodial care 
subacute care 
67. What is the most common cause of mental retardation in America? 
Down’s syndrome 
spina bifida 
68. The prevalence of HIV in the population has: 
stayed the same 
none of the above 
69. Which law created two categories for nursing home certification purposes? 
Nursing Home Reform Act 
Medical Advancement Act 
Nursing Home Alternatives Act 
None of the above 
70. Who is the primary payer for health care services for the elderly? 
private insurance 
none of the above 
71. What was the sixth leading cause of death for Hispanic males in 2003? 
heart disease 

72. What factor has been found to be associated with the highest injury-related mortality rate among Indian children? 
prenatal care 
73. Most medically uninsured adults are employed but are not covered because: 
their employer does not offer health benefits 
they do not work enough hours to qualify for health benefits 
they cannot afford the premium 
all of the above. 
74. Education and psychotherapy for children with HIV is an example of: 
heatlh-related support services  The goal of evidence-based medicine
population-based community health services 
personal medical and preventive services 
none of the above 
75. Who is the principal user of the health care system? 
76. What is defined as a “high-impact” area? 
areas with over 3,000 rural health clinics 
areas that serve at least 4,000 migrant workers for at least two months per year. 
areas that serve at least 12,000 community members per year 
none of the above.

77. Which type of patient is most likely to experience disability and more severe medical illnesses? 
78. All of the following are factors effecting the growth in health spending EXCEPT: 
uninsured patients 
hospital services 
prescription drugs 
physician services 
79. What is partly responsible for the surplus of specialists in the US? 
greater access to financial aid 
increased population 
none of the above 
80. Defensive medicine leads to: 
decreased cesarean sections 
legal risks 
unnecessary tests and services 
none of the above 
8l. What was the most sweeping price-control initiative for Medicare? 
Economic Stabilization Program 
Balanced Budget Act 
Omnibus Budge Reconciliation 
none of the above

82. What is NOT an implication for access to health and health care delivery? 
access to medical care is one of the key determinants of health 
measures of access reflect changes across the board 
access is increasingly linked to quality of care 
access is a significant benchmark in assessing effectiveness 
83. Which main type of access refers to the type, site, and purpose of health services? 
84. What do proponents believe regarding clinical practice guidelines? 
it reduces utilization 
decreases scientific research 
it promotes lower costs and better outcomes 
increases technology 
85. When public policy pertains to or influences the pursuit of health they become: 
health policy 
population policy 
prevention policy 
none of the above 
86. A problem associated with government involvement in US Health Is: 
escalating costs 
bureaucratic inflexibility 
excessive regulation 
all of the above

87. An insurance risk pool: 
helps people acquire private insurance otherwise unavailable 
helps insurance companies decrease their costs 
helps employers obtain insurance for their employees 
none of the above 
88. All BUT which of the following presidents is mentioned in the text as contributing major changes in health policies: 
President Lyndon Johnson 
President John Kennedy 
President Harry Truman 
President Bill Clinton 
89. Which branch of government is the most active in policymaking? 
none of the above 
90. Which group have policies been created to provide access to health care? 
poor children 
poor adults 
all of the above 
9l. What is the third main concern of health care policy? 
qualify of care 
92. The majority of employers currently offer: 
long-term plan 
defined benefit plan 
deductible health plan 
none of the above

93. The greatest challenge in insurance is: 
maintaining a balance between healthy and sick enrollees 
maintaining a balance between young and elder enrollees 
maintaining a balance between premium and nonpremium enrollees 
none of the above 
94. What is a disadvantage of managed competition? 
the medical infrastructure fluctuates 
increased government bureaucracy 
it cannot guarantee that everyone would have equal access to care 
all of the above 
95. Infectious diseases and health care must be viewed from a 
96. What is a strategy used to deal with nurse shortages? 
investments in training 
improvement in work environments 
opening new schools 
all of the above 
97. What approach will be used in order to improve quality and productivity? 
collaborative team approach 
all of the above

98. What is the goal of evidence-based medicine? 
increase the amount of patients 
increase the availabilty of prescription medicine 
increase the value of medicine  The goal of evidence-based medicine
none of the above 
99. What type of integration is represented by a chain of nursing homes? 
Ve integration 
Horizontal integration 
100. Where a new corporation created by two partnering organizations remains independent: 
Joint venture 
Alliance The goal of evidence-based medicine

Critique its alignment with public health principles

Critique its alignment with public health principles

Use contemporary food standards for analysis:
Health claims
Review the information pertaining to this standard and provide an assessment of the following issues:
1. Document the policy statement that informs the standard.
2. Discuss the history/development of the standard
3. Describe the key players / submitters / commentators and their position in relation to standard
4. Situate the standard within relevant global policy/standards
5. Critique its alignment with public health principles
Conclude your analysis by summarizing the changes you would recommend to enable achievement of improved public health impacts Critique its alignment with public health principles 
Length:2000 words


NOTE: the following criteria must be address strictly while addressing main question
This assessment relates to Module 3.4: food regulation and key regulatory issues. You may find it helpful to listen to the related online lectures and associated readings and links in this Module.
I also suggest that you use the individual task points for this assessment as subheadings in your report, as well as an introduction and conclusion.
You may find the following points helpful:
If you were to chooseHealth claims,for example, the policy statement that relates to that is Standard 1.2.7.
You are required to

  • Document the policy statement that informs the standard ie give a summary overview of Standard 1.2.7, with some detail about the different levels of health claims
  • Discuss the history/development of Standard 1.2.7 – from its development to the present day
  • Describe the key players / submitters / commentators and their position in relation to standard – you will find it helpful to refer to the submissions that were made to the consultation paper of March 2009 – there is a link on Module 3.4 of Moodle that I copied and past in next page
  • Situate the standard within relevant global policy/standards – how does Standard 1.2.7 compare with other countries’ food standards/legislation and with Codex Alimentarius?
  • Critique its alignment with public health principles – I think this is straight forward and will be up to your individual judgement
  • Given your review what else to you think could be done to improve public health impacts?? Critique its alignment with public health principles 

2000 words
Following note and link will be needed for assignment main link 
Foodand nutrition laws have been in place for decades. Traditionally in Australia, theirfocus has beenon safeguarding the purity and safety of thefood supply, andensuring that foodproviders were being honest about foodcontents. Ultimately, theaim was to prevent acute food safety concerns. Historically, there has been less focusonregulations to maintain and optimise the nutrition status of individuals or populations (i.e. health promotion objectives). However, two of the food regulatory issues that we will discuss as part of this sub-module relate to the broader Public Health agenda for not only protecting public safety, but also promoting good health – i.e. food labelling and food fortification.
Further information onkey regulatory bodies can be found here:Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ);NSW Food Authority;Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation; and theFood Regulation Standing Committee.The Food Standards Code can be foundhere. (You should, at the very least, click through to all of these links to see how toaccess information on these organisations/bodies).
Since the review of Review of Food Labelling Law and Policyin 2009, a large number ofconsultation and policy documentshave been developed on the issue, with subsequent changes to the Food Standards code related toNutrition, Health and Related Claims. There has also been avoluntary front-of-pack labelling schemethat has been endorsed by the Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation.
· Have you seen food products displaying the Health Star Rating System? This system will be rolled outover the next five years, from June 2014. Note, however, that this isvoluntaryand so we cannot expect the same uptake as would be seen by a mandatory system (this is due to it’s implementation being a negotiation between Government, industry, and public health and consumer groups. So it’s not an ideal outcome but a step in the right direction!
In relation to Nutrition, Health and Related Claims, outcomes from this standard have been met with mixed views from the public health community. According to the standard, for manufacturers to be able to make a general or high-level health claim, the product must meet certain nutritional criteria for the product overall (theNutrient Profiling Scoring Criteria). Unfortunately, the same restrictions do not apply to nutrient content claims, nor for health-relatedingredient claims(e.g. ‘Contains fruit and vegetables’ or ‘whole grains’). Therefore, there is a potential for unhealthy products to carry nutrient content claims or to promote certain ingredients. Seeherefor amedia article describing this issue Critique its alignment with public health principles 

Public health practice Discussion

Public health practice Discussion

Week 1 discussion


Public health practice was initially concerned with infectious and environmentally related diseases, but in recent years has evolved to focus more on injury prevention, substance abuse, violence, tobacco-related, and other chronic diseases. Present at least one pivotal legal and historical occurrence that resulted in this shift of public health effort. Justify your rationale with supportive evidence. Public health practice Discussion


Review the Ten Great Public Health Achievements (Exhibit 2.3) of your textbook. Select one of the 10 achievements. What is the importance of your chosen achievement to society? In your own words, defend its right to be considered a “Great Public Health Achievement.” Select three other peers’ postings and debate their analysis. Keep in mind all postings should be substantive and well supported with examples, details, and evidence. Brief responses are not appropriate.


Week 2 discussion


Focus on a “current event” ethical dilemma in public health. Apply the principles of the ethical practices of public health to resolve the issue (see page 125 of the textbook). You may integrate recommendations based on conclusions from public health acts and principles to support your position. Select three other peers’ postings and provide feedback on the presented resolution. Offer further suggestions, details, or examples.


State agencies typically follow one of two general structure models: the free-standing agency model or the super agency model. What are the pros and cons of each model? Which model do you think is “ideal” for a state agency and why?

Week 3 discussion


Within a budget there are two categories: mandatory and discretionary. In which categories do most public health programs fall? Provide an example of an expenditure that is considered mandatory. Justify your rationale. Provide an example of an expenditure that is discretionary. Justify your rationale. Public health practice Discussion


What are the responsibilities and role of the Appropriations Committee? What is the importance of this committee to public health spending as it relates to Medicaid and Medicare?

Week 4 discussion


The public health workforce is found in both population-based and institutional services that stem from the official public health agencies. What are the most frequent employment sites for health care workers? Present an example of an organization, institution, or agency that would be categorized under each service, population-based and institutional. Provide an example of a job title and an associated job description at each level of service. Select three other peers’ postings to peer review. Provide appropriate feedback.


Review the Root Cause Analysis Topic Materials to learn more about conducting a root cause analysis. Using the “Root Cause Analysis Template,” conduct a root cause analysis of the “Root Cause Analysis Scenario.” Post a description of the problem and a summary of your root cause analysis, including recommendations for proposed action to eliminate the problem from reoccurring. Select other peers’ postings to peer review. Provide appropriate feedback.

Week 5 discussion


Identify five sources of data available at the federal level. What is the importance of each data source in public health funding and surveillance? Describe the information/content that can be found in these data sources. Present an example of an industry that might find each of these data sources useful.


What is the difference between service-based and population-based applications for information systems in public health organizations? Present an example of each application and justify your rationale. Select three other peers’ postings to peer review. Provide appropriate feedback.

Week 8 discussion


As it relates to the development and management of public health assessment activities, what is your response to the following statement?

It is suggested that the assessment process is driven by decisions made by the community members themselves, rather than by influences from the outside community.

Select three other peers’ postings and debate their response. Keep in mind all postings should be substantive and well supported with examples, details, and evidence. Brief responses are not appropriate.


What are the four organizational strategy types? Describe how an organization chooses which strategy to implement. Public health practice Discussion

Week 9 discussion


Provide an example of the three prevention strategies: primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention as they relate to disaster epidemiology. Justify your rationale. Select three other peers’ postings and debate their responses.


How are surveillance systems used in post-disaster situations? Support your answer with examples and evidence.

Week 10 discussion


Explain the life cycle of public health partnerships. Why are collaborative partnerships important? What reasons or issues lead to the termination of partnerships?


What is the difference between intervention research and systems research? Provide an example of a public health advancement or accomplishment that represents each type of research. In addition, explain the role of systems research and the integration of systems theory for public health programs implemented within community-based organizations. Justify your rationale.

Week 1 Public Health Presentation assignment

Design a PowerPoint presentation (6-8 slides) that includes the following components:

Your definition of public health.

An overview of Healthy People 2020 and your perspectives regarding at least one of the leading health concerns posed by Healthy People 2020.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Week 2 Public Health Reform assignment

Submit a paper (1,250-1,500 words) focusing on public health reform. Provide an overview of the current status of public health in the United States.

Review a portion of the Affordable Care Act and present the strengths and weaknesses of the plan, as well as make suggestions for plan improvement.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Week 3 Sample Budget assignment

Create a small budget for a hypothetical state program based on priority health concerns from Healthy People 2020. Public health practice Discussion

In addition, create a narrative (2-4 sentences) that identifies the most appropriate federal funding source for your proposed program.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Week 5 Online Database or Online Query-Based Report assignment

Select a database from NCHS or complete a query using CDC WISQARS.

Select a specific health concern or injury using the population of your choice. Be sure not to limit your query so you have enough data to evaluate, and include a substantial time frame so you are able to identify trends.

Submit a 750-1,000 word report that provides an overview the database or query results. The report should consist of a demographic description of the chosen population including a review of noticeable trends in morbidity and/or mortality by race, gender, and geographic location where specified.

Based on the results and possible trends, present the implications for public health intervention or involvement.

In your report, include considerations of basic ethical and legal principles pertaining to the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of epidemiologic data. As Chapter 13 of the text describes, focus on privacy and security issues surrounding protected health information and how HIPAA protects the confidentiality of the patient. Consider the ethical implications of whether public health organizations have too much latitude in the use and dissemination of epidemiologic data.

Use examples and evidence to support your report.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Week 9 CLC – Public Health Emergencies Case Study assignment

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

The instructor will assign each student to a CLC group.

Each CLC group will be assigned one of the following public health emergencies to analyze: swine flu, shortages of influenza vaccine, anthrax, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Hurricane Katrina, California wildfires, syphilis outbreak, salmonella outbreak, and mass trauma (such as that associated with terrorists/bombings).

In a report format of 500-750 words, address the following:

Describe the chain of command and the method of public health response that was conducted in this situation.

Determine the important public health issues related to medical care in this situation.

Describe the possible public health risks as well as the pros and cons of communicating the situation to the public and the media.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

One member of the CLC group will post the assignment on Day 1 of the Topic 8 discussion forum for peer review. Individually, provide constructive feedback and commentary and ask specific questions to all posted public health emergencies. In particular, focus on the chain of command as it relates to addressing the specific emergency, the benefits of effective communication, and the risks associated with miscommunication of emergency-related events and statistics. It is the CLC group’s responsibility to decide who will respond to the postings provided by peers. This will account for part of your participation grade for the week.

Week 10 Community Prevention Project assignment

Review your state public health department and environmental quality departments online to identify vector-related diseases affecting your community. Public health practice Discussion

In a report format of 1,250-1,500 words, address the following:

Describe the health concerns of the community.

Identify current environmental risk assessment methods which apply to public health issues.

Suggest a modifier or new prevention or intervention program based on your research.

Create a sample program budget.

Complete a SWOT analysis of the proposed program.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Public health practice Discussion

Healthcare Costs Increase Example

Healthcare Costs Increase Example

5 pages essay. Follow the instruction please.
Look at the bold sections in this sample paper: (Links to an external site.)
In your outline start to map out the main sections that will be in your final paper. 
See below a detailed outline from walden university (Links to an external site.)
The following outline is for a 5-7 page paper discussing the link between educational attainment and health. Review the other sections of this page for more detailed information about each component of this outline! Healthcare Costs Increase Example


I. Introduction

 A. Current Problem: Educational attainment rates are decreasing in the United States while healthcare costs are increasing.
B. Population/Area of Focus: Unskilled or low-skilled adult workers
C. Key Terms:  healthy, well-educated
Thesis Statement: Because of their income deficit (cite sources) and general susceptibility to depression (cite sources), students who drop out of high school before graduation maintain a higher risk for physical and mental health problems later in life.

II. Background

 A. Historical Employment Overview: Unskilled laborers in the past were frequently unionized and adequately compensated for their work (cite sources).
B. Historical Healthcare Overview: Unskilled laborers in the past were often provided adequate healthcare and benefits (cite sources).
C. Current Link between Education and Employment Type: Increasingly, uneducated workers work in unskilled or low-skilled jobs (cite sources).
D. Gaps in the Research: Little information exists exploring the health implications of the current conditions in low-skilled jobs.

III. Major Point 1:  Conditions of employment affect workers’ physical health. 

 A. Minor Point 1: Unskilled work environments are correlated highly with worker injury (cite sources).
B. Minor Point 2: Unskilled work environments rarely provide healthcare or adequate injury recovery time (cite sources).

IV. Major Point 2: Conditions of employment affect workers’ mental health

 A. Minor Point 1: Employment in a low-skilled position is highly correlated with dangerous levels of stress (cite sources).
B. Minor Point 2: Stress is highly correlated with mental health issues (cite sources). Healthcare Costs Increase Example

V. Major Point 3: Physical  health and mental health correlate directly with one another.

 A. Minor Point 1: Mental health problems and physical health problems are highly correlated (cite sources).
B. Minor Point 2: Stress manifests itself in physical form (cite sources)

VI. Major Point 4: People with more financial worries have more stress and worse physical health.

 A. Minor Point 1: Many high-school dropouts face financial problems (cite sources).
B. Minor Point 2: Financial problems are often correlated with unhealthy lifestyle choices such unhealthy food choices, overconsumption/abuse of alcohol, chain smoking, abusive relationships, etc. (cite sources).

VII. Conclusion

 A. Restatement of Thesis:  Students who drop out of high school are at a higher risk for both mental and physical health problems throughout their lives.
B. Next Steps:  Society needs educational advocates; educators need to be aware of this situation and strive for student retention in order to promote healthy lifestyles and warn students of the risks associated with dropping out of school.

– See more at: Healthcare Costs Increase Example

Workers’ Mental Health Conditions Essay

Workers’ Mental Health Conditions Essay

5 pages essay. Follow the instruction please.
Look at the bold sections in this sample paper: (Links to an external site.)
In your outline start to map out the main sections that will be in your final paper. 
See below a detailed outline from walden university (Links to an external site.)
The following outline is for a 5-7 page paper discussing the link between educational attainment and health. Review the other sections of this page for more detailed information about each component of this outline! Workers’ Mental Health Conditions Essay


I. Introduction

 A. Current Problem: Educational attainment rates are decreasing in the United States while healthcare costs are increasing.
B. Population/Area of Focus: Unskilled or low-skilled adult workers
C. Key Terms:  healthy, well-educated
Thesis Statement: Because of their income deficit (cite sources) and general susceptibility to depression (cite sources), students who drop out of high school before graduation maintain a higher risk for physical and mental health problems later in life.

II. Background

 A. Historical Employment Overview: Unskilled laborers in the past were frequently unionized and adequately compensated for their work (cite sources).
B. Historical Healthcare Overview: Unskilled laborers in the past were often provided adequate healthcare and benefits (cite sources).
C. Current Link between Education and Employment Type: Increasingly, uneducated workers work in unskilled or low-skilled jobs (cite sources).
D. Gaps in the Research: Little information exists exploring the health implications of the current conditions in low-skilled jobs.

III. Major Point 1:  Conditions of employment affect workers’ physical health. 

 A. Minor Point 1: Unskilled work environments are correlated highly with worker injury (cite sources).
B. Minor Point 2: Unskilled work environments rarely provide healthcare or adequate injury recovery time (cite sources).

IV. Major Point 2: Conditions of employment affect workers’ mental health

 A. Minor Point 1: Employment in a low-skilled position is highly correlated with dangerous levels of stress (cite sources).
B. Minor Point 2: Stress is highly correlated with mental health issues (cite sources).

V. Major Point 3: Physical  health and mental health correlate directly with one another.

 A. Minor Point 1: Mental health problems and physical health problems are highly correlated (cite sources).
B. Minor Point 2: Stress manifests itself in physical form (cite sources)

VI. Major Point 4: People with more financial worries have more stress and worse physical health.

 A. Minor Point 1: Many high-school dropouts face financial problems (cite sources).
B. Minor Point 2: Financial problems are often correlated with unhealthy lifestyle choices such unhealthy food choices, overconsumption/abuse of alcohol, chain smoking, abusive relationships, etc. (cite sources).

VII. Conclusion

 A. Restatement of Thesis:  Students who drop out of high school are at a higher risk for both mental and physical health problems throughout their lives.
B. Next Steps:  Society needs educational advocates; educators need to be aware of this situation and strive for student retention in order to promote healthy lifestyles and warn students of the risks associated with dropping out of school.

– See more at: less »Workers’ Mental Health Conditions Essay

social conditions on issue and proposed solutions

social conditions on issue and proposed solutions

Five Questions”:

ü You will write responses to five (5) questions provided by the instructor, each response

approximately 350-500 words long.

ü These questions will help you identify and evaluate:

  • §  theroleofthegoverningbodythatyouaretargetingwithyourproposal;
  • §  thetwoopposingpolicypositionsandtheirclaimsmakers(i.e.thosewhoaresupporting social conditions on issue and proposed solutions

each position and their investment in that stance); and,

  • §  your integration of conceptual material from weekly readings and class discussions

through midterm, including:

·         ·  types of moral perspectives;

·         ·  political alliances and relative political power of policy proposals;

·         ·  impact of social factors/social conditions on issue and proposed solutions;

·         ·  current and projected disparities in healthcare use and outcomes.

It is expected that you will be building on these writings as you proceed through the term.

list of the topic

Sources must include course readings as well as research from peer-reviewed academic social conditions on issue and proposed solutions


Final write-up of the paper is due at 7 p.m. on Wednesday of Finals Week and emailed to the instructor.

Choose one of the following for your policy analysis paper.

1.      Public Health and Rights to Privacy: Should medical providers be bound by Public Health policies? Recently, a nurse who was exposed to the Ebola virus refused quarantine rules imposed by the legislature and health department of New Jersey. What were the arguments on both sides? What roles did science, cultural values and norms, and political posturing play in policymaking? What other factors were involved? What are implications for other issues in which private and public health sectors must collaborate?


2.      Is unregulated economic growth good for our health? Scientists argue that diminishing biodiversity in our ecosystems world-wide, much of it due to unrestricted development and other human activity, will affect our health in the future. Are there ways we can grow an economy and maintain diversity in the environment?

3.      Health care digitization and other new technologies in your doctor’s office: Physicians and their staffs are facing increased pressures to digitize medical records, and recruit and maintain a remote client base through telemedicine practices, i.e., incorporate new technologies into their practices. Are these new practices changing the doctor-patient relationship? What do both doctors and patients think about the changes? And, what roles are medical industries, healthcare corporations, and governments playing in effecting certain changes?

4.      Making the rules regarding women’s contraceptive choices: One of most controversial (and litigated) provision of the PPACA is the obligation of employer plans to cover contraceptive services under prevention. Businesses that oppose coverage have challenged the law and won concessions. What are the origins of this debate, both in the construction of the law and in the history of women’s contraceptive choices in America? What implications does this have for women’s health care and for future policymaking? Should private businesses be able to block access to health care for women?

5.      What should government do in response to the problem of access to health care?: The Obama administration developed a health care policy that addressed the tens of millions of Americans who in 2010 were uninsured (and millions more who were underinsured). What provisions of the PPACA attempt to create a more inclusive system? What are the values and politics behind them? What are the arguments opposed? Did the PPACA go far enough, as others contend the U.S. should transition to a federally-funded “Medicare for Everybody” universal health insurance system?social conditions on issue and proposed solutions

6.      What role should medical professionals have in military anti-terrorism practices?: Since the exposure of abuse of detainees at Abu Gharib in Iraq in 2003, critics have questioned the role of psychiatrists in the justification of torture practices by military interrogators. Should physicians and psychiatrists provide information that helps determine how much and what kind of mistreatment could be delivered to detainees of the military during interrogations? Is there a point where a doctor’s obligation to “do no harm” is suspended during times of war?

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7.      Immigrants and health care laws: In 1994 Californians passed an initiative, subsequently ruled unconstitutional, that included a provision requiring medical personnel to refuse care to undocumented immigrants. More recently, the Obama administration has ruled that while young undocumented immigrants may be allowed to be “lawfully present” in the U.S. (for schooling or work), they would not be eligible for health benefits under the new health care law. What are the obligations of a society to those within its borders? Is health care different from other kinds of “benefits”? How have other countries addressed this issue?

8.      Are there limits to the uses of medical technology?: Should genetic screening be used in hiring and contracting by employers, insurers, and governments? Is genetic enhancement an acceptable use of technology? These and other questions can be explored in determining at what point the costs of technologies (in terms of harm to persons or communities) outweigh the benefits.

9.      Technology and doctor/patient interaction: How are new medical technologies changing the doctor- patient encounter, as well as doctors’ approaches to clinical care? Is the use (or overuse of testing) improving diagnostic accuracy, or is this more myth than fact? What evidence speaks to what the balance should be between subjective observation and laboratory data in a doctor’s deliberations? Does the new health care law have something to say about the use of technologies in patient care?

10.  Off-label marketing of drugs: A common practice by physicians, and heavily promoted by drug companies, off-label use of drugs was given a boost by an appeals court decision in New York supporting marketing of drugs for uses not approved by the FDA. What are the pros and cons of this decision for doctors and patients? What should be the responsibilities of drug manufacturers, and what would be an appropriate governmental policy on this issue? social conditions on issue and proposed solutions

11.  Should medical providers be allowed to deny medications on grounds of conscience?: First pharmacists, and then, with the new provisions in the 2010 health care law, hospitals are exercising moral or religious grounds to gain exception to the mandate to provide birth control medications. Should exceptions be allowed? How should religious claims be weighed against individual rights?

12.  Should state legislatures or U.S. Congress regulate fracking? We are immersed in a new era of oil booms in North Dakota, Pennsylvania, and, more recently, Central California. Water infused with “various chemicals” (unidentified, to date) is blasted deep underground – below farms, close to water tables, handled by workers. Are these chemicals and processes harming workers or the environment? What responsibility do these companies have, not only to the environment which they are changing, but to workers and residents who may be affected by their practices?

13.  What’s the future for employer-based health care coverage?: At one time, employers willingly offered health care benefits as they competed with each other for workers. With outsourcing in the global labor market, high health care costs in the U.S., and a troubled economy, employers have implemented strategies for reducing their costs. What are some pre-2010 business strategies and current trends, and how does the ACA address them?

14.  Drug shortages, high-priced generics, and American health: Drug shortages have

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increased dramatically in the last decade, nearly tripling. In especially short supply is a generic version of an important cancer drug. What is the threat to public health? What’s wrong with the drug production and distribution system? What have Congress and the FDA done in response? How can private enterprise and government agencies address this problem?

15. Health Care and the poor: Community health providers who treat the poor find they cycle in and out of care due to periods of homelessness, jail time, and other barriers, disrupting medical regimens. What are implications for individual health and public health? What provisions of the ACA can help address these issues?

Proposing an Alternative Topic

If you prefer to work on a topic not listed above, you must submit a proposal (typewritten, single-spaced, due no later than our first class meeting) addressing each of these points and arguing why your topic is relevant to health care policymaking as well as recent health care reforms:

15.  (1)  state your key policy question (examples provided above);

16.  (2)  state what level of governance is involved at which a policy decision should be made

(local, state, federal; specific agency), and provide the rationale for why that governmental

entity is critical for this issue;

17.  (3)  identify 2 key positions on this issue, including how each identifies the problem and what

each proposes for a solution; for example, using a topic above, DTC advertising of pharmaceuticals is argued by some as improving patient choice and by others as inventing demand – what is each side identifying as a problem, and what do they suggest be done about it?

18.  (4)  outline sources of evidence each position puts forth in its claims; and,

19.  (5)  finally, looking at the topic areas for each week of this course, consider which you expect to

be most relevant for your topic and why; for example, DTC advertising of prescription drugs is relevant to the study of the patient empowerment movement as well as the study of medical industries and the role of profit-making in health-related fields.View less » social conditions on issue and proposed solutions

Competing interests in relation to health care

Competing interests in relation to health care

Health policy stakeholders
Executive summary In this report, the six different topics on the health policy stakeholders will be discussed. The topics include the mental health policy stakeholders, aboriginal health policy stakeholders, hospital policy stakeholders, nursing education policy stakeholder, pediatric health policy stakeholder and women and child policy stakeholder. An introduction on all these topics has been provided along with its importance and influence on the various policies.  Competing interests in relation to health care 
Topic 1: Mental health policy stakeholders Holden, C.A. and Lin, V., 2012. Network structures and their relevance to the policy cycle: A case study of The National Male Health Policy of Australia.Social Science & Medicine,74(2), pp.228-235.


The main theme of this paper is the understanding of a network formation obtained from the network analysis method that is broadly described in the paper providing the stake holders and policy makers the means to analyse the other stakeholders position in context to consideration of the policy process.
Competing interests in relation to health care is a conflict of value, which has a direct effect on the care the physicians provide and even evaluates the factor that whether the competing interests has any negative impact on the divergent interests. There is an involvement of the government in the policy making process and the health care organisations are often asked to have some policies that will guard the negative impacts of the competing interests.
The approach used in this paper is important for understanding the influence of stakeholders in public health policy because this paper focuses on the performers of a policy, which is helpful in providing the insight about how to feature a policy. To provide a broader view of the stakeholders in the mental health policy this paper provides a case study on the competing interest. This study provides with a network analysis style as an instrument, which will help the policy makers to identify the stakeholders and their considerations regarding the policy process. this study focuses on the structural functional framework and this helps in evaluating on role of the network analysis in providing of alternative methods to the stakeholders for participating in the policy cycle process. This paper highlights the point about how the network based on the relationship of the policy makers and stakeholders’ impacts on the policy process and hence has relevance to the topic and can be used as assistance to the topic. Competing interests in relation to health care 
Topic 2: Aboriginal health policy stakeholder Flicker, S. and Worthington, C.A., 2012. Public health research involving aboriginal peoples: research ethics board stakeholders’ reflections on ethics principles and research processes.Canadian Journal of Public Health/Revue Canadienne de Sante’e Publique, pp.19-22.
The main theme of this study is to identify the role of the stakeholders about the health policy of the aboriginals. This study highlights the fact of having a presence of considerable discussions about the principles that are best for researching the health process of the aboriginals in context to the stakeholders’ perspective.
This study deals with the term community health or the health issues of any community. The study of community health focuses on mainly kinds of groups and deals with aspects of health of that certain group. Community health mainly focuses on health issues of the whole group rather than pointing on any individual. This is why this study relates to the topic and this study deals with the system in which the health characteristics of a given community can be sorted and mentions that health of any group or community is dependent on the social and demographic position of that particular group. Health dimension encompasses the complete physical and mental situation of an individual. The stakeholders are not always involved in the health policy of the stakeholders and they do not particularly have the decision making right if not they are given the objective of the meaningful engagement that allows them to be a part of the decision making process.
This study is relevant to the topic because it highlights that the stakeholders do not have the right to get involved in the health and health policy matters of the aboriginals. They are not always allowed to take part in every decision making process and as the topic of the study is the aboriginal health policy stakeholders, the overall topic is discussed in the chosen paper providing a clear view. Thus, this paper can be accessed as an assistance to the topic to define the stakeholders position in aboriginal health policy.
Topic 3: Hospital policy stakeholders Gagnon, M.P., Desmartis, M., Poder, T. and Witteman, W., 2014. Effects and repercussions of local/hospital-based health technology assessment (HTA): a systematic review.Systematic reviews,3(1), p.129.
This chosen article is about the health technology assessment of hospitals and this paper highlights the perceptions of the stakeholders in the process of HTA in the hospitals. There is also mentioning of the implementation of the stakeholders recommendations for improving outcomes.
This research paper has an analysis of a conducted research to find the answer to the relevant questions and to find the answer to the perceptions of the stakeholders in the hospital policy. The method chosen by this paper was PRISMA and it was conducted in two methods; firstly the screening and selection method and the extraction of the data. The study was conducted using around 700 articles and the research was done in the hospitals of a country.
As the study was only about the effects of HTA and finding the perceptions of the stakeholders along with implementation of the recommendations, this study had limited access to research. The overall research provides an understanding of the impact of decision with introducing modern technologies in the hospitals. The study does not broadly emphasize on the stakeholder term in the whole paper but it is well known that the stakeholders of a hospital are the providers, payers, patients and the employers. Hence, through this paper one can critically evaluate the stakeholders’ perception about the hospital policy.
This article discusses the perception of stakeholders in the hospital policy; though not by mentioning the term stakeholders in every term still this article is relevant to the topic and can be used to discuss the topic in a broader way. This article focuses on the given topic, though it discusses the context of the topic in a different way it still highlights the importance of the decision-making by the stakeholders of a hospital and can be used as a help to describe the topic clearly. Competing interests in relation to health care 
Topic 4: Nursing educational policy stakeholders Tobiano, G., Marshall, A., Bucknall, T. and Chaboyer, W., 2015. Patient participation in nursing care on medical wards: an integrative review.International journal of nursing studies,52(6), pp.1107-1120. This article is about the participation of the patients in the way of their own nursing care. This study highlights the role of the patients in the nursing process. The objective of the study is to provide the perceptions of the patients towards the patient involvement in nursing process. This research paper has implied some methods to integrate the reviews of the patients as well as the nurses in the nursing process or policy. The methods with the help of which the study was conducted are data sources and the review methods, which provided a clear idea about the topic of the paper. The limitations of the paper are that the paper had some discrepancies. The results of the conducted research helped the research with some themes, which were the enacted participation, challenges in the participation process and the promotion of participation and lastly the participation types. There is a large number of enacted participation of the patients in the medical wards. The known challenges are will ingness of the patients and the approach of the nurses. Sharing of the information can be a way of promoting the participation. The question may arise how the above discussion is relevant to the topic. The above discussion is about the participation of the patients in nursing policy. This is the answer of the question. Broadly describing, this paper discusses about one of the stakeholders’ participation in the health care system and that is the patient. The patients are a type of stakeholders in any health care system. Hence, this paper is relevant to the topic and has the information, which can be used for defining the topic. The topic is about the nursing policy stakeholders and the paper is about the patient participation in the nursing policy, therefore, this paper can actually be a guide to discuss the topic. Topic 5: Paediatric health policy stakeholder Young, I., Gropp, K., Pintar, K., Waddell, L., Marshall, B., Thomas, K., McEwen, S.A. and Rajic, A., 2014. Experiences and Attitudes Towards Evidence-Informed Policy-Making Among Research and Policy Stakeholders in the Canadian Agri-Food Public Health Sector.Zoonoses and public health,61(8), pp.581-589.
This paper discusses the principle for developing the policy making process more evidence informed for the paediatric or food sector. This paper focuses on the interface of the food sector and policy making with highlighting its impact.
This paper covers a research of food and public health policy makers of Canada, to understand the perspectives of the policy makers. This paper focused on few groups on which the study was conducted and the participants were from paediatric and food departments. The participants introduced the research to all the principles required in this sector. The first one was clarifying the objectives of the policy. Second was the supporting the policy making with evidence third was evidence of the stakeholders interest in the policy inputs. Fourth, the ensuring of the evidence is delivered to the stakeholders in an informative way. Fifth was creating interdisciplinary perspective among the communities and the stakeholders. Sixth aspect was enhancing of individual skills for the policy makers. The results found after consideration of above facts are that the planned effort can lead to proper policy making along with evidence. Understanding of the policy realms can be effective in the policy making of the food industry. The limitation of this study is that it is conducted on few groups and hence there is a problem of implementing the results on wider perspective.
This paper is relevant to the topic as this paper highlights the integration of evidence based policy makers with the stakeholders interest and even the importance of the information sharing about the policy making of food industry to the stakeholders. Thus this paper can be used to discuss the topic broadly. This paper provides the proper importance of the policy makers in the paediatric policymaking system. Thus, this paper can be used as an assistance to look up to the topic of paediatric policy making.
Topic 6: Women and Child health policy stakeholder Nyondo, A.L., Chimwaza, A.F. and Muula, A.S., 2014. Stakeholders’ perceptions on factors influencing male involvement in prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV services in Blantyre, Malawi.BMC Public Health,14(1), p.691.
This paper is mainly about the factors that plays an influential role in determining the involvement of a man in preventing the transmission of HIV from mother to child. This paper is based on the stakeholders’ perspective on the given topic.
The paper discusses the prevention of HIV transmission as a topic from the stakeholders end and adapts many strategies and methods that are required to prevent and evaluate the overall transmission factor. This study highlights the role of the men in the prevention of HIV transmission as society is mainly patriarchal as mentioned by the stakeholders. There are many methods used in the study for conducting a research on the topic. The stakeholders perspective is clearly provided in the overall study and the limitations are that this study is about the role of male to prevent HIV transmission from mother to child but this study does not mention any other point about the other measures.
Though this paper is based on the stakeholders perspective in role of men in prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child this study highlights the certain factors of the topic. This paper highlights the women and child health factor along with highlighting the role of the stakeholders in the women and child health care policy. This paper discusses the stakeholders’ perspective in defining the importance of the male role in the prevention of the transmission of HIV from mother to child and the topic is also based on women and child care. Hence, both the paper and the topic is relevant to each other though not fully but to a great extent and hence this can be used in defining the topic broadly and giving a clear view of the topic of women and child health care and its importance from stakeholders perspective. Competing interests in relation to health care 

Depression Research Sample Essay

Depression Research Sample Essay

Stage One: Develop an Issue Statement
Depression can strike anyone regardless of age, ethnic background, socioeconomic background, or gender (NIMH, 2011). An estimated 7 million of the nation’s 39 million adults aged 65 years and older are stricken by depression, which is a persistent sad, anxious, or empty feeling, or a feeling of hopelessness and pessimism (Aldrich, 2010). When the elderly population experiences depression, it may be overlooked because seniors, like children and adolescents may experience different and less obvious symptoms and signs of depression and may be unable or unwilling to acknowledge feelings of sadness or grief (NIMH, 2011). Depression Research Sample Essay
It is important to note that depression is not a normal part of aging. While older adults may face widowhood, loss of function, or loss of independence, persistent bereavement or serious depression is not normal and should be treated (Aldrich, 2010). Living with untreated depression presents a serious public health problem (Aldrich, 2010; CDC, 2010; NIMH, 2011). Depression complicates chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke; increases health care costs; and often accompanies functional impairment and disability (Aldrich, 2010; CDC, 2010; CDC & NACDD, ND). Depression is also linked to higher health care costs and tied to higher mortality from suicide and cardiac disease (Aldrich, 2010; MHA, 2012). Depression in older adults is often not recognized or treated and yet, it is fairly easy to detect, highly treatable, and a candidate for prevention efforts—making it an excellent focus for public health activities (NIMH, 2011). Because depression is a highly treatable but currently undertreated condition among community-based older adults, all disease prevention programs for older adults should include a depression treatment component (CDC & NACDD, ND).
Stage Two: Use Data to Describe the Issue
Depression is the leading cause of disability as measured by Years Lived with Disability (YLDs) and the 4th leading contributor to the global burden of disease in 2000 (WHO, 2012). By the year 2020, depression is projected to reach 2nd place of the ranking of Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) calculated for all ages, both sexes (WHO, 2012). Using the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BFSS), the CDC found that lifetime indicators for depression in California for ages 50-64 are up to 17% and for those ages 65 and up, almost at 10% (CDC, 2006). Risk factors for late-onset depression included widowhood, physical illness, low educational attainment (less than high school), impaired functional status, and heavy alcohol consumption (CDC, 2006). Depression Research Sample Essay
Depression is a significant predictor of suicide in elderly Americans. Comprising only 13% of the U.S. population, individuals aged 65 and older account for 20% of all suicide deaths, with white males being particularly vulnerable (MHA, 2012). Suicide among white males aged 85 and older (65.3 deaths per 100,000 persons) is nearly six times the suicide rate (10.8 per 100,000) in the United States (MHA, 2012).
In regards to treatment, more than 55% of older persons treated for mental health services received care from primary care physicians and less than 3% aged 65 and older received treatment from mental health professional (MHA, 2012). Primary care physicians accurately recognize less than one half of patients with depression, resulting in potentially decreased function and increased length of hospitalization (MHA, 2012).
Stage Three: Search and Organize Information
Over the last decade, depression and other mental health problems have gained increased attention from the public health community. Mental health, including treatment of depression, is one of the Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators requiring action (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). The World Health Organization has launched an initiative focused on depression in public health (WHO, 2012). The Guide to Community Preventive Services (The Community Guide), developed by the non-federal Task Force on Community Preventive Services, has given the rating of “Recommended” to interventions involving collaborative care for treatment of adults 18 years of age or older who have major depression, as well as to home- and clinic-based depression care management interventions for older adults (Community Guide, 2011).
Using one of the leading EBPH resources, The Community Guide, as a tool for intervention recommendations, this resource recommends several strategies to manage depressive disorders. Each recommendation is based on evidence from a systematic review of the published scientific literature examining the effectiveness of the strategy (The Community Guide, 2011). The Community Guide’s evidence table on the recommendation of depression care management for older adults can be found in Appendix 1.
Stage Four: Prioritize Options
Collaborative care for the management of depressive disorders, also referred to as Depression Care Management (DCM) is a multicomponent, healthcare system-level intervention that uses case managers to link primary care providers, patients, and mental health specialists (The Community Guide, 2011). It is designed to: (1) improve the routine screening and diagnosis of depressive disorders; (2) increase provider use of evidence-based protocols for the proactive management of diagnosed depressive disorders; and (3) improve clinical and community support for active patient engagement in treatment goal setting and self-management (The Community Guide, 2011). This is a multi-component, healthcare system-level intervention that uses case managers to link primary care providers, patients, and mental health specialists and this type of intervention improves depression outcomes and is applicable to adult populations in most settings (The Community Guide, 2011).
The Task Force on Community Preventive Services “recommends collaborative care for the management of depressive disorders based on strong evidence of effectiveness in improving depression symptoms, adherence to treatment, response to treatment, and remission and recovery from depression” (The Community Guide, 2011). The Task Force also “finds that collaborative care models provide good economic value based on the weight of evidence from studies that assessed both costs and benefits” (The Community Guide, 2011). Depression Research Sample Essay
Stage Five: Develop and Implement an Intervention
The DCM model is a systematic team approach to treating depression in older adults, which is based on the model for treating chronic diseases (Aldrich, 2010; The Community Guide, 2011). Common elements of DCM include diagnosing depression through a validated screening instrument and providing psychotherapy or antidepressants according to evidence-based guidelines (Snowden, Steinman, & Frederick, 2008). Treatment is reexamined periodically through a validated severity measurement to determine how well patients are responding and to adjust treatment as needed (Snowden, Steinman, & Frederick, 2008). A trained social worker, nurse, or other practitioner (sometimes called a “depression care manager” or “care manager”) educates patients, tracks outcomes, assists with psychotherapy, and monitors anti-depressants prescribed by a primary care provider (Aldrich, 2010; Snowden, Steinman, & Frederick, 2008). The care manager works in consultation with a psychiatrist who supervises care, but typically does not see the patients (The Community Guide, 2011). The goal is to improve rates of faithfulness to treatment and to improve recognition and treatment for patients not responsive to their initial treatment (Snowden, Steinman, & Frederick, 2008).
In clinics, the depression care manager works with the patient’s primary care provider, a consulting psychiatrist, and other health care personnel to deliver the intervention (The Community Guide, 2011). Managing depression in primary care clinics is effective: elderly people already visit these facilities regularly, and one study of depressed older adults found that DCM was delivered at a mean cost of $580 per patient, compared with total health care cost per patient of about $8000 (Snowden, Steinman, & Frederick, 2008). In the home-based intervention, the depression care manager makes home visits and coordinates with other members of the collaborative care team outside of the participant’s home (Aldrich, 2010; Snowden, Steinman, & Frederick, 2008). One study of home-based management of depression found that costs averaged $630 per patient for an average of six visits (Snowden, Steinman, & Frederick, 2008).
Stage Six: Evaluate the Program
One program that follows the DCM model is the Program to Encourage Active and Rewarding Lives for Seniors (PEARLS) (Aldrich, 2010). PEARLS is a brief, time-limited, and participant-driven program that teaches depression management techniques to older adults with depression (Aldrich, 2010; Snowden, Steinman, & Frederick, 2008; University of Washington School of Public Health, 2009). It is offered to people who are receiving home-based services from community services agencies and the program consists of in-home counseling sessions followed by a series of maintenance session contacts conducted over the telephone (University of Washington School of Public Health, 2009). The PEARLS intervention is comprised of eight 50-minute sessions with a trained social service worker over a 19-week period including 3-6 subsequent telephone contacts (University of Washington School of Public Health, 2009).


The objectives of the PEARLS program include: (1) empowering participants and helping them develop the skills to define and solve their problems, (2) enabling participants to become more socially and physically active, and to experience more pleasant activities, and (3) to decrease participants’ symptoms of depression and improve their health-related quality-of-life and emotional well-being (Aldrich, 2010).
The PEARLS counselor is the individual who works directly with clients to implement the program. In most settings, the counselor will be responsible for some or most of the recruiting of clients for PEARLS (University of Washington School of Public Health, 2009). Many PEARLS counselors will also be case managers; however, it is recommended that a counselor does not deliver PEARLS to the same client(s) he or she case manages (University of Washington School of Public Health, 2009).
The three basic components of the PEARLS Program include:
• Problem-Solving Treatment–A seven-step, participant-driven approach in which the individual is supported by a counselor to identify and solve problems that the participant wants to address (University of Washington School of Public Health, 2009).
• Social and Physical Activation–Counselors work with participants to increase their engagement in social, physical and recreational activities, in both their homes and in their community (University of Washington School of Public Health, 2009).
• Pleasant Activity Scheduling–Participants are encouraged to select an activity they would enjoy doing on their own or in the company of others (a pleasant activity they can do as “homework”); over 200 diverse activities are offered in the PEARLS Toolkit as possible options for participants to consider (University of Washington School of Public Health, 2009).
Within the 19 week PEARLS program, at least 40% of participants in the program will have a reduction or elimination of depressive symptoms, greater reported health-related quality of life, and improvements in functional and emotional well-being. The participants depression will be diagnosed through the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) (a nine-item, validated instrument for screening and diagnosing depression) (Appendix 2), a score of 10.9 indicates an intermediate level of depression (Snowden, Steinman, & Frederick, 2008; University of Washington School of Public Health, 2009). The PHQ-9 is completed early in each PEARLS session. In addition, this set of questions sets the context for identifying a problem. According to Snowden et al., after using the PEARLS treatment in a study, the average PHQ-9 score had decreased to 4.8 and 30 (87%) of the 35 participants were in remission (Snowden, Steinman, & Frederick, 2008).
Outcome data in the PEARLS toolkit from the University of Washington School of Public Health include the following:
• PHQ-9 scores (from the PEARLS Tracking Chart, Baseline and Final Questionnaires)
• General Health (from the Baseline and Final Questionnaires)
• Social Activity (from the Baseline and Final Questionnaires)
• Physical Activity (from the Baseline and Final Questionnaires)
• Pleasant Activity (from the Baseline and Final Questionnaires)
Aldrich, N. (2010). CDC promotes public health approach to address depression among older adults. Retrieved from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2010). Mental health and aging. Retrieved from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2006). Indicator: Lifetime diagnosis of depression. Retrieved from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and National Association for Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD). (ND). The state of mental health and aging in America. Retrieved from
The Guide to Community Preventive Services. (2011). Interventions to reduce depression among older adults. Retrieved from
Mental Health America (MHA). (2012). Depression in older adults. Retrieved from
National Institute for Mental Health. (2011). Mental Health Topics. Retrieved from
Snowden, M., Steinman, L., & Frederick, J. (2007). Treating depression in older adults: Challenges to implementing the recommendations of an expert panel. Prevention of Chronic Disease. 5 (1): 26.
University of Washington School of Public Health. (2009). Depression care management: Evidence-based programs, PEARLS. Retrieved from
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2012). Mental health and mental disorders. Retrieved from
World Health Organization (WHO). (2012). Disorders Management. Retrieved from
World Health Organization (WHO). (2012). WHO initiative on depression in public health.
Retrieved from Depression Research Sample Essay

Negative Implications for Health

Negative Implications for Health

In the area of poverty, what you need to be focusing on are (a) how behavioural economics can help us understand the causes of poverty, and (b) what behavioural economics implies about the policies that may be needed to stop people from ending up needlessly poor and for helping those who are struggling with poverty to improve their situations. In doing this, you may be wise to take a long-term view of how poverty arise – i.e. people who are presently amongst Australia’s poor may have ended up in this situation as a consequence of decisions they (or even their parents) made many years ago, rather than, say, because they have been having trouble finding work recently. Also, in considering how people have trouble escaping from poverty you may be wise to consider how being poor affects decision-making. Negative Implications for Health


In the area of health, you need to focus on (a) how behavioural economics can help us understand how people make choices that have negative implications for their health, (b) how they make their decisions about when and how to seek assistance from health professionals, (c) the extent to which people comply with the treatment plans offered by health professionals, and (d) what all this implies for policies aimed at improving health and reducing the burden that health issues impose on the Government.

It may also be possible to offer behavioural insights in relation to the supply-side of services that deal with poverty and health. For example, consider whether behavioural economics may have anything to offer in relation to the problem of attracting doctors to work in more remote parts of Australia, away from the major cities, or how doctors choose new drugs and other treatments.View less » Negative Implications for Health