Strengths and Weaknesses of Widespread Pesticide Spraying to Prevent an Insect Airborne Disease

Strengths and Weaknesses of Widespread Pesticide Spraying to Prevent an Insect Airborne Disease

When certain insects were found to carry serious human disease, public health initiatives were launched to combat these insects. To prevent malaria, marshy areas were drained. This caused a drop in cases, but later it was learned that wetlands are an important part of the ecosystem.

Another strategy was to spray mosquitoes with insecticides, such as DDT. This practice was thought to have saved millions of lives worldwide, but later it was learned that DDT harms birds. In addition, DDT and its derivatives could be measured in human breast milk, even years after their spraying. Strengths and Weaknesses of Widespread Pesticide Spraying to Prevent an Insect Airborne Disease


For this assignment:

  • Choose a vector-borne disease transmitted by an insect and one strategy involving pesticides by which this vector-borne disease can be prevented. To read about the public health and personal strategies that can be used to control the spread of the disease by this insect, consult the textbook, information found by using the A–Z index of the CDC, and other reputable sources. The strategies will often fall into these categories—change the environment, kill the insect, and make the human being less vulnerable by using protective clothing or practices, or by vaccination.
  • Locate and review information about the potential harms, risks, or weaknesses of a conventional pesticide-based strategy for preventing the disease. Locate similar information on a strategy that does not involve use of a conventional insecticide; this may include spraying a biopesticide or a nonpesticide-based strategy.
  • Prepare a 2-page report in a Microsoft Word document addressing the following:
    • Briefly describe the vector that transmits the disease to humans, the organism that causes the disease, the main health problems caused by the disease, one or two key statistics on the frequency with which the disease occurs in the United States and worldwide, and the environmental conditions that favor spread of the disease (devote approximately half a page to this information).
    • Briefly list and define a strategy involving widespread spraying of a conventional insecticide.
    • Compare this to an alternative strategy that is used in actual practice. The alternative strategy may not involve pesticides or may involve use of a biopesticide. Strengths and Weaknesses of Widespread Pesticide Spraying to Prevent an Insect Airborne Disease
    • List at least three advantages and benefits of the strategy involving pesticide spraying; one of these benefits may be the effectiveness of the strategy if the strategy is indeed effective.
    • Describe at least three disadvantages, risks, or potential harms that may be caused by the strategy involving pesticides; one of these may be the lack of effectiveness of the strategy if the strategy is not effective. Discuss the potential impact of the pesticide strategy on vulnerable populations. Point out the major data gaps if needed research on potential harms of the strategy has not been conducted or is incomplete.
    • Conclude stating your opinion about whether the strategy involving the pesticide should be relied upon for public health purposes and justify your reasoning. Strengths and Weaknesses of Widespread Pesticide Spraying to Prevent an Insect Airborne Disease

Disorders of the Reproductive Systems

While the male and female reproductive systems are unique to each sex, they share a common function—reproduction. Disorders of this system range from delayed development to structural and functional abnormalities. Since many reproductive disorders not only result in physiological consequences but also psychological consequences such as embarrassment, guilt, or profound disappointment, patients are often hesitant to seek treatment. Disorders of the Reproductive Systems

Advanced practice nurses need to educate patients on disorders and help relieve associated stigmas. During patient evaluations, patients must feel comfortable answering questions so that you, as a key health care provider, will be able to diagnose and recommend treatment options. As you begin this Discussion, consider reproductive disorders that you would commonly see in the clinical setting. Disorders of the Reproductive Systems


To Prepare

  • Review Chapter 22 and Chapter 23 in the McPhee and Hammer text, as well as Chapter 32 in the Huether and McCance text.
  • Select two disorders of the male and/or female reproductive systems that interest you. Consider the similarities and differences between the disorders.
  • Select one of the following factors: genetics, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Think about how the factor you selected might impact the diagnosis of and treatment for the reproductive disorders. 
By Day 3

Post a description of the two reproductive disorders you selected, including their similarities and differences. Then explain how the factor you selected might impact the diagnosis of treatment for the reproductive disorders.  Disorders of the Reproductive Systems

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses. Disorders of the Reproductive Systems

By Day 6

A Structured Stakeholder Analysis

Topic: The Alzheimer’s Association

Select and investigate a stakeholder organization from the list below.  Post your selection in the Assignment #1 Discussion section so that your fellow students are aware of your choice. Only one student per Stakeholder Organization!

In this assignment students will gain expertise in identifying and analyzing the role of stakeholders in the U.S. Health Care Sector, examining the health care sector from the perspective of stakeholders, and examining the leadership and management of a stakeholder organization. A Structured Stakeholder Analysis


This assignment calls for a 3 page report (not including title page or reference page).  The student should address the following:

  •  Name and provide a brief overview of the stakeholder organization. Identify and describe the key health care issue the stakeholder is influencing, who is being represented by the stakeholder, the desired impact of the stakeholder on the issue and what the stakeholder’s members or constituents stand to gain if the desired outcome is achieved.
  • Identify and explain the stakeholder organization perspective: Payer (insurers, government payers, and employers); Provider (entities and individuals providing services in the health care system); Patient (consumers); or Producer (a product developer) could also be examined in this assignment.
  • Identify an organization that the stakeholder partners with OR an organization that opposes the stakeholder and describe their perspective on the same issue. A Structured Stakeholder Analysis
  • Identify the most senior leader of the organization. Describe his or her educational and positional background. Identify the duties and responsibilities of this leadership position and why this position is important to the stakeholder organization and healthcare as a whole. Describe the knowledge and skills this position requires, list some of the other the stakeholders this individual would work with and describe the nature of the stakeholder relationships.  Describe the impact a person in this career might have in improving the health care system.
  • As is the case with all academic papers, a well-organized paper will have a clear introduction to the topic, a body, and a conclusion or summary paragraph. In addition, a well-written paper will have minimal grammar, spelling, or sentence structure mistakes and it will fully conform to all APA formatting standards. A Structured Stakeholder Analysis

General Survey/Skin Nutrition

Your home health agency has received an order from a local hospital to evaluate and treat an elderly woman being discharged from its medical surgical unit.

Millie Gardner, an 83-year-old female patient, is being discharged home today to the care of her husband Fred (87 years old) following a 9-day hospitalization for pneumonia, dehydration, and failure to thrive. She has a history of hypertension (HTN), Type II Diabetes, and cerebral vascular accident (CVA) with left-sided weakness. Patient is alert and oriented but does have periods of forgetfulness during the overnight hours. Patient has intermittent incontinence of bowel and bladder and requires assistance with all activities of daily living (ADLs). General Survey/Skin Nutrition


Upon arrival you are greeted by Champ, the couple’s rambunctious miniature Doberman pinscher dog. Millie is in her wheelchair staring blankly out the window, and Fred is busy in the kitchen preparing the couple’s lunch. General Survey/Skin Nutrition

  • Based on the scenario above, please use the general survey process to describe the areas that you would be observing immediately upon entry to the home.
  • What, if any, concerns related to Millie’s skin and nutritional status do you have?
  • What nursing interventions will you include in the plan of care to address these concerns?
  • What teaching strategies will you use to educate Millie and Fred on the new medications?
  • Using the SBAR(situation, background, assessment, and recommendation) , please include the information that you will communicate to the physician’s office at the completion of the visit. General Survey/Skin Nutrition



Discussion 1
Describe the major causes for concern regarding cocaine use and compare them with various causes for concern regarding amphetamine use, showing evidence of your understanding of their similarities and dissimilarities.

Discussion 2
Explain the basic rationale and theoretical foundations for the extensive use of amphetamine in the treatment of ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder).

Discussion 3
Discuss the feasibility of controlled drinking as a realistic goal for those who are dependent on alcohol, citing evidence of support for as well as of opposition to this controversial concept of treatment.

Discussion 4
Discuss the rationales for and against viewing alcohol dependence as a disease.

Discussion 5
Present the pharmacology of opioids, including chemical changes and mechanism of action.

Discussion 6
Describe the potential adverse effects and possible health risks associated with anabolic steroid use by males and females, including psychological manifestations of use that have been observed in many athletes who have used these substances indiscriminately. NURSING PROJECT REGARDING SUBSTANCE ABUSE



Discussion 7
Describe the acute behavioral and acute physiological effects of marijuana. What are the behavioral or physiological effects of long-term marijuana use?

Discussion 8
Summarize the major causes for concern associated with the effects of THC and/or marijuana use.

Discussion 9
List and briefly describe the major characteristics of the following treatments for substance dependence: total abstinence (Alcoholics Anonymous), motivational enhancement therapy, contingency management, relapse prevention, and the detoxification and maintenance phase of pharmacotherapies, making certain to explain the differentiating features of each.

Discussion 10
Develop an outline of your own suggestions for a multifaceted, comprehensive approach to drug abuse prevention in your community or local school district.  NURSING PROJECT REGARDING SUBSTANCE ABUSE



Imagine that you are an administrator in a health services organization, and the CEO of your organization asks you to assess and report on developments that are likely to affect the organization’s success. What will you discover as you investigate changes in your community and the broader health care landscape?

In preparation for this Assignment, review your completed Module 3 Assignment, including any feedback you received from your Instructor. Select one organization from that Assignment on which to focus for this Assignment (i.e., imagine that this organization is the one in which you work). CURRENT AND FUTURE CONSIDERATION FOR HEALTH CARE DELIVERY

Use the Learning Resources provided in this module, as well as previous modules, and locate additional sources through the Walden Library and credible websites to conduct your research. Use the following questions to guide your investigation:

  • What are the prevalent health concerns in this community?
  • What are the key issues related to cost, quality, and access that affect the organization and the people this organization serves?
  • Which organizations in this area are business competitors and/or which organizations use highly effective practices or strategies that this organization may learn from or adopt?
  • How will demographics and health reform likely impact the organization, as well as the broader community, in the next 5 years? CURRENT AND FUTURE CONSIDERATION FOR HEALTH CARE DELIVERY


Next, review the information on business writing included in the Learning Resources. Consider what the central point of your memo should be. For instance, is there a critical challenge the organization is likely to encounter?

Does the information you have gathered suggest the need for a particular course of action or a new business direction? If so, use this memo to inform and influence the CEO. If not, share the findings of your research with the assumption that the CEO will use this information as a launching point for future discussions.

The Assignment

Write a 2- to 3-page business memo in which you address:

  • Prevalent health concerns in the community
  • Issues related to cost, quality, and access that affect the organization and the people it serves
  • Organizations in the community that are business competitors and/or from which you can learn highly effective practices or strategies
  • Ways in which changing demographics and health reform will likely affect your organization and the broader community in the next 5 years CURRENT AND FUTURE CONSIDERATION FOR HEALTH CARE DELIVERY
Your Assignment must be written in standard edited English. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this module’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct. See the rubric for additional requirements related to research and scholarly writing.

Strategic Plan – Organizational Structure

Strategic Plan – Organizational Structure

The key to all assignments is to follow the guidelines as set forth in the course syllabus.  Of course, the textbook(s) are always primary sources for developing the assignments and one of them is to be used in this assignment (See the Instructor Policies). 

Note – you are not to write about a strategic plan (as an essay); you will use some of the information you created in Parts I,II, and III, and actually compile a Final Strategic Plan.

  1. Read the Strategic Plan Overview.   This is a multi-week assignment that has five components.  Please follow the syllabus instructions, and use the textbooks as your primary sources.  Note that at least one of the textbooks should be used as a reference (per Instructor Policies). You are sure to do well on this assignment if you address each major bullet in the instructions.  Each major bullet point should be a “Level One Heading” – which is centered on the page.  The indented bullet points should be addressed as an expanded discussion on the topic. Strategic Plan – Organizational Structure
  2. Be sure to adhere to the word count (1,400 to 1,750 words) – conciseness is important.

By definition, a strategic plan is designed to be used for 3 to 5 years or more. For your individual Strategic Plan project, you will write a strategic plan using the following outline. You may choose a health care organization you would like to focus on or develop a new health care business.

Choose something you are passionate about and may implement in the future. It is recommended that if you choose to work with an existing organization that you add a new program or project to your plan.

Suggestions for appropriate new projects include a new program or service for an existing organization, a new product line for an existing business, a new joint venture or acquisition, a new health care payer model for a state, or a new health care business.


Read the entire document. This is a multi-week assignment that has five components:

  • Part I: The Organizational Structure (Week Two)
  • Part II: Environmental Analysis (Week Three)
  • Part III: Financial Planning (Week Four)
  • Part IV: Implementation (Week Six)
  • Part V: Evaluation and control (Week Six)

Select a health care organization you would like to focus on.(You can pick the organization) Strategic Plan – Organizational Structure

Research your chosen organization’s governing structure.

Follow the below instructions:

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word report on your findings that address the following:

  • Identify the organization’s mission, vision, and key values.
  • Analyze the framework of a strategic plan.
    • Describe the strategic planning model your chosen organization uses.
  • Evaluate the relationship between the strategic plan and your organization’s mission, vision, and values.
  • Describe the organizational structure of your chosen organization.
  • Identify the current key leaders in your chosen organization and describe their roles.
  • Describe the change management model your chosen organization uses.
  • Evaluate the impact of governance on implementation of strategic goals.
    • Consider the role of the Board of Directors on formation of strategic goals.
  • Analyze the organization’s major service delivery and support activities in its value chain. At a minimum, include the following:
    • Location
    • Target market
    • Programs and services
    • Clinical operations
    • Marketing
    • Billing
    • Follow-up
    • Organizational culture
    • Strategic resources
  • Analyze how the organization uses its value chain to implement its strategic plan.

Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar resources to support your information. At least one of them should be one of the course’s textbooks. (Ginter, P.M., Duncan, W.J., Swayne, L.E. (2013). Strategic management of health care organizations (7th ed). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons

Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Strategic Plan – Organizational Structure

Project Evaluation, Lessons Learned, and Synthesis of Insights Gained

Though project managers often gain a great deal of experiential knowledge through the project management process, project evaluation offers them a chance to formalize the lessons they have learned. Part 3 of the Individual Project focuses on issues related to evaluating the success of a project and the debriefing process for capturing lessons learned. If conducting an interview, your interviewee must be able to speak to these topics. Alternatively, you may examine a minimum of three organizations that have published descriptions about the evaluation and debriefing process of a health care information technology project.


To prepare:

  • Review the Individual Project Overview document linked in this week’s Learning Resources for additional information on this project. Pay particular attention to the questions you should ask in your interview.
  • Locate a professional who manages or works on special projects in health care and is willing to speak about his or her experience. Project Evaluation, Lessons Learned, and Synthesis of Insights Gained
  • If such a person is not readily available to you, find someone in your community who has managed a project for an organization. The organization can be a volunteer service group, a faith-based group, a business, or another that meets your needs. The goal is to find an individual who has been in charge of a project important to the organization.
  • Review the topics and questions below that should be addressed in your interview.
  • Think about other related questions you might have for your interviewee and solidify your goals for speaking to and learning from this person.  Topics and Questions: As in the other interviews, you will need to adapt your questions to the individual,setting, and projects. You are not required to ask these specific questions, but you arerequired to address the topics listed below (Note: If the interviewee cannot address atopic, conduct a literature search to find scholarly information or research on that topic).  Evaluation · What tools or strategies do you use to evaluate the success of a project?· Can you give an example of a project that failed (or was not successful)?  Lessons Learned · Describe the project outcomes o What were some successful outcomes of the project? Were the projectgoals met?o How do you conduct a debriefing of the project with the project team?o What happens to the information gained from the debriefing?o How do the project team and the organization support project debriefing? · Companies have historically looked at technical skills, but more and morebusiness managers are realizing that the absence of good “people” skills tends tocripple projects. What are three critically important things a project manager (orproject team member) must do well to help a project succeed? Please add questions of your own, including asking for advice for the future from yourinterviewee.  To complete: In a 4- to 6-page paper in APA format with a minimum of 4 references from the list below. Reflect on your experience and address the following level one headings as numbered below: Project Evaluation, Lessons Learned, and Synthesis of Insights Gained


  1. Describe the context of your interview—where and how the interview took place, why you
  2. selected this individual, and how you believe this individual meets the requirements for this Assignment.
  3. Describe the role and functions of the individual within the context of the individual’s organizational structure and for project management.
  4. Synthesize insights on how evaluation and debriefing are addressed in the interviewee’s organization.
  5. Compare the insights from your interview with information from project management literature about evaluation and debriefing. Be sure that the comparisons you make are clear to the reader.
  6. Explain how your insights into these aspects of project management will impact your ability to successfully manage health care information technology projects. Include any tips the individual described for managing a successful project.
  7. Synthesize insights and conclusions gained from your interviews about project management and how project management is conducted in the interviewee’s organization.
  8. Summarize how evaluations and debriefings in the real-world setting of the interviewee and compare to the project management literature.
  9. Address how the use or non-use of formal project management could impact the success of health care information technology projects. Use literature sources to support your perspectives on this topic. Project Evaluation, Lessons Learned, and Synthesis of Insights Gained


Imagine you are a health economist, specifically a health financing advisor working for the World Health Organization (WHO). You have been asked to put together a presentation about what you learned at the recent World Health Summit. Be sure to include the following information in your presentation:  5-7 slides

  • Explain your job duties.
  • Describe the history and development of the Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx), and explain why it was formed. Include the types of services it provides around the world. HEALTH ECONOMY
  • Explain how the WHO, GHDx, and the World Health Summit are involved in world health, including information about how new technology is provided for foreign countries.
  • Provide and describe the types of health care technology available in foreign countries. This can include low-income, middle-income, and high-income economies.
  • Select 5 of the best health care organizations in the world, and summarize the services they provide. Explain why these are considered the best health care organizations in the world.
  • In a table, outline significant differences among 4 nations offering the best health care as compared to those that provide low-quality health care.


  1. Short term goals can usually be achieved by the end of your shift. Long term goals are usually achieved by discharge. Write one short term and one long term goal for the following nursing diagnosis.
  2. Nursing Diagnosis:  Impaired physical mobility related to ventilation-perfusion mismatch as evidenced by shortness of breath on ambulation and inability to ambulate more than 10 feet independently.
  3. Registered nurses perform interventions based on the following actions: (MEATA) HEALTH ECONOMY
  • Monitor
  • Evaluate
  • Assess
  • Teach
  • Administer

Provide 2 RN interventions for each goal that you developed in #1. Provide rationale for each intervention being performed by an RN.

Short term goals can usually be achieved by the end of your shift. Long term goals are usually achieved by discharge. Write one short term and one long term goal for the following nursing diagnosis.
Nursing Diagnosis:  Impaired physical mobility related to ventilation-perfusion mismatch as evidenced by shortness of breath on ambulation and inability to ambulate more than 10 feet independently.
Registered nurses perform interventions based on the following actions: (MEATA)
Provide 2 RN interventions for each goal that you developed in #1. Provide rationale for each intervention being performed by an RN. HEALTH ECONOMY


What factors need to be considered when determining whether or not identified actions are within the domain of nursing practice? Be sure to cite current literature in your response.PLEASE USE THIS GRADING RUBRIC AND HINTS FOR THIS DISCUSSION QUESTIONGrading Rubric and Hints for this Discussion Question

Class this question  is asking you how you determine if an action is within your scope of practice.  Do not confuse scope of practice (legal regulation) and the ANA’ s standards of nursing practice (minimum competencies).This model from the ANA web site may help you conceptualize how we assess our scope of practice.  Discussion on the ANA web site and your own Board of Nursing site and the National Council of State Boards of Nursing  will also be useful in learning how to assess your scope of practice. NURSING PRACTISE


Grading Rubric

Discusses several ( at least three) factors that need to be considered when determining whether or not  actions are within the scope of nursing practice?  3 points

Discusses why these factors need to be considered 3 points

Prioritizes factors that need to be considered ( which factor do you check first? second?  third? )  3 points

Cites current literature in response (course lecture is not current literature) 3 points

APA and Writing 3 points

Writing free of grammatical and spelling errors

Correctly formatted in text citations (at least one)

Correctly formatted reference (contains all parts of the reference in the correct order, ) NURSING PRACTISE