Workflow Redesign

Current-state workflow models and gap analyses often reveal workflow issues and inefficiencies. These issues and inefficiencies (gaps) help nurse informaticists determine possible directions for improvements and revisions. These possibilities help inform the creation of a future-state workflow, in which the gaps in the current-state workflow are addressed. Workflow Redesign

In Part 3 of the Course Project, you will apply what you have learned about workflow throughout this course by redesigning the current-state workflow. Using the information obtained from your gap analysis and current-state workflow model, you will create a future-state workflow model that provides a solution to the workflow issues you have identified. Your future-state workflow model MUST be tied to meaningful use and, therefore, MUST involve either implementing a new electronic health record (EHR) or revising an existing EHR.


To prepare for Part 3 of the Course Project:

  • Review the results of your gap analysis and your Visio model of the current-state workflow (Part 2 of the Course Project).
  • Reflect on the most significant issue revealed by your gap analysis and Visio workflow model. Identify possible EHR-related solutions to this workflow issue.
  • Select one solution that relates to EHRs and meaningful use.
  • Begin developing a new Visio workflow model that incorporates the solution you selected. This model does not need to be extremely complicated, but it must clearly show how your EHR solution fits into the workflow.
  • Outline a use case that illustrates the details of each step in your future-state workflow in a real-world scenario.
  • Consider the organizational changes that would be necessary to make the transition from the current-state to the future-state workflow. For example, how would organizational and departmental buy-in be obtained, and how would training and support for staff be provided? Workflow Redesign
  • Examine possible implementation strategies for integrating your redesigned workflow into the current workflow.  To complete Part 3 of the Course Project: 
  1. Create a Visio model of the future-state workflow, clearly illustrating the solution you would implement to address the gaps in the current-state workflow (See attached previous papers).
  2. Then, in a 3- to 4-page paper, respond to the following:
    1. Explain the proposed solution you selected, how it addresses the major gap you identified in the current-state workflow, and how it is related to meaningful use.
    2. Create a detailed use case of a real-world scenario that shows the steps of the future-state workflow you developed.
    3. Outline the major steps and organizational changes that would be necessary to transition from the current-state to the future-state workflow.
    4. Explain one potential implementation strategy that would be useful for this project. Justify the strategy’s appropriateness for your workflow and practice setting.
  3. In a reference list, cite a minimum of four scholarly references (with APA citations) that you used to identify your solution, write your use case, and outline the organizational process for transitioning from the current to the future state. Workflow Redesign

Problem and Legislation

Before beginning political advocacy, one must identify a problem that needs to be addressed through health care policy. Sometimes, political advocacy is needed when established health care policies are not adequate for solving a problem, or when the legislation creates new problems. This assignment is the first in a three-part project.The purpose of this three-part project is to guide you through the process of selecting a problem, identifying evidence-based solutions, and designing a political advocacy plan to address the problem with those solutions.In this first assignment, you will select a consumer challenge related to equity, access, affordability, and/or social justice in health care, and you will analyze how existing policies address this challenge. Completion of this assignment will demonstrate your achievement of the following course outcome:6. analyze the impact of sociocultural, economic, and environmental influences on health care policies to understand consumer challenges related to equity, access, affordability, and social justice in health careAssignment GuidelinesIdentify a nursing or health care issue that relates to a current health policy or political issue pertaining to equity, access, affordability, and/or social justice in health care.In a 3–4-page paper, complete the following:Identify the problem, noting its relationship to equity, access, affordability, and/or social justice in health care.Describe the population most affected by this problem, noting whether this is a vulnerable population.Describe health care and health disparities that may be related to this problem and population.Summarize legislation and/or political activities that relate to the identified problem.Analyze the effect that this legislation has had on the consumer challenge.Uses APA style for your citations and references. Problem and Legislation


Rubric Name: Social Justice Project – Part 1

       Criteria (16-20 points)Identified the specific problem, noting its relationship to equity, access, affordability, and/or social justice in healthcare. (11-15 points)Identified the specific problem, missing one or two items regarding its relationship to equity, access, affordability, and/or social justice in healthcare. (6-10 points)Identified the specific problem, missing several items (3 or more) regarding its relationship to equity, access, affordability, and/or social justice in healthcare.  (0-5 points)Unclear regarding the identified the specific problem. Little to no information regarding its relationship to equity, access, affordability, and/or social justice in healthcare. (16-20 points)Described the population who is affected most by this problem, noting whether this problem is prevalent within a vulnerable population with health and/or healthcare disparities (11-15 points)
Described the population who is affected most by this problem, some information missing as to whether this problem is prevalent within a vulnerable population with health and/or healthcare disparities(6-10 points)Described population not clearly defined. Missing some information regarding: who is affected most by this problem, whether this problem is prevalent within a vulnerable population with health and/or healthcare disparities. (0-5 points)Described population not clearly defined, little to no information as to: who is affected most by this problem, whether this problem is prevalent within a vulnerable population with health and/or healthcare disparities.(20- 25 points) Problem and Legislation
Summarized any legislation and/or political activities in relation to the identified problem(14-19 points)
Some information regarding legislation and/or political activities in relation to the identified problem(7-13 points)
Minimal information regarding legislation and/or political activities in relation to the identified problem(0-6 points)
Little to no information regarding legislation and/or political activities in relation to the identified problem(20-25 points)
Completely analyzed the effect that this legislation has had on the consumer challenge(14-19 points)
Analyzed the effect that this legislation has had on the consumer challenge(7-13 points)
Incomplete information regarding the effect that this legislation has had on the consumer challenge(0-6 points)
Little to no information regarding the effect that this legislation has had on the consumer challenge(9-10 points)
Excellent use of APA in formatting and referencing. Excellent spelling and grammar throughout the paper. Excellent organization and easy to read(6-8 points)
Few (1-2) APA and referencing mistakes. Some spelling and grammar errors. Generally well written and easy to read. Minimal organization problems.(3-5 points)
Some APA and referencing mistakes (more than 2). Some spelling and grammar errors. Paper generally is readable. Some organization problems(0-2 points)
Many APA, spelling and grammar mistakes throughout the paper. Difficult to read with very little organization. Problem and Legislation

Developing a Health Advocacy Campaign

To be an effective advocate and to develop a successful health advocacy campaign, you must have a clear idea of the goals of your campaign program and be able to communicate those goals to others. In addition, it is the nature of nurses to want to help, but it is important to make sure that the vision you develop is manageable in size and scope. By researching what others have done, you will better appreciate what can realistically be accomplished. It is also wise to determine if others have similar goals and to work with these people to form strategic partnerships. If you begin your planning with a strong idea of your resources, assets, and capabilities, you will be much more likely to succeed and truly make a difference with those you hope to help. Developing a Health Advocacy Campaign

You will develop a 10- to 12-page paper that outlines a health advocacy campaign designed to promote policies to improve the health of a population of your choice. This week, you will establish the framework for your campaign by identifying a population health concern of interest to you. You will then provide an overview of how you would approach advocating for this issue.

-In Week 9, you will consider legal and regulatory factors that have an impact on the issue and finally, in Week 10, you will identify ethical concerns that you could face as an advocate. Specific details for each aspect of this paper are provided each week.

This paper will serve as the Portfolio Application for the course.

Before you begin, review the complete Assignment.

This week, begin developing your health advocacy campaign by focusing on the following:

Week 10 Application

To prepare for this final portion of your paper:

·         Review provisions 7, 8, and 9 of the ANA Code of Ethics in relation to advocacy for population health.

·         Reflect on the ethical considerations you may need to take into account in your advocacy campaign.

·         Research the ethical considerations and lobbying laws relevant to the location where your advocacy campaign will occur. Developing a Health Advocacy Campaign


·         Consider potential ethical dilemmas you might face in your campaign.

To complete: Revise and combine parts one and two of you previous papers and add the following:

·         Explain any ethical dilemmas that could arise during your advocacy campaign, and how you would resolve them.

·         Describe the ethics and lobbying laws that are applicable to your advocacy campaign.

·         Evaluate the special ethical challenges that are unique to the population you are addressing.

·         Provide a cohesive summary for your paper.

Reminder: You will submit one cogent paper that combines the previous applications (Parts One and Two) plus the new material.

Your paper should be about 10 pages of content, not including the title page and references. Be sure to paste the rubric at the end of your paper.

The final application builds upon the applications (Parts One and Two) completed in weeks 4 and 7.

To complete the final section of your paper:

·         Review provisions 7, 8, and 9 of the ANA Code of Ethics in relation to advocacy for population health.

·         Reflect on the ethical considerations you may need to take into account in your advocacy campaign.

·         Research the ethical considerations and lobbying laws relevant to the location where your advocacy campaign will occur.

·         Consider potential ethical dilemmas you might face in your campaign. Developing a Health Advocacy Campaign

Creating a Flowchart

Workflow analysis aims to determine workflow patterns that maximize the effective use of resources and minimize activities that do not add value. There are a variety of tools that can be used to analyze the workflow of processes and clarify potential avenues for eliminating waste. Flowcharts are a basic and commonly used workflow analysis method that can help highlight areas in need of streamlining.

In this Assignment, you select a common event that occurs regularly in your organization and create a flowchart representing the workflow. You analyze the process you have diagrammed and propose changes for improvement. Creating a Flowchart

To prepare:

·         Identify a common, simple event that frequently occurs in your organization that you would like to evaluate.

·         Consider how you would design a flowchart to represent the current workflow.

·         Consider what metrics you would use to determine the effectiveness of the current workflow and identify areas of waste.


To complete:

Write a 4- to 5-page paper which includes the following:

·         Create a simple flowchart of the activity you selected. (Review the Sample Workflow of Answering a Telephone in an Office document found in this week’s Learning Resources for an example.)

·         Next, in your paper:

o    Explain the process you have diagrammed.

o    For each step or decision point in the process, identify the following:

§  Who does this step? (It can be several people.) Creating a Flowchart

§  What technology is used?

§  What policies and rules are involved in determining how, when, why, or where the step is executed?

§  What information is needed for the execution of this step?

o    Describe the metric that is currently used to measure the soundness of the workflow. Is it effective?

o    Describe any areas where improvements could occur and propose changes that could bring about these improvements in the workflow.

o    Summarize why it is important to be aware of the flow of an activity. Creating a Flowchart

Advocacy Plan/Presentation

Advocacy Plan/Presentation

Assignment Information

You have made it to the final part of the social justice project. In this part of the project, you will present a plan to politically advocate on behalf of the population plagued with the health care problem you identified in part 1 of this project. You will be taking this opportunity to propose the evidence-based solutions that you identified in part two of the project.

Of the many possible ways to advocate, you will choose those strategies that you feel are most appropriate and that will be most effective. This is the most exciting part—very similar to developing a plan of care once you have assessed your patient and decided on which evidence-based interventions to deliver! Advocacy Plan/Presentation

Completion of this assignment will demonstrate your achievement of the following course outcomes:

  • 5. evaluate the political advocacy process to identify opportunities for nursing professional involvement
  • 6. delineate strategies that nurses can use to engage in advocacy for health care policy to support equity, access, affordability, and social justice for consumers and in support of the nursing profession


Assignment Guidelines

Develop a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes that includes the following:

  1. summary of the problem
    1. identification of the consumer challenge and its relationship to equity, access, affordability,and/or social justice in health care
    2. identification of the population most affected by this problem, and whether it is a vulnerable population
    3. identification of any healthcare or health disparities related to the problem or population
    4. summary of legislation and/or political activities that relate to the identified problem
    5. analysis of impact of legislation
  2. summary of the evidence-based recommendations
    1. list of evidence-based solutions with in-text citations of supporting sources
    2. summary of political advocacy strategies that could be used to advocate for the implementation of the evidence-based solutions. Advocacy Plan/Presentation
  3. plan for political advocacy
    1. identification of the audience you plan to address regarding this challenge. Will you speak out to the workplace or workforce, legislative representatives, professional organizations, the community, or a combination of these entities? Give your rationale for choosing this audience.
    2. identification and description of the strategies you will use to communicate your recommendations. Examples include writing letters, using the media, and building coalitions. This is where you get to be creative!
    3. description of what you learned on this project and how you can apply the lessons in your work
    4. reference list in APA formatting
    5. Upload your PowerPoint presentation to the specified discussion forum. Advocacy Plan/Presentation


Create a pamphlet using any type of publisher software you choose to educate clients on a current patient safety issue; for example, a currently aging adult and how to care for his/herself at home, medication-polypharmacy and how a patient can not make a self medication error, or other appropriate safety issues. If you have a question about a specific topic, check with your instructor.


Your pamphlet must include the following items:

  1. Include at least 5 tips for preventive care for the patient.
  2. Include information that should be shared with family or caregivers.
  3. Include local resources in the community that might be available for this type of safety concern.
  4. Include at least 3 current (published less than 5 years ago) references, in APA format. PATIENT SAFETY ISSUE


Traditionally, nutrition programs were targeted to the indigent and poor populations in developing countries. Many of today’s Americans are malnourished also, but they are inundated with unhealthy foods and require a multidisciplinary approach to nutrition education. What would be the three most important points to include in a public nutrition program? Provide current literature to support your answer and include two nutritional education community resources. PATIENT SAFETY ISSUE

Formulating the Research Question, Problem Statement and Research Purpose

In a discussion forum you had an opportunity to present a potential problem and an innovative solution specific to your role specialization. In addition, you have reviewed the literature to identify qualitative and quantitative research articles and submitted annotated bibliographies to provide evidence supporting the problem.

Considering the feedback provided to you by the faculty member it is now time to prepare your problem statement, research purpose, and research question. Formulating the Research Question, Problem Statement and Research Purpose


First share your refined problem and proposed solution (given your review of literature this may have changed depending on the evidence you were able to provide). Next, follow the steps to help define your research question.

  1. Craft the problem statement and research purpose.
  2. Design your research question aimed at solving (a part of) the problem and include the following components which will focus the literature review.

PICOT Question:

Patient, Population or Problem

  1. What are the characteristics of the patient or population?
  2. What is the condition or disease you are interested in?

Intervention or exposure

  1. What do you want to do with this patient (e.g. treat, diagnose, observe)?


  1. What is the alternative to the intervention (e.g. placebo, different drug, surgery)? Formulating the Research Question, Problem Statement and Research Purpose


  1. What are the relevant outcomes (e.g. morbidity, death, complications)?

3.       Ensure that the research question is answerable, feasible and clinically relevant

Population Health Care Delivery Project

The four components of this Population Health Care Delivery Project include:

  • community risk assessment;
  • intervention development;
  • implementation plan;
  • evaluation plan.

In this unit you will complete the community risk assessment which is the first step in development of a Population Health Care Delivery Project.

This Assignment is used as the evaluation tool for Course Outcome 2: Summarize, based on the evidence, specific population health risks. Population Health Care Delivery Project



You will write a 3 page document (excluding the title and reference pages) which contains:

  • demographic and social determinants for your population health;
  • community infrastructure variables;
  • analysis of surveillance data collected for the risk assessment including
    • sources of data (bibliographic databases, U.S government sources of data and peer reviewed evidence based findings);
    • data calculations; and
    • criteria for assessing the quality and utility of the epidemiologic data.
  • outcomes from the risk assessment related to the health of your target population;
  • you must select one screening tool from one peer reviewed journal article and discuss the reliability and validity of the tool; and
  • a minimum of five peer reviewed evidence based journal articles with findings relevant to your target population and selected epidemiological problem no older than 5 years.

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and;
  • use APA 6th edition format. Population Health Care Delivery Project


Federal, state, and local health care policies are continually instituted or amended to address emerging issues and trends and to rectify problems in health care delivery. For instance, reform may be required to address cost containment challenges or disparities in access to health care services.

Identify an issue currently in the news that relates to federal, state, or local reform.

Research the issue in a variety of news sources, such as government sites (e.g., the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Mental Health) and online newspapers. Do not use blogs or other informal sources.


Select one article or news item on which to focus for this Discussion.

Reflect on the information in the article/news item and consider how it relates to your understanding of the U.S. health care delivery system. Review the information in the Learning Resources and conduct additional research using the Walden Library and credible websites to assess this issue and associated reform efforts. EMERGING ISSUES AND TRENDS TO RECTIFY PROBLEMS IN HEALTH CARE DELIVERY

Analyze the social, economic, and political circumstances surrounding this instance of health care reform, and evaluate what this development might mean for your work in health care administration.

  • Summarize the article/news item you selected, noting key areas for discussion.
  • Analyze how the issue and associated reform addressed in the article/news item you selected relates to at least one trend presented in the Learning Resources and/or other credible sources.
  • Evaluate what this development may mean for your work in health care administration.

Reminder: Use and cite sources to support your posting and responses. Ensure that you include the reference for the article/news item you have selected and provide a link to it if possible. EMERGING ISSUES AND TRENDS TO RECTIFY PROBLEMS IN HEALTH CARE DELIVERY

Only 250-350 words.

Research Proposal Draft

  • Data Analysis Plans
    • Describe plan for data analysis for demographic variables (descriptive statistical tests).
    • Describe plan for data analysis of study variables (descriptive and inferential statistical tests).
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Data analysis plan for demographic variables is appropriate and fully explained. 10
Data analysis plan for study variables is appropriate and fully explained. 15
Followed APA guidelines for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources. Research Proposal Draft 5
Total: 30



For this Assignment you will create a document:

  • a minimum of 5 pages in length (excluding title page and references);
  • supported with a minimum of five scholarly, peer review sources external to those assigned in class for this unit;
  • follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and;
  • use APA 6th edition format. Research Proposal Draft

The content for this essay will include:

  1. Identify a specific target population for the evidence-based clinical prevention and population health intervention you proposed in your Unit 7 Discussion
  2. Analyze the:
    1. cultural;
    2. psychosocial dimensions;
    3. environmental factors;
    4. demographic descriptors;
    5. health literacy; and
    6. if appropriate, the bio-statistical data for the specific target population.
  3. Hypothetically, apply the intervention from Unit 7 to your target population. Be creative! You can decide whether your intervention concluded with positive or negative results but you must describe how you evaluated the outcomes to support your choice. For example, did you use a Likert scale? A survey? Did you collect statistical data?
  4. Evaluate the outcomes of the hypothetical application of your intervention. Did statistical differences occur in the outcomes? Were there qualitative reports of change? Research Proposal Draft