Health Promotion

Writing the Paper: You will explore the topic and explain the information in writing a 3‐4 page APA formatted paper.

A.            Select a minimum of three (3) scholarly nursing or research article (published within the last 5 years) related to your topic that include health promotion and wellness content. Students in a cultural concentration will select at least one article specifically related to the cultural focus for this assignment. You may need to evaluate several articles before you find appropriate selections.

B.            Write a 3‐4 page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) using the following guidelines:  Write brief introduction of the topic and describe why it is important to health promotion in the specific cultural population in your area.

·                     Include a description of the topic and the targeted sub culture or population (include statistics).

·                      Explain how the project relates to the Healthy People 2020 topic area you have chosen.

·                     Discuss how you used the information from the articles for your Health Promotion Project. Provide 

·                      Summarize the articles; include key points or findings from the articles.specific examples.

·                     Describe the approach/approaches you developed to educate the target population about the topic. Include specific ways to promote lifestyle changes within the specified population relative to your specific culture. The approach should be appropriate for your cultural concentration.  Write your conclusion and summary.

C.            Your paper must follow APA format. Include a title page and a reference page. Use 12‐point Times New Roman font and include in‐text citations (use citations whenever paraphrasing, using statistics, or quoting from the article). Please refer to your APA manual as a guide for in‐text citations and sample reference pages

Employee Health Insurance Plans

Part I

Consider the four health plans below with an eye to choosing one to offer to the company’s employees. Assume that the health plans and their annual per employee premiums are as follows:

Health Plan
Premium, IndividualPremium, Family
Aetna Health$4,555$11,428

The employer will pay 80% of the premium for individual coverage, and the employee will pay the remaining 20% as well as the entire additional premium for family coverage. (The premiums listed above, while realistic in magnitude, are hypothetical and computed solely for the purpose of this project.) All of the plans are managed care plans. Assume that the benefit package is the same across all plans, so there is no difference between them in what services are covered.

In addition to the above data, click here to view and investigate the Online Report on Quality Performance Results in New York State, the latest report card issued by the New York State Department of Health, 2013, and incorporate the information into your evaluation.

You can view the various categories of measures on which health plans are rated (e.g., Access to Care, Adult Living with Illness, etc.). Click each link for a summary chart that presents the performance (usually as a percentage score) of each plan in the group on the relevant measures and how each plan compares to regional and statewide scores.

Submit a 2-page analysis in a Microsoft Word document that outlines the plan you selected and why. Generally, you would select the plan with the highest score, but if you chose a plan with a lower score, explain why. Include the following elements in your analysis:

  • Explain which factors (e.g., price and/or performance measures) were most important to your choice of plan and how you derived the weights for each factor you used.
  • Indicate, on a scale of 1 to 10, how comfortable or confident you are that you made the right choice, with 10 being most confident.

Part II

You need to use the multiattribute utility (MAU) technique to respond to the following questions. Although the technique can be performed with pencil and paper, it is recommended you use a Microsoft Excel to do the various calculations involved.

Click the following links to access the information on using the MAU technique:

  • MAU Model
  • MAU Example
  • Compare your level of confidence at the time you completed Part I to your confidence level for Part II, when you used this decision aid.
  • Was it helpful? What were its advantages and disadvantages?

Did it make the decision harder to make or easier to justify?

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.



Interview a person in a formal position of leadership within your organization (e.g., a supervisor, a manager, a director). Begin your interview with the following questions: HEALTH LEADER INTERVIEW

 1.  What is your role as a health care team member?

Currently I work as the Trauma Coordinator for a Level IV trauma facility, my role as a health care team member is to coordinate patient care, monitor and assure that our facility is following state regulations, head up the quality assurance process, educating the nursing staff and monitoring their certifications are just a few of my responsibilities.


 2.  How do you define professionalism and how does professional responsibility influence your work?

To me professionalism is made up of several qualities, your appearance, attitude and willingness to work with others are just a few. Being in an administrative role, it is my responsibility to behave in a professional manner all the time. I have to lead by setting a good example for others to follow, I can not expect something of others that I am not willing to do myself.
 3.  Do you consider leaders in your organization stewards of health care? Why or why not? HEALTH LEADER INTERVIEW

Yes, the leaders in at my facility are stewards of health care. Our facility is an extension of a University with magnet status, we are highly encouraged to continue our education and be active members of groups and organizations that play an active role in improving health care at state and national levels.
 4.  Is it important to you that leaders exercise professional advocacy and authenticity as well as power and influence when working with colleagues? Why or why not?

Yes, authenticity, professional advocacy, power and influence area all qualities that nursing leaders have that make our profession one of the most trusted, if it were not for these qualities, we would not have the trust and respect that nursing has gained through the years. HEALTH LEADER INTERVIEW


In 500-750 words, summarize your interview and share your impressions of the leader’s responses.

Compare and contrast responses provided by your peer (in Professional Identity and Stewardship – Part I: Peer Interview assignment) with those provided by the leader. Share your impressions of their differences and similarities.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


  1.  Comprehensive summary of leader interview is provided with detailed explanations of each component of professional identity and a thoughtful discussion of the interviewer’s perceptions of the interview experience.
  2.  Comparison and contrast of peer responses with those provided by the leader and student’s impression of those differences and similarities demonstrate a clear understanding of roles, professionalism, stewardship, and advocacy as it applies to leadership, while demonstrating higher level thinking as indicated by evidence of reflective thought.
  3. Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive; contained within the thesis is the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
  4. There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless.
  5. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. HEALTH LEADER INTERVIEW

Interprofessional Collaboration Project

Interprofessional Collaboration Project

Interprofessional collaboration has been identified as essential to the delivery of safe, effective, and patient-centered healthcare (Baker, Pulling, McGraw, Dagnone, Hopkins-Rosseel, & Medves, 2008).  As healthcare organizations utilize more collaborative models, it is important to provide future healthcare providers and practitioners with interprofessional education to help support this collaboration within practice upon graduation (Baker et al., 2008). Interprofessional Collaboration Project


The purpose of this assignment is to:

1)    Substantiate the importance of interprofessional collaboration within healthcare.

2)    Emphasize the impact interprofessional collaboration can have upon safe, effective, patient-centered care.

3)    Enable you an opportunity to CREATE A PROJECT that involves interprofessional collaboration which you can use to help support optimal care of patients at your place of employment.

Requirements of this project:

1)    Topics must be pre-approved by course faculty. Please post your idea for the project using the assignment link in the Interprofessional Collaboration Project folder found within the Long-Term Assignment link in blackboard. This should be completed by September 18, 2016.

2)    There is no length requirement to this assignment (length should satisfy clear explanation of project idea and impact upon patient care and please consider the point value of this assignment and the length of an assignment that substantiates the 375 points awarded for your work), although APA guidelines should be followed and a title page and reference page should be included.  Please create a project and length appropriate for 375 possible points!  This is designed to be the most substantial project you complete in this course! Interprofessional Collaboration Project

3)    The title for this project should not be Professional Collaboration Project. A more professional title should be selected.

4)    There must be at least seven (7) references, with a minimum of five (5) journal articles from scholarly sources.

5)    Submit the paper through the Turnitin link.

6)    Submit the paper using the naming convention given in the Syllabus. For this paper, the example is, SmithMInterprofessionalCollaborationProject.

7)    Before beginning this assignment, please read the following articles for background and reference. (Attachments on Blackboard in Long-Term Assignments folder entitled Interprofessional Collaboration Project).

a.    Rose, L. (2011). Interprofessional collaboration in the ICU: How to define? Nursing in Critical Care, 16(1), 5-10.

b.    Rice, K., Zwarenstein, M., Conn, L. G., Kenaszchuk, C., Russell, A., & Reeves, S. (2010). An intervention to improve interprofessional collaboration and communications: A comparative qualitative study. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 24(4), 350-361. doi: 10.3109/13561820903550713

c.    Mann, K., Sargeant, J., & Hill, T. (2009). Knowledge translation in interprofessional education: What difference does interprofessional education make to practice? Learning in Health and Social Care, 8(3), 154-164. doi: 10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00207.x

Baker, C., Pulling, C., McGraw, R., Dagnone, J. D., Hopkins-Rosseel, D., & Medves, J. (2008). Simulation in interprofessional education for patient- Interprofessional Collaboration Project



Provide a 150 word response to the below discussion question answer provided in apa format with in-text citations and references. Title page not necessary. HUMAN PROTECTION

Discussion Question Answer:

The protection of human subjects who enroll voluntarily in research studies is paramount. Human subjects who agree to advance the cause of science can be harmed. Therefore, the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research drafted a set of guidelines (the Belmont Report) for the ethical conduct of research including three key principles: respect for persons, beneficence and justice. The Belmont report was subsequently adopted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as reulations governing all research involving human subjects supported or conducted by the Department. All U.S. government funded human subjects research, domestic and international is governed by a Commom Rule that sets forth requirements for: review by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), informed consent, and additional protections for vulnerable populations. Polit and Beck (2011) identified the following people as vulnerable populations: children, mentally or emotionally disabled people, severely ill or physically disabled people, the terminally ill, institutionalized people, and pregnant women. HUMAN PROTECTION


Before researchers undertake a study, they must submit research plans to IRB to ensure that proposed plans meet federal requirements for ethical research. The IRB system was developed some 40 years ago to protect those who enroll in clinical, social/ behavioral, and other types of research. The main requirements governing IRB decisions may be summarized as follows:

1. Risks to participants are minimized.

2. Risks to participants are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits, if any, and the importance of the knowledge that may reasonably be expected to result.

3. Selection of participants are equitable.

4. Informed consent will be sought, as required, and appropriately documented.

5. Adequate provision is made for monitoring the research to ensure participants’ safety.

6. Appropriate provisions are made to protect participants’ privacy and confidentiality of the data.

7. When vulnerable groups are involved, appropriate additional safeguards are included to protect their rights and welfare. HUMAN PROTECTION 

In addition to IRBs, researchers may have to communicate information about ethical aspects of their studies to other review boards such as the Privacy Boards to review researchers’ compliance with provisions in HIPAA, including review of authorization forms and requests for waivers. The National Institutes of Health also requires that NIH-supported projects must meet the current human subjects protections requirements. Grant applications for research conducted in the U.S. or internationally must describe the following: the risks to any human subjects enrolled in the study, the protections the researchers will provide those risks, and the potential benefits of the proposed research to the subjects and others. For researchers evaluating interventions in clinical trials, NIH requires review by a Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB). Polit and Beck (2011) explained the purpose of DSMB that is to oversee the safety of the participants, to promote data integrity, and to review accumulated outcome data on a regualr basis to determine whether study protocols should be altered or the study stopped altogether.

Original Discussion Question:

Conducting research projects while ensuring the protection of human subjects is necessary. What are some methods to protect personal rights of someone in one of the groups that is labeled as vulnerable? Justify your rationale. HUMAN PROTECTION



Create a pamphlet using any type of publisher software you choose to educate clients on a current patient safety issue; for example, a currently aging adult and how to care for his/herself at home, medication-polypharmacy and how a patient can not make a self medication error, or other appropriate safety issues. If you have a question about a specific topic, check with your instructor. CLIENTS’ SAFETY ISSUE


Your pamphlet must include the following items:

  1. Include at least 5 tips for preventive care for the patient.
  2. Include information that should be shared with family or caregivers.
  3. Include local resources in the community that might be available for this type of safety concern.
  4. Include at least 3 current (published less than 5 years ago) references, in APA format.
  1. Please construct a 5 page paper and a powerpoint presentation with at least 10 – 12 slides on one of the topics listed below:
  • Is there a gap between nursing education and nursing practice? Please explain and support your answers with at least 5 references. CLIENTS’ SAFETY ISSUE
  • Is nursing considered a science or an art? or both? Please explain and support your answers with at least 5 references
  • Read the popular book ” Who killed Change”.  Synthesize the content. part 2 of the paper is for you to propose a change process of improvement.  You may use one of the models or theory of hcange in capter 15th of the required textbook, 7th edition

Please type your 5 page paper in a WORD document, put your first and last name on it. 
Please include at least 5 current professional nursing references in your presentation that are no more than 10 years old. This assignment is worth 25% of the course grade. CLIENTS’ SAFETY ISSUE

Social Justice On Health Issue

Social Justice On Health Issue

Assignment Information

You have made it to the final part of the social justice project. In this part of the project, you will present a plan to politically advocate on behalf of the population plagued with the health care problem you identified in part 1 of this project. You will be taking this opportunity to propose the evidence-based solutions that you identified in part two of the project. Social Justice On Health Issue


Of the many possible ways to advocate, you will choose those strategies that you feel are most appropriate and that will be most effective. This is the most exciting part—very similar to developing a plan of care once you have assessed your patient and decided on which evidence-based interventions to deliver!

Completion of this assignment will demonstrate your achievement of the following course outcomes:

  • 5. evaluate the political advocacy process to identify opportunities for nursing professional involvement
  • 6. delineate strategies that nurses can use to engage in advocacy for health care policy to support equity, access, affordability, and social justice for consumers and in support of the nursing profession

Assignment Guidelines

Develop a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes that includes the following:

  1. summary of the problem
    1. identification of the consumer challenge and its relationship to equity, access, affordability,and/or social justice in health care
    2. identification of the population most affected by this problem, and whether it is a vulnerable population
    3. identification of any healthcare or health disparities related to the problem or population
    4. summary of legislation and/or political activities that relate to the identified problem
    5. analysis of impact of legislation
  2. summary of the evidence-based recommendations
    1. list of evidence-based solutions with in-text citations of supporting sources Social Justice On Health Issue
    2. summary of political advocacy strategies that could be used to advocate for the implementation of the evidence-based solutions
  3. plan for political advocacy
    1. identification of the audience you plan to address regarding this challenge. Will you speak out to the workplace or workforce, legislative representatives, professional organizations, the community, or a combination of these entities? Give your rationale for choosing this audience.
    2. identification and description of the strategies you will use to communicate your recommendations. Examples include writing letters, using the media, and building coalitions. This is where you get to be creative!
    3. description of what you learned on this project and how you can apply the lessons in your work
    4. reference list in APA formatting
    5. Upload your PowerPoint presentation to the specified discussion forum. Social Justice On Health Issue



Write a paper of 1,200-1,500 words that discusses the team-based approaches to the delivery of health services. The focus of the paper should be one type of health care environment, such as a hospital, primary care, or long-term care facility.

Within your paper, be sure to do the following:

  1. Present a patient case (this does not need to be detailed).
  2. Describe the team that would deliver care and their individual roles. TEAM-BASED APPROACH TO HEALTH DELIVERY
  3. Identify and describe the indicators and determinants of health that would influence or impact this case.
  4. Describe the impact this team-based approach would have on management and line staff.
  5. Provide an analysis of key financial and resource savings for consumers and insurance companies as they apply to this model.


  6. From a leadership position, explain the advantages of using a team-based approach.

Your paper should contain the following parts:

  1. Introduction
  2. Body paragraphs (Possible headings include: Case Description, Health Care Delivery Team, Indicators and Determinants of Health, Financial and Resource Analysis, Team-Based Approach Advantages.)
  3. Conclusion

There is no right or wrong answer for this ethical question; however, you will need to discuss an ethical consideration or dilemma of the APRN. Please remember what is correct for one person may not be correct for another. Look at the Nuremburg Code (US Department of Health & Human Services, 2005; Washington, 2012) as it was the major start of ethics in research and that can carry over to nursing practice. TEAM-BASED APPROACH TO HEALTH DELIVERY

US Department of Health & Human Services. (2005). The Nuremberg code.
           Retrieved from

Washington, H. A. (2012). Non-consenting adults. Retrieved from

In this week’s lecture material, ethical considerations of the advanced practice nurse have been discussed. Please expand on the following points:

  • Choose a potential ethical dilemma that you may face in your chosen advanced practice nursing role.
  • Describe the situation and potential solutions, including collaboration methods with other healthcare professionals.
  • Examine the potential cost and benefits to your solution.
  • Predict who would potentially oppose your stance. Support your stance with current research (minimum of one research article). TEAM-BASED APPROACH TO HEALTH DELIVERY

Managed Health Care

Managed Health Care

In the United States, managed care is becoming an increasingly popular method of administering healthcare. It influences the clinical behavior of providers, as it combines the payment and delivery of healthcare into a single system, the purpose of which is to control the cost, quality, and access of healthcare services for a single bracket of health plan enrollees (Scutchfield, Lee, & Patton, 1997). Managed Health Care


Yet, managed care often evokes strong or negative reactions from healthcare providers because they are paid a fixed amount for treating their patients, regardless of the actual cost, which may influence their level of efficiency. This can challenge the relationships between doctors and patients (Claxton, Rae, Panchal, Damico, & Lundy, 2012; Sekhri, 2000).

Research managed care’s inception and study some examples. Be sure to investigate the perspectives about managed care from the vantage of both healthcare providers and patients. You can use the following keywords for your research—United States managed care, history of managed care, and managed care timeline.

Based on your research, answer the following questions in a 8- to 10-page Microsoft Word document: Managed Health Care

  • What are the positive and negative aspects of managed care? Analyze the benefits and the risks for both providers and patients, and how providers should choose among managed care contracts. Conclude with your analysis and recommendations for managed care health plans. Your response should include answers to the following questions:
    • Summarize the history of when, how, and why managed care was developed.
    • Define and discuss each type of managed care organization (MCO)—health maintenance organization (HMO), preferred provider organization (PPO), and point of sale (POS).
    • Explain the positive and negative aspects, respectively, of managed care organization from the provider’s point of view—a physician and a healthcare facility—and from a patient’s point of view.
    • Explain the three types of incentives for providers for efficiency in the delivery of healthcare services. Explain who bears the financial risk—the provider, the patient, or the managed care organization.
    • Offer your recommendations, to accept or decline, for patients considering managed care health plans, with your rationale for each. Managed Health Care


Claxton, G., Rae, M., Panchal, N., Damico, A., & Lundy, J. (2012). Employer Health
           Benefits Annual 2012 Survey
. Retrieved from

Sekhri, N. K. (2000). Managed care: The US experience. Retrieved from http://www.

Scutchfield F. D., Lee, J., & Patton, D. (1997). Managed care in the United States.
           Journal of Public Health Medicine, 19(3), 251–254. Retrieved from http://
  Managed Health Care



In this Presentation you will be presenting on the U.S. healthcare system. Imagine you are a community health director educating a group of new healthcare professionals on the U.S. healthcare system. You have been asked to create a PowerPoint presentation, which includes the elements listed below:


Note: You will be using Part 1 from week three for the first section of the Final Presentation. Please make sure to correct issues and address any recommendations from your instructor’s Week 3 Assignment feedback. HEALTH CARE SYSTEM

Introduction: Include a title slide. Next, include an introductory slide where you introduce yourself and explain what you are about to present.
Part I: The U.S. Healthcare System – Define the U.S. healthcare system by addressing the items below: 

  • Describe the history of the U.S. health care system. Include at least three of the revolutionary factors (e.g., teacher’s union in Dallas, Texas; the American Medical Association; Civil War, and the First Marine Hospital, etc.). Chapter two in our textbook discusses the evolution of our system and is a good resource for this part of your presentation.
  • Identify at least one major development from each of the following: financial, legal, ethical, regulatory, and social [i.e., consumer demand]) that transformed the system into what it is today. You may want to revisit the health care timelines available in your course textbook.   
  • Differentiate the stakeholders and their roles (i.e., health care professionals, clients [patients], government, colleges, and health care agencies.
    • Include the positive and negative contributions of how they affect our health care system. HEALTH CARE SYSTEM

Part II: The Cost of the U.S. Healthcare System 

  • Describe the costs and how they are set (i.e., reimbursement methods, managed care organizations, Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance).
  • Explain how technology has affected costs (e.g., EHR, medical research, equipment improvements like MRI, mammography, etc.) and delivery of quality care (e.g., personalized medicine, mobile services like ePrescribing, disease registries, etc.).

Part III: The United States Versus Other Health Care Systems—an International Perspective

  • Contrast the U.S. health care system with at least one other (e.g., Canada’s universal health care vs. U.S. healthcare or South Africa vs. U.S. health care, etc.).
    • Include at least one positive aspect from the other country’s health care system that you would like to see added to the U.S. healthcare system. Explain why you would like to see this in our system.

Part IV: Reforms and Improvements 

  • Describe any potential reforms and improvements that are currently being discussed at either the local, state, or federal level. Your work must be based upon scholarly research, not media commentary.
    • Examples could include the following:
      • Federal modifications (i.e., Medicare reform, repealing PPACA, universal type system, etc.)
      • State modifications(i.e., Medicaid reform, income tax credits, etc.)
      • Increased consumer controls HEALTH CARE SYSTEM

Note: The PPACA is not an appropriate reform or improvement to be described here because it is already law and not a future improvement. However, if there is a proposal to amend or eliminate, then you can include that potential reform.

Conclusion: Future of the U.S. healthcare system

  • Explain what you believe the U.S. healthcare system will look like in the next 10 years. Give at least two recommendations for change.
  • Address access to care, quality of care, and cost of care including an example of each in your vision of our future healthcare system. HEALTH CARE SYSTEM