Course Information Worksheet

Prior to completing this worksheet, review the Week 1 lecture and reading assignments (Chapters 1-4 of your course text). Provide a complete answer to each question.  Each question is worth 5 points. Please cite the source of each answer below the answer as in the example provided below. INDIRECT COMMON VEHICLE DISEASE TRANSMISSION



Question: Modes of indirect common vehicle disease transmission include single exposure, multiple exposures, and continuous exposure.


Gordis, L. (2014). Epidemiology (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier. Chapter 2, p. 20.

1.    Define Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary prevention.

2.    True or False:  Prevention and treatment of a single specific disease are exclusive activities that do not occur together when providing care to a patient.

3.    The ________________ Concept is important because in counting incidence and prevalence of disease it is not sufficient to count only clinically apparent cases, but those who are asymptomatic or exposed without infection. INDIRECT COMMON VEHICLE DISEASE TRANSMISSION

4.    Please define the following:

Clinical Disease –

Preclinical Disease –

Subclinical Disease –

Persistent (Chronic) Disease –

Latent Disease –

5.    Match the following terms with their definition:

____ Pandemic                                A. Habitual presence of a disease within a geographic area.

____ Endemic                                   B.  Occurrence of a disease in a community/geographic area in

                                                            excess of normal expectancy.

____ Common-Vehicle Exposure    C. Resistance of a group of people to a disease because a large

                                                            portion of the population is immune.

____ Epidemic                                  D.  An excessive occurrence of disease present globally.

____ Herd Immunity                         E.  When a group of people are exposed to a substance or organism that causes common illness.

6.    What is the one medical advance that is associated with the Black Death in Europe in the late 1300’s?

7.    This is a two part question:

A.    Define, through a fractional representation, what attack rate is.

B.    After a large wedding reception several people develop symptoms of acute gastroenteritis.  It appeared to be tied to eating a specific seafood salad sered.  Using the following 2 by 2 table, numerically represent the attack rate for wedding attendies who ate the seafood salad

  Ate Seafood Salad Did not eat Seafood Salad
Gastroenteritis symptoms 72 15
No gastroenteritis symptoms 24 135

8.    Define the following: active surveillance, passive surveillance, incidence rate, and prevalence rate.

9.    There are two parts to this question: INDIRECT COMMON VEHICLE DISEASE TRANSMISSION

A.  What are two reasons that the prevalence rate of a disease I a community could decrease?

B.  What are age-adjusted death rates used for?

10.  Name and define at least two measures of mortality as fractional representations.  INDIRECT COMMON VEHICLE DISEASE TRANSMISSION

A Critique of Evaluation Methodology Plans

A Critique of Evaluation Methodology Plans

Developing a relevant PICO question that accurately addresses the goal of an evaluation and then locating the most current information on the topic are both key steps in the evaluation process; however, of equal or greater importance is the development of the methodology to gather the data that will answer the PICO question. A Critique of Evaluation Methodology Plans

This is where the evaluator must determine the “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” and “how” of the evaluation. The evaluation methodology outlines the specific steps that will be taken to complete the evaluation. Who will be involved? What sort of research design should be used? Where is the evaluation taking place? How much time will the evaluation require, and how many participants are needed? How will the evaluation be conducted? It is imperative that the evaluator takes the time to make sure a methodology plan is clear, specific, and thorough.


In this Discussion, you critique a series of poorly constructed evaluation methodology plans, identify areas of weakness, and recommend how they can be improved. A Critique of Evaluation Methodology Plans

The following scenarios will be used for this Discussion:

Scenario #1: Agnes, the nurse informaticist at a small rural hospital, has been asked to develop an evaluation plan to determine the success of an upcoming training program for the launch of a new computerized nursing documentation system. Agnes has developed the following methodology plan:

“I will speak to participants immediately after the training program to determine the success of the training. They will be asked about the instructor, if the training was a good time length, if there were enough breaks, and if the training location was comfortable. After the implementation, I will ask the physicians and nurses if they like using the new nursing documentation system and how much time it saves them weekly.”

Scenario #2: Maria, a nurse informaticist in a large surgical center, has been asked to develop an evaluation of the implementation of a new Operating Room Management System (ORMS) that includes scheduling, case cart management, and surgical case documentation. Maria has developed the following evaluation methodology plan:

“I will conduct a 30-minute interview with each nurse in the surgical ward to determine his or her impressions of the new ORMS. I will ask them to specify how they log into the system, to detail how often they use it each day, to describe what types of information they utilize, and to provide a detailed list of issues they encounter. I will have the nurses rank 50 different characteristics of the ORMS on a 1 to 100 scale. In addition, I will ask each surgeon to document his or her impressions of the case documentation functions.”

Scenario # 3: The CEO of the hospital system in a major metropolitan area is a brusque, hard-to-please individual. Carl, a newly hired nurse informaticist, has been tasked with developing an evaluation to correspond with the implementation of a health analytic system that the CEO has hand-picked. Carl has developed the following evaluation methodology plan: A Critique of Evaluation Methodology Plans

“I will arrange one morning where groups of three nurses at a time will have a 15-minute, face-to face meeting with the CEO to both answer his questions and discuss their experiences using the new health analytic system tool. By having this candid dialogue, but without structured questions or parameters, a good overall understanding of the value of the analytic system should be obtained.”

To prepare:

  • Review the three evaluation methodology plans outlined within the scenarios above.
  • Critique each plan. Is it concrete? Is it specific? What are the strengths? Weaknesses?
  • Based on this week’s Learning Resources, recommend at least two changes that would strengthen each plan.
  • Research the Walden Library to find an example in the literature of an evaluation study that has a strong evaluation methodology plan, and assess why you believe it to be strong.
  • Consider your own PICO question and the elements that would need to be included in the methodology plan to adequately answer this question.

By tomorrow 01/10/2017 before 10pm, write a minimum of 550 words essay in APA format with a minimum of 3 references from the list below, that addresses the level one headings as numbered below:

1)      Post a brief critique of each of the evaluation methodology plans. Describe how each could be strengthened.

2)      Briefly summarize the evaluation study you identified in the Walden Library (include the reference in proper APA format), and explain the elements that made you conclude it has a strong methodology component. (SEE ATTACHED PDF FILES)

3)      Describe how you can utilize what you have observed in both the poor and the strong methodology evaluation plans to ensure that you develop an appropriate methodology to answer your PICO question. A Critique of Evaluation Methodology Plans

4)      Outline specific elements that would need to be clearly identified in your evaluation methodology, and explain why they are important to include.

Required Readings

    Friedman, C. P., & Wyatt, J. C. (2010). Evaluation methods in biomedical informatics (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.

Chapter 4, “The Structure of Objectivist Studies” (pp. 85–112)

 This chapter examines the key concepts in relation to the design of studies and the measurement of results. It includes definitions for fundamental terms, a discussion on the levels of measurement, and a description of the different types of study designs.

  Chapter 9, “Subjectivist Approaches to Evaluation” (pp. 248–266)

This chapter introduces the subjectivist approach to evaluation and highlights the key ways it differs from an objectivist approach. The chapter also examines the premises upon which this type of study is based, and how qualitative data are recorded and analyzed.

    Centers for Disease Control. (n.d.). Evaluation planning: What is it and how do you do it? Retrieved from

This document provides a brief overview of planning an evaluation, including the different types of evaluations and the components needed in developing the evaluation methodology.

    Stroud, S., & Gansauer, L. (n.d.). Nursing evidence-based nursing practice tool kit: Practice, evidence, and translation process. Spartanburg Regional Health Care System.

This paper provides guidelines for conducting an evaluation. It highlights the different phases of conducting an evaluation and the steps included in each phase. A Critique of Evaluation Methodology Plans


In this assignment, you will be exploring actual and potential health problems in the childhood years using a functional health assessment and Erickson’s Stages of Child Development. To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Using the textbook, complete the “Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment.” Follow the instructions in the resource for completing the assignment.
  2. Cite and reference any outside sources used in your answers. Include in your assessment a thorough discussion of Erickson’s Stages of Child Development as it pertains to the development age of the child.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.


                                                    GRADING RUBRICS

Assessment of the Child: Functional Health Pattern Analysis Worksheet

Less than Satisfactory
90.0 %Content 
30.0 % Lists Two Assessment Findings Characteristic of Each Age Group and Describes Two Potential Problems That a Nurse May Discover in an Assessment of Each Age Group for Each PatternTwo assessment findings characteristic of each age group and/or description of two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group are not given.Two assessment findings characteristic of each age group and/or description of two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group are incomplete, as relevant information is missing.Two assessment findings characteristic of each age group and description of two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group are given.Two assessment findings characteristic of each age group and description of two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group are given in detail.Two assessment findings characteristic of each age group and description of two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group are given in detail and demonstrate thoughtful reflection.
30.0 % Short Answer Question 1: Compares and Contrasts Identified Similarities as Well as Differences In Expected Assessment Across the Childhood Age GroupsNo compare and contrast viewpoints of identified similarities or differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups are offered.Compare and contrast viewpoints of identified similarities or differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups are incomplete, as relevant information is missing.Compare and contrast viewpoints of identified similarities or differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups are offered.Compare and contrast viewpoints of identified similarities or differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups are offered in detail.Compare and contrast viewpoints of identified similarities or differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups are offered in detail and demonstrate thoughtful reflection.
30.0 % Short Answer Question 2: Summarizes How a Nurse Would Handle Physical Assessments, Examinations, Education, and Communication Differently With Children Vs. Adults; Considers Spirituality and Cultural DifferencesNo summary of how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults is given.Summary of how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults is given, but is incomplete, lacking relevant information, or does not consider spirituality and cultural differences.Summary of how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults is given. Spirituality and cultural differences are addressed.Summary of how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults is given. Spirituality and cultural differences are addressed. Summary is detailed.Summary of how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults is given. Spirituality and cultural differences are addressed. Summary is detailed and demonstrates thoughtful reflection.
5.0 %Organization and Effectiveness 
5.0 % Mechanics of Writing (Includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use.)Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction used.Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, and/or word choice are present.Some mechanical errors/typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used.Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used.Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
5.0 %Format 
5.0 % Research Citations (In-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment.)No reference page is included. No citations are used.Reference page is present. Citations are inconsistently used.Reference page is included and lists sources used in the paper. Sources are appropriately documented, although some errors may be present.Reference page is present and fully inclusive of all cited sources. Documentation is appropriate and GCU style is usua

Literature Review of Technology in Nursing

A well-prepared literature review documents the current knowledge on a selected practice topic and may indicate whether the findings are ready to be incorporated into practice. The purpose of the literature review, using peer-reviewed published research, is to summarize key findings of research that promotes the use of technology and telecommunications in nursing. In this assignment, you will gain the experience of conducting a literature review of a selected topic on the use of technology and telecommunications in health care.

For this assignment, you will:

  • Select a topic on a specific patient care technology or telecommunication in health care that you have interest in reviewing. Topic examples:
    • Wireless communication solutions.
    • Real-time location systems.
    • Delivery robots.
    • Workflow management systems.
    • Wireless patient monitoring solutions.
    • Electronic medication administration with bar coding.
    • Telehealth.
    • Electronic clinical documentation with clinical decision support.
    • Interactive patient systems.
  • Conduct a search using the various electronic databases     
    • Select studies published during the past five years.
  • Select four appropriate peer-reviewed, research-based articles. These studies may be qualitative, quantitative, or outcomes-based. Note: The articles should not be a meta-analysis.
  • Use the organizational format shown on pages 181–182 of your Understanding Nursing Research text and complete a summary of key findings in each study using the table format presented in the text.
  • Other requirements:
    • Use 12-point Times New Roman font style.
    • Must be 4-6 pages
    • Provide a Title Page and Reference Page following APA style.
    • Present a brief overview of the selected technology including your interest and any professional experience.
    • Describe criteria used to select the studies including the name(s) of database(s) used.
    • Present the studies using the following example:
      • Author(s) and year.
        • “Burns, Murrock, and Grove (2012) conducted . . .”
      • Research method.
        • “This study . . .”
      • Purpose of study.
      • Sample size and sampling method.
      • Measurement.
      • Treatment or intervention.
      • Findings.
  • Review the Literature Review of Technology in Nursing Scoring Guide for the grading criteria of this assignment.
  • Use APA style and formatting guidelines to cite all references and in subject headings.
Identify professional sources of information to support the integration of technology and telecommunications in professional nursing practice.
Does not identify professional sources of information to support the integration of technology and telecommunications in professional nursing practice.Identifies some appropriate sources of information to support the integration of technology and telecommunications in professional nursing practice.Identifies professional sources of information to support the integration of technology and telecommunications in professional nursing practice.Identifies professional sources of information to support the integration of technology and telecommunications in professional nursing practice providing supportive rationale and explanation of processes in selecting sources.
Explain the significance of selected technologies and/or telecommunications in relation to professional nursing and health care.
Does not explain the significance of selected technologies and/or telecommunications in relation to professional nursing and health care.Presents a summary of telecommunications and/or telecommunications in nursing and health careExplains the significance of selected technologies and/or telecommunications in relation to professional nursing and health care.Explains the significance of selected technologies and/or telecommunications in relation to professional nursing and health care including the context and future application.
Organize the literature matrix to reflect all identified criteria for evaluation.
Does not organize the literature matrix to reflect all identified criteria for evaluation.Organizes some elements of the literature matrix to reflect identified criteria for evaluation.Organizes the literature matrix to reflect all identified criteria for evaluation.Organizes the literature matrix to reflect all identified criteria for evaluation using studies from varied research methodologies and technologies.
Effectively communicates by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional.
Does not effectively communicate by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional.Communicates by integrating research into written documents that lack consistency in APA format, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional.Effectively communicates by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional.Effectively communicates by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional and lea


Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical practice area. Assuming that you are the chairperson of membership for the organization, create a full-page flyer designed to recruit new members to the professional organization. In your flyer, include:

  1. The function of the organization, as well as its mission and vision.
  2. Potential advantages of membership in the organization.
  3. Provide resource information for new members, including contact information, membership requirements, and organizational endorsements (i.e., what other members or other organizations are saying about the selected organization).
  4. Create a topic for an upcoming meeting that would appeal to your target audience.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the criteria and expectations for successful completion.


Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical practice area. Assuming that you are the chairperson of membership for the organization, create a full-page flyer designed to recruit new members to the professional organization. In your flyer, include:

  1. The function of the organization, as well as its mission and vision.
  2. Potential advantages of membership in the organization.
  3. Provide resource information for new members, including contact information, membership requirements, and organizational endorsements (i.e., what other members or other organizations are saying about the selected organization).
  4. Create a topic for an upcoming meeting that would appeal to your target audience.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the criteria and expectations for successful completion.


In this Discussion, you will consider case studies that describe abnormal findings in patients seen in a clinical setting. You will consider what history should be collected from the patients, as well as which physical exams and diagnostic tests should be conducted. You will also formulate a differential diagnosis with several possible conditions.

Note: By Day 1 of this week, your Instructor will have assigned you to one of the following specific case studies for this Discussion. Also, your Discussion post should be in the SOAP Note format, rather than the traditional narrative style Discussion posting format. Refer to Chapter 2 of the Sullivan text and the Comprehensive SOAP Template in the Week 4 Learning Resources for guidance. Remember that not all comprehensive SOAP data are included in every patient case.

Case study: a 50 year old male complains of burning pain starting at the abdominal and rising to the middle of his chest.he describes the pain as a gnawing feeling that begins after meal especially when lying down.

Post a description of the health history you would need to collect from the patient in the case study to which you were assigned. Explain which physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate and how the results would be used to make a diagnosis. List five different possible conditions for the patient’s differential diagnosis, and justify why you selected each

Healthcare Spirituality And Diversity Paper

The purpose of this paper is to complete a comparative analysis of two faith philosophies towards providing health care, one being the Christian perspective. For the second faith, choose a faith that is unfamiliar to you. Examples of faiths to choose from: Sikh, Baha’i, Buddhism, Shintoism, etc.

In a minimum of 1,500-2,000 words, provide a comparative analysis of the different belief systems, reinforcing major themes with insights gained from your research.

In your comparative analysis, address all of the worldview questions in detail for Christianity and your selected faith.  Refer to chapter 2 of the Called to Care for the list of questions.  Be sure to address the implications of these beliefs for health care.

In addition answer the following questions that address the practical and healthcare implications based on the research:

  1. What are critical common components to all religions/beliefs in regards to  healing, such as prayer, meditation, belief, etc.? Explain.
  2. What is important to patients of the faiths when cared for by health care providers whose spiritual beliefs differ from their own?

In your conclusion, describe your own spiritual perspective on healing, what you have learned from the research and how this learning can be applied to a health care provider.

Support your position by referencing at least three academic resources in addition to the course readings, the Bible, and the textbooks for each religion. Each religion must have a primary source included. A total of six references are required according to the specifications listed above.  Incorporate the research into your writing in an appropriate, scholarly manner.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.

Nursing Values

In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objective:

Discuss how situational factors can potentially influence the behavior of healthcare professionals toward clients with mental illness.

1. Joe, a 26-year-old Caucasian man, is a client in a state prison system.  Joe is admitted to the prison clinic after being involved in a fight in which he sustained a stab wound to the chest that did not penetrate the lungs or major blood vessels.  The clinic doctor on duty was an employee of several years at the prison.  The doctor showed little compassion for Joe, stating, “He is a convicted criminal, and he is just getting back some of what he deserves.”  The new graduate nurse who was being oriented to the clinic thought that the doctor did not exhibit professional behavior toward Joe.  The clinic nursing supervisor later explained that the doctor was influenced by situational factors.

(Learning Objective: 3)

  • What is a situational factor, and how can this influence the behavior of healthcare workers? Provide an example where a situational factor impacted on your behavior while in a healthcare setting.

Describe skills essential to the implementation of culturally competent care.

1. Mrs. Maria Gonzalez is a Mexican National, age 58, who was brought to a health clinic by her adult son. She is complaining that she has had aches and pains all over her body for 2 days. Mrs. Gonzalez states that her neighbor is a witch who gave her the mal do ojo (evil eye) and cast a spell on her to cause her death. The clinic nurse takes an oral temperature and it is 101º F.  The clinic nurse refers Mrs. Gonzales to the clinic physician because she believes that the client has influenza.  Mrs. Gonzales is reluctant to see the doctor and states that the doctor cannot prevent her death. 

(Learning Objective: 8)

a. How can the nurse provide culturally competent care to Mrs. Gonzalez and convince her to see the clinic doctor? 

b. Can Mrs. Gonzalez be convinced that there is no spell cast on her to cause her death? Explain your answer.

Behavioral and Cultural Issues in Healthcare- course name

Analyze a Health Theory or Model

As a health professional, it is important to understand the theories and models that underlie your work. They can be indispensable in guiding your decisions and actions. In this Discussion, you will apply a health theory or model to the levels of influence in the social ecology of health model.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the following models and theories from Chapter 4 of the text and Part 2 of ” Theory at a Glance”:
    • The Health Belief Model
    • Theory of Planned Behavior
    • Transtheoretical/Stages of Change Model
    • Social Cognitive Theory
    • Diffusion of Innovation Theory
  • Review the social ecology of health model with its associated theories by completing the following exercise:
  • Select of the models or theories from the list above that coincides with one of the five hierarchical levels in the social ecology of health model.
  • Reflect upon how the model or theory explains a health condition associated with the previously Healthy People assigned focus area.

By Day 4, post a comprehensive response to the following:

  • In your own words, describe one way that the chosen theory explains your Healthy People assigned focus area. Use terms from the model or theory in your explanation, and be sure to cite your sources appropriately.
  • Now state the hierarchical level or levels (i.e., interpersonal, intrapersonal, organizational, community, and society) in the social ecology of health model that corresponds with your chosen theory. Please explain why it is related to the hierarchical level(s).
  • Be sure to cite your supporting documentation appropriately in correct APA format.