Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare

Strategic Planning for Change—Overview

For this Assignment, you explore one challenge that you would like to see addressed in your organization or one with which you are familiar. You will continue to work on this Assignment over the next several weeks. You will prepare an outline for this assignment due day 7 of week 5. This outline will help organize your work toward this assignment.

This Assignment also serves as your Portfolio Assignment.

To prepare:

• Identify a problem that you would like to investigate for this Assignment. Consider the resources and discussion about strategic planning and models that guide change such as SWOT, Balanced Scorecard, or Six Sigma and lean principles. Review evidence-based literature for data related to your selected problem. You will need to use at least five current (not more than five years old), peer-reviewed articles. If you cannot find adequate evidence, you may need to refine your topic. Your Instructor may provide some guidance for your literature search.

By Day 7 of Week 2, enter your selected problem in the Strategic Planning for Change Forum of the Discussion Board.

Your Instructor will approve your selected problem or provide feedback to help you refine your focus for this Assignment.

While this portion of the Assignment is not graded, it is required.

Once you have received feedback/approval of your selected problem:

• Reflect on the topics you are examining in this course and consider how they relate to your selected problem. Plan to analyze the problem using principles, theories, and concepts related to leadership and management, as well as other pertinent course themes.

• Review evidence-based literature for data related to your selected problem. You will need to use at least five current (not more than five years old), peer-reviewed articles. Your Instructor may provide some guidance for your literature search.

• Synthesize findings from the research literature and/or drawn from other sources of evidence.

• Develop evidence-based recommendations for addressing the problem.

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Write a 6-page paper (not including title page, references, or any appendix) that addresses the following:

• Introduction/Statement of the problem (1/2 page)

• Review of the literature for potential solutions to the identified problem

• Synthesis of the evidence as applied to the stated problem.

• Strategic plan for suggested courses of action based on your evidence and including application of a change theory.

• Conclusion/Summary

Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at http://writingcenter.waldenu.edu/57.htm). All papers submitted must use this formatting.

Epidemic, Endemic, and Pandemic Occurrence of Disease(s)

One aspect of epidemiology is the study of the epidemic, endemic, and pandemic occurrence of disease(s).

Some critics may argue diseases and conditions such as bird flu are endemic in many countries, and some may argue human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or AIDS is a series of epidemics.

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research about the various epidemic, endemic, and pandemic occurrence of disease(s).

Based on your research and understanding, answer the following questions:

  • At what point does a disease become an epidemic, endemic, or pandemic? What are the parameters that define each of these states of a disease’s effect?
  • Do you agree that bird flu, HIV, or AIDS could be described as a series of epidemics? Why or why not?
  • Should we study epidemiology and disease control as a complement to the provision of healthcare services? Why or why not?
  • Disease control has evolved since the discoveries and achievements of these epidemiological pioneers—Hippocrates, John Snow, Pasteur, and Koch. Explain the impact of at least one major historical contribution on the current status of epidemiological practices. How can history potentially shape and impact our future work in public health and clinical medicine? Explain.


In the Week 1 discussion forum you had an opportunity to present a potential problem and an innovative solution specific to your role specialization. In addition, you have reviewed the literature to identify qualitative and quantitative research articles and submitted annotated bibliographies to provide evidence supporting the problem.

Considering the feedback provided to you by the faculty member it is now time to prepare your problem statement, research purpose, and research question. HEALTH PROBLEM STATEMENT 


First share your refined problem and proposed solution (given your review of literature this may have changed depending on the evidence you were able to provide). Next, follow the steps to help define your research question.

  1. Craft the problem statement and research purpose.
  2. Design your research question aimed at solving (a part of) the problem and include the following components which will focus the literature review.

PICOT Question:

Patient, Population or Problem

  1. What are the characteristics of the patient or population?
  2. What is the condition or disease you are interested in? HEALTH PROBLEM STATEMENT

Intervention or exposure

  1. What do you want to do with this patient (e.g. treat, diagnose, observe)? HEALTH PROBLEM STATEMENT


  1. What is the alternative to the intervention (e.g. placebo, different drug, surgery)? HEALTH PROBLEM STATEMENT


  1. What are the relevant outcomes (e.g. morbidity, death, complications)? HEALTH PROBLEM STATEMENT

3.   Ensure that the research question is answerable, feasible and clinically relevant

Community Based Nursing

Read the below scenario and answer the questions that follow: Nursing services are an important part in caring for the patients and providing them the relief they need. From patients with chronic health conditions to patients who need elder care, nursing has proved itself as an important aspect. People now prefer sending their elder parents to a day-care nurses for nursing services. Community Based Nursing 


  • How often have you come across the terms public health nursing, community health nursing, and community based nursing in your environment? Do you think it is a good idea to distinguish between them? Justify your answer.
  • Compare the nursing codes of ethics for your specialty practice, national, and international practice areas. How do they differ? Does it make sense to have more than one code of ethics for nurses? Give reasons for your point of view. Community Based Nursing 

Role of the Community Health Nurse Obtain a job description for a community health nurse or interview a public health nurse to answer the following questions: Community Based Nursing 


  • Which concept of public health nursing does their practice reflect?
  • Which concept is emphasized in their job description?
  • Does a correlation exist between their job description and their practice?
  • Are the nurses involved in policy formulation that affects client services?
  • In the settings you have observed, which concept (in your opinion) is the most effective for implementation? What is your rationale? Community Based Nursing 

Qualitative Research Critique

Some of the most significant current information on patient care in nursing comes from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals, and articles. Within this category of information sources, we can further divide studies into qualitative and quantitative sources, each with their own set of methods and standards. Within each of these categories, nurses must be able to differentiate between sources of published data that are used to develop evidence-based practice.


For this assignment, you will: Qualitative Research Critique 

  • Choose a topic, issue, or a phenomenon that informs nursing practice and has been researched qualitatively.
  • Select one nursing qualitative research article, published in a peer-reviewed journal, on your chosen topic and follow the steps below:
    • Summarize the research study to including the following:
      • Purpose.
      • Study design.
      • Setting.
      • Data collection methods.
      • Data analysis methods.
    • Critique the study in a narrative format addressing each of the following questions:
      • Is the problem significant to nursing and health care?
      • How will it generate or refine knowledge in nursing practice?
      • Was the review of background literature provided?
      • What topics or concepts were discussed in the review of literature?
      • Were ethical standards for research followed and how?
      • What do the findings of the study add to the current body of knowledge? Qualitative Research Critique


    • Conclusion:
      • Explain how the study will inform your practice or the practice of professional nursing.
      • Prepare the critique.
      • Follow APA style guidelines.
      • 4-6 pages
      • Use 12-point Times New Roman font.
      • Include a title and reference page.
      • Use the following subheadings:
        1. Summary.
        2. Critique.
        3. Conclusion.
  • State your conclusions about how the study did or did not advance nursing knowledge in terms of building an evidence-based practice (EBP). Keep in mind that it takes more than one study to provide a knowledge base for EBP, but this exercise will give you an idea of how the process works. Qualitative Research Critique 
  • Cite all references using APA style and formatting guidelines.


Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Discuss the professional perspective for selection of the qualitative research study.
Does not discuss the professional perspective for selection of the qualitative research study. Identifies the topic used for the qualitative research study selected. Discusses the professional perspective for selection of the qualitative research study. Discusses the professional perspective for selection of the qualitative study and the anticipated application to the profession.
Summarize the purpose, study design, data collection and analysis methods for the qualitative research study.
Does not summarize the purpose, study design, data collection and analysis methods for the qualitative research study. Summarizes some of the basic elements of the selected qualitative research study. Summarizes the purpose, study design, data collection and analysis methods for the qualitative research study. Summarizes the purpose, study design, data collection and analysis methods for the qualitative research study including how the literature review was conducted.
Critically analyze the significance of the study and the contribution to nursing and health care.
Does not critically analyze the significance of the study and the contribution to nursing and health care. Provides a basic overview of the study and relation to nursing and health care. Critically analyzes the significance of the study and the contribution to nursing and health care. Critically analyzes the significance of the study and the contribution to nursing and health care including actual and potential populations served.
Discuss the review of literature, ethical standards and findings of the study.
Does not discuss the review of literature, ethical standards and findings of the study. Provides a basic overview of literature reviewed, ethical standards and findings of the study. Discusses the review of literature, ethical standards and findings of the study. Discusses the review of literature, ethical standards and findings of the study including limitations and potential alternate explanations for the findings.
Explain how the study will inform current practice and the future of nursing practice.
Does not explain how the study will inform current practice and the future of nursing practice. Explains how the study relates to nursing practice. Explains how the study will inform current practice and the future of nursing practice. Explains how the study will inform current practice and the future of nursing practice and inter-professional collaboration.
Effectively communicates by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional.
Does not effectively communicate by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. Communicates by integrating research into written documents that lack consistency in APA format, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. Effectively communicates by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. Effectively communicates by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional and leade

Developing a Strategic Plan

Strategic planning involves reciprocity of analysis and action. Over the previous weeks of this course, you have been examining foundational elements of the strategic planning process. As you move forward, you will apply these concepts to the development of a strategic plan.


Through the Course Project, you will identify an unmet need within a group, unit, or organization and develop a comprehensive strategic plan to address the need. You will develop your project over the next several weeks, culminating in Last week.

Note: Your complete project will serve as your Portfolio Assignment for this course.

To prepare for the upcoming work on this project:

Review the Course Project Overview in this week’s Learning Resources to become familiar with the project components and due dates.

Reflect on the trends addressed in this week’s Discussion. Think about which of these trends, or any additional ones, stand out as being particularly relevant to your own interests and the professional contributions you would like to make now and in the future. Developing a Strategic Plan 

Think about how one or more of these trends relates to an unmet need evident in a specific group, unit, or organization. For example, you might choose the unit in which you currently work or a professional association to which you belong. Developing a Strategic Plan 

Consider how you could address this unmet need through strategic planning. What is your vision and goal(s)?

Begin to analyze historical data and engage in forecasting to investigate opportunities for change.

Course Project: Developing a Strategic Plan

Section 1: Summary of the Issue


To prepare for and set the stage for your Course Project, this week you begin to develop a summary of the issue you will address through the creation of a strategic plan.

You may wish to review the Course Project Overview, which outlines the project components and due dates.

To prepare:

Consider the information on strategic planning presented by Dr. Huston in this week’s media program, as well as in the other Learning Resources.

Reflect on the unmet need you identified in this week’s Discussion, and consider any feedback you have received to your posting from your Instructor and colleagues. If appropriate, refine your focus to clarify the unmet need.

In addition to the steps you took in preparation for the Discussion, proceed as follows:

Investigate the background related to this unmet need. What conditions have contributed to this situation? Is there data (beyond what you identified for the Discussion) that should be examined?

Conduct research to assess what has been attempted in the past, by various individuals or organizations, to address this unmet need.


Think about any broader issues that should be examined to better understand this unmet need. For instance, consider economic, political, and/or social considerations.

Begin to draft your 2- to 3-page summary of the Issue (which will be submitted next week). In your summary, identify and/or describe:

  • The unmet need and how it is evident in the specific group, unit, or organization
  • The mission, vision, and values of the group, unit, or organization
  • Background, including:
  • Data from historical analysis and forecasting
  • Evidence from the literature
  • What has been attempted in the past by various individuals and groups to address this need
  • Which stakeholders should be included in the strategic planning process
  • Initial vision for addressing this need at the organizational or systems level, including at least one strategic goal
  • Broader issues to be considered

Section 2: SWOT Analysis

Conducting a SWOT analysis can have tremendous value in preparing for planned change.

To prepare:

  • Conduct a SWOT analysis for your Course Project, incorporating any insights you have gained from this week’s Discussion. Identify two strengths, two weaknesses, two opportunities, and two threats that warrant attention relative to the identified unmet need.
  • Reflect on how you distinguished between weaknesses and threats and consider whether the threats or weaknesses also pose opportunities.

To complete:

Write a 2- to 3-page summary that conveys the results of your SWOT analysis. Include:

  • Two strengths
  • Two weaknesses
  • Two opportunities
  • Two threats
  • An explanation of whether the threats or weaknesses also pose opportunities

So, in nutshell you need to submit,


Section 1: Summary of the Issue (2–3 pages)

Section 2: SWOT Analysis (2–3 pages)

Please use the Refetrences from the week 5 6 and 7 Discussion Posts.

Minimum of 4 references in each section papers.

Just to summarize, there are two papers to be submitted, section 1 and section 2. These are part of project that will be the final submission as a portfolio assignemnt.

Welcome to In the News!

In the News assignment has been designed to give you the opportunity to review current news articles about one of the Healthy People assigned focus areas addressed by the Healthy People 2020 program’s Vision, Mission, & Overarching Goals: http://healthypeople.gov/2020/. Welcome to In the News!

In the first few days of Week 1, your Instructor will assign one of the following Healthy People assigned focus area to you based on last name. For example, the Healthy People assigned focus area, “Access to Health Services” would be assigned to “Aaronson, Robert.”

  • Access to Health Services
  • Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Disability and Secondary Conditions
  • Environmental Health
  • Heart Disease and Stroke
  • HIV
  • Immunization and Infectious Diseases
  • Injury and Violence Prevention
  • Maternal, Infant, and Child Health
  • Mental Health and Mental Disorders
  • Nutritionand Weight Studies
  • Oral Health
  • Respiratory Diseases
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Substance Abuse
  • Vision


To prepare for this assignment, keep your eyes open for an article in an online news publication that relates to your Healthy People assigned focus area. The news article should be intended for the general public. Examples of such sources follow: Welcome to In the News!

· Magazines and newspapers (e.g., The New York Times)
· Health news websites (e.g., National Public Radio’s (NPR’s) “Health” section)
· News updates from government sites, such as “In the News” at the National Institutes of Health site (http://www.nih.gov/, upper right-hand corner of homepage) or “Science News” at the National Institute of Mental Health (http://www.nimh.nih.gov/science-news/index.shtml)

When you find an article:

  • Consider how it relates to your Healthy People assigned focus area
  • Review the current statistics stated in the article


In 1 to 2 paragraphs or ½ page, post a summary of the article, discussing the reason you choose this article for your assignment. Then, include a comprehensive response of 600–750 words to the following questions:

  • Does the article address a biomedical perspective, a prevention perspective, or both? Please explain. If you feel it only addresses one perspective, in what ways can the second perspective be addressed (i.e. through an education or prevention program, clinical trials, etc). Welcome to In the News! 
  • What levels (or level) of the social ecology of health model are addressed in the topic? See p. 15, Figure 1.1 of your text. How do these levels apply populations affected with your Healthy People 2020 assigned focus area?


Application: Factors Contributing to Health Disparities and Ways to Address Them.

The Healthy People 2020 objectives and the Millennium Goals are two ambitious approaches to addressing the disparities found in vulnerable populations. In this Application Assignment, you will determine factors that contribute to health disparities, how culture impacts treatment in healthcare, and how the goals and objectives plan to reduce or eliminate health disparities BEHAVORIAL AND CULTURAL ISSUES.


To prepare
 for this Application Assignment, review the following (with your Healthy People assigned focus area in mind):

  • The definition of culture and articles relating to how culture impacts treatment in healthcare are posted in the Doc Sharing area under Week 3 helpful articles
  • Pages 24–41 of your textbook about the objectives that relate to health care in general and, more specifically, health disparities.
  • The Millennium Development Goals Report 2009 http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/pdf/MDG_Report_2009_ENG.pdf
  • Healthy People 2020: What Are Its Goals? http://healthypeople.gov/2020/
  • Focus your attention on “Overarching Goal #2: Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups .”

To complete this Application BEHAVORIAL AND CULTURAL ISSUES Assignment, write a 3- to 4-page paper that addresses the following questions.

  • What socio-ecological factors contribute to the existence of health disparities? (Examples include socioeconomics and education).
  • How might one’s culture serve as a barrier to equal treatment when it comes to healthcare? Give an example. (*Note: Please remember that culture is not skin color).
  • Give an example or examples of how populations experience unequal treatment and disparity in healthcare. Provide some statistics to help illustrate this point from the CDC, the textbook, your Resources this week, or another reliable source.
  • How do the health-related Millennium Development Goals address such health disparities?
  • Discuss 2 to 3 Healthy People 2020 objectives that provide a framework for addressing health disparities, based on your Healthy People assigned focus area.


Support your answers with statistical information about your Healthy People assigned focus area. The following are a few websites that provide a wealth of data regarding specific populations and Healthy People assigned focus area:

  • State Health Facts, Kaiser Family Foundation www.statehealthfacts.org
  • Statistical Information System, World Health Organization http://www.who.int/whosis/en/
  • Interactive Map: Maps: The Global Picture http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/aids/atlas/us.html

Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct. Also, since this is your only application, you may want to submit this to a Walden Writing Center tutor first as well as run it through Turnitin.com prior to submission. Other helpful resources include: BEHAVORIAL AND CULTURAL ISSUES

  • Citations: http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/apa/citations/intextparenthetical
  • Reference List: http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/apa/references
  • “Gold Star” Application Example
    Jody Early. GOLDSTAR APPLICATION EXAMPLE. Used by permission of Jody Early.
  • Organizing Your Week 3 Application Paper. Used by permission of Shelley Armstrong.


Personal relationships can be rewarding and, at times, challenging. Think back to this week’s Discussion and what constitutes a healthy or unhealthy relationship. Consider your own relationships and think about how they impact your personal health and wellness BEHAVORIAL AND CULTURAL ISSUES.


In addition to considering your relationships, think about your spiritual health. Spiritual health is characterized by subscribing to a way of life or “a belief in a supreme being or a specified way of living prescribed by a particular religion” and it also may include “the ability to feel a part of a greater spectrum of existence” (Donatelle, 2013, p. 8). What brings meaning to your life and how important is your spiritual health to your personal health and wellness?

To prepare for this Application Assignment:
Complete the following Personal Health Assessments in Health: The basics, 10th edition

  • Chapter 5, “Building Healthy Relationships and Understanding Sexuality”
  • Chapter 4, “Preventing Violence and Injury”
  • Chapter 2, “Focus On: Cultivating Your Spiritual Health”

As you complete the assessments, consider the following questions: 

  • How Well Do You Communicate?
  • Are You At Risk for Violence?
  • What’s Your Spiritual IQ?

Review Chapter 2 in Health: The Basics, 10th edition. Also, Review the article “Spiritual wellness, holistic health, and the practice of health education” located in the Learning resources. Focus on the impact of spiritual health on health and wellness.

Application Assignment (2–3 pages):


  • Summarize any insights you gained related to your relationships as a result of taking the Personal Health Assessment.
  • Explain how your spiritual health might impact your health and wellness.
  • Explain at least three ways you may attain positive spiritual health BEHAVORIAL AND CULTURAL ISSUES.

Support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.

How New Regulations Impact The Healthcare Organization

Health informatics professionals are required to know the laws and regulations that impact health information management. At some point in your career, you may be asked to participate in policy review or development and apply specifications included in new regulations to existing policies. You should understand how new regulations impact the healthcare organization and how best to educate staff on any changes How New Regulations Impact The Healthcare Organization.


This task will provide you with the “Sections of Montana Code” needed for one portion of this assessment. The codes include definitions from Montana law pertaining to the validity of consent of minor for health services (41-1-402), confidentiality of health information (50-16-603), patients’ examination and copying (50-16-541 and 50-16-542), and reasonable fees allowed (50-16-540).

Tasks in Word Document Task 1.
A. Discuss the various issues that should be considered by a healthcare organization when defining the legal health record.
B. Discuss one situation from Montana Code 41-1-402 (2a–d), pertaining to the validity of a minor for health services, which may result in criminal liability to the organization if not followed; use HIPAA’s definition of criminal liability, when you discuss your hypothetical situation.
C. Discuss one situation from Montana Code 50-16-603x (1–7) specific to health record identification that may result in a legal claim against the organization if not followed.
D. Compare three points in the Montana codes with what is stated in HIPAA laws as they refer to release of information; use Montana Codes 50-16-540, 541, 542 How New Regulations Impact The Healthcare Organization.

Task 2

Competency 730.3.3: Legal Aspects of Risk Management and Quality – The graduate evaluates the confluence of quality improvement and risk management practices that support favorable legal outcomes for healthcare organizations.
Competency 730.3.5: Compliance Programs – The graduate applies compliance requirements identified by government regulations and by accreditation, licensing, and certification agencies to mitigate legal risk to healthcare organizations.


Risk management, quality improvement, and compliance programs have discrete applications within a healthcare organization, yet they have complementary goals. The motive for these programs is to improve all aspects of the patient experience. There are external regulations and requirements imposed on all organizations, and these regulations are controlled by the internal processes designed by each organization.

There is an expectation of care and trust between patients and their healthcare providers. An organization needs to be vigilant in all circumstances, particularly those involving patient safety.



A. Analyze the “Compliance Management” scenario by doing the following:

1. Describe the mistakes made in this scenario step by step as they occurred.

2. Analyze whether any of the mistakes identified in part A1 were a violation of organizational compliance, a legal concern, or both.

3. Describe specific solutions the compliance officer and Sue, the manager, should implement to prevent reoccurrence of the identified mistakes from part A1.

B. Identify Health Informatics and Information Management (HIIM) areas of expertise in compliance and explain how the HIIM Department staff could assume a leadership role in teaching compliance behaviors to the clinic’s staff members to mitigate legal risk.

1. Explain the importance of staff understanding informed consent in order to ensure patient safety and trust.

2. Describe release of protected health information (PHI) and how it protects patient privacy.

C. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format