Vic Health Practice Essay

Vic Health Practice Essay

Part 1 – Integration Demo (60%) Because Vic Health have medical practice related applications in many health practices around Victoria, Vic Health Executives would like a demonstration of a web service to help Vic Health employees and the Victorian public to find health practices within Victoria. The demo enables Victorian users to browser search the locations of medical practices in Google Maps using a postcode and retrieve an example of town information along with the map. You are required to use the specific data provided to you by your lecturer / tutor (there will be a 0 (zero) mark for this section if you don’t use the data provided by your lecturer / tutor). There are three major components in the demo system: 1. Vic Health Practice Essay


Part 1 – Integration Demo (60%) Because Vic Health have medical practice related applications in many health practices around Victoria, Vic Health Executives would like a demonstration of a web service to help Vic Health employees and the Victorian public to find health practices within Victoria. The demo enables Victorian users to browser search the locations of medical practices in Google Maps using a postcode and retrieve an example of town information along with the map. You are required to use the specific data provided to you by your lecturer / tutor (there will be a 0 (zero) mark for this section if you don’t use the data provided by your lecturer / tutor). There are three major components in the demo system: 1. Data integration demo. In this demo, there are two data source files provided to you by your Lecturer / Tutor: • ‘Vic_Health_Care’ contains the information about fictional health practices, and • ‘Vic_Locations’ contains the information about the location coordinates for towns with health practices. A Python scrip file with the name ‘’ should be implemented to read these two data files. Using the Python petl framework you are required to output the merged data into a CSV file with the name ‘practice_locations.csv’. 2. RESTful Web service server demo. In this demo, you are required to build a RESTful Web service which supports a ‘getlocation’ query from the client browser similar to ‘/getlocation?postcode=xxxx’. The server Web Service will return a JSON object with four attributes (practice name, latitude, longitude, town name and state). The data for this JSON object will be retrieved from the ‘practice_locations.csv’ file you created in component 1. The Python Bottle framework is required for this implementation. A Python scrip file with the name ‘’ will contain this RESTful Web Service Demo. Vic Health Practice Essay


. In this demo, there are two data source files provided to you by your Lecturer / Tutor: • ‘Vic_Health_Care’ contains the information about fictional health practices, and • ‘Vic_Locations’ contains the information about the location coordinates for towns with health practices. A Python scrip file with the name ‘’ should be implemented to read these two data files. Using the Python petl framework you are required to output the merged data into a CSV file with the name ‘practice_locations.csv’. 2. RESTful Web service server demo. In this demo, you are required to build a RESTful Web service which supports a ‘getlocation’ query from the client browser similar to ‘/getlocation?postcode=xxxx’. The server Web Service will return a JSON object with four attributes (practice name, latitude, longitude, town name and state). The data for this JSON object will be retrieved from the ‘practice_locations.csv’ file you created in component 1. The Python Bottle framework is required for this implementation. A Python scrip file with the name ‘’ will contain this RESTful Web Service Demo.

Attachments: Vic Health Practice Essay

Health and Life Insurance Example

Health and Life Insurance Example

Lemmie L. Ruffin, Jr., was an Alabama licensed agent for Pacific Mutual Life Insurance and for Union Fidelity Life Insurance Company. Union wrote group health insurance policies for municipalities, while Pacific did not. Plaintiffs Cleopatra Haslip, Cynthia Craig, Alma M. Calhoun, and Eddie Hargrove were employees of Roosevelt City, Alabama. Ruffin gave the city a single proposal for health and life insurance for its employees, which the city approved. Both companies provided the coverage; however, Union provided the health insurance and Pacific provided the life insurance. This packaging of coverage by two different and unrelated insurers was not unusual. Union would send its billings for health premiums to Ruffin at Pacific Mutual’s office. Health and Life Insurance Example The city clerk each month issued a check for those premiums and sent it to Ruffin. Ruffin, however, did not remit to Union the premium payments he received from the city; instead, he misappropriated most of them.


When Union did not receive payment from the city, it sent notices of lapsed health coverage to the plaintiffs, who did not know that their health policies had been canceled. Plaintiff Haslip was subsequently hospitalized and because the hospital could not confirm her health coverage, it required her to make a partial payment on her bill. Her physician, when he was not paid, placed her account with a collection agency, which obtained against Haslip a judgment that damaged her credit. Plaintiffs sued Pacific Mutual and Ruffin for fraud. The case was submitted to a jury, which was instructed that if it found liability for fraud, it could award punitive damages. The jury returned verdicts for the plaintiffs and awarded Haslip $1,040,000, of which at least $840,000 was punitive damages. The Supreme Court of Alabama affirmed the trial court’s judgment. Pacific Mutual appealed. Decision?View less » Health and Life Insurance Example

Economic Challenges and Incentives Within Health Care

Economic Challenges and Incentives Within Health Care

MHA 618 Week 1 Discussion 2 Prior to engaging in this discussion, read Chapters 1 and 2 in the text and review any relevant Instructor Guidance. It is suggested that you also review the recommended articles to glean any helpful information. The idea that value depends on consumers’ preferences is often considered radical. In your initial post, analyze the economic theories that are germane to the provision of health services, and comment on how one or two specific model(s) might explain the framework or context of patient/consumer preference with regard to the health care services they have experienced. Compare and contrast economic challenges and incentives within health care- organizational models that might influence patient preference. How would value (both in quality and impact of care) differ where you have increase in access and decrease in reimbursement rates set by most insurance companies? Economic Challenges and Incentives Within Health Care Guided Response: Read several of your classmates’ posts and provide a substantive written response to at least two of your peers.


Discuss whether or not you agree with the conclusions provided in your classmate- initial post. If you disagree, offer an alternative that is better in process and efficiency. Explain your reasoning and provide at least one reference to support your position. You must also comment specifically on one aspect of your classmate- post with which you agree. In addition to responding to at least two other students’ posts, it is recommended that you reply to at least one person who responded to your original post by either respectfully defending your conclusion or by listing how you might implement the changes your classmate suggested. Health Care Assignment Help, Health Care Homework help, Health Care Study Help, Health Care Course HelpView less » Economic Challenges and Incentives Within Health Care

The Health and Wellbeing Industry

The Health and Wellbeing Industry

FitLife is a Privately Owned Sydney Based Australian Health Club – Marketing Assignment

FitLife is a privately owned Sydney based Australian health club chain with 70 health clubs and 182,000 active members in Australia. FitLife serves as one of the industry leaders in the sport and fitness segment providing multi-purpose fitness venues across the country providing state of the art health clubs to swimming pools, sports clubs, squash courts, and many other facilities. The health and wellbeing industry is a dynamic sector and plays a critical role in the Australian economy.


The industry has grown substantially within the last decade, generating $2.2billion revenue on an annual basis (with 3.5% annual growth rate) through 3265 health clubs housing 32,875 employment opportunities across the country. The Health and Wellbeing Industry The industry also plays a key role in improving the health and fitness of Australians. An evaluation of the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities and threats, market trend analysis, and macroenvironment study established a groundwork to prepare this strategic analysis and marketing plan. The main motivation is to mine and develop new market opportunities targeted to specific customer niches.The North Sydney branch located in the Sydney Central region has the highest potential to research and develop new market opportunities due to having the highest lead generation potential. Therefore, the Executive Management has decided to research and develop new market opportunities for the North Sydney branch. The breakeven point for the North Sydney branch is 2739 members based on last year’s lead generated, 9129 members in total. Due to its healthy outlook, the Executive Management has allocated a total of $1,061,059 budget to research and implement new market opportunities, where the budget includes the costs for research and
development, distribution, promotion, training, equipment, labour, and any other operational costs to develop and implement opportunities for new markets.View less » The Health and Wellbeing Industry

Culturally Safe Health Care Practices

Culturally Safe Health Care Practices

CNA157: Responding to Diversity- Nursing Reflective Writing Assignment


In this task you will write a reflection about your anticipated nursing or health care practice. Choose a group that interests you from the diversity of ethnicities, religions, genders, sexualities and abilities in the Australian population. Culturally Safe Health Care Practices


Your reflection is a response to the question:

How can I provide culturally safe health care to patients who belong to my chosen diverse group?

There are four required components to your reflection:

Identify some of the barriers to health care access and good care experienced by your chosen group.

Reflect on your attitudes, values and beliefs about your chosen group, and assess the impact (both positive and negative) of your attitudes on your anticipated health care practice with your chosen group.

Describe some culturally safe health care practices you might undertake with individual patients who belong to your chosen group.

Outline how you could be a nurse or health service provider advocate for your chosen group and contribute towards improved health outcomes for your chosen group at a population level.

Reflective writing should demonstrate critical reading and thinking skills. The use of ‘I’ is expected in this assessment task (‘I think, I do not agree, I agree’, etc).

You are expected to undertake research beyond the unit materials, and use a range of books and journal articles. A recommended list that provides a useful starting point can be found at the end of this unit outline. You are required to support your practice reflection with a minimum of 6 scholarly references. Culturally Safe Health Care Practices

Assessment criteria:

Clearly addresses each component of the task

Evidence of in-depth engagement with appropriate academic literature and other resources, using a minimum of 6 scholarly references.

Demonstrates skills in critical thinking and reflection

Adheres to presentation conventions (legibility, spelling, punctuation, grammar and referencing).View less »Mar 12 2019 04:36 AM Culturally Safe Health Care Practices

Quality Improvement Tool(s) Assignment

Quality Improvement Tool(s) Assignment

After completing this week’s reading, consider the following statement:
Never before has nursing been so important to a health care organization. Nurses are responsible for upholding the public’s trust as well as their health care organization’s reputation and its financial viability.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not? Provide at least three specific reasons to support your position. Quality Improvement Tool(s) Assignment


High-Performance Teams
The health care team is at the “sharp end” of service delivery. Members of the health care team are most qualified to analyze problems, generate solutions, and implement and evaluate change. Teamwork is vital to the success of the health care system. Health care administrators must know how to form highly functioning health care teams.
Consider the following scenario:
Mr. Smith was admitted to the hospital for surgery on his left knee. When Mr. Smith woke up from the anesthesia, he realized that his right knee had been operated on. You have been asked to form a team to analyze this wrong-site surgery.
In light of this situation, write a two-to three-page paper (excluding title and reference pages) in which you address the questions below. You must include a minimum of two scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library and format your paper according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
1. Who would you have on your team? Why did you select these individuals?
2. What steps would you take to foster open communication? What team dynamics might exist that could interfere with open communication?
3. Identify two quality improvement tool(s)/strategies you could use to address the wrong-site surgery? Explain why you selected these tool(s)/strategies.View less » Quality Improvement Tool(s) Assignment

Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Assignment 1: Application 2: Meaningful Use Paper
Why are many health care organizations hesitant to adopt electronic health records (EHR) when they have the potential to improve quality, increase access, and reduce costs? Some organizations are concerned with the ethical and legal issues that may arise in daily operations. In 2010, legislators noticed health care’s reluctant transition into full EHR integration, and began to provide financial incentives to those organizations that not only adopt EHRs, but also use them meaningfully to improve quality of patient care. As an advanced practice nurse, it is important to be aware of the challenges, policies, and incentives associated with integrating EHR systems. It is also critical that you understand the concept of “meaningful use” and how it plays out in today’s health care organizations. Electronic Health Records (EHR)


To prepare:
In this Application Assignment, you analyze meaningful use criteria to determine the authentic legal, financial, and ethical issues that may surround it.
• Reflect on the information presented in the Learning Resources, focusing on meaningful use legislation and the “Ethics in Nursing Informatics” section of your course text.
• Investigate the legal, financial, and ethical issues surrounding meaningful use.
• Ask yourself: What are the goals of meaningful use?
By Day 7 of Week 6
Write a 4 page essay in which you:
• Summarize the legal, financial, and ethical issues that may arise as a result of meaningful use legislation.
• Explain how these issues might present barriers to successful implementation within an organization.
• Discuss ways that health care organizations can make the most of their electronic health record investments in light of meaningful use.
• Explain how EHR-related meaningful use legislation is being implemented in your organization. 
Pllease, follow below to answer the questions
Assignment 1: Application 2: Meaningful Use Paper
Why are many health care organizations hesitant to adopt electronic health records (EHR) when they have the potential to improve quality, increase access, and reduce costs? Some organizations are concerned with the ethical and legal issues that may arise in daily operations. In 2010, legislators noticed health care’s reluctant transition into full EHR integration, and began to provide financial incentives to those organizations that not only adopt EHRs, but also use them meaningfully to improve quality of patient care. As an advanced practice nurse, it is important to be aware of the challenges, policies, and incentives associated with integrating EHR systems. It is also critical that you understand the concept of “meaningful use” and how it plays out in today’s health care organizations. Electronic Health Records (EHR)
To prepare:
In this Application Assignment, you analyze meaningful use criteria to determine the authentic legal, financial, and ethical issues that may surround it.
• Reflect on the information presented in the Learning Resources, focusing on meaningful use legislation and the “Ethics in Nursing Informatics” section of your course text.
• Investigate the legal, financial, and ethical issues surrounding meaningful use.
• Ask yourself: What are the goals of meaningful use?
By Day 7 of Week 6
Write a 4- to 5-page essay in which you:
• Summarize the legal, financial, and ethical issues that may arise as a result of meaningful use legislation.
• Explain how these issues might present barriers to successful implementation within an organization.
• Discuss ways that health care organizations can make the most of their electronic health record investments in light of meaningful use.
• Explain how EHR-related meaningful use legislation is being implemented in your organization. 
Please, use below guidelines to answer the questions
Week 6 Application 2: Meaningful Use Paper
You summarized the legal, financial, and ethical issues that may arise because of meaningful use legislation.
You explained how these issues might present barriers to successful implementation within an organization. 
You discussed ways that health care organizations can make the most of their electronic health record investments in light of meaningful use.
You explained how EHR-related meaningful use legislation is being implemented in your organization.
Spelling, grammar and APA
Note: Points may be deducted for grammar, spelling, and/or APA errors.
PointsView less » Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Communicating the Social Justice Perspective

Communicating the Social Justice Perspective
In this program you have explored why and how public health leaders should apply sound business principles in public health practice. Yet with their mission of helping the most vulnerable populations, public health organizations cannot be driven by an exclusively “market justice” perspective, in which the principles of self-interest, individualism, and voluntary behavior are given priority.
For this Discussion, you are asked to consider a scenario in which you, as a public health leader, have the opportunity to articulate the “social justice” perspective of public health to an individual who holds a market-justice position and who also has a lot of influence within the community. Communicating the Social Justice Perspective
As Heifetz and Linsky (2003) observe in one of your readings this week, “Leadership is an improvisational art. You may be guided by an overarching vision, clear values, and a strategic plan, but what you actually do from moment to moment cannot be scripted. You must respond as events unfold” (p. 45). Nevertheless, to help prepare you improvisational opportunities in the future, think through and “script” what you hope you would do and say in the following scenario. Reflect carefully on how best to influence this individual and what might be gained by explaining the social justice perspective that informs public health. Communicating the Social Justice Perspective



You are the Director of the local public health department. You are at a social event one evening with many political leaders and influential community members. You meet one particularly influential person who is an avowed “market justice” advocate (even if he or she doesn’t use that terminology). You introduce yourself. The person looks puzzled and replies, “Public health, huh? You know, I don’t know much about public health. What are you guys all about? What do you do? What are your values?” How would you respond?

Response to the following: 

  • What would you tell this person in order to communicate the social justice perspective and values to this market-justice leader in the community?
  • Identify and discuss 2–3 of the principles you learned from this week’s Learning Resources on influencing others and surviving as a leader that you would want to apply in this scenario

Media ( attached)

  • Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (2008). Leadership, professionalism, and ethics in public health practice: Increasing professional influence and effectiveness [Video file]. Retrieved from
    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 8 minutes.
    Most leaders develop their professional effectiveness over time and through the guidance of others. In this program you will hear from Dr. Mary Wakefield, who began her career as a nurse in North Dakota before turning her attention to public health policy. In sharing her own story, she explains how she was able to gain access to and influence policymakers. She offers advice on how leaders can develop professionally and make the greatest impact in public health policy. The lessons she shares will apply in nearly any area in which you as a leader will seek to influence other decision makers.

Optional Resources ( You can freely access on line).Optional Resources:

  • Rowitz, L. (2001). Public health leadership. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen.You are encouraged to read Chapters 3, 4, 6, and 8.
  • Article: Brett, J., Behfar, K., & Kern, M. C. (2006). Managing multicultural teams. Harvard Business Review, 84(11), 84-91.
  • Article: Cross, R., Liedtka, J., & Weiss, L. (2005). A practical guide to social networks. Harvard Business Review, 83(3), 124-132.
  • Article: Ely, R. J., Meyerson, D. E., & Davidson, M. N. (2006). Rethinking political correctness. Harvard Business Review, 84(9), 78-87.
  • Article: Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & McKee, A. (2001). Primal leadership: The hidden driver of great performance. Harvard Business Review, 79(11), 42-51.
  • Article: Heifetz, R. A., & Laurie, D. L. (2001). The work of leadership. Harvard Business Review, 79(11), 131-141.
  • Article: Uzzi, B., & Dunlap, S. (2005). How to build your network. Harvard Business Review, 83(12),53-60.

</pclass=”msonormal”></pclass=”msonormal”> Communicating the Social Justice Perspective

The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health

The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health

The Federal Health IT Strategic Plan has set forth the updated goals and objectives for 2015-2020. This six year plan involves five goals, beginning with the further implementation of electronic health records. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009 was passed around the same time the electronic health records (EHR) incentive programs were launching and, thus, they are similarly aligned (DeSalvo, 2015). EHR usage has blossomed since 2009, with over 400,000 hospitals and professionals are now using EHR programs for Medicare and Medicaid (DeSalvo, 2015). The new plan wants to spread the adoption of EHR all acrosshealthcare, especially those programs like behavioral health and long-term care who are ineligible for Medicare and Medicaid incentives (DeSalvo, 2015).


This expansion would hope to achieve a universal communication system that would reduce costs and cure inefficiencies. The second goal is concerned with security of the electronic data. Having mass amounts of highly private data, including social security numbers, medical histories and current diagnoses presents a large security issue. The government is committed to develop policy and technology to both protect the individual fromcyber-attacks as well as disclosing of sensitive information electronically (DeSalvo, 2015). The patient must trust that their electronic records will only be reviewed by physicians or other acceptable professionals.
The third of the strategic plan is to strengthen the delivery ofhealthcare. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Health IT is helping patients and families become fully aware of the care being provided and actively pushing to manage their own care (DeSalvo, 2015). This preventative step is supporting long-term care systems by ensuring more assessable care, making care safer and maintaining quality of care outside ofhealthcare institutions (DeSalvo, 2015). The fourth goal coincides with the third, pushing for the well-being of individuals and communities (DeSalvo, 2015). Giving a portion of the responsibility to the patients allows for increased impact of recovery and maintenance of health because the individual knows the outcome is partially their obligation. Healthcare is evolving to patient-centered visions to assist withhealthcare maintenance (DeSalvo, 2015). Then, public health entities can use this information to detect, track and manage disease outbreaks in specific areas, lending assistance to epidemiologists (DeSalvo, 2015). The final goal of the plan is to advance research, knowledge and innovation (DeSalvo, 2015). There is a mine full of data as more individuals use health IT. This can lead to scientific discoveries, quality improvement, enhance transitions and enable research on prevention and diagnosis of diseases (DeSalvo, 2015). Also, the more usage of the technology means more understanding of glitches, more feedback on the program and more information to improve the technology.
The goals and objectives set forth by the ONC have three to six year of outcomes that are attainable. The parameters of the plan have solid evidence-based need, ranging from security of electronic health data to implementing communication infrastructure across the health care continuum. With this plan in place, the ONC can focus on accomplishing smaller objectives to achieve larger goals, helping to maintain a level of flexibility within the plan. By using similar methods from the 2011 plan, the ONC is confident that, within six years,healthcare information technology will evolve thehealthcare environment to a safer, more reliable and produce higher levels of efficiency that will positively affect the entire healthcare industry.
HI I JUST NEED A REPLY TO THE ABOVE SOLUTION AND THE QUESTION FOR ABOVE SOLUTION IS Review this Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2015 – 2020. the five goals and their associated objectives found in this plan, commenting on what they mean for healthcare. WE NEED TO SUPPORT THE SOLUTION AND ADD SOME POINTS MENTIONED.PLEASE I NEED 50 WORDS OR MORE WOULD BE GREAT.IN TEXT CITATIONS REQUIRED.THANK YOU The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health

Teen Pregnancy in that State

Teen Pregnancy in that State

Assignment #3- Health Policy Regulations

Last week you selected the following 2 items and submitted them for approval:

(1) a topic related to health policy regulations from the list below.

(2) a State with a set of health policy regulations (NOT legislation) relating to the topic you selected Teen Pregnancy in that State

Assignment 3 Instructions

You will need to submit 2 documents for grading in Assignment 3:

(1) A summary document (like you did in Assignments 1 and 2) using the table format as specified below. Please make sure you follow the instructions and meet all the requirements and consult the grading rubric before you prepare your report. The contents of the table should be single spaced and total no more than 2.5 pages in 11 to 12 point font. Except in the case of titles, use complete sentences, i.e. write using narrative format. Include a cover page before the table, and a list of references in APA Format, after the table.


(2) A good copy of the State Regulation with 5 to 6 key aspects or notable parts of it highlighted or underlined or marked clearly. For each of the notable parts you have highlighted, describe in your report (above, in table format) how the patient, provider, product developer, health care organization and payer may be impacted.

Front-line workers are required to be immunized for influenza and potentially other contagious diseases. Where does this requirement come from and how does the state regulation ensure compliance?

Health professionals have responsibility for reporting elder and child abuse and neglect. How do state regulations help to meet this expectation? Teen Pregnancy in that State

Long-term care facilities must offer certain services according to state standards. What are they?

Some states have a certificate of need program to assess the need for new health service providers. How does this work?

Lead paint screening is a federal initiative that takes place in nearly every state, how are these services regulated on the state level?

Sexually transmitted diseases are reportable under state regulation. What diseases and what regulations ensure this reporting properly.

Parental notification is required for the treatment of minors. Select a state and indicate how parental notification related to teen pregnancy in that state.

Patients must consent to participate in research studies, including granting permission to use their biological tissues for tissue banks or organ banks. Does this involve state regulations if not what laws govern this?

Health insurance is administered on a state level. What state regulations govern Health Information Exchange? (Note you must select a state with a Health Information Exchange in operation or close to operation.)

Alcohol and drug treatment varies widely across states. Select a state and note the specific regulations about drug treatment facilities. Teen Pregnancy in that State

Student Name:

Type your name here.

Assignment #3 Title:

Provide a short name and the official title of the State Rules.

Agency Responsible:

Identify the state agency and subunit (such as a bureau or office) responsible for oversight of the rules.

Incentives and Enforcement:

What carrot (incentives) and sticks (enforcements and punishments) are noted in the regulations? Is there training for personnel? Technical Assistance?

Key Aspect of the Regulation #1:

How does this section of the regulation impact payers/insurers/health plans, health care professionals, health provider organizations, or health product developers?

Key Aspect of the Regulation #2:

Key Aspect of the Regulation #3:

Key Aspect of the Regulation #4:

Key Aspect of the Regulation #5:

Notated Copy of the Rules:

Attach the copy of the regulation that you have marked up. Underline, highlight or note key sections. Mark them (1), (2), (3), etc. You may use technology to mark up in PDF or print, handwrite and scan the rules. Attach when you submit the assignment.

All sections of Assignment #3 are required.View less » Teen Pregnancy in that State