Medical Illnesses

In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objectives:

Identify common medical conditions that can have accompanying psychiatric complications or symptoms. Describe general nursing implications for clients experiencing psychiatric disorders that are intertwined with other nonpsychiatric illnesses.

1. Carla, a 27-year-old white single mother of two preschool-age children, is in the psychiatric hospital for treatment of anxiety and depression.   Carla has a cardiac condition that requires surgery.  Carla is concerned over the financial cost of the surgery and caretakers for her children while she is in the hospital and undergoing rehabilitation. Carla is also worried that she may be unable to continue in her present employment as a salesperson due to the physical demands of this position.  Carla’s case is representative of many patients with medical conditions who develop psychiatric symptoms. Medical Illnesses


(Learning Objectives: 1, 2)

a. What are some prevalent medical conditions that can also be accompanied by psychiatric symptoms or complications?

b.What are some nursing implications for Carla that address both the psychiatric and nonpsychiatric illnesses?

Write a 1,000- to 1,400-word paper that addresses the following: Please include headers for each section below to ensure everything is explained in detail. 

  • Why is accountability important in the health care industry?
  • How is an employee’s accountability measured in the health care industry?
  • How does accountability apply to ethical considerations in leadership and management?
  • What does a checks-and-balances process look like in a successful organization?
  • How does accountability affect an organization’s working culture?
  • How can you maintain a positive working culture and avoid a working culture of blame?

Cite a minimum of 4 references.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines .Medical Illnesses


Will using intermittent pneumatic compression device prevent deep vein thrombosis after orthopedic surgery ?

Person – Post  operative  orthopedic  patients  in  a  hospital.

Intervention –Does the use of intermittent pneumatic compression device prevent deep vein thrombosis.

Comparison – Standard treatment like, early ambulation, graduated elastic compression stocking, and anticoagulation therapy.

Outcome -The risk of getting DVT following orthopedic surgery will be reduced with the use of intermittent pneumatic compression device. VEIN THROMBOSIS

Time– 6 months

Please write an essay according to the guideline. Attaching the question below.

Locate a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed articles that describe the problem or issue and that support the proposed solution. Eight of the 15 articles must be research-based (e.g., a study which is qualitative, quantitative, descriptive, or longitudinal).

Hint: Begin your search for literature by utilizing the databases located in the GCU eLibrary. Contact your faculty member, the librarian, or library staff for additional researching tips and key word suggestions.


Preview each of the 15 articles chosen by reading the article abstracts and summaries.

Hint: Article abstracts and summaries provide a concise description of the topic, research outcomes, and significance of findings.

Hint: Refer to “RefWorks” and “Module 1: Checklist.”

Perform a rapid appraisal of each article by answering the following questions (one to two sentences are sufficient to answer each question):

  1. How does each article describe the nature of the problem, issue, or deficit you have identified?
  2. Does each article provide statistical information to demonstrate the gravity of the issue, problem, or deficit?
  3. What are example(s) of morbidity, mortality, and rate of incidence or rate of occurrence in the general population?
  4. Does each article support your proposed change?

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

2 NRS 441v.11R.Module1_Checklist.docx1 NRS441v.10.0R RefWorks.docx. VEIN THROMBOSIS

Check list:


This checklist is designed to help students organize the weekly exercises/assignments to be completed as preparation for the final, capstone project proposal. This checklist will also serve as a communication tool between students and faculty. Comments, feedback and grading for modules 1-4 will be documented using this checklist.

Topic Task Completed Comments/Feedback      Points
Identifying aProblem  ·  Explains setting and/or context in which nursing problem is observed.     _____ / 10
  ·  Detailed description of problem, issue, or educational deficit provided.     _____ / 10
  ·  Impact of problem on work environment and patient outcomes described.      _____ / 5
  ·  Significance to nursing profession discussed.     _____ / 5
  ·  Solution to the problem identified.      _____ / 10
      Total _____ / 40
Developing a Question ·  Identified components of PICOT:  P – Population of Focus  I  –  Intervention  C –  Comparison  O –  Outcome  T-Time     _____ / 30
  ·  Developed PICO question/statement.      _____ / 10
  ·      Total _____ / 40
Selecting Sources of Literature ·  Rapid Appraisal Performed (see below) on a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed articles.     _____ / 100
  ·      Total _____ / 100

Rapid Appraisal

Perform a rapid appraisal of each article by answering the following questions (one to two sentences are sufficient to answer each question):

1)      How does each article describe the nature of the problem, issue, or deficit you have identified?

2)      Does each article provide statistical information to demonstrate the gravity of the issue, problem, or deficit?

3)      Example(s): morbidity, mortality, rate of incidence or rate of occurrence in the general population.

4)      Does each article support your proposed change? VEIN THROMBOSIS


Analyze the health status of a specific minority group. Select a minority group that is represented in the United States (examples include: American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander.)

In an essay of 750-1,000 words, compare and contrast the health status of the minority group you have selected to the national average. Consider the cultural, socioeconomic, and sociopolitical barriers to health. How do race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and education influence health for the minority group you have selected? Address the following in your essay: HEALTH ANALYSIS

  1. What is the current health status of this minority group?
  2. How is health promotion defined by the group?
  3. What health disparities exist for this group?
  4. Describe at least one approach using the three levels of health promotion prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary) that is likely to be the most effective given the unique needs of the minority group you have selected. Provide an explanation of why it might be the most effective choice.

Cite a minimum of three references in the paper.

You will find important health information regarding minority groups by exploring the following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) links:

  1. Minority Health:
  2. Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH):
  3. Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations:


Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center HEALTH ANALYSIS


Question 1

A 40-year-old female presents complaining of pain near the midline in the epigastrium. Assuming the pain is caused by a stimulus acting on an abdominal organ, the pain felt is classified as:

a. Visceral
b. Somatic
c. Parietal
d. Referred

Question 2

An 8-week-old male was recently diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Which of the following digestive alterations would be expected? HEALTH EXAM

a. Insufficient bile production
b. Gastric atrophy
c. Hypersecretion of stomach acid
d. Nutrient malabsorption

Question 3

In alcoholic cirrhosis, hepatocellular damage is caused by:

a. acetaldehyde accumulation.
b. bile toxicity.
c. acidosis.
d. fatty infiltrations.

Question 4

Where does the nurse expect the obstruction to be in a patient with extrahepatic portal hypertension?

a. Sinusoids
b. Bile ducts
c. Hepatic portal vein
d. Hepatic artery


Question 5

Kwashiorkor is a severe dietary deficiency of:

a. fat-soluble vitamins.
b. carbohydrates.
c. protein.
d. calcium and magnesium.

Question 6

A 27-year-old male presents with fever, GI bleeding, hepatomegaly, and transient joint pain. He reports that as a child he received blood transfusions following a motor vehicle accident. He also indicates he was vaccinated against hepatitis B. Which of the following types of hepatitis does the clinician think he most likely has?

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

Question 7

Prolonged diarrhea is more serious in children than adults because:

a. children have lower adipose reserves.
b. fluid reserves are lower in children.
c. children have a lower metabolic rate.
d. children are more resistant to antimicrobial therapy.


Question 8

A 40-year-old male develops an intestinal obstruction related to protrusion of the intestine through the inguinal ring. This condition is referred to as:

a. Intussusception
b. A volvulus
c. A hernia
d. Adhesions

Question 9

A 60-year-old male presents with GI bleeding and abdominal pain. He reports that he takes NSAIDs daily to prevent heart attack. Tests reveal that he has a peptic ulcer. The most likely cause of this disease is:

a. Increasing subepithelial bicarbonate production
b. Accelerating the H+ (proton) pump in parietal cells
c. Inhibiting mucosal prostaglandin synthesis
d. Stimulating a shunt of mucosal blood flow HEALTH EXAM

Question 10

Acute pancreatitis often manifests with pain to which of the following regions?

a. Right lower quadrant
b. Right upper quadrant
c. Epigastric
d. Suprapubic

Question 11

A 60-year-old male is diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus. Which of the following factors most likely contributed to his disease?

a. Reflux esophagitis
b. Intestinal parasites
c. Ingestion of salty foods
d. Frequent use of antacids

Question 12

The primary complication of enterocolitis associated with Hirschsprung disease is related to which finding?

a. Fecal impaction
b. Pancreatic insufficiency
c. Hyperactive peristalsis
d. Ileal atresia

Question 13

The most common cause of chronic vascular insufficiency among the elderly is:

a. Anemia
b. Aneurysm
c. Lack of nutrition in gut lumen
d. Atherosclerosis

Question 14

The most common clinical manifestation of portal hypertension is _____ bleeding.

a. rectal
b. duodenal
c. esophageal
d. intestinal

Question 15

A 54-year-old male is diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease.This condition is most likely caused by:

a. Hereditary hormonal imbalances with high gastrin levels
b. Breaks in the mucosa and presence of corrosive secretions
c. Decreased vagal activity and vascular engorgement
d. Gastric erosions related to high ammonia levels and bile reflux

Question 16

The cardinal sign of pyloric stenosis caused by ulceration or tumors is:

a. Constipation
b. Diarrhea
c. Vomiting
d. Heartburn

Question 17

A 55-year-old male died in a motor vehicle accident. Autopsy revealed an enlarged liver caused by fatty infiltration, testicular atrophy, and mild jaundice secondary to cirrhosis. The most likely cause of his condition is:

a. Bacterial infection
b. Viral infection
c. Alcoholism
d. Drug overdose HEALTH EXAM


Question 1 A patient asks the nurse practitioner about food sources such as soybeans and soy products. The nurse practitioner understands that these foods are considered

A) phytoestrogens.

B) monotherapy.

C) taboo.

D) inappropriate

Question 2 A 12-year-old boy is being discharged from the hospital after major surgery. The boy will be taking two medications at home for an extended period. The nurse who is discharging the patient should provide medication teaching specifically to

A) the mother regarding why the boy needs to take the medications.

B) both the boy and his mother regarding all medication issued NURSING EXAM.

C) the boy by telling him not to worry about the medications and to take them as directed

D) The mother and be sure to reinforce the need to force the medications, if her sondoes not want to take them

Question 3 A 15-year-old boy who has been taking dextroamphetamine for the treatment of ADHD has been experiencing a depressed mood and a sense of hopelessness. He confides in the school nurse that he has begun taking his stepfather’s antidepressant to improve his mood. After immediately phoning the boy’s stepfather, the nurse learns that the drug in question is phenelzine (Nardil), a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). The nurse should recognize that this combination of drugs creates a serious risk of what health problem?

A) Cardiac dysrhythmia
B) Hypertensive crisis
C) Nephrotoxicity
D) Hypokalemia

Question 4 A child is admitted to the burn unit with second and third degree burns on both arms and part of his or her face. When administering topical medications to the burned areas, the nurse should

A) cool the medication prior to administration.
B) use sterile technique when applying the medication.
C) allow the child to apply the medication if possible.
D) use clean technique only when applying the medication.

Question 5 A patient is being seen in the emergency department for a sprained ankle and is given a drug to relieve pain. When a second dose of the pain medication is given, the patient develops redness of the skin, itching, and swelling at the site of injection of the drug. The most likely cause of this response is

A) a hepatotoxic response.
B) an idiosyncratic response.
C) a paradoxical response.
D) an allergic response.

Question 6 A 5-year-old boy needs an IM injection. The least painful and most effective injection site would be the

A) deltoid muscle.
B) rectus femoris muscle.
C) ventrogluteal muscle.
D) dorsogluteal muscle.

Question 7 A patient reports to a clinic with complaints of breast tenderness, a right lumpy breast, and no breast discharge. The breast tenderness occurs primarily during her menstrual cycle. The nurse practitioner probably suspects

A) breast cancer


C) pain in the heart

D) cancerous breast tenderness

Question 8 A 29-year-old woman who is morbidly obese has recently begun a comprehensive, medically-supervised program of weight reduction. Prior to adding dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine) to her regimen, the patient should be questioned about her intake of

A) alcohol.
B) trans fat.
C) caffeine.
D) grapefruit juice.

Question 9 A nurse is caring for a 10-year-old boy who complains of chronic headaches. His mother reports that she gives him Tylenol at least three times a day. Which of the following will the nurse work with the physician to evaluate?

A) Renal function
B) Hepatic function
C) Respiratory function
D) Cardiac function

Question 10 A 21-year-old female has a history of irregular menses. She recently became sexually active, and would like to begin taking oral contraceptives (OCs). The nurse practitioner recognizes that most likely this patient would benefit from taking which category of OCs.

A) Monophasic

B) Triphasic OC

C) Ortho Tri-Cyclen

D) Biphasic OC

Question 11 A nurse who provides care on a pediatric medicine unit has conducted a medication reconciliation of a recently-admitted patient. In light of the fact that the child takes methylphenidate (Ritalin), the nurse is justified in considering a history of what health problem?

A) Anxiety
B) Respiratory depression
C) Obesity

Question 12 A nurse working in a cancer center is preparing to administer medication to a 5-year-old child. The nurse will calculate the drug dosage by using

A) body surface area.
B) weight.
C) age in months.
D) age in years.

Question 13 A 13-year-old female took a weight loss drug that activated the sympathetic nervous system. Which of the following assessment findings would the nurse expect?

A) Decreased myocardial contraction
B) Decreased heart rate
C) Increased cardiac conduction
D) Increased intranodal conduction time

Question 14 A 6-month-old child has developed skin irritation due to an allergic reaction. He has been prescribed a topical skin ointment. The nurse will consider which of the following before administering the drug?

A) That the infant’s skin has greater permeability than that of an adult
B) That there is less body surface area to be concerned about
C) That there is decreased absorption rates of topical drugs in infants
D) That there is a lower concentration of water in an infant’s body compared with an adult

Question 15 A nurse is providing patient education to a 13-year-old girl who was just diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Which of the following statements by the patient will alert the nurse that special instructions regarding insulin are necessary?

A) “I walk two blocks to school every day.”
B) “I am on the middle school track team.”
C) “We live in a two-story house.”
D) “My mother is going to give me my insulin.”

Question 16 A nurse who provides care on a pediatric unit of a hospital is aware that the potential for harm as a result of drug errors is higher among infants and children than adults. This fact is primarily due to

A) the inability of infants and children and describe symptoms of adverse drug reactions.
B) increased body surface area relative to body volume in infants and children.
C) increased heart rate and subsequently rapid drug distribution among infants and children.
D) immature liver and kidney function in infants and children.

Question 17 A nurse practitioner orders 150 mg of oral fluconazole for a patient with vulvovaginal candidiasis. The patient should expect to take medication

A) for 20 days.

B) once a day.

C) every day until the infection is gone.

D) for 30 days.

Question 18 To which of the following patients would a medication nurse most likely administer caffeine as part of the treatment plan?


A) A preterm neonate who has apnea
B) A 34-year-old woman with a diagnosis of gastric ulcerations
C) A school-age child with severe ADHD
D) A 52-year-old man with narcolepsy

Question 19 A nurse works at a weight management clinic. To which of the following overweight patients could the nurse safely administer dextroamphetamine? NURSING EXAM

A) A 38-year-old Caucasian woman with glaucoma
B) A 60-year-old African-American man who experiences angina
C) A 48-year-old Caucasian man who has adult-onset diabetes
D) A 28-year-old African-American woman with hyperthyroidism

Question 20 A 3-year-old boy has developed otitis media and requires antibiotics. In order to increase the chance that the boy will take his prescribed medication, the nurse should

A) teach the boy about the fact that he will feel much better after he takes his medications.
B) have the mother hold the child firmly and sooth him while the drugs are administered.
C) offer a choice between liquid and chewable medications, if possible.
D) insert a central intravenous line.

Question 21 The recommended treatment for trichomoniasis is

A) Flagyl.

B) Diflucan.

C) Meclizine.

D) Amoxicillan

Question 22 A school nurse has been teaching high school students about the risks associated with marijuana use. However, the nurse has been met with considerable skepticism on the part of students, most of whom believe that marijuana is a benign drug. Which of the following teaching points should the nurse provide?

A) “Most people don’t know that marijuana can be just as addictive as heroin or cocaine over time.”
B) “Marijuana can easily interact with other drugs and cause potentially fatal reactions.”
C) “Every year, thousands of Americans end up in emergency departments with marijuana overdoses.”
D) “Smoking marijuana is just as bad, or worse, for your lungs as smoking cigarettes.”

Question 23 A nurse is going to administer medication to an infant using a medicine dropper. The best method is to open the child’s mouth by gently squeezing the cheeks and placing the drops

A) at the back of the mouth.
B) in the buccal pouch.
C) under the tongue.
D) on top of the tongue.

Question 24 A nurse is obtaining baseline physical data from a 7-year-old patient who is to be started on dextroamphetamine for ADHD. After obtaining vital signs, height, and weight, the nurse will prepare the patient for an

A) electrocardiogram (ECG).
B) electromyelogram (EMG).
C) electroencephalogram (EEG).
D) electrophysiologic study (EPS).

Question 25 A 10-year-old boy is taking dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine) daily for ADHD. At each clinic visit, the nurse’s priority assessment would be

A) height and weight.
B) Vision.
C) body temperature.
D) blood pressure.

Question 26 A 7-year-old child has been taking tetracycline for a bacterial infection. The nurse will be sure to inform the parents that this drug could cause

A) orange-tinged urine.
B) staining of permanent teeth.
C) sleep deprivation.
D) deep muscle pain NURSING EXAM.

Question 27 A nurse is administering drugs to a 10-year-old child who has multiple health problems.The child is underweight and is on a special diet. Which of the following will the nurse consider when planning for the best absorption of the prescribed drugs? (Select all that apply.)

A) Age
B) Weight
C) Disease process
D) Diet
E) Route of administration


Question 28 The clinical nurse educator who oversees the emergency department in a children’s hospital has launched an awareness program aimed at reducing drug errors. What measure addresses the most common cause of incorrect doses in the care of infants and children?

A) Having nurses check their math calculations with a colleague before administering a drug.
B) Ensuring that a full assessment takes place no more than 30 minutes before giving a drug.
C) Recording drug administration in both the nurse’s notes and the medication administration record (MAR)
D) Avoiding intravenous administration of drugs whenever possible.

Question 29 A 15-year-old boy has been diagnosed with bone cancer after several months of fatigue and pain. What question should the nurse include in an assessment when trying to minimize the potential for adverse drug reactions?

A) “Do you ever use alcohol or drugs?”
B) “How much do you weigh?”
C) “On a scale of zero to ten, what level of pain is acceptable to you?”
D) “Did Tylenol or other over-the-counter pain remedies ever relieve your pain?”

Question 30 A 35-year-old woman is on a weight-loss program and is to begin taking sibutramine (Meridia). After baseline physical data are obtained, the nurse will assess the patient’s childbearing potential. The nurse will inform the patient that during sibutramine therapy she should

A) abstain from sex.
B) obtain a pap smear .
C) use adequate contraception.
D) take a pregnancy test every month.

Question 31 A 16-year-old boy is prescribed cromolyn sodium nasal spray to treat a nasal allergy. To maximize the therapeutic effects of the drug, which of the following will the nurse include in instructions to the patient?

A) Take the drug on a full stomach
B) Avoid high noise levels
C) Take the drug for one full week before coming in contact with allergens
D) Drink plenty of fluids.

Question 32 A 19-year-old patient reports to a clinic with vaginal discharge with a foul odor. A microscopic exam reveals trichomonas vaginalis.The nurse practitioner is aware that

A) trichomoniasis is an incurable disease.

B) trichomoniasis discharge is typically thin and clear.

C) asymptomatic women are diagnosed with trichomoniasis by a routine pap smear.

D) it is unusual to have an odor with trichomoniasis

Question 33 A 2-year-old child is diagnosed with a minor ailment and is to be administered medications at home for 2 weeks. The child lives with his mother, grandmother, and four other children between the ages of 14 months and 7 years. The home health nurse is asked to assess the home environment to determine if it is appropriate for the child to take his medication at home. Which of the following will have the greatest impact on the nurse’s assessment?

A) The mother and grandmother’s understanding about the drugs
B) How clean the house is
C) The health status of the other children
D) Where the medications will be stored NURSING EXAM

Question 34 A nurse is having difficulty administering a bitter drug to a 5-year-old child. The nurse should

A) have the parent gently force the child’s mouth open.
B) give the drug in a pill form.
C) involve the child in a play therapy session, and then tell the child that the medicine is candy.
D) offer the child a flavored ice chip or ice pop prior to administering the drug.

Question 35 A 22-year-old woman has given birth to an infant who exhibits the signs and symptoms of maternal cocaine use during pregnancy.These signs and symptoms are a result of what pathophysiological effect of opioid use during pregnancy?

A) Changes in blood chemistry as a result of nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity
B) Impaired maternal nutrition as a result of drug use
C) Vasoconstriction leading to reduced placental blood flow
D) Hypoxia as a result of a prolonged second stage of labor

Question 36 A preterm neonate received caffeine for the treatment of apnea. The nurse should monitor the neonate for which of the following?

A) Bloody stools
B) Bradycardia
C) Constipation
D) Hypoglycemia

Question 37 A 30-year-old man with a BMI of 59 has recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus. In light of the man’s lack of success with weight loss programs in the past, his care provider has prescribed sibutramine (Meridia). What instructions should the nurse consequently provide to this patient?

A) “Take this drug once each day on an empty stomach.”
B) “It’s best to take a dose of sibutramine after each meal.”
C) “This drug will help you to lose weight without having to exercise or change your normal diet.”
D) “Take a dose when you feel like you are tempted to binge on food.”

Question 38 A nurse practitioner orders a single dose of 2 g Metronidazole orally. How many milligrams will the patient receive in one dose?

A) 1000 mg

B) 2000 mg

C) 3000 mg

D) 4000 mg

Question 39 A nurse is explaining to the parents of a 6-year-old child suffering from angina why nitroglycerin patches for chest pain would not be appropriate. Which of the following will the nurse include in an explanation?

A) A child has an erratic blood flow from an immature peripheral circulation, which increases drug absorption, causing an increase in adverse effects.
B) A child’s gastric pH is decreased, causing less of the drug to be absorbed from the subcutaneous skin, therefore producing more adverse effects.
C) A child has a greater body surface area, creating greater permeability resulting in an increase in absorption of topical agents, which may result in more adverse effects.
D) A child has a smaller body surface area, resulting in an increase in topical absorption, which can cause more adverse effects.

Question 40 An immunocompromised 7-year-old child was recently discharged home with a peripherally-inserted central line (PIC line) for home antibiotic therapy. He has now been brought to the emergency department by his mother and father with signs and symptoms of line sepsis.Upon questioning, the mother states that she has been removing the PIC dressing daily and washing the site with warm water and a cloth. What nursing diagnosis is most appropriate in this situation?

A) Caregiver Role Strain
B) Ineffective Family Therapeutic Regimen Management
C) Delayed Growth and Development
D) Knowledge Deficit NURSING EXAM

Understanding The Health Care System

A PICOT starts with a designated patient population in a particular   clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise   from clinical care. The intervention should be an independent,   specified nursing change intervention. The intervention cannot require   a provider prescription. Include a comparison to a patient population   not currently receiving the intervention, and specify the time frame needed to implement the change process.

Formulate a PICOT statement using the PICOT format provided in the   assigned readings. The PICOT statement will provide a framework for   your capstone project. Understanding The Health Care System

In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly identify the clinical problem   and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.


Make sure to address the following on the PICOT statement:

  1. Evidence-Based Solution
  2. Nursing Intervention
  3. Patient Care
  4. Health Care Agency
  5. Nursing   Practice

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA   Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to   beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for   successful completion.

 Why is understanding the health care system at the local level important to consider when planning an EBP implementation? Conduct research and solicit anecdotal evidence from your course mentor that you will take into consideration for your own change project. ( PATIENTS WITH CANCER) Understanding The Health Care System


Applying what you have learned thus far, develop a community teaching proposal designed to address the needs of your community.

Select one of the following as the focus for the teaching plan:

  2. Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population
  3. Bioterrorism/Disaster
  4. Environmental Issues


Complete the “Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal.” This will help you organize your plan and create an outline for the written assignment. HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION

  1. After completing the teaching proposal, review the teaching plan with a community health and public health provider in your local community.
  2. Request feedback (strengths and opportunities for improvement) from the provider.
  3. Complete the “Community Teaching Experience” form.

APA format is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is always expected. For all assignment delivery options, documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Case Study ► Peter Smith is a 73-year-old male with mild Type 2 diabetes. He states that he has needed to urinate more frequently during the last 2 weeks, and he feels a burning sensation when he urinates. He has also been very tired lately. Based on the vital signs you measured and Peter’s current complaints, the physician ordered a fasting blood glucose and a urinalysis.

What is the likely diagnosis for Mr. Smith?
Why did the physician order both a urinalysis and a blood glucose test?
Why might Mr. Smith’s vital signs show that his temperature is slightly elevated?
Based on the laboratory test results, the physician prescribed an antibiotic for Mr. Smith. What can you advise Mr. Smith to do in addition to taking the antibiotic as prescribed?  HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION


Question 1 A 42-year-old man is being treated for a peptic ulcer with ranitidine (Zantac) taken PO at bedtime. Even though few adverse effects are associated with this drug, one common adverse effect that can be severe is

A) headache
B) irritability
C) dry mouth
D) heart palpitations

Question 2 A patient on 5-FU calls the clinic and reports that he has between five and seven loose bowel movements daily. The nurse will instruct the patient to

A) treat the diarrhea with OTC medications
B) avoid protein-rich foods
C) avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice
D) notify the clinic if the stools are black or if there is evidence of blood

Question 3 A patient has been prescribed a histamine-2 (H2) receptor antagonist for the treatment of GERD. Why are H2RAs more effective than H1 receptor antagonists in the treatment of diseases of the upper GI tract? NURSING PREPARATION

A) H2RAs have a longer duration of action and fewer adverse effects than H1RAs
B) The parietal cells of the stomach have H2 receptors but not H1 receptors
C) H2RAs may be administered orally and in an outpatient environment but H1RAs require intravenous administration
D) H2 receptors in the upper GI tract outnumber H1 receptors by a factor of 2:1

Question 4 To maximize the therapeutic effect of diphenoxylate HCl with atropine sulfate, the nurse will instruct the patient to take the medication

A) once a day
B) twice a day
C) every 2 hours
D) four times a day

Question 5 A 22-year-old male college senior has lived with a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease for several years and has undergone several courses of treatment with limited benefit. Which of the following targeted therapies has the potential to alleviate the symptoms of Crohn’s disease? NURSING PREPARATION

A) Tositumomab plus 131I (Bexxar)
B) Muromonab-CD3 (Orthoclone OKT3)
C) Infliximab (Remicade)
D) Eculizumab (Soliris)

Question 6 A patient has been prescribed rabeprazole (Aciphex). It will be important for the nurse to assess the patient’s drug history to determine if the patient is taking which of the following drugs?

A) Levodopa
B) Morphine
C) Digoxin
D) Dicyclomine hydrochloride

Question 7 An adult patient who has been diagnosed with a rectal tumor is scheduled to begin treatment with cisplatin. The nurse has conducted patient teaching about the possibility of nausea and vomiting. In order to reduce the patient’s risk of severe nausea, the nurse should

A) place the patient on a low-residue diet
B) ensure that the patient is NPO from midnight prior to receiving the drug
C) administer a combination of antiemetics prior to the administration of the drug
D) encourage the patient to request antiemetics if the nausea becomes unbearable


Question 8 It is determined that a patient, who is in a hepatic coma, needs a laxative. Lactulose is prescribed. Which of the following should the nurse monitor to assess the efficacy of the lactulose therapy?

A) Water levels in the colon
B) Oncotic pressure in the colon
C) Blood ammonia levels
D) Relief from symptoms

Question 9 A 60-year-old man has scheduled a follow-up appointment with his primary care provider stating that the omeprazole (Prilosec) which he was recently prescribed is ineffective. The patient states,“I take it as soon as I feel heartburn coming on, but it doesn’t seem to help at all.” How should the nurse best respond to this patient’s statement?

A) “It could be that Prilosec isn’t the right drug for you, so it would be best to talk this over with your care provider.”
B) “Prilosec won’t really decrease the sensation of heartburn, but it is still minimizing the damage to your throat and stomach that can be caused by the problem.”
C) “Prilosec will help your heartburn but it’s not designed to provide immediate relief of specific episodes of heartburn.”
D) “A better strategy is to take a dose of Prilosec 15 to 30 minutes before meals or drinks that cause you to get heartburn.” NURSING PREPARATION

Question 10 A 33-year-old woman has irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The physician has prescribed simethicone (Mylicon) for her discomfort.Which of the following will the nurse monitor most closely during the patient’s drug therapy?

A) Drug toxicity
B) Anorexia
C) Increased abdominal pain and vomiting
D) Increased urine output

Question 11 Mr. Tan is a 69-year-old man who prides himself in maintaining an active lifestyle and a healthy diet that includes adequate fluid intake. However, Mr. Tan states that he has experienced occasional constipation in recent months. What remedy should be the nurse’s first suggestion?

A) Bismuth subsalicylate
B) A bulk-forming (fiber) laxative
C) A stimulant laxative
D) A hyperosmotic laxative

Question 12 A 29-year-old woman has been prescribed alosetron (Lotronex) for irritable bowel syndrome. Before starting the drug therapy, the nurse will advise the patient about which of the following adverse effect(s)?

A) Constipation
B) Breathlessness and hypotension
C) Hyperthyroidism
D) Impaired cardiac function

Question 13 A 29-year-old female patient has been prescribed orlistat (Xenical) for morbid obesity. The nurse is providing patient education concerning the drug. An important instruction to the patient would be to

A) omit the dose if the meal does not contain fat
B) take orlistat and multivitamins together
C) take orlistat in one dose at breakfast
D) omit the dose if the meal does not contain protein

Question 14 Prior to administering a dose of 5-FU to a patient with pancreatic cancer, the nurse is conducting the necessary drug research. The nurse is aware that 5-FU is a cell cycle–specific chemotherapeutic agent. Which of the following statements best describes cell cycle–specific drugs?

A) They follow a specific sequence of cytotoxic events in order to achieve cell death
B) They affect cancerous cells during a particular phase of cellular reproduction
C) They achieve a synergistic effect when administered in combination with cell cycle–nonspecific drugs
D) They affect cancerous cells and normal body cells in a similar manner

Question 15 A patient with a long history of alcohol abuse has been admitted to an acute medical unit with signs and symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy. His current medication orders include QID doses of oral lactulose. What desired outcomes should the nurse associate with this drug order?

A) Patient will have three to four loose bowel movements each day
B) Patient will express relief from constipation
C) Patient will have formed bowel movements that do not contain frank or occult blood
D) Patient will express an understanding of his current bowel regimen

Question 16 A nurse is assessing a female patient who is taking diphenoxylate HCl with atropine sulfate. Which of the following would lead the nurse to suspect that she is experiencing an allergic reaction?

A) Numbness of extremities
B) Headache and lethargy
C) Toxic megacolon
D) Urticaria

Question 17 A 73-year-old woman has scheduled an appointment with her nurse practitioner to discuss her recurrent constipation. The woman states that she experiences constipation despite the fact that she takes docusate on a daily basis and performs cleansing enemas several times weekly.How should the nurse best respond to this patient’s statements?

A) “Because we become more prone to constipation as we age, you’ll likely need to increase the number of stool softeners you take.”
B) “I’ll refer you to a specialist because it could be that you have a disease affecting your bowels or stomach.”
C) “Taking too many laxatives can make your bowels dependent on them, making you more susceptible to constipation.”
D) “Try using a different over-the-counter laxative and see that if you resolves your problem.” NURSING PREPARATION

Question 18 A patient develops diarrhea secondary to antibiotic therapy. He is to receive two tablets of diphenoxylate HCl with atropine sulfate (Lomotil) orally as needed for each loose stool. The nurse should inform him that he may experience

A) dizziness
B) bradycardia
C) muscle aches
D) increase in appetite

Question 19 A patient who takes aluminum hydroxide with magnesium hydroxide (Mylanta) frequently for upset stomach, heartburn, and sour stomach is seen regularly in the clinic. The nurse should assess which of the following?

A) Blood glucose level
B) Serum phosphate level
C) Urine specific gravity
D) Aspartate transaminase levels

Question 20 A teenage boy has undergone a diagnostic workup following several months of persistent, bloody diarrhea that appears to lack an infectious etiology. The boy has also experienced intermittent abdominal pain and has lost almost 15 pounds this year. Which of the following medications is most likely to treat this boy’s diagnosis?

A) Lubiprostone
B) Mesalamine
C) Docusate
D) Bismuth subsalicylate

Question 21 Mesalamine (Asacol) is prescribed for a 22-year-old woman with Crohn disease. The nurse will discuss with the patient the possibility for which of the following adverse effects related to the new drug therapy?

A) Hair loss
B) Metallic taste
C) Fatigue
D) Increased appetite

Question 22 A 58-year-old man is prescribed dicyclomine (Bentyl) for irritable bowel syndrome. In which of the following conditions is dicyclomine therapy contraindicated?

A) Hypertension
B) Diabetes mellitus
C) Glaucoma
D) Rheumatoid arthritis

Question 23 A nurse is planning care for a 59-year-old woman who is on ranitidine therapy. The nurse is concerned for the patient’s safety.Which of the following would be an appropriate nursing diagnosis?

A) Diarrhea related to adverse effects of drug therapy
B) Acute Pain related to adverse drug effects, headache
C) Risk for Injury related to drug-induced somnolence, dizziness, confusion, or hallucinations
D) Potential Complication: Electrolyte Imbalance related to hypophosphatemia, secondary to drug therapy


Question 24 A 57-year-old man is to begin 5-FU therapy for colon cancer. It will be most important for the nurse to monitor which of the following during the first 72 hours of the initial treatment cycle?

A) Myelosuppression
B) Cardiac events
C) White blood cell nadir
D) Nausea and vomiting

Question 25 A patient is taking cholestyramine. The nurse will assess for which of the following common adverse effects of the drug?

A) Abdominal pain
B) Headache
C) Constipation
D) Indigestion

Question 26 A patient comes to the clinic asking for help to quit drinking alcohol. She has a 21-year history of heavy drinking and is worried about developing cirrhosis of the liver. The patient agrees to take disulfiram (Antabuse). The nurse will teach the patient that the combination of alcohol and Antabuse will cause which of the following?

A) Bradycardia
B) Diarrhea
C) Nausea
D) Slight headache

Question 27 A 52-year-old man is suffering from a deficiency of exocrine pancreatic secretions and is prescribed pancrelipase (Pancrease MT). Before the medication therapy begins, the nurse will assess for allergies related to

A) ragweed
B) pollen
C) pork
D) shellfish

Question 28 A nurse is providing discharge instructions to a patient who will be taking fludrocortisone at home. The nurse will encourage the patient to eat a diet that is

A) low in sodium and potassium
B) low in sodium, high in potassium
C) high in iron
D) low in proteins

Question 29 A nurse is aware that diphenoxylate HCl with atropine sulfate is an effective adjunct in the treatment of diarrhea. For which of the following patients could the administration of this drug be potentially harmful? NURSING PREPARATION

A) An 80-year-old man who has diarrhea secondary to Clostridium difficile infection
B) A woman who has experienced severe diarrhea associated with influenza
C) A man who has experienced diarrhea shortly after beginning tube feeding through a nasogastric tube
D) A 60-year-old woman who tends to get diarrhea during periods of intense stress

Question 30 A clinic nurse is planning care for a 68-year-old man who has been on omeprazole (Prilosec) therapy for heartburn for some time. Regarding the patient’s safety, which of the following would be a priority nursing action?

A) Teach the patient to take omeprazole 1 hour before meals
B) Emphasize that the drug should not be crushed or chewed
C) Coordinate bone density testing for the patient
D) Monitor the patient for the development of diarrhea

Question 31 A nurse is overseeing the care of a young man whose ulcerative colitis is being treated with oral prednisone. Which of the following actions should the nurse take in order to minimize the potential for adverse drug effects and risks associated with prednisone treatment?

A) Avoid OTC antacids for the duration of treatment
B) Advocate for intravenous, rather than oral, administration
C) Teach the patient strategies for dealing with headaches
D) Carefully assess the patient for infections

Question 32 A woman with numerous chronic health problems has been diagnosed with a benign gastric ulcer has begun treatment with ranitidine (Zantac). Which of the following teaching points should the nurse provide to this patient?

A) “Quitting smoking will significantly increase the chance that this drug will heal your ulcer.”
B) “This drug will help to eliminate the bacteria in your stomach that caused your ulcer.”
C) “You should eat several small meals each day rather than three larger meals.”
D) “Take each dose of ranitidine with an antacid of your choice.”

Question 33 A patient has GERD and is taking ranitidine (Zantac). She continues to have gastric discomfort and asks whether she can take an antacid. Which of the following is an appropriate response by the nurse?

A) “Sure, you may take an antacid with ranitidine.”
B) “No, the two drugs will work against each other.”
C) “Yes, but be sure to wait at least 2 hours to take the antacid after you take the ranitidine.”
D) “I wouldn’t advise it. You may experience severe constipation.”

Question 34 A woman with an inflammatory skin disorder has begun taking prednisone in an effort to control the signs and symptoms of her disease. The nurse who is providing care for this patient should prioritize which of the following potential nursing diagnoses in the organization of the patient’s care?

A) Fluid Volume Excess
B) Constipation
C) Acute Confusion
D) Impaired Gas Exchange

Question 35 Following an endoscopy, a 66-year-old man has been diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer resulting from Helicobacter pylori infection. Which of the following medications will likely be used in an attempt to eradicate the patient’s H. pylori infection? (Select all that apply.)is situation? NURSING PREPARATION

B) Antibiotics
C) Cisapride (Propulsid)
D) Aluminum hydroxide 

Human Experience Across The Health-Illness Continuum

Benchmark: 5.1. Understand the human experience across the     health-illness continuum.

Research the health-illness continuum and its relevance to patient   care. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss the relevance of the   continuum to patient care and present a perspective of your current   state of health in relation to the wellness spectrum. Include the following:

  1. Examine the health-illness continuum and discuss why this     perspective is important to consider in relation to health and the     human experience when caring for patients.
  2. Reflect on your     overall state of health. Discuss what behaviors support or detract     from your health and well-being. Explain where you currently fall on     the health-illness continuum.
  3. Discuss the options and     resources available to you to help you move toward wellness on the     health-illness spectrum. Describe how these would assist in moving     you toward wellness (managing a chronic disease, recovering from an     illness, self-actualization, etc.). Human Experience Across The Health-Illness Continuum


Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA   Style Guide. An abstract or thesis is required.

In this assignment, students will pull together the change proposal project components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. At the conclusion of this project, the student will be able to apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice.

Students will develop a 1,500 word paper that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:

  1. Background
  2. Problem statement
  3. Purpose of the change proposal
  4. PICOT
  5. Literature search strategy employed
  6. Evaluation of the literature
  7. Applicable change or nursing theory utilized
  8. Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures
  9. Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be      overcome
  10. Appendix section, if tables, graphs, surveys, educational materials, etc. are created

Review the feedback on the Topic 3 assignment, PICOT Statement Paper, and Topic 6 assignment, Literature Review. Use the feedback to make appropriate revisions to the portfolio components before submitting. Human Experience Across The Health-Illness Continuum

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide


Question 1

A 2-year-old male is diagnosed with Wilms tumor. Which of the following clinical conditions is often associated with this disease?

a. Cystic disease of the liver
b. Aniridia
c. Anemia
d. Hypothyroidism

Question 2

A nurse is preparing to teach about the loop of Henle. Which information should be included? The descending segment of the loop of Henle primarily allows for:

a. Sodium secretion
b. Potassium secretion
c. Hydrogen ion reabsorption
d. Water reabsorption

Question 3

A nurse is describing the trigone. Which information should be included? The trigone is defined as:

a. The orifice of the ureter
b. The inner area of the kidney
c. A triangular area between the openings of the two ureters and the urethra
d. The three divisions of the loop of Henle

Question 4

When the nurse discusses the glomerulus and Bowman capsule together, it is referred to as the renal:

a. Corpuscle
b. Capsule
c. Medulla
d. Pyramid

Question 5

A 5-year-old male was diagnosed with glomerulonephritis.History reveals that he had an infection 3 weeks before the onset of this condition. The infection was most likely located in the:

a. bone.
b. gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
c. respiratory tract.
d. ear.

Question 6

A 75-year-old male reports to his primary care provider loss of urine with cough, sneezing, or laughing. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis the nurse will observe on the chart? HUMAN HEALTH EXAMINATION

a. Urge incontinence
b. Stress incontinence
c. Overflow incontinence
d. Functional incontinence

Question 7

A nurse observes on the chart that a patient is admitted with Wilms tumors. A nurse knows the tumors are found in the:

a. kidneys.
b. ureters.
c. bladder.
d. urethra.

Question 8

A 35-year-old female was severely burned and is hospitalized. She is now suffering from acute tubular necrosis (ATN). Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis the nurse will observe on the chart?

a. Prerenal
b. Intrarenal
c. Extrarenal
d. Postrenal

Question 9

A 24-year-old female is diagnosed with renal calculus that is causing obstruction. Which of the following symptoms would she most likely experience?

a. Anuria
b. Hematuria
c. Pyuria
d. Flank pain

Question 10

If a nurse wants to obtain the best estimate of renal function, which test should the nurse monitor?

a. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
b. Circulating antidiuretic hormone (ADH) levels
c. Volume of urine output
d. Urine-specific gravity

Question 11

While planning care for a patient who has acute pyelonephritis. A nurse recalls the most common condition associated with the development of acute pyelonephritis is:

a. Cystitis
b. Renal cancer
c. Urinary tract obstruction
d. Nephrotic syndrome

Question 12

When a nurse is preparing to teach about urine, which information should the nurse include? Just before entering the ureter, urine passes through the:

a. Collecting duct
b. Renal pelvis
c. Urethra
d. Major calyx

Question 13

When a patient’s renal system secretes rennin, what effect will that cause in the body? It causes the direct activation of:

a. Angiotensin I
b. Angiotensin II
c. Antidiuretic hormone
d. Aldosterone

Question 14

Anemia accompanies chronic renal failure because of:

a. Blood loss via the urine
b. Renal insensitivity to vitamin D
c. Inadequate production of erythropoietin
d. Inadequate retention of serum iron

Question 15

A 4-year-old male is diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome.Which of the following assessment findings accompanies this condition? HUMAN HEALTH EXAMINATION

a. Proteinuria
b. Decreased blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
c. Hematuria
d. Sodium loss

Question 16

A 19-year-old female was involved in a motor vehicle accident during which she sustained a closed head injury. She is now experiencing detrusor sphincter dyssynergia. Which of the following is the most beneficial medication treatment?

a. Alpha blocker
b. Beta blocker
c. Vasodilator
d. Diuretic

Question 17

A 30-year-old male is demonstrating hematuria with red blood cell casts and proteinuria exceeding 3 to 5 g/day, with albumin being the major protein. The most probable diagnosis the nurse will see documented on the chart is:

a. cystitis.
b. chronic pyelonephritis.
c. acute glomerulonephritis.
d. renal calculi.

Question 18

A 25-year-old female is diagnosed with urinary tract obstruction. While planning care, the nurse realizes that the patient is expected to have hydronephrosis and a decreased glomerular filtration rate caused by:

a. decreased renal blood flow.
b. decreased peritubular capillary pressure.
c. dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces proximal to a blockage.
d. stimulation of antidiuretic hormone.

Question 19

A 15-year-old female presents with flank pain, irritability, malaise, and fever. Tests reveal glomerulonephritis. When the parents ask what could have caused this, how should the nurse respond?

a. poststreptococcal infection
b. nephropathy
c. nephrotic syndrome
d. potter syndrome

Question 20

A 60-year-old male is diagnosed with renal failure. While the nurse is reviewing lab results, which of the following lab values would be most consistent with this diagnosis?

a. Elevated plasma creatinine level
b. Decreased plasma potassium level
c. Metabolic alkalosis
d. Increased urea clearance

Question 21

While planning care for a patient with renal calculi, the nurse remembers the most important factor in renal calculus formation is:

a. urine pH.
b. body temperature.
c. gender.
d. serum mineral concentrations.

Question 22

A 30-year-old male is demonstrating hematuria with red blood cell casts and proteinuria exceeding 3 to 5 g/day, with albumin being the major protein. The most probable diagnosis the nurse will see documented on the chart is:

a. cystitis.
b. chronic pyelonephritis.
c. acute glomerulonephritis.
d. renal calculi.

Question 23

A 55-year-old male presents reporting urinary retention.Tests reveal that he has a lower urinary tract obstruction. Which of the following is of most concern to the nurse?

a. vesicoureteral reflux and pyelonephritis
b. formation of renal calculi
c. glomerulonephritis
d. increased bladder compliance

Question 24

The urologist is teaching about the nephrons that determine the concentration of the urine. The urologist is discussing the _____ nephrons.

a. Juxtamedullary
b. Midcortical
c. Cortical
d. Medullary

Question 25

A 42-year-old female is diagnosed with chronic renal failure, and the nurse is discussing dietary treatment. Which information indicates the nurse understands dietary regimen? Treatment includes restricting:

a. Fats
b. Complex carbohydrates
c. Proteins
d. Sugars 

Question 26

When a newborn is admitted with urinary tract infections (UTIs), which type of infection will the nurse look for in the newborn?

a. blood-borne infections
b. infections caused by bacteria from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract
c. yeast infections
d. viral infections

Question 27

A nurse is reviewing urinalysis results and notices glucose is present in the urine. A nurse realizes glucose will be excreted in the urine when:

a. The maximum rate of glucose filtration is achieved
b. The carrier molecules have reached their maximum
c. Glucose is consumed
d. The ability of the kidneys to regulate blood glucose is lost

Question 28

A 42-year-old male is involved in a motor vehicle accident during which he loses a lot of blood. The nurse realizes he is in acute renal failure caused by:

a. kidney stones
b. immune complex deposition in the glomerulus
c. inadequate renal blood flow
d. obstruction of the proximal tubule

Question 29

On average the kidneys receive approximately _____ of the cardiac output.

a. 10-14%
b. 15-19%
c. 20-25%
d. 26-35%

Question 30

When a nurse is checking the urinalysis, plasma proteins should be absent from the urine because:

a. all filtered proteins are subsequently reab-sorbed.
b. the texture of the covering surrounding plasma proteins interferes with reabsorp-tion.
c. filtered proteins are subsequently degrad-ed before elimination.
d. the negative charge of the glomerular fil-tration membrane repels the plasma pro-teins. HUMAN HEALTH EXAMINATION


Question 31

A 3-year-old female presents with recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs), fever, poor growth and development, and feeding problems.Tests reveal a retrograde flow of urine from the urinary bladder into the ureters. When giving report to the oncoming shift, the nurse will call this condition:

a. vesicoureteral reflux (VUR)
b. vesicourethral reflux
c. vesicoureteral influx
d. hydronephrosis

Question 32

A 6-year-old male is experiencing urine reflux from the urinary bladder into a grossly dilated ureter and calyces. He was diagnosed with vesicoureteral reflux. This condition would be graded:

a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV

Question 33

A 35-year-old hypertensive male begins taking a diuretic.Which of the following common side effects of this medication should the nurse monitor?

a. Hypokalemia
b. Hyponatremia
c. Increased uric acid secretion
d. Hypermagnesemia

Question 34

A 27-year-old male has a severe kidney obstruction leading to removal of the affected kidney. Which of the following would the nurse expect to occur?

a. atrophy of the remaining kidney
b. compensatory hypertrophy of the remaining kidney
c. dysplasia in the remaining kidney
d. renal failure

Question 35

When a child is admitted with acute renal failure, a clinician realizes the most common cause of acute renal failure is:

a. glomerulonephritis.
b. obstruction.
c. nephrotic syndrome.
d. hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS).

Question 36

A 7-year-old male presents to his primary care provider for incontinence. His mother indicates that he has never been continent. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis the nurse will observe on the chart?

a. Nocturnal enuresis
b. Diurnal enuresis
c. Primary enuresis
d. Secondary enuresis

Question 37

While turning a patient with chronic renal failure, which principle should the nurse recall? Bone fractures are a risk factor in chronic renal failure because:

a. calcium is lost in the urine
b. osteoblast activity is excessive
c. the kidneys fail to activate vitamin D
d. autoantibodies to calcium molecules develop

Question 38

A 56-year-old male presents with flank pain and polyuria.Tests reveal that he has an enlarged prostate. Which of the following types of renal failure should the nurse monitor for as it is the most likely to occur?

a. prerenal
b. intrarenal
c. extrarenal
d. postrenal

Question 39

A 15-year-old male was diagnosed with pharyngitis. Eight days later he developed acute glomerulonephritis. While reviewing the culture results, which of the following is the most likely cause of this disease?

a. Kelbsiella
b. human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
c. genital herpes virus
d. group A B-hemolytic streptococcus

Question 40

A 29-year-old female presents with cloudy urine, flank pain, hematuria, and fever. Which of the following does the nurse suspect the patient is most likely experiencing? HUMAN HEALTH EXAMINATION

a. acute cystitis
b. renal calculi
c. chronic renal failure
d. postrenal renal failure