Hypothetical Family Health Promotion Assessment

Hypothetical Family Health Promotion Assessment
It is important to be familiar with frameworks that are commonly recognized and used to guide nursing practice. In Nursing 436, the Friedman Family Assessment Model

(FFAM) has been selected as one example of a guide for assessing the status of a family’s health. This assignment gives you the opportunity to show how the FFAM can be used as a guide to assess the health of the Morrison family in the novel, Crow Lake.


Assignment Guidelines
• Friedman, Bowden & Jones (2003) outline six (6) assessment categories, and data to be collected within each, in Appendix A (long version) and Appendix B (short version). After reading about the Morrison family in the novel Crow Lake , select the two (2) assessment categories you perceive as most relevant for promoting their health. Provide the rationale for your selection. Hypothetical Family Health Promotion Assessment 

• Using the short version of the FFAM as an organizational guide, identify the data from the novel that a nurse could use to complete the two selected assessment categories.
• Once the assessment data are presented, identify at least two and at most three priority family health promotion nursing diagnoses for the Morrison family that rise out of the assessment process. Provide the rationale for their selection as priorities .

Marking Criteria
• Assignment Guidelines are followed
• Critical analysis and synthesis of the content is evident
• Writing is succinct and clear
• APA (6th ed.) scholarly format is followed
• Assessment and identification of family health promotion nursing diagnosis is completed in 10 double spaced typed pages (excluding title and reference pages typed pages) Hypothetical Family Health Promotion Assessment 

Informatics, Analytics and Data Use

Informatics, Analytics and Data Use

Domain III: Informatics, Analytics and Data Use
Subdomain III.A.2: Health Information Technologies
Competency: Explain policies and procedures of networks, including intranet and internet to facilitate clinical and administrative applications (BL2);
Curricular Consideration: Communication and network technologies including EHRs, PHRs, Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), portals, public health, standards, and telehealth. Informatics, Analytics and Data Use
Subdomain III.G.1: Health Information Exchange
Competency: Explain current trends and future challenges in health information exchange (BL2).


Curricular Consideration: Exchange/sharing of health information (Employer to
Health Provider, Health Provider to Health Provider, Health
Provider to Employer, Facility to Facility).
Tasks: Discuss trends and challenges of HIE, and relate this information to the development of an intranet for a healthcare organization.
The healthcare facility where you are employed is planning to develop an intranet for facility use and to be included as part of the healthcare system they are a member of. Your facility is the newest member of the healthcare system and is now part of the HIE network. Please do the following:

  • From the AHIMA journal, choose an article that discusses trends and challenges of health information exchange. Relate the information from this article to the development of an intranet for your healthcare organization;
  • The CIO has asked you to prepare a report that will be submitted to the CEO for consideration on what functions should be included as part of the intranet, discuss whether access to the internet will also be required if intranet access is given, what the purpose of these functions will serve for the facility and the greater hospital system, address how an intranet will serve patient quality care and efficiency and any future challenges that the facility should be aware of in creating and maintaining this type of system, including any need to have controls in place to limit access by employees;
  • Draft a policy for employees on the use of the intranet and the internet to avoid misuse of the technology and allow the expansion of the use for both clinical and administrative purposes with the Health Information Exchange as part of the healthcare network. Informatics, Analytics and Data Use

Upon successful completion of this course, students must be able to:

  • Discuss policies and procedures as they relate to intranet, internet and network usage within healthcare (BL2);
  • Develop a presentation on the benefits of an intranet for healthcare facilities using Microsoft Powerpoint (BL2);
  • Explain the purpose, function and trends of information systems in healthcare settings and illustrate how these trends affect the delivery of healthcare (BL2).

Standards: Students must complete all parts of the assignment satisfactorily by achieving a minimum score of 70%. All responses must be typed in Times New Roman, size 12 font, double-spaced, using correct sentence structure, grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting.
Submission of article on trends and challenges of HIE ______/15
Relate information from article to development of intranet ______/10
Include a list of at least 10 intranet functions and their relevance ______/25
Report includes:
Intranet functions with their purposes (5 pts)
Discuss if internet access is also required (5 pts)
Link intranet to improved quality care for patients (5 pts)
Determine future challenges of the system (5 pts)
Indicate need for controls to limit access (5 pts) ______/25
Policy draft on employee use of intranet and internet to facilitate
clinical and administrative purposes via HIE ______/15
All work submitted in appropriate format, using proper English
grammar, punctuation, spelling and sentence structure ______/10
Total Points: _____/100
Instructor: _____________________________________ Date: ________ Informatics, Analytics and Data Use

Assignment 1: Product Development

Assignment 1: Product Development

Due Week 3 and worth 160 points

Health services continue to affect the gross domestic product, and this dramatic transformation has great demands on each dollar spent to deliver patient-centered products. Health care marketing must be repeatedly applied and practiced strategically to include environmental dimensions, such as technology, socioeconomics, competition, and regulatory. Assignment 1: Product Development

That being said, in today s global economy, investors and potential entrepreneurs must tap into the so-called unexplored market. In this aspect, health care establishments must utilize marketing, advertising, as well as sales strategies when pursuing new customers (e.g., suppose a health care investor wanted to build a small hospital in a rural community); this would entail exploration and logistical experimentation to determine who will patronize the facility. In an impoverished neighborhood, the feasibility of having lucrative profits may see diminishing returns, and so the venture may be not worth the effort. Also, suppose that the potential investor wants to sell mosquito deterrents (e.g., bedside netting in malaria-infested regions of Asia or Africa); then it would be wise to investigate the number of beds that are actually in the village, and who would be willing to purchase them. These activities take into account the investor portfolio, as well as the feasibility of marketing and selling the product. Such exploration also examines competitors, cultural differences, and most important identification of the customer.


Identify a local health care establishment (e.g., hospital, rehabilitation center, emergency medical center) and determine its product development practices. Utilize concepts from previous weeks to substantiate information, as needed. You may develop the discussion based on the ideas presented here, but feel free to inject any salient marketing strategy that you believe might support your presentation.

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

  1. Justify the purpose of the selected health care establishments product(s) / service (s) and their associated life cycle(s).
  2. Suggest one (1) strategy to improve the marketing mix of the selected health care establishment. Support your strategy by highlighting one (1) benefit of (1) portfolio analysis and providing two (2) examples that display differential advantages.
  3. Assess the importance of technology in providing patients with clear and accessible information about health care organizations and the product(s) / service(s) that they provide.
  4. Outline a survey to capture patients expectations regarding the delivery and / or accessibility of product(s) / service(s) identified.
  5. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Assignment 1: Product Development

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student s name, the professor s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Analyze how products evolve through the four stages of the product life cycle.
  • Determine the appropriate product succession planning efforts of health care services.
  • Examine the marketing research process and market segmentation strategies in the health care industry.
  • Evaluate marketing research tools involved in the marketing process.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services strategic marketing.
  • Write clearly and concisely about health services strategic marketing using proper writing mechanics. Assignment 1: Product Development

EHR integration sample

EHR integration sample

Assignment 1: Week 6 Assignment: Meaningful Use Paper
Why are many health care organizations hesitant to adopt electronic health records (EHR) when they have the potential to improve quality, increase access, and reduce costs? Some organizations are concerned with the ethical and legal issues that may arise in daily operations. In 2010, legislators noticed health care’s reluctant transition into full EHR integration, and began to provide financial incentives to those organizations that not only adopt EHRs, but also use them meaningfully to improve quality of patient care. As an advanced practice nurse, it is important to be aware of the challenges, policies, and incentives associated with integrating EHR systems. It is also critical that you understand the concept of “meaningful use” and how it plays out in today’s health care organizations. EHR integration sample


To prepare:
In this Assignment, you analyze meaningful use criteria to determine the authentic legal, financial, and ethical issues that may surround it.
• Reflect on the information presented in the Learning Resources, focusing on meaningful use legislation and the “Ethics in Nursing Informatics” section of your course text.
• Investigate the legal, financial, and ethical issues surrounding meaningful use.
• Ask yourself: What are the goals of meaningful use?
By Day 7 of Week 6
Write a 4- to 5-page essay in which you:
• Summarize the legal, financial, and ethical issues that may arise as a result of meaningful use legislation.
• Explain how these issues might present barriers to successful implementation within an organization.
• Discuss ways that health care organizations can make the most of their electronic health record investments in light of meaningful use.
Document Preview:

Assignment 1: Week 6 Assignment: Meaningful Use Paper Why are many health care organizations hesitant to adopt electronic health records (EHR) when they have the potential to improve quality, increase access, and reduce costs? Some organizations are concerned with the ethical and legal issues that may arise in daily operations. In 2010, legislators noticed health care’s reluctant transition into full EHR integration, and began to provide financial incentives to those organizations that not only adopt EHRs, but also use them meaningfully to improve quality of patient care. As an advanced practice nurse, it is important to be aware of the challenges, policies, and incentives associated with integrating EHR systems. It is also critical that you understand the concept of “meaningful use” and how it plays out in today’s health care organizations. To prepare: In this Assignment, you analyze meaningful use criteria to determine the authentic legal, financial, and ethical issues that may surround it. Reflect on the information presented in the Learning Resources, focusing on meaningful use legislation and the “Ethics in Nursing Informatics” section of your course text. Investigate the legal, financial, and ethical issues surrounding meaningful use. Ask yourself: What are the goals of meaningful use? By Day 7 of Week 6 Write a 4- to 5-page essay in which you: Summarize the legal, financial, and ethical issues that may arise as a result of meaningful use legislation. Explain how these issues might present barriers to successful implementation within an organization. Discuss ways that health care organizations can make the most of their electronic health record investments in light of meaningful use. Explain how EHR-related meaningful use legislation is being implemented in your organization. Grading Criteria He is the grading rubic for this assignment NURS8210 Grading RubricWeek 6 Assignment: Meaningful Use PaperPoints PossiblePoints EarnedYou summarized the legal,… EHR integration sample


  1. Costovertebral angle tenderness should be assessed whenever you suspect the patient may have: – Polynephritis
  2. In older adults, overflow fecal incontinence is commonly due to: -Fecal impaction
  3. A 1 month old boy has been vomiting for 2 weeks. How is this symptom of GERD and pyloric stenosis further differentiated in this child’s assessment? – The infant has regurgitation with pyloric stenosis
  4. Auscultation of borborygmi is associated with: – Gastroenteritis, early intestinal obstruction, or hunger
  5. When auscultating the abdomen, which finding would indicate collateral circulation between the portal and systemic venous systems? – Venous hum. nurs 6512 final exam. NURS 6512 FINAL EXAM
  6. Conversion of fat-soluble wastes to water-soluble material for renal excretion is a function of the: – Liver
  7. The major function of the large intestine is: -Water absorption
  8. Which structure is located in the hypogastric region of the abdomen? –Ileum, bladder, and pregnant uterus
  9. A 45 year old man relates a several week history of severe intermittent abdominal burning sensations. He relates that the pain is relieved with small amounts of food. Before starting the physical examination, you review his laboratory work, anticipating a (n): -Positive Helicobacter pylori result
  10. You are caring for a patient with trigeminal neuralgia. During the assessment, the patient would describe the pain as: – Burning or shocklike
  11. Your 85 year old patient is complaining of right knee pain. She has a history of osteoarthritis for which she is given anti-inflammatory medication. To assess her right knee pain, you should ask her if: – The pain gets better when she sits
  12. A 5 year old is complaining of nondescriptive “belly pain.” Your next action should be to ask him to: – Point to the area of pain nurs 6512 final exam
  13. The perception of pain: – Is variable and is affected by emotions, and cultural background
  14. Patients presenting with ascites, jaundice, cutaneous spider veins, and nonpalpable liver exhibit signs of: – Cirrhosis
  15. A patient presents to the emergency department after a motor vehicle accident. The patient sustained blunt trauma to the abdomen and complains of pain in the upper left quadrant that radiates to the left shoulder. What organ is most likely injured? – Spleen
  16. Imaging studies reveal that a patient has dilation of the renal pelvis from an obstruction in the ureter, what condition will be documented in this patient’s health record? – Hydronephrosis
  17. Visible intestinal peristalsis may indicate: – Intestinal obstruction nurs 6512 final exam
  18. Infants born weighing less than 1500g are at higher risk for: – Necrotizing enterocolitis
  19. Which of the following factors is not known to affect patient compliance with his or her treatment regimen? – The patient’s age and social status
  20. One of the most important aspects to consider in the orthopedic screening examination is: – Symmetry
  21. The sequence of the physical examination should be individualized to: – Minimize the number of times the patient has to change positions to conserve the patient’s energy
  22. As you greet the patient, which examination technique is first implemented? – Inspection
  23. Which of the following is most likely to enhance examiner reliability? – The examiner attempts to qualify data
  24. A 7 year old boy is brought to your office with a chief complaint of possible fracture to his left third finger. He jammed it while playing basketball 2 days ago. The mother states that she really does not think it is broken because he can move it. What is your best response? – This is common misconception, and the finger may be broken. An x-ray is indicated nurs 6512 final exam. NURS 6512 FINAL EXAM
  25. A patient presenting for the first time with typical low back pain should receive which of the following diagnostic tests? – None of the above. X-ray is not indicated because lumbar pain is usually musculoskeletal etiology.
  26. Skeletal changes in older adults are the result of: -Increased bone resorption
  27. A positive straight leg raise test usually indicates: – Lumbar nerve root irritation
  28. What technique is performed at every infant examination during the first year of life to detect hip dislocation? – Barlow-Ortolani maneuvers


  29. Expected normal findings during inspection of spinal alignment include: – Convex lumbar curve
  30. Temporalis and masseter muscles are evaluated by: – Having the patient clench his or her teeth
  31. When palpating joints, crepitus may be caused when: – Irregular bony surfaces rub together
  32. A 3 year old is brought to the clinic complaining of a painful right elbow. He is holding the right arm slightly flexed and pronated and refuses to move it. the mother states that symptoms started right after his older brother had been swinging him around by his arms. This presentation supports a diagnosis of: – Radial head subluxation. nurs 6512 final exam.
  33. Light skin and thin body habitus are risk factors for: – Osteoporosis
  34. Risk factors for sports-related injuries include: – Failure to warm up before activity
  35. Injuries to long bones and joints are more likely to result in fractures than in sprains until: – Adolescence
  36. Ligaments are stronger than bone until: – Adolescence
  37. The family history for a patient with joint pain should include information about siblings with: -Genetic disorders nurs 6512 final exam.
  38. The Thomas test is used to detect: – Flexion contractures of the hip
  39. A goniometer is used to assess: – Range of motion
  40. During a football game, a player was struck on the lateral side of the left leg while his feet were firmly planted. He is complaining of left knee pain. To examine the left knee you should initially perform the ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________ test. – Valgus stress
  41. You note that a child has a positive Gower Sign. You know that this indicates generalized: – Muscle weakness
  42. The dowager hump is: – The hallmark of osteoporosis
  43. What temporary disorder may be experienced by pregnant women during the third trimester because of fluid retention? –Carpal tunnel syndrome
  44. A common finding in markedly obese and pregnant women is: – Lordosis
  45. A 45-year-old laborer presents with low back pain, stating that the pain comes from the right buttock and shoots down and across the right anterior thigh, down the shin to the ankle. Which examination finding is considered more indicative of nerve root compression?A 45 year old laborer presents with low back pain, stating that the pain comes from the right buttock and shoots down and across the right anterior thigh, down the shin to the ankle. Which examination finding is considered more indicative of nerve root compression? – Positive straight leg raise result nurs 6512 final exam. NURS 6512 FINAL EXAM
  46. Mrs. Bower is a 57 year old patient who comes in for an office visit. Which of the following disorders is known to be hereditary? – Huntington chorea
  47. Testing of cranial nerve ­­­­________ is not routinely performed unless a problem is suspected. – I
  48. The patient is able to rapidly touch each finger to his thumb in rapid sequence. What does this finding mean? – The patient has appropriate cerebellar function
  49. Which question asked by the examiner may hellp to determine prevention strategies for seizures that a patient is experiencing? – “Are there any factors or activities that seem to start the seizures?”
  50. A patient has a complaint of dizziness. The patient makes the following statement: “I sometimes feel as if the whole room is spinning.” What type of neurologic dysfunction should the examiner suspect? – Inner ear dysfunction affecting the acoustic nerve
  51. The examiner asks the patient to close her eyes, then places a vibrating tuning fork on the patient’s ankle and asks her to indicate what is felt. What is being assessed? – Peripheral nerve sensory function
  52. Which of the following findings should an examiner consider a normal finding if associated with pregnancy? – Acroparesthesia nurs 6512 final exam.


  53. Jack is a 52 year old obese man with a history of poorly controlled diabetes. He also smokes. Based on the above data, the examiner should recognize that Jack has several risk factors for: – Cerebrovascular accident
  54. Mrs. Jones is a 24 year old patient who presents to your office 2 days postpartum. She complains that she is experiencing foot drop. Which of the following problems should the examiner consider? – Lumbosacral plexopathy
  55. The examiner is assessing deep tendon reflex response in a 12 year old boy. The response is an expected reflex response. Which of the following scores should be documented? – 2+
  56. A 68 year old patient presents to your office for follow-up. He tells you, “I have a hard time finding the right words when I am talking;” he also is experiencing numbness. On examination, you note postural instability. This symptom may be: – A late symptom of Parkinson’s disease nurs 6512 final exam.
  57. Motor maturation proceeds in an orderly progression from: – Head to toe
  58. The thalamus is the major integration center for perception of: – Pain
  59. The examiner should be concerned about neurologic competence if a social smile cannot be elicited by the time a child is ________old. – 3 months
  60. Normal changes of the aging brain include: – Diminished perception of touch. — this is by process of elimination/educated guess. I could not find direct information addressing this in Seidel
  61. When interviewing a 70 year old female clinic patient, she tells you that she takes ginkgo biloba and St. John’s Wort. You make a short note to check for results of the: -Mini-mental state examination
  62. The area of body surface innervated by a particular spinal nerve is called a: – Dermatome
  63. If a patient cannot shrug the shoulders against resistance, which cranial nerve (CN) requires further evaluation? – CN XI, spinal accessory nurs 6512 final exam. NURS 6512 FINAL EXAM
  64. The finger-to-nose test allows assessment of: – Coordination and fine motor function
  65. You ask the patient to follow a series of short commands to assess: – Attention span
  66. As Mr. B. enters the room, you observe that his gait is wide based and he staggers from side to side while swaying his trunk. You would document Mr. B.’s pattern as: – Cerebellar ataxia
  67. When is the mental status portion of the neurologic system examination performed? – Constantly throughout the entire interaction with a client
  68. An aversion to touch or being held, along with delayed or absent language development, is a characteristic of: -Autism
  69. The autonomic nervous system coordinates which of the following? – Internal environment of the body
  70. The major function of the sympathetic nervous system is to: – Orchestrate the stress response
  71. The parasympathetic nervous system maintains the day-to-day function of: – Digestion
  72. Cerebrospinal fluid serves as a: – Shock absorber
  73. You are performing a two-point discrimination test as part of a well physical examination. The area with the ability to discern two points in the shortest distance is the: -Finger tips
  74. Which type of hallucination is most commonly associated with alcohol withdrawal? – Visual-bugs, pink elephants. nurs 6512 final exam,
  75. On a scale of 0 to 4+, which deep tendon reflex score is appropriate for a finding of clonus in a patient? –3+
  76. Which statement is true regarding mental status changes in older adults? – There is an increased risk of delirium with acute illness or metabolic derangement.
  77. A characteristic related to syphilis or diabetic neuropathy is testicular: -Insensitivity to painful stimulation
  78. When collecting personal and social history data from a woman complaining of breast discomfort, you should question her regarding: – Alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine use
  79. What risk factor is associated with cervical cancer? – HPV
  80. A 23 year old female presents with severe right lower quadrant tenderness. All of the following should be considered in the differential except: – Classis diverticulitis
  81. What is the initial diagnostic radiology test that should be ordered if you suspect a ruptured ovarian cyst? – Abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound
  82. A 17 year old male was brought into the emergency room with testicular/scrotal pain. The differential diagnosis should include all except: – Inguinal herniation
  83. The nursing mother complains that her breasts are tender. You assess hard, shiny, and erythremic breasts bilaterally. You should advise the patient to: – Massage gently and continue nursing
  84. A normal vas deferens should feel: – Smooth
  85. In a woman complaining of a breast lump, it is most important to ask about: – Its relationship to menses
  86. The finding of a painless indurated lesion on the glans penis is most consistent with: – Chancre
  87. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are: – Blue, shiny, painful masses
  88. Pregnancy-related cervical changes include: – Softening and bluish coloring
  89. You are inspecting the genitalia of an uncircumcised adult male. The foreskin is tight and cannot be easily retracted. You should: – Inquire about previous penile infections. nurs 6512 final exam. NURS 6512 FINAL EXAM
  90. An adolescent male is being seen for acute onset of left testicular pain. The pain started 3 hours ago. He complains of nausea and denies dysuria or fever. Your prioritized assessment should be to: – Establish absent cremasteric reflex
  91. A 23 year old white woman has come to the clinic because she has missed two menstrual periods. She states that her breasts have enlarged and that her nipples have turned a darker color. nurs 6512 final exam Your further response to this finding is: – Suggest pregnancy testing
  92. What accommodations should be used in the position of a hearing-impaired woman for a pelvic examination? – The head of the table should be elevated
  93. Sexual differentiation in the fetus has occurred by ­­­_______weeks gestation. – 12
  94. You are performing a clinical breast examination for a 55 year old woman. While palpating the supraclavicular area, you suspect that you felt a node. In order to improve your hooked technique, you should: -Ask the patient to turn her head toward that side
  95. If a firm, transverse ridge of compressed tissue is felt bilaterally along the lower edge of a 40 year old patient’s breast, you should: -Record the finding in the patient’s record
  96. A therapeutic technique for dealing with grieving individuals is to: – Tell them that is good to cry and to share feelings
  97. The examination of the newborn should begin with: – Inspection noting skin color, flaccidity, tension, gross deformities, or distortions of facies
  98. Which one of the following patient characteristics is most likely to limit patient reliability during history taking? – Patient is sleep and sensory deprived
  99. In crying infants, it is often difficult to: – Auscultate heart sounds
  100. Which of the following statements accurately reflects the sensitivity and specificity of laboratory tests? – No test has 100% sensitivity and specificity
  101. Which medical condition would exclude one from sports participation? – Fever
  102. Your 15 year old patient is athletic and thin. Radiography of an ankle injury reveals a stress fracture. You question this patient about her: – Menstrual cycles
  103. Which of the following are examined with the patient in a reclining 45 degree position? –Jugular venous pulsation and pressure. nurs 6512 final exam,
  104. Functional assessment is most important during the examination of a(n): -Older adult
  105. The best way to ease the apprehension of a 3 year old child before a physical examination is to: – Encourage child’s participation
  106. An ophthalmoscopic eye examination involves: – Lens inspection
  107. When conducting a geriatric assessment, basic activities of daily living (ADLs) include: – Bathing
  108. The checkout station for preparticipation physical evaluation (PPE) is critical because at this point: – The coordination of follow-ups is reviewed
  109. Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between the examiner and the patient? – The patient is a full partner with the examiner. nurs 6512 final exam,
  110. Which of the following factors is not known to affect patient compliance with his or her treatment regimen? – The patient’s age and social status
  111. One of the most important aspects to consider in the orthopedic screening examination is: – To look for symmetry of muscle, stature, and joint movement
  112. As you greet the patient, which examination technique is first implemented? – Inspection
  113. Which portion of the physical examination is best done with the patient standing? –Spinal
  114. Which patient position facilitates inspection of the chest and shoulders? – Sitting
  115. The least reliable indicator of newborn distress is: – Color
  116. Proprioception should be assessed while the patient is: – Standingnurs 6512 final exam.
  117. Part of the screening orthopedic component of the examination includes evaluating the person while: – Duck walking nurs 6512 final exam. NURS 6512 FINAL EXAM

Health, Human or Ecological Topic for Analysis

Health, Human or Ecological Topic for Analysis

California State University San Bernardino
Department of Natural Science
Main campus
NSCI 351: Health and Human Ecology
Spring Quarter 2018

Term Paper

1. Identify a Health, Human or Ecological Topic for Analysis.
2. Describe the topic and how it relates to the Course, Course Concepts and/or principles.
3. Analyze the Decision-Making Process (Human) or the Environmental (Ecological) application that is used for your topic
4. What is the reason for your interest or analysis?
5. What changes or recommendations should be made?
6. Would you try to influence your area of interest?
Why or why not? How? Health, Human or Ecological Topic for Analysis


Note: The 6-8 page paper must be typed (12-14 point font), with separate reference (scholarly using MLA, APA or Scientific) and title page.

1) Term Paper for Health; Water or Air Quality(Indoor), Asthma, Food Safety, Nutrition , GMO’s vs Organic, Obesity, Drugs and addictions
2) Term Paper for Human Ecology; Poverty, Housing, Wastes, Sanitation, Food Security and, Human Hazards (Radiation, and Pesticides); or School Dropouts, Juvenile delinquency and Crime
3) Natural Hazards (Fire, Flood, Freezing, Earthquakes), and Disease epidemiology (Ebola, malaria etc.)
4) Science information/data/research can be used for advocacy of a special interest group, showing differences of expert s, contrasting positions and taking-sides or showing the trade-offs.
How are Impacts or hazards measured or assessed? i.e. cost-benefit analysis, risk assessment, or health/ecological thresholds/indicators.
What are the time frames for decisions? Emergency, Law Enforcement procedures, planning process
Is there an environmental health strategy; Health Education/Promotion, Design with Nature, pollution prevention, or environmental enhancement.View less » Health, Human or Ecological Topic for Analysis

Healthcare Information Technology Trends

Healthcare Information Technology Trends

I currently work in a small community hospital that is part of a bigger network. We are one of six hospitals spanning 3 hours away in either direction. Being part of a bigger network provides great resources for our facility but is difficult to maintain continuity at times. A few of the other hospitals are in larger cities, while our community has fostered this small, positive hospital since 1911. Family physicians have grown the hospital prior to hospitalists becoming the new thing. We now have telemedicine and consults that are performed from a distance. Nurses that are performing assessments and being the eyes and ears using technology. While for years I have found this to be unsafe and ineffective, I do believe that there is some benefit to this type of medicine. Do I want a cardiologist trusting an LPN to assess my condition and provide concrete evidence? Probably not Healthcare Information Technology Trends.

Test results, radiology exams, diagnostic studies, assessments etc are all data/information that is relayed from our mothership. We can provide the services and perform all the required testing, however, the information is sent to the mothership and diagnosed from a distance. Our facility is limited in its specialty practices. Our ED physician can make decisions immediately in the case of an emergency but must consult our mothership where the specialists are located.


Time is of the essence and by taking the time to reach out to our other facilities, lives are at risk. Physicians are properly educated and should be granted the opportunity to treat their patients. If assistance or a second opinion is needed, then our network should be available. Otherwise, let the physicians and nurses do what they do best and “treat” our patients. This also poses a HIPPA issue as well. We should not be accessing records of patients that we are not treating. Patients enter the ED to obtain treatment locally, not at a hospital that is 3 hours away. We form our best assessments by “laying eyes of the patient” when sending information to the mothership, their assessment is based on black and white. How comfortable does that make you feel like a patient? The information, however, would be relayed quickly and efficiently using the integrated system between hospitals Healthcare Information Technology Trends.

With the lack of providers in rural areas, legislatures continue to push for the needs of APP’s to practice to their full capability to assist in the curtailment of the shortage while providing quality care to our communities. Physicians are retiring at a record level and there must be providers available to provide medical treatment. Telemedicine could be a benefit in this type of setting to assist APP’s with the diagnosis and treatment of difficult cases. Patients will have the ability to remain at home, get evaluated and treated, and follow up with other physicians, if necessary, with the use of telemedicine. Patients will also have the availability of seeking treatment from well-known physicians in other states without leaving their homes. This is a huge benefit to rural communities that do not have access to the best technological advances in medicine. If utilized as a benefit to the patient and not as a convenience for facilities, telemedicine can provide many benefits such as saving money, efficiently and effectively care for patients, accessibility, etc. I do not believe that this is an end-all to medicine because I am a strong believer in putting your eyes, ears, and hands-on your patients, but it is definitely a benefit to have for quick and effective treatment. The quick treatment will assist in early diagnosis and improvements in patient health and outcomes. If a provider is able to diagnose a heart or lung condition with the use of diagnostic studies and telemedicine, prompt treatment will eliminate the long process of waiting on an appointment while the condition worsens or even worse causes the demise of the patient Healthcare Information Technology Trends.


Benefits of Telemedicine. Johns Hopkins Medicine. (n.d.). https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/benefits-of-telemedicine.

Brom, H. M., Salsberry, P. J., & Graham, M. C. (2018, March). Leveraging health care reform to accelerate nurse practitioner full practice authority. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6800077/. Healthcare Information Technology Trends

Issues at a Glance: Full Practice Authority. American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2021, January). https://www.aanp.org/advocacy/advocacy-resource/policy-briefs/issues-full-practice-brief Healthcare Information Technology Trends.

Discussion: Healthcare Information Technology Trends

Throughout history, technological advancements have appeared for one purpose before finding applications elsewhere that lead to spikes in its usage and development. The internet, for example, was originally developed to share research before becoming a staple of work and entertainment. But technology—new and repurposed—will undoubtedly continue to be a driver of healthcare information. Informaticists often stay tuned to trends to monitor what the next new technology will be or how the next new idea for applying existing technology can benefit outcomes.

In this Discussion, you will reflect on your healthcare organization’s use of technology and offer a technology trend you observe in your environment Healthcare Information Technology Trends.

To Prepare:

  • Reflect on the Resources related to digital information tools and technologies.
  • Consider your healthcare organization’s use of healthcare technologies to manage and distribute information.
  • Reflect on current and potential future trends, such as use of social media and mobile applications/telehealth, Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled asset tracking, or expert systems/artificial intelligence, and how they may impact nursing practice and healthcare delivery.

By Day 3 of Week 6

Post a brief description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare organization or nursing practice. Describe any potential challenges or risks that may be inherent in the technologies associated with these trends you described. Then, describe at least one potential benefit and one potential risk associated with data safety, legislation, and patient care for the technologies you described. Next, explain which healthcare technology trends you believe are most promising for impacting healthcare technology in nursing practice and explain why. Describe whether this promise will contribute to improvements in patient care outcomes, efficiencies, or data management. Be specific and provide examples Healthcare Information Technology Trends.

I have used electronic medical records (EMRs) and electronic health records (EHRs) interchangeably until I learned they are not the same. Electronic health records focus on the patient’s total health, and they reach out beyond the health organization that initially collected that information (Garrett & Seidman, 2011). Electronic medical records are more localized and more difficult to transparent with other health organizations or practices. Spending years in the emergency department and having the opportunity to be a travel nurse, I have worked with many EMRs. Out of the seven hospitals, I spent time at, only one made it relatively easy to obtain records from outside facilities. Having the ability to look at a patient’s health gave nursing and providers a better picture of the patient and their health. You can track compliance or noncompliance to medications or specialist appointments. Having access to patient records right at your fingertips can help clinicians make swifter diagnoses and get a fuller patient picture, especially when patients may not effectively verbalize their health history or complaints. 

A huge challenge with electronic medical records is the possibility of a security breach. Many hospitals and organizations have gone to lengthy measures to ensure a patient’s medical information remains safe and is not accessed by anyone but their care team. For example, many systems have an audit tool that allows tracking who has been in a patient’s chart and what information they accessed (Menachemi & Collum, 2011). 

 Having an electronic health record has many benefits. With the use of tracking and alerts, physicians can maintain best practices for their patients. It can notify them when a patient’s immunizations are due, notification of abnormal labs, or when a medication was ordered but is contraindicated by an allergy. Physicians who use HER have a lower rate of medication errors such as dosing levels or frequency, which, in turn, aids patient safety (Aldosari, 2017) Healthcare Information Technology Trends. 

 The further we can integrate EMRs to EHRs, all providers can quickly obtain quicker patient information in giving the patient the best clinical outcomes. Combining a patient’s entire medical record gives clinicians a better picture of the patient’s health and goals. A comprehensive HER can significantly improve patient outcomes, especially knowing many patients are not privy to their medications or health concerns.

Aldosari, B. (2017). Patients’ safety in the era of EMR/EHR automation. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, 9, 230–233. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.imu.2017.10.001 

Garrett, P., & Seidman, J. (2011, January 4). EMR vs EHR – What is the difference? Health IT Buzz. https://www.healthit.gov/buzz-blog/electronic-health-and-medical-records/emr-vs-ehr-difference.

Menachemi, N., & Collum, T. (2011). Benefits and drawbacks of electronic health record systems. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 47. https://doi.org/10.2147/rmhp.s12985 

By Day 6 of Week 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, offering additional/alternative ideas regarding opportunities and risks related to the observations shared.

 Interesting point you made about the difference between EMR’s and the EHR. I think most of us use these terms interchangeably, and going forward, I will try to correct that issue. One of the issues with EMR or also patient portals is, in fact, protecting that information from cybercriminals.These types of systems are very appealing to cybercriminals. They contain valuable information, and it is all centrally located while there are many access points into the system. They are also remarkably vulnerable to penetration because of the fluid and always-evolving nature of a patient’s medical care and because of the number of clinicians, facilities, and transactions required to connect patient care across multiple settings.( Koppell &  Kuziemsky, 2019)   One important difference between the two is. Usually, the EHR’s have simple information like medication lists, patients problems, and demographics.  Han, Gleason, Sun, Miller, King, Chow, Anderson, Nagy, & Bauer, 2019). They do not always have a high value in data; however, they can help gain information to access more sensitive information. It is a big responsibility for companies one I wonder if they considered before transitioning over to electronic record keeping Healthcare Information Technology Trends.



Han, H.-R., Gleason, K. T., Sun, C.-A., Miller, H. N., Kang, S. J., Chow, S., Anderson, R., Nagy, P., & Bauer, T. (2019). Using Patient Portals to Improve Patient Outcomes: Systematic Review.  JMIR Human Factors,  6 (4), e15038. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.2196/15038


KOPPEL, R., & KUZIEMSKY, C. (2019). Healthcare Data Are Remarkably Vulnerable o Hacking: Connected Healthcare Delivery Increases the Risks. Studies in Health Technology & Informatics257, 218–222. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-951-5-218

response 2

Well done with your post. I agree with you you that Electronic medical records are more localized and more difficult to transparent with other health organizations or practices. One of the challenges of using the e-MAR (electronic medical records) is that most healthcare professionals have limited knowledge on how to use the system. My organization has fully implemented electronic health records, with electronic medical administration records (e-MAR) being the most recent addition. The e-MAR is a system designed to aid healthcare providers in the real-time transmission of information while guaranteeing that only authorized employees have access to it. One of the difficulties with using the e-MAR is that most healthcare practitioners are unfamiliar with how to utilize it. New nurses who have never used the system before or who have not gotten proper training may find it challenging to use. As a result, they may enter medicine orders incorrectly into the system.

The two most notable advantages of e-MAR are accuracy and flexibility. In terms of precision, e-MAR reduces medication administration errors. Any order that is mistakenly entered, such as ordering the wrong dose, is flagged or hard stopped by the system. When it comes to flexibility, using Emar eliminates the challenge of finding time to administer medications or organize patient records. It makes it easier to keep track of med passes, which is the procedure of giving medications to patients. A flexible record med pass not only minimizes medication errors, but it also allows employees to focus on other patient-care activities Healthcare Information Technology Trends.



Alanazi, A., Alomar, M., Aldosari, H., Shahrani, A., & Aldosari, B. (2018). The effect of electronic medication administration records on the culture of patient safety: a literature review. Data, Informatics and Technology: An Inspiration for Improved Healthcare, 223-226.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2021). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge. Jones & Bartlett Publishers Healthcare Information Technology Trends.

Nurse Manager Budget Analysis

Nurse Manager Budget Analysis

Analysis of the Nursing Unit Budget by the Nurse Manager and the Formulation of a Future Plan of action Based on the Same

This budget presentation shows the budget allocation for the 20-bed nursing unit for the month of June in 2013 as USD 285,000. However, the cruel expenses for the unit in the same month came to USD 309,000. This gives a variance or shortfall of USD 24,000 for the month of June 2013. In the same month, the projected patient days were 360. However, the actual patient days came to a total of 347 for the month (less by 13 patient days). A patient day refers to the total number of patients in the unit’s beds by midnight (Waxman, 2015). There was also an increase in both the projected productive and non-productive (compared to the actual) by USD 20,000 and USD 3,000. The total personnel cost was therefore higher in the actual expenses of the unit by USD 23,000. The overheads and supplies expenses in the same month of June were also higher than projected by USD 1,000. In all, the total increment in expenses for the unit came to USD 24,000 higher than allocated for the month of June 2013. Nurse Manager Budget Analysis

Productive time is time actually worked by the nurses and paid for. Non-productive time is time that is paid for by the organization while the nurse is not working, such as during sick time, holidays, and paid time off (Gealan, 2013; Brown et al., n.d.). Looking at the budget comparison between 2012 and 2013, it is clear that the patient days increased by 76 days from 3,164 to 3,240. The costs or expenses (personnel remuneration, overheads, and items) also rose, marginally, by USD 3,000 from USD 1,770,000 in 2012 to 1,773,000 in 2013.

The funding allocated to every nursing department is that department’s budget. There should therefore be an appropriate mix of nurses to match the actual patient care hours for quality and effective nursing care (Gealan, 2013; Brown et al., n.d.). In this unit, the future plan of action will be to properly titrate the personnel costs to the patient days every month to avoid having non-essential personnel on duty when the patient days are low. This will be achieved by properly making use of full-time equivalents or FTEs month by month. A full time nurse is taken to work for 8 hours a day and 5 days a week. This gives a total of 2,080 hours of personnel time a year (Brown et al., n.d.). If necessary, locum employees can also be used to reduce costs as they will only work when needed. Their cost will also be based on the FTE model. Lastly, there will also be need to increase efficiency in the use of overheads like electricity and supplies like syringes and catheters by preventing wastage. Nurse Manager Budget Analysis



Brown, P., Eubank, G. & Leger, J.M. (n.d.). Budgeting. Retrieved 22 March 2020 from http://samples.jbpub.com/9781284127256/Chapter_5.PDF

Gealan, R. (2013). Budgeting knowledge of nurse managers in selected units of Rumailah Hospital, Doha, Qatar [Thesis]. Doi: 10.13140/2.1.1226.5920

Waxman, K.T. (2015). Finance and budgeting made simple: Essential skills for nurses. Brentwood, TN: HCPro.


A nurse manager is responsible for overseeing monthly budget amounts for the unit, a duty that not only entails personnel but often also includes evaluating equipment and supply needs and expenditures. The manager may test new products and/or oversee demonstrations. A nurse manager will report to budget meetings with other department managers to share information, exchange ideas and engage in problem-solving for the health care facility. Nurse Manager Budget Analysis
This week you are being supplied a budget report showing projected expenses and actual expenses for the past two years. You are asked to present the report during this months budget meeting. After reviewing the budget report, write a description of what you would report at the meeting to explain the report and your plan of action for the following year. Use your text book to help guide you in developing your plan of action. NURSE MANAGER BUDGET ANALYSIS

Other resources that you may find helpful:
Learning and mastering the operating budget
(Links to an external site.)
An Overview of the Nurse Manager’s Guide to Budgeting and Finance
(Links to an external site.)

Budget Report Analysis Rubric
Budget Report Analysis Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Conveys understanding of budget analysis

15.0 pts
Provides exemplary and thorough information conveying evidence of insightful thought on the topic budget analysis.

14.1 pts
Acceptable understanding

12.3 pts
Minimal understanding

11.0 pts
No evidence of understanding assignment

0.0 pts
No Marks

15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Provides a relevant explanation of the budget. Thoughts are related to the report results including supporting evidence of resources, provides relevant solutions and ideas for improvements with attention to writing

15.0 pts
Exemplary description of the budget report Thoughts are related to the report results including supporting evidence of the use of resources, provides relevant solutions and ideas for improvements with attention to writing

14.1 pts
Detailed description of the budget report Thoughts are related to the report results including supporting evidence of the use of resources provides relevant solutions and ideas for improvements with attention to writing

12.3 pts
Limited description of the budget report Description with limited supporting evidence of the use resources. provides limited relevant solutions and ideas for improvements

11.0 pts
Absence of or unclear description of the budget report With no supporting evidence of the use of resources. provides no relevant solutions and ideas for improvements

0.0 pts
No Marks

15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Writing Style

15.0 pts
Highly skilled presentation of ideas. Engages reading. Work exceeds expectations for this level of student. Absolutely no errors in the following areas: grammar, APA, punctuation, and spelling.

14.1 pts
Skilled presentation of ideas. Engages reading. Work meets expectations for this level of student. 1-2 errors in the following areas: grammar, APA, punctuation, and spelling. Nurse Manager Budget Analysis

12.3 pts
Able to present ideas. Comes close to expectations for work at this level. Greater than three errors in the following areas: grammar, APA, punctuation, and spelling.

11.0 pts
Limited ability to convey ideas noted. Below expectations of work at this level. Not formatted in APA. Errors noted in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. NURSE MANAGER BUDGET ANALYSIS

0.0 pts
No Marks

15.0 pts
Total Points: 45.0


Developing a Nursing Care Paper

Developing a Nursing Care Paper

Developing a Care Plan


Care planning in nursing is a vital aspect of nursing practice as it provides the outline for patient care. A good care plan should include aspects such as accuracy, completeness, and the content should be relevant (Johnson et al., 2018). Accordingly, this paper will provide a care plan for the aggregate population (South Charlotte), as well as the disaster management plan to address the major health risks in the population.    Developing a Nursing Care Paper

Comprehensive Care Plan


The aggregate participants in South Charlotte are older adults aged 65 years and over. The main health risks for this aggregate population include A1C management, surgical risks of diabetes, and increased BMI (obesity).

Nursing Diagnosis

  • Ineffective A1C management deficit and increased of infections, wound healing and slow healing surgical outcomes
  • Imbalanced nutrition more than body requirements as indicated by a BM1>40

Strategies to Address the Major Health Risks

  • A multidisciplinary team should be formed to promote health in the target population. Health promotion should include providing support for self-management education for people with diabetes. The health promotion program in South Charlotte should ensure that all older adults with diabetes take part in diabetes self-management education. This will equip them with the required skills, knowledge, and ability for diabetes self-care, and especially managing and reducing the AIC values, as a measure of effective glycemic control (Al-Rasheedi, 2015). Effective HbA1c control will also prevent long-term complications associated with diabetes. Moreover, the participants should be provided with self-management support that will help them implement and sustain the gained self-management skills and behaviors.
  • Implement an exercise program in South Charlotte targeting older adults with diabetes: The older population with type 2 diabetes will be recruited to the exercise program where they will be encouraged to perform at least two weekly sessions of resistance exercise. Evidence shows that resistance training among older adults diagnosed with type 2 diabetes reduces AIC (Alvarez et al., 2017). Moreover, the increased physical activity will help in lowering the BMI for the target population and thus address the issue of obesity in this population. Developing a Nursing Care Paper
  • Recommend compulsory influenza and anti-pneumococcal immunization for all older adults in South Charlotte. These immunizations will reduce respiratory infections, hospitalization, and the mortalities associated with respiratory tract infections (Alvarez et al., 2017). Infections, including respiratory tract infections, are very prevalent in people with type 2 diabetes.
  • Smoking cessation counseling programs should be integrated into the routine element of diabetes care. In addition, all individuals with type 2 diabetes should be educated to stop smoking or inhaling secondary tobacco smoke. Tobacco smoking is attributed to numerous health risks, including the development of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and premature death. Smoking cessation is associated with the improvement of metabolic parameters, as well as decreased blood pressure in individuals with type 2 diabetes (Hieshima et al., 2018).
  • Integrating nutritional therapy in diabetes treatment: All older adults with type 2 diabetes in South Charlotte should be provided with a personalized eating plan. Nutrition therapy is a key aspect of diabetes management and plays a big role in stabilizing AIC values; therefore, the older adults with type 2 diabetes should be vigorously involved in education, treatment planning, and self-management with their healthcare team, and this should include the collaborative development of the personalized eating plan (Franz & MacLeod, 2018). All people with type 2 diabetes in South Charlotte should be referred and linked with a registered dietitian with the required skills and knowledge to provide diabetes-specific nutrition therapy. Emphasis should focus on providing healthy eating patterns. Also, to reduce weight in the target population, the participants should be educated to eat healthily by consuming a variety of fruits and high vegetable intake, while reducing intake of carbohydrates (Franz & MacLeod, 2018). This will assist in weight loss. Developing a Nursing Care Paper
  • Lastly, all aggregate participants in South Charlotte should be educated on the importance of adhering to the prescribed medications. Improved adherence to treatment in individuals with type 2 diabetes will enhance glycemic control and thus reduce morbidity and mortality allied to uncontrolled type 2 diabetes (Polonsky & Henry, 2016).


Disaster Management Plan

Charlotte NC region is mainly typified by a moderate climate with a clear discrepancy between warm and cold seasons. Winters are normally characterized by cold weather with a lot of snowing and heavy rainfalls. The likely disasters that may affect the aggerate population in Charlotte NC include hurricanes and flooding. Charlotte NC is a region at a high risk of flooding and storm surge associated with hurricanes. Floods and hurricanes lead to effects such as deaths, injuries, adverse effects on human health and welfare, destruction to the infrastructure, and interruptions to education and business (Tullos D. (2018).

The national climate assessment shows that Charlotte NC has a high probability of experiencing flooding and hurricanes. However, flooding the most likely environmental risk to affect Charlotte NC. This is because Charlotte NC has varying physiography that makes it extremely venerable to flooding and also hurricanes. Charlotte NC has many areas that are low-lying and flat and also coastlines and valleys that make it predisposed to flooding, after an accumulation of heavy rainfall (Lickley, et al., 2014). From the historical evidence, there is a high likelihood that Charlotte NC will continue experiencing flooding and a moderate likelihood of Charlotte NC experiencing hurricanes in the future.

To mitigate the effects of possible hurricanes and flooding, projects, and policies aimed to lower or eliminate the effects of flooding and hurricanes on people and property should be implemented (Tullos D. (2018). This should include evacuation plans and procedures in case of a disaster. Additionally, the shelter and feeding of the affected individuals should be prioritized, and more importantly provision of treatment to the injured. Developing a Nursing Care Paper

Secondly, education, training, and outreach efforts emphasizing the effects of the hazards and methods to increase resiliency should be conducted. This should include educating and training the community members on the appropriate precautionary measures to take in case of flooding or hurricanes Lickley, et al., 2014). For example, community members should be educated to avoid low spots such as basements or underpasses during flooding and avoid low-lying areas. People should also be advised to always remain indoor during hurricanes since strong winds blow away anything around and if their homes are not on higher ground, to access a shelter. It is also important to avoid driving into flooded areas.  In case the emergency managers advise people to evacuate, the community members should be advised to ensure they evacuate immediately (Tullos D. (2018). This type of education will inform community members on actions to take in case of a disaster.

More importantly, healthcare providers in the area, and especially nurses who are the front-line healthcare workers should be educated and trained regarding disaster management. This will equip them with the required skills and knowledge to handle victims of disasters such as hurricanes and flooding within healthcare organizations.

Lastly, a flood/hurricane insurance program should be in place to provide residents of Charlotte NC with incentives to adopt land-use regulations and prohibit constructions lower than the 100-year flood elevation (Lickley, et al., 2014).


The nursing diagnosis for the aggregate population includes ineffective A1C management deficit and increased infections, wound healing and slow healing surgical outcomes; and imbalanced nutrition more than body requirements. Strategies include outreach education to the community members on diabetes self-management, including implementation of weight loss programs, promoting physical activities, and integrating a healthy diet in the diabetes treatment plan. The most likely disasters in Charlotte NC include flooding and hurricanes. Developing a Nursing Care Paper


Al-Rasheedi A. A. (2015). Glycemic Control among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Countries of Arabic Gulf. International journal of health sciences9(3), 345–350.

Alvarez, C. E., Clichici, L., Patricia Guzmán-Libreros, A., Navarro-Francés, M., & Ena, J. (2017). Survey of vaccination practices in patients with diabetes: A report examining patient and provider perceptions and barriers. Journal of clinical & translational endocrinology9, 15–17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcte.2017.06.002

Franz, M. J., & MacLeod, J. (2018). Success of nutrition-therapy interventions in persons with type 2 diabetes: challenges and future directions. Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity: targets and therapy11, 265–270. https://doi.org/10.2147/DMSO.S141952.

Hieshima, K., Suzuki, T., Sugiyama, S., Kurinami, N., Yoshida, A., Miyamoto, F., Kajiwara, K., Jinnouchi, T., & Jinnouchi, H. (2018). Smoking Cessation Ameliorates Microalbuminuria With Reduction of Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate in Patients With Already Diagnosed Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of clinical medicine research10(6), 478–485. https://doi.org/10.14740/jocmr3400w.

Johnson, L., Edward, K. L., & Giandinoto, J. A. (2018). A systematic literature review of accuracy in nursing care plans and using standardized nursing language. Collegian25(3), 355-361.

Lickley, M. J., Lin, N., & Jacoby, H. D. (2014). Analysis of coastal protection under rising flood risk. Climate Risk Management6, 18-26.

Polonsky, W. H., & Henry, R. R. (2016). Poor medication adherence in type 2 diabetes: recognizing the scope of the problem and its key contributors. Patient preference and adherence10, 1299–1307. https://doi.org/10.2147/PPA.S106821.

Tullos D. (2018). Opinion: How to achieve better flood-risk governance in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America115(15), 3731–3734. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1722412115. Developing a Nursing Care Paper

Public Health Communication Discussion

Public Health Communication Discussion

Social media channels are designed to be engaging; however, these media are often used by public health organizations and practitioners as a means to disseminate mass information, rather than to engage audiences in meaningful interaction. Harnessing social media to best achieve public health outcomes is a topic of much discussion and study in the public health community. Public Health Communication Discussion


For this assignment, you will analyze public health communication via social media in your community. Follow a public health organization, local or national, on a social media channel (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) for at least 3 weeks. In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words, address the following:

1.    Describe the benefits/advantages and challenges/risks of using social media for public health communication.

2.    Describe the organization you followed and the social media channel you selected. What kind of information is shared on social media by the organization?

3.    To what degree does the organization engage with users/followers (e.g., responding to questions, engaging in conversation, hosting “chats” with experts, soliciting information)?

4.    What improvements or suggestions would you make to this organization regarding its social media engagement? Why?

5.    Use at least three scholarly sources to support your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Public Health Communication Discussion