Mental Health Practicum

Students will:

· Develop effective documentation skills for group therapy sessions *

· Develop diagnoses for clients receiving group psychotherapy *

· Evaluate the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for groups *

· Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric 

 disorders *


Select two clients you observed or counseled this week during a group therapy session. Note: The two clients you select must have attended the same group session. Mental Health Practicum

                  Then, in your Practicum Journal, address the following:

· Using the Group Therapy Progress Note in this week’s Learning Resources, 

  document the group session.

· Describe each client (without violating HIPAA regulations), and identify any  

   pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.

· Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for each client.

· Explain whether cognitive behavioral therapy would be effective with this group. 

  Include expected outcomes based on this therapeutic approach.

· Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling each client.

· Support your approach with evidence-based literature.


                                                   Learning Resources

Required Readings

Yalom, I. D., & Leszcz, M. (2005). The theory and practice of group psychotherapy (5th ed.). New York, NY: Basic Books.

  • Chapter      11, “In the Beginning” (pp. 309–344)

Yalom, I. D., & Leszcz, M. (2005). The theory and practice of group psychotherapy (5th ed.). New York, NY: Basic Books.

  • Chapter      12, “The Advanced Group” (pp. 345–390)

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Bjornsson, A. S., Bidwell, L. C., Brosse, A. L., Carey, G., Hauser, M., Mackiewicz Seghete, K. L., … Craighead, W. E. (2011). Cognitive-behavioral group therapy versus group psychotherapy for social anxiety disorder among college students: A randomized controlled trial. Depression and Anxiety, 28(11), 1034–1042. doi:10.1002/da.20877

Safak, Y., Karadere, M. E., Ozdel, K., Ozcan, T., Türkçapar, M. H., Kuru, E., & Yücens, B. (2014). The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group psychotherapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 25(4), 225–233. Retrieved from Health Practicum

Document: Group Therapy Progress Note (SEE ATTACHED PROGRESS NOTE)



This assignment requires you to interview one person and requires an analysis of your interview experience.

Part I: Interview

Select a patient, a family member, or a friend to interview. Be sure to focus on the interviewee’s experience as a patient, regardless of whom you choose to interview.

Review The Joint Commission resource found in topic materials, which provides some guidelines for creating spiritual assessment tools for evaluating the spiritual needs of patients. Using this resource and any other guidelines/examples that you can find, create your own tool for assessing the spiritual needs of patients.

Your spiritual needs assessment survey must include a minimum of five questions that can be answered during the interview. During the interview, document the interviewee’s responses.

The transcript should include the questions asked and the answers provided. Be sure to record the responses during the interview by taking detailed notes. Omit specific names and other personal information through which the interviewee can be determined SPIRITUAL NEED ASSESSMENT AND REFLECTION.


Part II: Analysis

Write a 500-750 word analysis of your interview experience. Be sure to exclude specific names and other personal information from the interview. Instead, provide demographics such as sex, age, ethnicity, and religion. Include the following in your response:

  1. What went well?
  2. Were there any barriers or challenges that inhibited your ability to complete the assessment tool? How would you address these in the future or change your assessment to better address these challenges?
  3. How can this tool assist you in providing appropriate interventions to meet the needs of your patient?
  4. Did you discover that illness and stress amplified the spiritual concern and needs of your interviewee? Explain your answer with examples.

Submit both the transcript of the interview and the analysis of your results. This should be submitted as one document. The interview transcript does not figure into the word count.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, 

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion SPIRITUAL NEED ASSESSMENT AND REFLECTION.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. 

This benchmark assignment assesses the following competencies:

CONHCP Program Competencies for the RN-BSN:

5.2: Assess for the spiritual needs and provide appropriate interventions for individuals, families, and groups.


Consider the following case study:

Patient AO has a history of obesity and has recently gained 9 pounds. The patient has been diagnosed with hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Drugs currently prescribed include the following:

· Atenolol 12.5 mg daily

· Doxazosin 8 mg daily

· Hydralazine 10 mg qid

· Sertraline 25 mg daily


To prepare:

  • Review      this week’s media presentation on hypertension and hyperlipidemia, as well      as Chapters 19 and 20 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text.
  • Select      one one the following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or      behavior factors.
  • Reflect      on how the factor you selected might influence the patient’s      pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.
  • Consider      how changes in the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes might      impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy.
  • Think      about how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy plan based on the      pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes. Reflect on whether you would      modify the current drug treatment or provide an alternative treatment      option for the patient.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post an explanation of how the factor you selected might influence the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in the patient from the case study. Then, describe how changes in the processes might impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy. Finally, explain how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy plan.

– This work should have Introduction and conclusion

– This work should have at 3 to 5current references (Year 2012 and up)

– Use at least 2 references from class Learning Resources PHARMACOTHERAPHY FOR CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS

The following Resources are not acceptable:

1. Wikipedia

2. nonhealthcare professionals section




Required Readings

**Arcangelo, V. P., Peterson, A. M., Wilbur, V., & Reinhold, J. A. (Eds.). (2017). Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice: A practical approach (4th ed.). Ambler, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

  • Chapter 19, “Hypertension”      (pp. 257-272)
         This chapter examines the relationships between the cardiovascular,      nervous, and renal systems. It then describes diagnostic criteria for      hypertension patients, drugs used to treat hypertension and possible      adverse reactions, monitoring patient response, and patient education.
  • Chapter 20, “Hyperlipidemia”      (pp. 275-286)
         This chapter explores causes of hyperlipidemia, treatments for      hyperlipidemia patients, and methods for monitoring patient response. It      also reviews strategies for risk assessment and patient education.
  • Chapter 21, “Chronic Stable      Angina” (pp. 289-303)
         This chapter begins by exploring factors that contribute to chronic stable      angina, types of drugs used in treatment, and diagnostic criteria for      initiating drug therapy. It also examines methods for monitoring patient      response to treatment and educating patients on self-care.
  • Chapter 22, “Heart Failure”      (pp. 305-322)
         This chapter examines the process of prescribing drugs to treat heart      failure and explores effects of prescribed drugs, proper dosages, and      possible adverse reactions.
  • Chapter 50, “Pharmacotherapy      for Venous Thromboembolism Prevention and Treatment, Stroke Prevention in      Atrial Fibrillation, and Thromboembolism Prevention with Mechanical Heart      Valves” (pp. 863-886)

 This chapter covers drug therapy options for three disorders requiring anticoagulants: venous thromboembolism, atrial fibrillation, and ischemic stroke. It also explains the process of initiating and managing drug therapy for patients with these disorders.

** (2012). Retrieved from

This website presents a comprehensive review of prescription and over-the-counter drugs including information on common uses and potential side effects. It also provides updates relating to new drugs on the market, support from health professionals, and a drug-drug interactions checker.

Required Media

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Baltimore, MD: Author.

This media presentation outlines hypertension and hyperlipidemia including contributing factors, evaluation, treatment, and implications PHARMACOTHERAPHY FOR CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS.

The Interrelationship Between Theory, Knowledge, and Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Fawcett and Garity (2009) present an overview of the relationship between theory, knowledge, research, nursing research, and evidence-based practice (see attached file). The Interrelationship Between Theory, Knowledge, and Research and Evidence-Based Practice

As you prepare for this Discussion, reflect on your own specialty area and consider how the authors’ definitions of evidence-based practice and of research align with your understanding of these concepts based on your professional experiences and your experiences as a doctoral student embarking on your EBP Project.

To prepare:

  • Reflect on Fawcett and Garity’s definitions      of knowledge, theory, research and evidence-based      practice presented in the Learning Resources. How do these      definitions align with your understanding of the concepts?
  • How does this interrelationship support or      guide your EBP Project?

By Wednesday 9/19/18 by 1:00 am please write a minimum of 550 words essay in APA format with at least 3 scholarly references from the list of required resources below. Include the level 1 headings as numbered below:

Post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:

1) How do Fawcett and Garity’s (see attached file)definitions align with your understanding of knowledge, theory, research and evidence-based practice? Support your response with evidence from the literature (quote the literature below in the required readings).

2) Discuss the interrelationship between theory, knowledge, research and evidence-based practice.

3) How does this interrelationship support or guide your EBP Project? The Interrelationship Between Theory, Knowledge, and Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Required Readings

Terry, A. J. (2018). Clinical research for the Doctor of Nursing practice (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

With your EBP project in mind, select and read the chapter that best fits your proposed methodologies: (I can attach the following chapters, let me know if you don’t have them and need me to attach them)

  • Chapter      6, “Designing a Clinically-Based Quantitative Capstone Research Project”
  • Chapter      7, “Designing a Clinically-Based Qualitative Capstone Research Project”
  • Chapter      8, “Designing a Clinically-Based Mixed Method Capstone Research Project”


Fawcett, J., & Garity, J. (2009). Chapter 1: Research and evidence-based nursing practice. In Evaluating Research for Evidence-Based Nursing, (pp. 3-20). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis.

Adams, J.M., & Natarajan, S. (2016). Understanding influence within the context of nursing: Development of the Adams influence model using practice, research, and theory. Advances in Nursing Science, 39(3), E40-E56. 

Djulbergovic, B. (2014). A framework to bridge the gaps between evidence-based medicine, health outcomes, and improvement and implementation science. Journal of Oncology Practice, 10(3), 200-202. 

Hutchinson, A.M., Bioeth, M., Wilkinson, J.E., Kent, B., & Harrison, M.B. (2012). Using the promoting action on research implementation in health services framework to guide research use in the practice setting. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, First Quarter, 59-61.

Leung, K., Trevena, L., & Waters, D. (2014). Systematic review of instruments for measuring nurses’ knowledge, skills and attitudes for evidence-based practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing 70(10), 2181–2195.

Leung, K., Trevena, L., & Waters, D. (2016). Development of a competency framework for evidence-based practice in nursing. Nurse Education Today, 39, 189-196. 

PIICOT Question

In patients in extended intensive care within an urban acute care facility in Eastern United States, how does early mobilization as recommended by National Institute of Health and Care Excellence clinical guidelines on rehabilitation of patients after critical illness impact early transfers from intensive care as measured 6 months post-implementation when compared to the current standard of care including minimal mobilization of patients?

P: Adult patients 

I: in extended intensive care within an urban acute care facility

I: increased mobilization of the patients 

C: minimal mobilization of the patients

O: early transfers of the patients from intensive care

T: 6 months The Interrelationship Between Theory, Knowledge, and Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Legal and Medical Ethics

A. Research and define the following terms as they relate to the legal and medical ethics presented in the story My Sister’s Keeper. These are the central issues needed to base a medical opinion about any case in court. (12 points)

Medical Ethics:

  • Autonomy
  • Veracity
  • Fidelity
  • Beneficence
  • Non-maleficence
  • Justice

B. Using these as 6 criterion, describe how each of these characteristics related back to the legal arguments and behaviors exhibited by the prosecuting and defense attorneys in this case Legal and Medical Ethics. (12 points)

C. Then, in two to three paragraphs, describe the moral, practical, and emotional complication of putting one child in unnecessary pain and danger for the well-being of another? (6 points)


assignment 2 

A. Research the two following topics and write a one page summary of your findings for the two scenarios: (5 points each)

1. Stem cell research for reproduction of a designer child whose sole purpose is to be a donor to a sick child.

2. Parents who decide, for religious and moral issues, to preserve umbilical cords for use in the future to potentially save a life.

B. Write a one page summary for the questions asked below. (10 points)

1. What are the moral and ethical implications of this genetic selection?

2. What conclusions have you reached about such medical technology? Legal and Medical Ethics


Nature offers many examples of specialization and collaboration. Ant colonies and bee hives are but two examples of nature’s sophisticated organizations. Each thrives because their members specialize by tasks, divide labor, and collaborate to ensure food, safety, and general well-being of the colony or hive.

Of course, humans don’t fare too badly in this regard either. And healthcare is a great example. As specialists in the collection, access, and application of data, nurse informaticists collaborate with specialists on a regular basis to ensure that appropriate data is available to make decisions and take actions to ensure the general well-being of patients IMPACT OF NURSING INFORMATICS ON PATIENTS OUTCOMES.

In this Discussion, you will reflect on your own observations of and/or experiences with informaticist collaboration. You will also propose strategies for how these collaborative experiences might be improved.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the evolution of nursing informatics from a science to a nursing specialty.
  • Consider your experiences with nurse Informaticists or technology specialists within your healthcare organization.


Post a description of experiences or observations about how nurse informaticists and/or data or technology specialists interact with other professionals within your healthcare organization.

Suggest at least one strategy on how these interactions might be improved. Be specific and provide examples.

Then, explain the impact you believe the continued evolution of nursing informatics as a specialty and/or the continued emergence of new technologies might have on professional interactions.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

  • Chapter 25, “The Art of Caring in Technology-Laden Environments” (pp. 525–535)
  • Chapter 26, “Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge” (pp. 537–551)

In the Discussion for this module, you considered the interaction of nurse informaticists with other specialists to ensure successful care. How is that success determined?

Patient outcomes and the fulfillment of care goals is one of the major ways that healthcare success is measured. Measuring patient outcomes results in the generation of data that can be used to improve results. Nursing informatics can have a significant part in this process and can help to improve outcomes by improving processes, identifying at-risk patients, and enhancing efficiency.

To Prepare:

  • Review the concepts of technology application as presented in the Resources.
  • Reflect on how emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence may help fortify nursing informatics as a specialty by leading to increased impact on patient outcomes or patient care efficiencies IMPACT OF NURSING INFORMATICS ON PATIENTS OUTCOMES.

The Assignment: (4-5 pages)

In a 4- to 5-page project proposal written to the leadership of your healthcare organization, propose a nursing informatics project for your organization that you advocate to improve patient outcomes or patient-care efficiency. Your project proposal should include the following:

  • Describe the project you propose.
  • Identify the stakeholders impacted by this project.
  • Explain the patient outcome(s) or patient-care efficiencies this project is aimed at improving and explain how this improvement would occur. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Identify the technologies required to implement this project and explain why.
  • Identify the project team (by roles) and explain how you would incorporate the nurse informaticist in the project team IMPACT OF NURSING INFORMATICS ON PATIENTS OUTCOMES.

Addressing the Health Care Needs of Citizens

Research a health care organization or a network that spans several states within the U.S. (Example: United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner Healthcare, etc.).

Harvard Business Review Online and Hoover’s Company Records, found in the GCU Library, are useful sources. You may also find pertinent information on your organization’s webpage.

Review “Singapore Airlines Case Study.”

Prepare a 1,000-1250-word paper that focuses on the organization or network you have selected.

Your essay should assess the readiness of the health care organization or network in addressing the health care needs of citizens in the next decade, and include a strategic plan that addresses issues pertaining to network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction. Provide a comparison to the health care organization or network and the Singapore Airlines. Include any cultural issues that may influence the practices listed above.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required Addressing the Health Care Needs of Citizens.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. 


1. Case study assesses the readiness of the health care organization or network in addressing the health care needs of citizens in the next decade is offered in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought. 30%

2. Case study including a strategic plan that addresses issues pertaining to network growth; is offered in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought. 10%

3. Case study including a strategic plan that addresses issues pertaining to nurse staffing is offered in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought. 10%

4. Case study including a strategic plan that addresses issues pertaining to resource management is offered in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought. 10%

5. Case study including a strategic plan that addresses issues pertaining to patient satisfaction is offered in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought. 10%

6. A detailed and clear discussion is presented comparing a health care organization or network and Singapore Airlines. 5%

7. Cultural issues influencing proposed practices are thoroughly discussed. Detailed information and support is provided to establish how these influence the proposed practices. 5%

8. Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive; contained within the thesis is the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear. 5% Addressing the Health Care Needs of Citizens

9. There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless. 5%

10. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. 5%

11. All format elements are correct. 2%

12. In-text citations and a reference page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of error. 3%



The benchmark assesses the following competency: HUMAN EXPERIENCE ACROSS THE HEALTH ILLNESS CONTINUUM

Benchmark: 5.1. Understand the human experience across the health-illness continuum.

Research the health-illness continuum and its relevance to patient care. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss the relevance of the continuum to patient care and present a perspective of your current state of health in relation to the wellness spectrum. Include the following:

  1. Examine the health-illness continuum and discuss why this perspective is important to consider in relation to health and the human experience when caring for patients.
  2. Reflect on your overall state of health. Discuss what behaviors support or detract from your health and well-being. Explain where you currently fall on the health-illness continuum.
  3. Discuss the options and resources available to you to help you move toward wellness on the health-illness spectrum. Describe how these would assist in moving you toward wellness (managing a chronic disease, recovering from an illness, self-actualization, etc.).

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion HUMAN EXPERIENCE ACROSS THE HEALTH ILLNESS CONTINUUM. 

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Benchmark – Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum  


Less than Satisfactory






Architect Daniel Libeskind is credited with saying “To provide meaningful architecture is not to parody history, but to articulate it.” The suggestion is that his work does not copy the efforts of others but relies on it.

Understanding the work of others is critically important to new work. Contributions to the nursing body of knowledge can happen when you are able to analyze and articulate the efforts of previous research. Research analysis skills are therefore critical tools for your toolbox.

In this Assignment, you will locate relevant existing research. You also will analyze this research using a tool helpful for analysis ACADEMIC SUCCESS AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT.

To Prepare:

Reflect on the strategies presented in the Resources this Module’s Learning Resources in support of locating and analyzing research.

 Read one peer-reviewed research article focused on a topic in your specialty field that interests you.

Review the article you selected and reflect on the professional practice use of theories/concepts described by the article.

The Assignment:

Using the “Module 4 | Part 4” section of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template presented in the Resources, conduct an analysis of the elements of the research article you identified. Be sure to include the following:

Your topic of interest:  The effect of anxiety and depression on completion/withdrawal status in patients admitted to substance abuse detoxification program.


Araujo, L., Goldberg, P., Eyma, J., Madhusoodanan, S., Buff, D. D., Shamim, K., & Brenner, R. (1996). The effect of anxiety and depression on completion/withdrawal status in patients admitted to substance abuse detoxification program. Journal Of Substance Abuse Treatment, 13(1), 61–66. Retrieved from

A correctly formatted APA citation of the article you selected, along  A correctly formatted APA citation of t 

  • A correctly formatted APA citation of the article you selected, along with link or search details.
  • Identify a professional practice use of the theories/concepts presented in the article.
  • Analysis of the article using the “Research Analysis Matrix” section of the template
  • Write a 1-paragraph justification stating whether you would recommend this article to inform professional practice ACADEMIC SUCCESS AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT.
  • Write a 2- to 3-paragraph summary that you will add to your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan that includes the following:
    • Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research.
    • Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research.
    • Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research.


Note:Add your work for this Assignment to the original document you began in the Module 1 Assignment, which was built from theAcademic Success and Professional Development Plan Template.he article you selected, along with link or search details.


Identify a professional practice use of the theories/concepts presented in the article.

Analysis of the article using the “Research Analysis Matrix” section of the template

Write a 1-paragraph justification stating whether you would recommend this article to inform professional practice.

Write a 2- to 3-paragraph summary that you will add to your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan that includes the following:

Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research.

Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research.

Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research.

Note: Add your work for this Assignment to the original document you began in the Module 1 Assignment, which was built from the Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template.

The effect of anxiety and depression o K., & Brenner, R. (1996).

The effect of anxiety and depression on completion/withdrawal status in patients admitted to substance abuse detoxification program. Journal Of Substance Abuse Treatment, 13(1), 61–66. Retrieved from https://&AN=8699544&site=ehost-live&scA correctly formatted APA citation of the article you selected, along with link or search details ACADEMIC SUCCESS AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT.

Nursing Informatics-Related Healthcare Policy

As a professional nurse, you are expected to apply your expertise to patient care. On occasion, you will also be expected to share that expertise.

With evolving technology and continuous changes to regulations designed to keep up these changes, there is usually a need to share information and expertise to inform colleagues, leadership, patients, and other stakeholders.

In this Assignment, you will study a recent nursing informatics-related healthcare policy, and you will share the relevant details via a fact sheet designed to inform and educate Nursing Informatics-Related Healthcare Policy.


To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources on healthcare policy and regulatory/legislative topics related to health and nursing informatics.
  • Consider the role of the nurse informaticist in relation to a healthcare organization’s compliance with various policies and regulations, such as the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA).
  • Research and select one health or nursing informatics policy (within the past 5 years) or regulation for further study.

The Assignment: (1 page)

Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following:

  • Briefly and generally explain the policy or regulation you selected.
  • Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on system implementation.
  • Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow.
  • Highlight organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at your healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation you selected. Be specific Nursing Informatics-Related Healthcare Policy.